1.1. Boundary Conditions for Sustainable Transport
Vehicles newly registered from 2035 in the EU will no longer be permitted to emit CO
2, with the fleet limits for passenger cars expected to fall to zero. The EU member states, amongst others, agreed on this at the EU Environment Council in June, 2023, as well as on numerous points of the Fit for 55 package [
1]. With a view to future transportation using combustion engines, the aim is to ensure that vehicles which are registered from 2035 will only be powered by climate-neutral fuels (electro fuels = e-fuels). The EU Commission has agreed to make a proposal for this outside of the system of fleet limit values. According to the German federal government’s common understanding, this also applies to cars and light commercial vehicles.
For passenger road and light-duty vehicle (LDV) transport, there are very efficient technologies available in the form of battery-operated electric vehicles and those based on fuel cells using hydrogen. Within this paper, LDV transport refers to light commercial vehicles (LCV), i.e., LCV < 3.5 tones. Nevertheless, for a number of heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) applications, the only option in terms of the required range is to use a liquid energy source. This is particularly true in the aviation sector for medium- to long-range missions. With regard to heavy-duty transport, various future power train solutions for long-haul trucks were reviewed by Peters et al. [
Bründlinger et al. [
3] reported on guidelines for a successful energy transition in 2018, considering a CO
2 emissions reduction of 80%, in line with the goals at that time. The future development of road utility vehicles is of particular interest for this study, as in this sub-sector, the requirements for high payloads meet those for long ranges, which makes electrification especially difficult. This is also reflected in the studies that provide values for market developments in the form of new registration shares of alternative drive types in various truck classes, see the list in
Section 1.2. Twelve scenarios with suitable data for new registration numbers by drive type were found in six of these. To enable them to be compared, the new registration forecasts for three truck classes were summarized, broken down by permissible total weight: <3.5 tons; 3.5–12 tons; and >12 tons.
It should also be noted that the scenarios presented here apply to an 80% reduction target in an intermediate stage towards climate neutrality. If this climate neutrality is to be achieved by 2045, the challenges of a possible ramp-up for electro-fuels must be overcome even more rapidly. Another effect arises from dropping sectoral targets, such as for the transport sector itself. The entirety of all sectors must meet the CO2 reduction targets now. In the intermediate stages of CO2 reduction, not all sectors will have to meet the targets in lockstep—those with higher CO2 reduction potential will be able to compensate for those with lower CO2 savings. However, there will always be sectors, such as agriculture, with fossil-related CO2 emissions that cannot be de-fossilized either by completely changing the energy conversion in the process chain through electrification or by using e-fuels. To achieve the goal of complete climate-neutrality for those applications, the Direct Air Capture (DAC) process must also be applied, enabling even negative emissions.
1.2. Scope of This Work
The origins of this study lie in a doctoral thesis of Maximilian Decker [
4], which was carried out at the Research Center Jülich between 2016 and 2019. In this work, the initial goal was to reduce CO
2 quantities by 80% by 2050 for duty transport in Germany. Taking into account increasing transport capacity on the one hand and analyzing the shift of propulsion systems towards electric power trains, a reliable and reasonable forecast of future liquid fuel demand is required. In the course of the research process, a 95% reduction was considered, which would have a significant impact on the fuel quantity structure. The question of the possible origin of liquid fuels in the future will also be examined as part of this work. First, the proportion of fossil-based, bio-based and electricity-based fuels is open. An ever-increasing reduction in CO
2 emissions is increasing the proportion of renewable fuels.
However, valuable conclusions can also be drawn from the developed modeling approach concerning complete climate neutrality. This will be discussed in the conclusions. Finally, three research questions arose:
How much liquid fuels are demanded in future?
How much renewable hydrogen must be provided to synthesize these fuels?
How should the ramp-up of sustainable fuel production be designed?
As already mentioned above, there are very efficient solutions based on electrical systems for car traffic. There are a variety of possible solutions in freight transport and liquid fuels also have their place. This work therefore focuses heavily on the truck sector. To be able to pursue the actual research questions, the following questions must be asked first:
For this reason, the results of various studies are presented in the next section.
1.3. Electrification Scenarios of Commercial Vehicles
In the wake of the recent increase in political ambitions to defossilize the transport sector, a number of studies have emerged that deal with the implementation of this goal. These studies employ different approaches, both in terms of methodology and due to different technical foci. This sub-section presents a review of the literature that relates to the future development of the transportation and fuel sectors. From a technical point of view, the main topics of these studies are partially in the field of electric transportation or fuels, or they are designed to be sector-wide. In some of the studies presented, the propagation technologies in a system and their impact in the future (system-oriented) are considered. Others look at the development prospects of a particular technology (technology-oriented). To structure the different studies, a matrix was created for the subject areas of focus, i.e., the categories of fuels, mobility sector and electromobility, and the range of study objectives, i.e., technology-oriented or cost- and system-oriented.
