4.1. Technical Efficiency Scores
Table 5 reports average levels of total technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency obtained for the three types of farms considering technology T1, that is to say using the classic inputs (capital, land, labor and intermediate consumption). The results show that farms specializing in dairy are, on average, the most efficient in terms of total technical efficiency: their average efficiency level is 0.74 compared to 0.65 for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms and 0.67 for mixed farms. These results indicate that the three samples considered could reduce, on average, all inputs proportionally by 26%, 35% and 33% respectively. This indicates that the average total technical efficiency of crop farms is significantly lower than that of livestock farms, a result which is consistent with the literature (see the meta-analysis of Bravo-Ureta et al. [
38]): for example Latruffe et al. [
29] found an average of 0.572 for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops French farms between 2001 and 2007, and 0.737 for dairy farms. A lower average technical efficiency for crop farms relative to livestock farms reflects greater heterogeneity in the use of inputs among arable farms than among livestock farms. This can be explained by the fact that climatic and soil conditions that differ across farms influence more the process of production of crop farms than of livestock farms.
Table 5 shows that, in terms of average levels of pure technical efficiency, dairy farms are the most efficient with an average of 0.84, significantly different than the average of 0.81 for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms and mixed farms. This shows that in terms of production management practices, livestock farms are more efficient than crop farms.
The efficiency scores estimated using technology T2, that is to say dissociating the energy resources from the rest of intermediate consumption, are presented in
Table 6. They show the same trends as those calculated with technology T1 in
Table 5. Regarding total technical efficiency, farms specializing in dairy are the most efficient on average, with an average efficiency of 0.75 compared to 0.67 for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms and 0.70 for mixed farms respectively. Average levels of pure technical efficiency show that dairy farms are the most efficient with an average of 0.86.
4.2. Input Excess
Table 7 shows, for the three types of farms and under technology T1, the potential reduction of all inputs. Firstly, the proportional potential reduction of all inputs is shown, and it is calculated as 1 minus the total technical efficiency score. Secondly, the average additional non-proportional reduction of each input is given based on slack results and calculated as follows: slack of input
i obtained from the DEA model divided by the level of the
i-th input used. Finally, the levels of the total potential reduction of each input (calculated as the sum of non-proportional reduction and proportional reduction) is provided.
Table 8 shows similar calculations but when considering technology T2.
Under technology T1 (
Table 7) results show large slacks (i.e., non-proportional potential reductions) for land and capital inputs. Land slacks are on average highest for mixed farms, while capital slacks are highest on average for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms. In terms of capital, results indicate 6.2% excess capital for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms and 5.4% for mixed farms. In total, these farms could reduce their respective use of capital by 41.5% and 38.1%. This illustrates heavy capitalization on farms using arable land. Regarding the intermediate consumption, results show only low values of excess, not exceeding 1% of the inputs used in the three groups of farms.
The results of this model could lead us to conclude that the leeway for farms resides mainly in the improvement of their land and capital factors. In other words, we would say that farmers would benefit from adjusting their capital and land investment strategies without the concern of intermediate consumption expenses, which only show a small percentage of slack. However, intermediate consumption includes various components that may hide important differences. Efficiency computations under technology T2, where energy resources are separated from the rest of intermediate consumption, can help in this way. The results, presented in
Table 8, also show that the three groups of farms are too land and too capital intensive. However, the results also indicate that slacks for energy resources are not low, and of a similar level as slacks for land and capital: 5.3% for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms, 10.6% for dairy farms and 9.1% for mixed farms. This gives support to our idea that the slack of intermediate consumption, observed in the first model (
Table 7), does not reflect truly the use of energy resources.
The difference in excess use in energy resources across the three types of farms shown by
Table 8, reflects differences in the heterogeneity of agricultural practices within each type of farms. A low average of energy resource slack for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms indicate that farms in this particular sample are clustered towards the sample’s mean of slack, while the higher averages for dairy farms and mixed farms indicate a larger dispersion around the mean of slack in the respective samples. This suggests that in the livestock samples farms are more heterogeneous in terms of farming practices with respect to energy use. One explanation may be that some livestock farms use the organic fertilizers from livestock manure and thus reduce their external fertilizers’ use, while other livestock farms do not.
4.3. Distribution of Slacks According to the Level of Pure Technical Efficiency
The results regarding input excess show some heterogeneity between the three types of farms, especially in the use of energy resources. To further the analysis, we classify each type of farms according to its level of pure technical efficiency, which represents the extent of how management practices could be changed to improve total technical efficiency. Three groups of farms were identified: a group with farms with low efficiency, where the farms’ pure technical efficiency score is less than 0.60; a group with farms with medium efficiency, where farms’ score is strictly greater than 0.60 but less than 0.85; and a group with farms with high efficiency, where farms’ score is strictly greater than 0.85.
Table 9 shows some statistics regarding the slacks of energy resources (obtained under technology T2) for these three groups of farms. Results indicate that the highest slacks on average are observed in the group with highest efficiency scores, and the lowest slacks for lowest efficiency farms. For example, for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms, the average slacks for low efficiency farms, medium efficiency farms and high efficiency farms are respectively 0.3%, 3.9% and 7.3%.
4.4. Determinants of Slacks of Intermediate Consumption and Energy Resources
Table 10 (for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms),
Table 11 (for dairy farms) and
Table 12 (for mixed farms) show the results from the Tobit models regressing input slacks on the set of determinants listed in
Table 2. The input slacks considered here in three separate models are the slacks for intermediate consumption calculated under technology T1 (IC), the slacks of energy resources calculated under technology T2 (ER) and the slacks of the remaining intermediate consumption also calculated under technology T2 (R_IC).
