Application of an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problems
:1. Introduction
Related Work
2. Electric Vehicle Routing Problem (EVRP)
- Each vehicle has a limited capacity.
- Each vehicle must start and end its service route at the depot node.
- The time window constraints of the depot must be satisfied.
- Each vehicle departs and returns at the depot node.
- Each node can only be visited exactly once.
- The battery capacity of an electric vehicle is defined as a range between 0 and its maximum battery level.
- Charging station nodes can be visited multiple times by any electric vehicle.
- When an EV arrives at a charging station, it is assumed that no charging time is required, implying instantaneous battery replenishment.
- The EV’s battery is always fully charged when visiting a charging station.
2.1. EVRP Energy Consumption
2.2. Charging Policies in the EVRP
3. Harmony Search Algorithm for the EVRP
3.1. Harmony Search Algorithm
Algorithm 1. Harmony search algorithm encoding |
Initialize the problem Define HMS, HMCR, PAR, ITR, PARitr Initialize Harmony Memory for ( = 1 to HMS): initialize the route and store it in Harmony Memory; Solution Improvement for iteration ≤ ITR: if rand() ≤ HMCR = solutionj (j = 1, 2, …, HMS) (grab a route from HMS); if rand( ) ≤ PAR: for PAR iteration ≤ PARitr: improve with Local Search Operator; if ( worst solution in HM): accept new solution and replace the worst in HM end if; else: if ( worst solution in HM): accept new solution and replace the worst in HM; end if; else generate new solution (); if ( worst solution in HM): accept new solution and replace the worst in HM; end if; end for; end; |
3.1.1. Initial Solution Generation
Algorithm 2. Route generation EVRP based on nearest neighbor assignment |
Step 1. Initialization
3.1.2. Solution Improvement with Adaptive HSA
3.1.3. Update Mechanism
3.1.4. Overview
3.2. Charging Optimization
3.2.1. Charging Station Node Assignment
3.2.2. Route Optimization Involving Charging Station
4. Computational Experiment and Analysis
4.1. Benchmark Instances
4.2. Experimental Setup
4.3. Design of Experiment with Taguchi Method
4.4. Experimental Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Heuristic Algorithm | Literature |
ACO | Jia et al., 2021 [7] |
Mavrovouniotis et al., 2019 [8] | |
CS | Zhou and Tan, 2018 [9] |
GA | Li et al., 2019 [10] |
Ait-uahmed et al., 2014 [11] | |
Yang et al., 2015 [12] | |
Shao et al., 2017 [13] | |
Zhenfeng et al., 2017 [14] | |
Granada-Echeverri et al., 2020 [15] | |
ILS | Montoya, 2016 [16] |
Montoya et al., 2017 [17] | |
Penna et al., 2016 [18] | |
Zhang et al., 2018 [19] | |
LNS | Keskin et al., 2021 [20] |
Kouider et al., 2019a [21] and 2019b [22] | |
Löffler et al., 2020 [23] | |
Pelletier et al., 2019 [24] | |
Yang and Sun 2015 [25] | |
Zhang et al., 2018 and 2020 [19,26] | |
SA | Rodríguez-Esparza et al., 2024 [27] |
TS | Ding et al., 2015 [28] |
Euchi and Yassine., 2023 [29] | |
Preis et al., 2012 [30] | |
Wang and Song 2015 [31] | |
Yang et al., 2015 [12] | |
Yang and Sun, 2015 [25] | |
Zhang et al., 2018 [19] | |
VNS | Ghobadi et al., 2021 [32] |
Hof et al., 2017 [33] | |
Kancharla and Ramadurai, 2020 [34] | |
Lin et al., 2021 [35] | |
Zhou et al., 2021 [36] |
Notation | Description |
equals to 1 if a vehicle travels from node i to node j; otherwise = 0 | |
N | a set of nodes () |
I | a set of customer nodes |
