A Critical Interpretation and Quantitative Extension of the Sama-Szargut Second Law Rules in an Extended Exergy Perspective †
:1. Introduction
2. A Commented Compilation of the Sama-Szargut 2nd Law Based Rules
2.1. General Process-Related Rules
- Do not use excessively large or excessively small thermodynamic driving forces in process operations. This rule was originally formulated for heat exchangers, and prescribes that the temperature differences between the heating and heated fluid should not be too small (because the necessary heat transfer area will be too large) but also not too high (because the irreversibility in a heat transfer process grows with the T). The rule applies with obvious modifications to chemical, electrical and fluid processes where the exergy decrement of one stream is the “fuel” Throughout this paper, the words “fuel” and “product” are used in the acception proposed by Tsatsaronis [9,10], i.e., as “used exergy input” and “useful exergy output” respectively. used to increase the exergy content of another stream: the exergy destruction is proportional in all cases to the square of the driving force (ΔT, ΔG, ΔV, ΔH).
- Minimize the mixing of streams with differences in temperature, pressure or chemical composition. The mixing of streams with different temperatures unavoidably leads to irreversible heat transfer in the temperature-equalization process. If the mixed streams have also a different composition (e.g., in the oxygen-enrichment of process air) a portion of the chemical exergy of the stream whose concentration is the farther from the reference one is destroyed. If the streams have different pressures or velocities the mixing results in a highly irreversible momentum transfer by viscous actions from one of the fluids to the other.
- Remember that in cyclic and pseudo-cyclic processes driven by chemical, nuclear or mechanical energy the rejection of heat to the environment in condensers of turbines, refrigerators, etc., is a reflection of the irreversibilities within the plant. A decrease in heat rejected from condensers (which represents a discharge of exergy into the environment) can only be attained by a reduction of the irreversibility within the plant and it cannot be eliminated by the introduction of internal “improvements”, like for example the recompression of vapour in evaporator systems. By adopting these measures, only the location of the rejection is changed (it appears some other section of the plant, possibly at a higher temperature).
- Fans or compressors should be designed to operate on the coolest streams that participate to the process. The driving power of compressors and fans is proportional to the fluid density, and hence—for the same inlet pressure and the same pressure ratio—it decreases with the inlet temperature.
- Avoid the compression of a gaseous stream which has been previously expanded. The exergy destruction affects twice the same stream in this case, and the unavoidable exergy destruction in the expansion causes the “recovered exergy” in the expander to be always less than the “used exergy” in the compressor, lowering—ceteris paribus—the efficiency of the process.
- Try to introduce cogeneration processes that simultaneously produce two or more useful effects. A cogeneration process (e.g., joint production of heat and electricity, of desalinated water and power, of two different chemicals) brings about a shortening of the chain of processes and therefore ensures a reduction of the exergy destruction within the entire system (see rule 17). Furthermore, synergic effects in the process may lead to the generation of more units of “product” with the same amount of “fuel”.
- Consider the influence of possible changes in the energy management of a part of a system on the exergy destructions in other links of the system. Energy conversion systems are large, complex and non-linear systems, and a change in the type, quality or amount of energy stream(s) used as “fuel” in a component is very likely to affect some of the other components, be they up or downstream in the conversion chain. While a 1st Law analysis suggests that the improvement in the conversion efficiency of one component is always an advantage, Thermo-economics (a 2nd Law-based analysis method) has convincingly shown that the separate optimization of one unit of an energy system does not necessarily lead to an increase in the exergy efficiency of the plant, due to the influence of the system connectivity (feedbacks, forward links, bifurcations, etc.). In an exergy analysis, a quantitative measure of the system connectivity on the relative values of the exergy destruction in different components is provided by the Beyer-Kotas coefficients [11,12].
