Hot Press as a Sustainable Direct Recycling Technique of Aluminium: Mechanical Properties and Surface Integrity
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Material and Procedure
2.1. Experimental Material and Processing
2.2. Material Characterization Measurement
2.2.1. Mechanical Characterization
2.2.2. Microstructural Characterization
2.2.3. Hardness
2.2.4. Density
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Mechanical Properties
3.2. Surface Integrity
3.3. Post-Process (Artificial Aging-T5 Temper)
4. Conclusions
- Results on the effect of operating temperature give most significant impact to the forging process:
- UTS increased 89.51–93.35% from 14.97–266.78 MPa by increasing the operating temperature from 430 °C to 530 °C.
- ETF increased 86.32–98.67% from 0.091–16.12% by increasing the operating temperature from 430 °C to 530 °C.
- Microhardness reached 7.88–10.28 HV by increasing the operating temperature from 430 °C to 530 °C.
- Maximum mechanical properties and surface integrity of recycled chip (T1-temper) are considered comparable with theoretical AA6061 T4-temper:
- Maximum UTS are notably raised up to 9.27% (266.78 MPa) at parameter condition (530 °C/120 min).
- Maximum hardness surged up to 20.48% (81.74 HV) at parameter condition (530 °C/120 min).
- Heat treated recycled billet (T5-temper) are considered comparable with as-received AA6061 T6-temper:
- Value of microhardness peak after 175 °C for 120 min aging increased 3.18% (98.64 HV).
- Value of UTS (340.47 MPa) and ETF (21.70%) reached close to the as-received value.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interests
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Elements | Weight Percent (wt %) |
Aluminium | 95.03 |
Magnesium | 1.17 |
Silicon | 0.34 |
Iron | 0.46 |
Copper | 0.15 |
Manganese | 0.14 |
Others | Balance |
Sample Designation | Solution Heat Treatment (Hot Press) | Solution Heat Treatment + Aging | ||
Operating Temperature, Ts (°C) | Holding Time, ts (min) | Aging Temp, Ta (°C) | Aging Time, ta (min) | |
S1-T1 | 430 | 60 | - | - |
S2-T1 | 430 | 90 | - | - |
S3-T1 | 430 | 120 | - | - |
S4-T1 | 480 | 60 | - | - |
S5-T1 | 480 | 90 | - | - |
S6-T1 | 480 | 120 | - | - |
S7-T1 | 530 | 60 | - | - |
S8-T1 | 530 | 90 | - | - |
S9-T1 | 530 | 120 | - | - |
S10-T5 | 530 | 120 | 175 | 120 |
Theory-T4 | ASM Theory AA6061-T4 | |||
AR-T6 | As-Received AA6061-T6 |
Sample Designation | Ultimate Tensile Strength, UTS | Elongation to Failure, ETF | Microhardness | Density |
(MPa) | (%) | HV | g/cc | |
S1-T1 | 14.97 | 0.09 | 69.76 | 1.92 |
S2-T1 | 16.91 | 1.04 | 70.37 | 2.08 |
S3-T1 | 28.44 | 2.02 | 71.45 | 2.16 |
S4-T1 | 48.11 | 0.12 | 72.62 | 2.29 |
S5-T1 | 72.84 | 2.22 | 74.69 | 2.38 |
S6-T1 | 90.42 | 3.22 | 75.63 | 2.51 |
S7-T1 | 230.55 | 6.86 | 77.64 | 2.56 |
S8-T1 | 240.27 | 9.50 | 79.81 | 2.63 |
S9-T1 | 266.78 | 16.12 | 81.74 | 2.65 |
S10-T5 | 340.47 | 21.70 | 98.64 | 2.69 |
Theory-T4 | 240.00 | 22.00 | 65.00 | 2.70 |
AR-T6 | 343.43 | 24.62 | 95.51 | 2.67 |
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Yusuf, N.K.; Lajis, M.A.; Ahmad, A. Hot Press as a Sustainable Direct Recycling Technique of Aluminium: Mechanical Properties and Surface Integrity. Materials 2017, 10, 902.
Yusuf NK, Lajis MA, Ahmad A. Hot Press as a Sustainable Direct Recycling Technique of Aluminium: Mechanical Properties and Surface Integrity. Materials. 2017; 10(8):902.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYusuf, Nur Kamilah, Mohd Amri Lajis, and Azlan Ahmad. 2017. "Hot Press as a Sustainable Direct Recycling Technique of Aluminium: Mechanical Properties and Surface Integrity" Materials 10, no. 8: 902.
APA StyleYusuf, N. K., Lajis, M. A., & Ahmad, A. (2017). Hot Press as a Sustainable Direct Recycling Technique of Aluminium: Mechanical Properties and Surface Integrity. Materials, 10(8), 902.