F′ | a set of charging station nodes |
the travel distance from node i to node j | |
remaining vehicle capacity when arriving at node i | |
remaining vehicle capacity when arriving at node j | |
remaining capacity at depot node {0} | |
C | the vehicle capacity |
demand in node j | |
remaining battery capacity when arriving at node i | |
remaining battery capacity when arriving at node j | |
remaining battery capacity when arriving at depot node {0} | |
Q | battery capacity |
variable energy consumption rate | |
energy consumption to travel from vertex i to vertex j. |
Parameters | Values |
# of Neighboring Solutions | 100 |
HMS | 100 |
HMCRmax | 0.95 |
HMCRmin | 0.80 |
PARmax | 0.90 |
PARmin | 0.20 |
Experimental Run | Factors (Levels) | |||
F1 (4) | F2 (4) | F3 (4) | F4 (4) | |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
4 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
6 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
7 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
8 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
9 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
10 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
11 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
12 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
13 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
14 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
15 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
16 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
S | R-Sq | R-Sq(adj) |
4.23 | 99.61% | 98.05% |
Source | DF | Seq SS | Adj SS | Adj MS | F | P |
F1 | 3 | 5343.2 | 5343.19 | 1781.06 | 99.52 | 0.002 |
F2 | 3 | 2393.2 | 2393.19 | 797.73 | 44.58 | 0.005 |
F3 | 3 | 913.7 | 913.69 | 304.56 | 17.02 | 0.022 |
F4 | 3 | 5059.7 | 5059.69 | 1686.56 | 94.24 | 0.002 |
Residual Error | 3 | 53.7 | 53.69 | 17.90 | ||
Total | 15 | 13,763.4 |
Proposed HSA | ||||
Benchmark Instance | Best | Mean ± Stdev | Worst | tavg (s) |
E-n29-k4-s7 | 383(4) | 384 ± 2.88 | 390 | 12 |
E-n30-k3-s7 | 577(3) | 581 ± 3.39 | 584 | 18 |
E-n35-k3-s5 | 527(4) | 535 ± 5.38 | 542 | 22 |
E-n37-k4-s4 | 853(4) | 860 ± 3.63 | 866 | 36 |
E-n60-k5-s9 | 564(5) | 579 ± 7.77 | 590 | 82 |
F-n49-k4-s4 | 729(4) | 736 ± 1.71 | 736 | 85 |
Proposed HSA | ||||
Benchmark Instance | Best | Mean ± Stdev | Worst | tavg (s) |
E-n89-k7-s13 | 739(7) | 749.3 ± 7.0 | 765 | 154 |
E-n112-k8-s11 | 885(8) | 901.4 ± 17.7 | 943 | 223 |
M-n110-k10-s9 | 842(10) | 844.5 ± 3.5 | 850 | 176 |
M-n126-k7-s5 | 1116(8) | 1128.5 ± 6.8 | 1141 | 194 |
M-n163-k12-s12 | 1144(12) | 1184.5 ± 22.9 | 1223 | 221 |
M-n212-k16-s12 | 1457(17) | 1494.1 ± 23.0 | 1546 | 245 |
F-n80-k4-s8 | 257(4) | 272.4 ± 4.8 | 281 | 141 |
F-n140-k7-s5 | 1268(7) | 1304.2 ± 15.5 | 1326 | 219 |
X-n147-k7-s4 | 17,655(7) | 17,967.4 ± 145.3 | 18,199 | 193 |
X-n221-k11-s7 | 12,637(12) | 13,010.3 ± 222.9 | 13,364 | 231 |
X-n360-k40-s9 | 28,425(43) | 29,069.2 ± 254.3 | 29,414 | 720 |
X-n469-k26-s10 | 27,133(27) | 28,238.9 ± 462.3 | 28,831 | 1246 |
X-n577-k30-s4 | 57,577(32) | 57,960.5 ± 266.6 | 58,326 | 1842 |
X-n698-k75-s13 | 78,260(80) | 78,493.2 ± 299.6 | 79,015 | 3617 |
X-n759-k98-s10 | 86,186(104) | 86,597.08 ± 337.9 | 87,125 | 4254 |
X-n830-k171-s11 | 170,126(174) | 170,794.07 ± 649.3 | 172,136 | 4839 |
X-n920-k207-s4 | 352,103(211) | 351,873.55 ± 582.1 | 353,157 | 5488 |
X-n1006-k43-s5 | 81,021(45) | 81,211.75 ± 343.2 | 82,187 | 6248 |