- Some 2nd Law inefficiencies cannot be avoided, others can. Concentrate on those which can. This is the basis of the novel Tsatsaronis’ “avoidable costs” method [13], and represents a sort of Occam’s razor for engineering decisions about seeking “local” improvements to a process. The idea is that once the type of component has been selected (for instance, a PV panel), its intrinsic technological limitations (in this case, the operating temperature of the PV-cells) pose some upper limit to its conversion efficiency, that cannot be removed unless one recurs to: (a) a different technology for the component (lower exergy destruction or loss); (b) a different component (lower exergy destruction or loss); or (c) the addition of a bottoming device that recovers some of the exergy loss (fluid cooling as implemented in hybrid PV panels).
2.2. Heat Exchange-Related Rules
- 9.
- Do not discard heat at high temperature to the ambient or to cooling water, and do not heat refrigerated streams with hot streams or with cooling water. High temperature waste heat has a relatively large exergy content, and it is better design practice to partially recover it by proper cascading processes. Symmetrically, in most cooling installations, the exergy of the discarded refrigerated streams can be partially recovered within the system boundary by heat exchangers where sub-ambient process streams need to be cooled.
- 10.
- When choosing streams for heat exchange, try to match streams where the final temperature of one is close to the initial temperature of the other. This reduces the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) of the process and maximizes the exergy recovery in the heat exchange process. The decision about how small the terminal temperature difference (TTD) must be taken in accordance with rule #1.
- 11.
- The flow heat capacities (C = cpm) of the streams exchanging heat should be similar. If large differences appear, consider partitioning the stream having a higher heat capacity between two or more heat exchangers heated (or cooled) by additional streams. This is really a corollary of the previous rule. Large differences in heat capacity lead to a lower T in the large-C stream, increase the LMTD of the exchange and cause a non-uniform distribution of the exergy destruction within the heat exchanger.
- 12.
- Any counter-current process is generally more thermodynamically efficient than its parallel equivalent. Counter-flow heat exchangers and selective membranes display the smallest exergy destructions (see rule 1). Application of parallel current processes is acceptable only in the presence of case-specific design constraints.
2.3. Viscous Loss-Related Rules
- 13.
- Exergy destructions due to hydraulic friction or irreversible heat transfer are the larger, the lower is the temperature in the process. Minimize these destructions especially below the ambient temperature. The viscous exergy destruction is directly proportional to the fluid viscosity (that in most gases increases with decreasing T) and inversely proportional to T. The thermal exergy destruction is inversely proportional to the second power of T [14].
- 14.
- Minimize the throttling of steam or other gases. Throttling introduces a destruction of exergy which could be otherwise recovered, and is usually devoid of economic justification.
- 15.
- Eliminate leaks in pipelines, valves and combustion chambers. Even small leakages of compressed gases, of hot combustion gases or unplanned air injection into combustion gas ducts or combustion chambers lead to a large decrease of exergy efficiency of the total system (see rules 2, 5, 3, 14).
2.4. Exergy Cost-Related Rules
- 16.
- If you can reduce some exergy destruction, check whether you are increasing another exergy destruction or causing yet another to appear. This is related to rule 7: the connectivity of a plant (its structure) ought to be taken into account, for instance by proper use of the Kotas coefficients of structural and external bond, σ and π. Ιt is often the case that the elimination of the exergy destruction in one component causes a larger exergy destruction in a downstream unit: case in point is the intercooling in a multi-stage compressor in a gas turbine plant: the air stream that enters the combustion chamber is at lower temperature than without intercooling, and this causes a larger exergy destruction in the combustor, unless regeneration is implemented.
- 17
- Avoid to unduly extend the chain of thermodynamic processes for a certain product. Every additional link in the chain is a real process and introduces new exergy destructions.
- 18.
- Remember that the specific exergy cost increases “downstream” along the chain of processes. This is again a contribution of Thermo-Economics: the specific cost of the fuel exergy in the j-th component of a process is smaller than the specific exergy cost of the product, and if this product is used downstream as a fuel in the (j + 1)th component, the specific exergy cost of the (j + 1)th products increases in turn. This applies to the cost formation of “residues” (by-products and waste flows) as well: the cost of a recycle from component j to j + 1 must be calculated from the cost-balance equation of the component it originates from, whatever the relative positions “j” and “j + 1” are in the process structure.
2.5. Monetary Cost-Related Rules
- 19.