The following listing provides an overview of the relevant studies, within this matrix structure:
Cambridge—Fueling Europe [
IWES—Potenzial PtL Importe [
Pietzker—Energy economic models [
Schnülle—PtF Sozioök [
IFEU—Klimaschutzbeitrag des Verkehrs 2050 [
EWI—Energieszenarien [
UBA—Energieversorgung des Verkehrs [
Agora—Stromspeicher für die Energiewende [
DLR—Alternative Kraftstoffe [
BMVI—Nationaler Strategierahmen Infrastruktur alt. Kraftstoffe [
DLR—Drop-in KS Luft [
FVV—Kraftstoffstudie ‘13 [
Prognos—Flüssige Energieträger [
UBA—Integration von PtG/PtL [
MKS—Brennstoffzellen-Lkw [
NOW—Antriebssysteme [
EMobilBW—Nullemissionsnutzfahrzeuge [
There are basically two approaches to creating such a scenario: top-down and bottom-up. In the top-down approach, the development of a quantity to describe the overall transport is assumed. Mostly, it concerns the transport performance in the form of passenger kilometers for passenger transport and tonne kilometers for freight transport. A country’s transport performance is also linked to developments in other sectors, so cross-sector variables such as gross domestic product (GDP), demographic change or industrial development are often used to select assumptions [
The forecasts of the development scenarios for the new registration structure of trucks over twelve tons (
Figure 1) result in a highly heterogeneous picture. Suitable data from eleven scenarios described in six studies was found and evaluated for the class of heavy-duty trucks. Three studies each present a scenario in which there is no electrification at all in this size class. All three scenarios in the Cambridge Econometrics study show the same proportions of internal combustion and plug-in hybrid vehicles in 2050, but differ in the electrification technology used. The Cambridge Econometrics BEV (battery–electric vehicle) scenario is the only one that predicts extensive electrification (approximately 80%) by pure BEVs in this segment; all other studies connect the majority of battery drives with overhead lines for mobile power supply. Overhead lines only play a role in the heavy-duty class. Four scenarios contain new registration shares of fuel cell trucks, namely the electrification and PtG (Power-to-Gas) scenario of the dena study and the fuel cell-heavy scenarios of the studies by Cambridge Econometrics and the BMDV (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, formerly BMVI: Federal Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure). Three of these scenarios indicate a new registration share of fuel cell drives in the range of around 80% for 2050.
The comparison of the medium-duty truck class with permissible total masses between 3.5 t and 12 t, shown in
Figure 2, shows a similarly heterogeneous picture to that of heavy-duty trucks. Suitable data from ten scenarios described in six studies was found and evaluated for the class of medium- and light duty trucks. Three of the scenarios exhibit new registrations of electrified drivetrains of 30% or less. This contrasts with four scenarios with shares of over 85%. The two scenarios from Shell’s commercial vehicle study [
31] only contain values for the new registration structure for 2040. Here, it can be seen that Shell’s forecasts with regard to the sale of electric drivetrain types in this truck class are highly conservative. Furthermore, it is noticeable that fuel cell drives only play a role in the scenario in the Fraunhofer study. This scenario only covers the period up to 2030, but until then it forecasts highly optimistic electrification rates in new registrations of around 20% FCEVs and 60% BEVs.
For light commercial vehicles under 3.5 t, there is a clearer tendency towards high electrification rates for the year 2050 (
Figure 3). In five of the seven scenarios that provide data for the year 2050, the proportion of electrified drives amongst new registrations is over 90%. Only the “PtL” scenario of the dena study, with a focus on the use of synthetic fuels, shows an electrified proportion of 40%. The operating behavior of light commercial vehicles is particularly user-friendly compared to battery–electric drivetrains, as the average range requirements are low at around 100 km per day in the latter case [
39]. The proportion of new registrations of FCEVs in 2050 will vary between approximately 10% and 40% under the scenarios. As in the other classes, the data from the Shell study for the year 2040 is on the conservative side of the spectrum, whereas the data from the Fraunhofer study for 2030 is on the optimistic side.
Öko—Emobil [
21]: the guidelines for future mobility were developed as part of expert workshops. Based on the future images developed in their scenario process, concrete scenarios were formulated and described in more detail based on the development of transport demand, the new registration structure, the development of efficiency at vehicle level and the development of energy demand.
Dena—E-Fuels [
7]: two scenarios were taken into account based on the expectations of the European Commission how the EU28 will develop this purpose. Additionally, historical data for 1995, 2010 and 2015 were applied. An adaptation was performed that had considered occupation rates and annual driving volume per vehicle in combination with real data for the period 1995 to 2015 for fuel consumption and car registrations.
