Classification of Smart and Sustainable Urban Mobility
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methods
4. Research Results and Discussion
4.1. Electromobility
- (b)
- Infrastructure for electromobility:
- (c)
- Alternative fuels to vehicles:
- Electric, hybrid, hydrogen, fuel cells, and compressed natural gas vehicles [106].
4.2. Collective Transport 2.0
- (a)
- Vehicle sharing:
- (b)
- Autonomous vehicles:
- (d)
- Digital tickets:
- Electronic fare payment [132];
- Flexible tickets [2];
- Modern system ticketing and integrated fare offer tariffs [105];
- Klimaticket—all public transport with a single ticket [5];
- Resident’s card [134];
- Introducing a common ticket that allows the use of public transport and train connections within the city [105].
- (f)
- Incentives to use public transport:
- Low fares for public transport tickets [106];
- Discounts on tickets or other incentives for car owners [106];
- Public transport vehicles enter zones with restricted or excluded traffic [106];
- Tele-bus [145];
- Clean bus Europe platform for eco-friendly buses [24];
- Conversion of selected stops (with the lowest number of passengers) into “on-demand” stops [134];
- Replacement of tramway rolling stock and bus fleets (including zero-emission) to be accessible to people with limited mobility [105].
- (g)
- River and maritime transport:
- (h)
- Digital platforms for travel planning:
- (i)
- Digital data network for vehicles:
4.3. Low-Mobility Societies
- (a)
- Promotion and education:
- (b)
- Activities reducing noise and traffic in cities:
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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City/Country | Good Practices in the Framework of Smart and Sustainable Mobility | References |
Barcelona, Spain | Use of electric vehicles for cleaning and waste management | [47] |
Night delivery systems with consideration of noise reduction | [48] | |
Introduction of low-emission zone | [49] | |
Integrated public transportation with other modes of transport | [50] | |
“Barcelona Smart City” application | [50] | |
“El Bicing” system | [50,51] | |
Creation of “Superblocks” urban green space to reduce noise and pollution levels | [52] | |
Hybrid-powered vehicles are being put into service on public transportation | [50] | |
Extensive bicycle paths | [50] | |
Copenhagen, Denmark | Expansion of the city’s network of electric vehicle charging stations | [53] |
Introduction of zero-emission buses by 2025 | [54,55] | |
Properly prepared bicycle infrastructure | [56] | |
Ban on registration of diesel-powered cabs after 2025 | [57] | |
Properly planned public transport network (including S-tog commuter rail) | [50] | |
“Bicycle Track Priority Plan” bicycle system | [50] | |
“Bicycle snake”—cykelslangen | [58] | |
Restriction of entry of vehicles with conventional engines | [50] | |
Paid parking zones | [51] | |
London, the United Kingdom | “T-Charge” emissions surcharge | [59] |
Developed infrastructure for charging electric vehicles | [60] | |
Use of double-decker hydrogen-powered buses and electric buses in public transportation | [61] | |
Development of autonomous vehicles (approval of regulations) | [62] | |
A low-emission zone throughout the city | [63] | |
Creation of new jobs due to the development of autonomous vehicles | [64] | |
Oslo, Norway | Replacement of the public transport fleet with electric ones | [65,66,67] |
Free use of toll roads, ferries and city parking lots for electric vehicles | [65] | |
VAT exemption on leasing cars powered by alternative energy sources | [68] | |
Investment in charging stations for electric vehicles | [69,70] | |
Sharing of electric vehicles and e-scooters and bicycles | [71] | |
Zero-emission zone | [70] | |
No-entry zone for diesel and tankless vehicles | [72] | |
Vienna, Austria | Introduction of modern electric fleet | [50] |
Integrated public transportation network system | [50] | |
Mobile application for real-time monitoring of public transportation vehicles | [50,73,74] | |
“Citybike Wien” system | [75] | |
Introduction of a zone with a 30 km/h speed limit for cars | [50] | |
Reconstruction of intersections and sidewalks to reduce parking near intersections | [50] | |
Warsaw, Poland | Progressive increase in the share of greenery in road corridors | [76] |
Well-developed integrated public transport system organized as part of the WTP in Warsaw (subway, streetcars, low- and zero-emission buses, rail) | [77] | |
Introducing appropriate organizational, infrastructural and informational solutions for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced or limited mobility | [77] | |
Improving the continuity of bicycle routes | [78] | |
Tariff and ticket integration | [77] | |
Increase the share of bus fleets of zero- and low-emission buses and the infrastructure for their maintenance and charging | [77] | |
Construction of more P + R (Park and Ride) and B + R (Bike and Ride) parking areas | [50,77] | |
Introduction of differentiated parking fees in subzones, including exemptions for selected groups of people and vehicles | [77] | |
Introducing a Clean Transportation Zone from July 2024, which will protect people from chronic diseases and deaths caused by polluted air | [79] |
Source | Number of Publications |
Articles in WoS and Scopus | 74 |
Books | 9 |
Other articles | 30 |
Urban mobility plans | 8 |
European documents | 9 |
Websites | 28 |
Total | 158 |
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Gulc, A.; Budna, K. Classification of Smart and Sustainable Urban Mobility. Energies 2024, 17, 2148.
Gulc A, Budna K. Classification of Smart and Sustainable Urban Mobility. Energies. 2024; 17(9):2148.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGulc, Aleksandra, and Klaudia Budna. 2024. "Classification of Smart and Sustainable Urban Mobility" Energies 17, no. 9: 2148.