- When exchanging heat between two streams, minimize the use of intermediate heat transfer fluids. The application of an intermediate fluid always increases the total heat transfer area. It may be justified only in specific cases, because of local constraints or when thermal energy must be transported across long distances.
- 20.
- Accept an exergy destruction only if it is indispensable for the reduction of investment expenses. Exergy destructions devoid of an economic justification should be treated as the result of an engineer’s error. This is related again to Tsatsaronis’ avoidable and unavoidable cost formulation: for instance, the exergy destruction due to irreversible heat transfer cannot be eliminated from a heat exchanger, because with vanishing temperature differences the heat transfer area would be infinitely large; the exergy destruction due to viscous effects in a compressor can be partially but not totally eliminated, etc.
- 21.
- Try to reduce the exergy destructions in places where they are the greatest and in places where they are the most expensive. The destruction of exergy in the final products is the most costly, because their exergy content is already charged with both the exergy and the capital cost of the upstream processes.
3. The Engineering Rationale for the Intentional Violations of the Rules
4. Extended Exergy Accounting, EEA
- a)
- The total exergy influx during operation;
- b)
- The primary equivalent exergy that is required to produce, maintain and decommission the equipment;
- c)
- The primary equivalent exergy required to sustain the labour force;
- d)
- The primary equivalent exergy required to generate the necessary monetary capital;
- e)
- The primary equivalent exergy needed for the environmental remediation actions.
4.1. The Basic Postulates
4.2. The Specific Equivalent Exergy (a Resource Cost)
- a)
- Both α and β can be extracted with sufficient accuracy from econometric data: their calculation is clearly iterative, because it is necessary to calculate all the exergy fluxes that go into the generation of 1 work-hour and of 1 monetary unit;
- b)
- Double accounting is excluded, because the model assumes that Ėin,net is “used” solely to generate Labour;
- c)
- Monetary circulation is a by-product of Labour. This allows to treat pre-monetary societies (by setting β = 0 in Equation (2)).
5. EEA and the Sama-Szargut Rules
5.1. Electric Heaters
Power Plant | Electrical Transformation & Distribution System | Electric Heater | |||
ηex = 0.5 | cex = 2 | ηex = 0.93 | cex = 1.075 | | cex,Q = 6.86 |
Extraction from well | Crude oil pipeline | ||||
eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.06 ecr | eextr ≈ 0.1 ecr | eecrude = 1.16 | eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.2 ecr | epump ≈ 0.1 ecr | eeoil,1 = 1.3 |
Crude oil refining | Fuel oil distribution system | ||||
eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.01 ecr | een ≈ 0.02 ecr | eeoil,2 = 1.03 | eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.15 ecr | epump ≈ 0.1 ecr | eef.oil = 1.25 |
Power plant | Electrical transformation & distribution system | ||||
eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.101 ecr | ηex = 0.5 | eeel,1 = 1.351 | eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.05 ecr | ηex = 0.93 | eeel,2 = 1.502 |
Electric heater | |||||
eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0 | ηex = 0.145 | eeex,Q = 6.86 |
PV-panel | Floor heating panel | ||
ηex = 0.5 | eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.245 esun | ηex = 0.37 | eeK + eeL + eeEnv ≈ 0.005 esun |
5.2. Desalination by Reverse Osmosis
Cogenerated MSF | Reverse Osmosis | |||||
Powerplant | RO + energy recovery | |||||
EEK + EEL + EEEnv ≈ 0.563 MJ/s | eeel ≈ 4.89* | eeQ = 4.89 | EEK + EEL + EEEnv ≈ 2.05 MJ/s | eeel,in = 3.94 | eeD = 19.77 | |
Multi-stage flashing unit | ||||||
EEK + EEL + EEENV ≈ 0.384 MJ/s | eeD = 14.71 |
6. Conclusions
- a)
- Any product has two “price tags”: one is the customary production cost c€ expressed in €/unit, and the other one is the extended exergy cost ee expressed in J/unit. By means of the equivalent capital exergy eeK it is possible to convert ee into c€ and vice versa: but the values will in general not be the same (because a possible distortion of the monetary cost in any of the streams that participate to the process has an impact on the value of Ein and therefore on eeK);
- b)
- Moreover, a change in the production structure is reflected in disproportional variations in c€ and ee, because their functional structure is intrinsically different, since the path of the buildup of the monetary cost is in general different from the physical structure of the production process;
- c)
- An EEA analysis leads to the automatic enforcement of the Sama-Szargut rules. This is not a coincidence, of course, because the “value scale” of EEA is exactly the same of that of the rules, since the former converts all production cost factors—including externalities—into equivalent primary exergy flows, to which of course the Sama-Szargut rules coherently apply.