16]: the trend scenario is based on assumptions about traffic development in accordance with the the 2030 Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan from the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (BMVI) and further assumptions for the update until 2035.
Cambridge—Fueling Europe [
5]: comparable to [
21], an expert panel was established to develop various reasonable technology deployment scenarios, also considering historically based diffusion rates for low-carbon technologies, as well as the range of existing projections for future technology diffusion. The panel also gave advice on the most relevant input data on mobility, vehicles, energy, infrastructure, and economy. The agreed datasets were then applied into a stock model on the European level. Each scenario includes the total amount of capital investments and the energy consumption per drive technology on an annual basis. Finally, the outputs from the stock model were fed into the macro-economic model.
Shell—Lkw [
31]: for this purpose, the current trends in transport logistics for goods and people and vehicle statistics are examined and potential is more relevant technologies estimated. Conversely, with the help of goods traffic modeling and scenario technology, as well as linking important transport, energy, and environmental policy parameters, the ways in which truck and bus traffic comprehensively influences developments in Germany are considered. The most important results are provided on an annual basis.
BMVI—Nationaler Strategierahmen Infrastruktur alt. Kraftstoffe, MKS—EEiV [
25]: the starting point for the scenarios for 2030 was the efficiency potential that is emerging as a result of technological developments in vehicle technology. Regarding average excess or reduced consumption, it was assumed that technical measures play a larger role. For technological development and scenario generation in commercial and freight transport up to 2050, the full costs for the user (total cost of ownership) were used for the use of drives in vehicles. The following effects were considered to be highly modifiable: prices for fuel and energy, the cost reduction of essential technical components, and the development of new drive technologies. The existing uncertainties were taken into account, with the foreseeable trends using differently designed scenarios. The result was three scenarios: (1) hybridization and electrification, (2) liquid natural gas (LNG) and synthetic natural gas (SNG), and (3) hydrogen and fuel cells. The scenarios were simulated using the TREMOD program.
In summary, all studies create a very inconsistent picture. Each of these studies is logical and comprehensible in its methodology. Nevertheless, they are all based on a basic idea, which varies greatly from study to study. We therefore took up the idea from the studies for the BmVI [
25], in which different scenarios were developed. In this work, the results from such scenarios, i.e., the shares of the battery-electric, fuel cell-hydrogen and internal combustion engine drive trains, are required for the market diffusion model introduced in
Section 3.4. Due to the very different results, five scenarios have been developed according to the methods in [
1.4. Approaches in the Literature
The transport studies presented in the previous section show that e-fuels need to be used in freight transport to replace fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions.
System analytical studies look at the interaction between energy production and energy storage. These models are often highly complex in spatial networks with high resolution and optimize the energy system with cost functions. Programs that contain elements of artificial intelligence will be used more frequently in the future. For example, Li et al. [
40] reported on a comparative techno-economic analysis of large-scale renewable energy storage technologies. The main focus was a comparison between batteries and hydrogen storage. Welder et al. [
41] applied a spatio-temporal optimization of a future energy system for power-to-hydrogen applications in Germany. Electro-fuels were not considered and are only a follow-up product.
Techno-economic studies such as those by Schemme et al. [
43], Brynolf et al. [
45], and Grahn et al. [
46] show the evidence of electro-fuels in general and provide information about the costs of e-fuels and the investment costs required for such production systems. Quantity estimates for the production of electro-fuels are published by Hansson et al. [
47]. They analyzed the potential for electro-fuel production in Sweden from utilized fossil and biogenic CO
2 point sources. The amount of carbon available determines the amount of electro-fuel, i.e., the supply chain.
A keyword search in the literature for electro-fuel production revealed a study from Schnuelle et al. [
48] that considers electro-fuels from niche to market. They made use of an agent-based modeling approach. This model is explained by a turtle model with push and pull factors. Stakeholders, such as the operators of synthesis facilities, plant designers, and suppliers belong to this grouping, in addition to stakeholder networks carrying out research projects or industrial associations. Their investments were driven by the push and pull factors. The push factors include: regulative measures from policy, societal debates regarding land use or wind power installations, and technological progress by means of improved efficiency chains and materials. Pull factors can be incentives such as subsidiaries, project funding, and tax exemptions. There is also a market pull that is driving the development towards green fuels and materials and that enables sector integration for energy storage. Finally, a vision pull considered the climate effects, national image, and supply security. The results of the present work were analyzed in comparison to this one and are described herein. To classify the results from Schnuelle et al. [
48], two results should be cited here: they proposed a maximum production capacity of 3.25 GW in 2035 and production costs below 13 ct/kWh, which corresponds to 1.3 EUR/l
DE and are difficult to achieve.
This work aims to bring the demand for electro-fuels and the possible supply into harmony. In the existing studies, the time course for ramping up production of electric fuels is missing, especially regarding freight transport.