The regression results for the slacks of intermediate consumption under technology T1 indicate that only two variables have a significant influence for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms (
Table 10): the share of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops and the share of legumes in the total farm’s UAA. More precisely,
ceteris paribus, the increase of these shares reduces the slacks of intermediate consumption. This finding is confirmed for the slacks of intermediate consumption without energy resources in technology T2 (last column of
Table 10). However, these two shares are not significant determinants of slacks of energy resources. These slacks are influenced in a negative way by the farm UAA, the ratio of capital to land, indebtedness, age and soil texture, and in a positive way by the share of non-paid labor. In other words, larger farms in terms of UAA, farms with a more capital intensive technology, farms with a higher indebtedness ratio, farms with an older manager, farms with a higher share of clay-sand soil texture, and farms with a lower resort to non-paid labor, use less excess of energy resource. In the case of dairy farms (
Table 11), slacks of intermediate consumption in technology T1 are negatively influenced by UAA, capital to land ratio, non-paid labor to total labor, and positively influenced by the share of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops in total UAA. Two results are confirmed when energy resources are considered separately (under technology T2): the capital to land ratio decreases the energy resource slacks, and the share of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops in total UAA increases these slacks. In addition, results show that higher indebtedness decreases these slacks and subsidy dependence increases them.
Regarding mixed farms (
Table 12), slacks of intermediate consumption under technology T1 and slacks of energy resources under technology T2 are both negatively influenced by the UAA and the share of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops in total UAA, and positively influenced by the dependence to subsidy and the soil texture area share. By contrast, indebtedness and age negatively influence the slacks of intermediate consumption under technology T1 but positively influence the slacks of energy resources under technology T2.
Table 10,
Table 11 and
Table 12 overall show several findings as regard the determinants of the slacks of energy resources, recalling that the latter include fertilizers, soil amendments and fuel. The first finding is that the capital to land ratio significantly decreases these slacks for all three types of farms, and UAA decreases them for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms and for mixed farms. This suggests that highly capitalized farms and large crop farms are able to generate less waste of energy resources. The relationship between farm size and technical efficiency is a debated issue in the literature and has been illustrated by various empirical results (see the review in Latruffe [
34]). In our case farm size is a positive determinant of efficient use of energy resources. Our finding regarding the positive effect of capital intensity conforms to the literature on the determinants of technical efficiency. It suggests that high capitalization enables saving on transportation operations and thus on fuel.
The second finding is the mixed effect of indebtedness on energy resource slacks depending on the type of farm: the effect is significantly negative for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms and for dairy farms, while it is significantly positive for mixed farms. The literature recognizes that farmers are credit constrained (e.g., [
40]). In this context, indebtedness can help them make the necessary adjustments to improve their efficiency. Davidova and Latruffe [
41] extensively investigated the relationship between indebtedness and technical efficiency for the case of Czech farms, and, as it is the case for our results regarding the relationship between indebtedness and energy resource slacks, they did not find clear-cut conclusions across different types of Czech farms.
The third finding is that the subsidy proxy has a positive effect on energy resource slacks in dairy and mixed farms. This indicates that highly subsidized farms have an inefficient behavior in the sense that they use energy resources more in excess than farms that are low subsidized. The literature on the effect of subsidies on farms’ technical efficiency is relatively vast, e.g., see Zhu et al. [
42] and a recent meta-analysis by Minviel and Latruffe [
43]. Existing studies generally find that subsidies negatively impact farms’ technical efficiency. No studies have been concerned with the impact of subsidies on input slacks. Our results are the first on this issue and they are in line with the existing literature on the subsidy-efficiency relationship. One explanation can be found in Serra et al.’s [
44] model. The authors explain that subsidies modify farmers’ attitudes towards risk, and as a consequence farmers may use more of a risk-increasing input. This is however not found for our sample of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms.
The fourth finding regards the crop rotation. Surprisingly, the share of legumes in the farm’s UAA does not impact significantly the energy resource slacks, although it could be expected that the use of legumes would imply lower resort to fertilizers. The share of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops in total UAA impacts differently the farms: it increases the energy resource slack for dairy farms, it decreases it for mixed farms, and it has no significant impact for cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms. The latter result may come from the fact that cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops make most of the UAA of cereals, oilseed crops and protein seed crops farms, although Meul et al. [
45] report that the share of cereals in arable farms’ area in Belgium influences the energy efficiency. By contrast, in the case of dairy farms, this share captures the balance between pasture land and crops used for forage. Our results thus indicate that, for these farms, producing their own forage is a source of inefficient use of energy resources.
The fifth finding arising from
Table 10,
Table 11 and
Table 12 is that the dummy variable indicating whether the farm is located in an environmental zoning area Natura 2000 (ENVI) has no significant effect on all considered slacks for the three types of farms. This indicates that location in Natura 2000 area does not help farms reduce their intermediate consumption slacks nor their energy slacks. This is, in a way, not problematic as Natura 2000 zoning does not aim at such reduction. It could, in opposite, be expected that farmers located in Natura 2000 area actually use more input excess than farmers located outside the zoning, as Natura 2000 zoning constrains farmers’ choices and practices which may result in inefficient productive behavior. Our results show that this is not the case, since the dummy ENVI has no significant effect on the slacks.