c | cost |
C, W/K | Heat capacity |
cp, J/(kgK) | Specific heat |
E,e, J; J/unit | Exergy, specific exergy |
EE,ee, J,J/unit | Extended exergy |
F | “Fuel”, used input |
G, J | Gibbs energy |
H, J | Enthalpy |
K, € | Capital |
L, workhours | Labour |
m, kg/s | Mass flow rate |
MSF | Multistage Flash desalination |
M2, €/yr | Monetary circulation |
N | Number of workhours |
P | “Product”, useful output |
P, W | power |
RO | Reverse Osmosis desalination |
T, K | Temperature |
TIT, K | Turbine Inlet T |
V, m3 | Volume |
Greek Symbols
α,β | EEA econometric coefficients |
Δ | Gradient |
π,σ | Beyer-Kotas coefficients |
APPENDIX—Exergy and Extended Exergy Calculations
A.1. Fossil-Fuelled Electrical Heater (Figure 1)
Pel,1/(mfLHV) = 0.5 | ηdistr = 0.93 | TQ = 343 K | ηheater = 1 |
fszargut,fuel = 1.1 | ef = fszLHV | LHV = 41,000 kJ/kg |
A.2. EE of Fuel Oil and Final Electricity (Figure 2)
exin,extr = 0.11 exoil | exin,pipe = 0.1 exoil | exin,ref = 0.02 excrude | exoil = exchem = 42,300 J/kg |
A.3. Hybrid Photovoltaic and Floor Heating Panel (Figure 3)
ηPVH = Pel,PVH/Esun = 0.12 | εQPVH = 0.7 | ηFP = 0.98 | TQPVH = 353 K | TQ = 313 K |
QPVH = εQPVH × Esun × (1 − ηPVH) | ExQPVH = (1 − T0/TQPVH) × QPVH | ExQ = (1 − T0/TQ) × Q | T0 = 293 K |
A.4. Fossil-Fuelled Cogenerating MSF Desalination (Figure 4)
eefuel oil = 1.94 echem | ηPP = 0.4 | εQ = 0.7 | exwater,in = 0 | exdischarge = 0 | TQ = 423 K | Tbrine = 393 K |
exdistillate = 4000 kJ/m3 | Q = εQ*Efuel*(1 − ηPP) | ExQ = (1 − T0/TQ)*Q | T0 = 293 K |
A.5. RO Desalination Process (Figure 5)
eeel,2 = 3.94echem | exwater,in = 0 | exdistillate = 4000 kJ/m3 | exdischarge = 0 |
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Share and Cite
Sciubba, E. A Critical Interpretation and Quantitative Extension of the Sama-Szargut Second Law Rules in an Extended Exergy Perspective. Energies 2014, 7, 5357-5373. https://doi.org/10.3390/en7085357
Sciubba E. A Critical Interpretation and Quantitative Extension of the Sama-Szargut Second Law Rules in an Extended Exergy Perspective. Energies. 2014; 7(8):5357-5373. https://doi.org/10.3390/en7085357
Chicago/Turabian StyleSciubba, Enrico. 2014. "A Critical Interpretation and Quantitative Extension of the Sama-Szargut Second Law Rules in an Extended Exergy Perspective" Energies 7, no. 8: 5357-5373. https://doi.org/10.3390/en7085357
APA StyleSciubba, E. (2014). A Critical Interpretation and Quantitative Extension of the Sama-Szargut Second Law Rules in an Extended Exergy Perspective. Energies, 7(8), 5357-5373. https://doi.org/10.3390/en7085357