Previous Studies | Proposed HSA | |||
Benchmark Instance | MMAS [45] | MMAS+ls [52] | Gap to MMAS (%) | Gap to MMAS+ls (%) |
E-n29-k4-s7 | 383(4) | 383(4) | 0.00 | 0.00 |
E-n30-k3-s7 | 582(3) | 577(3) | −0.86 | 0.00 |
E-n35-k3-s5 | 530(4) | 527(3) | −0.57 | 0.00 |
E-n37-k4-s4 | 865(4) | 857(4) | −1.39 | −0.47 |
E-n60-k5-s9 | 544(5) | 537(5) | 3.68 | 5.03 |
F-n49-k4-s4 | 769(4) | 746(4) | −5.20 | −2.28 |
Average | −0.72 | 2.28 |
Previous Studies | Proposed HSA | |||
Benchmark Instance | MMAS [45] | MMAS+ls [52] | Gap to MMAS (%) | Gap to MMAS+ls (%) |
E-n89-k7-s13 | 724(7) | 711(7) | 2.0 | 3.9 |
E-n112-k8-s11 | 860(8) | 845(8) | 2.9 | 4.7 |
M-n110-k10-s9 | 914(10) | 876(10) | −7.8 | −3.9 |
M-n126-k7-s5 | 1099(7) | 1094(7) | 1.5 | 2.0 |
M-n163-k12-s12 | 1109(12) | 1088(12) | 3.1 | 5.1 |
M-n212-k16-s12 | 1398(17) | 1386(17) | 4.2 | 5.1 |
F-n80-k4-s8 | 240(4) | 239(4) | 7.0 | 7.5 |
F-n140-k7-s5 | 1229(7) | 1210(7) | 3.1 | 4.7 |
X-n147-k7-s4 | 17,704(5) | 17,345(7) | −0.2 | 1.7 |
X-n221-k11-s7 | 12,235(12) | 12,130(12) | 3.2 | 4.1 |
X-n360-k40-s9 | 27,701(41) | 27,327(41) | 2.6 | 4.0 |
X-n469-k26-s10 | 26,881(26) | 26,763(27) | 0.9 | 1.3 |
X-n577-k30-s4 | 55,266(30) | 54,779(30) | 4.1 | 5.1 |
X-n698-k75-s13 | 75,048(77) | 74,818(78) | 4.2 | 4.6 |
X-n759-k98-s10 | 84,996(101) | 83,204(100) | 1.4 | 3.5 |
X-n830-k171-s11 | 167,575(181) | 166,593(179) | 1.5 | 2.1 |
X-n920-k207-s4 | 345,214(216) | 341,599(214) | 2.0 | 3.0 |
X-n1006-k43-s5 | 80,765(43) | 79,635(43) | 0.3 | 1.7 |
Average | 2.0 | 3.3 |
Benchmark Instance | Proposed HSA | MMAS+ls [52] | ||
Recharging Occurrences | Recharging Time (Minutes) | Recharging Occurrences | Recharging Time (Minutes) | |
E-n29-k4-s7 | 4 | 120 | 4 | 120 |
E-n30-k3-s7 | 3 | 90 | 5 | 150 |
E-n35-k3-s5 | 3 | 90 | 4 | 120 |
E-n37-k4-s4 | 2 | 60 | 4 | 120 |
E-n60-k5-s9 | 6 | 180 | 7 | 210 |
F-n49-k4-s4 | 1 | 30 | 1 | 30 |
Max | 6 | 180 | 7 | 210 |
Min | 1 | 30 | 1 | 30 |
Average | 3.17 | 95 | 4.17 | 125 |
Standard Deviation | 1.72 | 51.67 | 1.94 | 58.22 |
Benchmark Instance | Proposed HSA | MMAS+ls [52] | ||
Recharging Occurrences | Recharging Time (Minutes) | Recharging Occurrences | Recharging Time (Minutes) | |
E-n89-k7-s13 | 9. | 270 | 8 | 240 |
E-n112-k8-s11 | 7 | 210 | 7 | 210 |
M-n110-k10-s9 | 5 | 150 | 6 | 180 |
M-n126-k7-s5 | 4 | 120 | 4 | 120 |
M-n163-k12-s12 | 6 | 180 | 10 | 300 |
M-n212-k16-s12 | 11 | 330 | 12 | 360 |
F-n80-k4-s8 | 4 | 120 | 5 | 150 |
F-n140-k7-s5 | 3 | 90 | 2 | 60 |
X-n147-k7-s4 | 5 | 150 | 5 | 150 |
X-n221-k11-s7 | 9 | 270 | 8 | 240 |
X-n360-k40-s9 | 8 | 240 | 9 | 270 |
X-n469-k26-s10 | 14 | 420 | 16 | 480 |
X-n577-k30-s4 | 30 | 900 | 32 | 960 |
X-n698-k75-s13 | 43 | 1290 | 45 | 1350 |
X-n759-k98-s10 | 45 | 1350 | 47 | 1410 |
X-n830-k171-s11 | 94 | 2820 | 97 | 2910 |
X-n920-k207-s4 | 76 | 2280 | 76 | 2280 |
X-n1006-k43-s5 | 24 | 720 | 27 | 810 |
Max | 94 | 2820 | 97 | 2910 |
Min | 3 | 90 | 2 | 60 |
Average | 22.05 | 268.91 | 23.11 | 294.81 |
Standard Deviation | 26.48 | 252.79 | 27.03 | 279.47 |
Improvement in Total Distance | |
Instance Size | Gap to MMAS+ls [52] |
Small Instances | average gap 2.2% |
Large Instances | average gap 3.3% |
Improvement in Number of Charges | |
Instance Size | Gap to MMAS+ls [52] |
Small Instances | Improved by reducing 6 visits |
Large Instances | Improved by reducing 19 visits |
Improvement in Total Time | |
Instance Size | Gap to MMAS+ls [52] |
Small Instances | average gap −24.0% |
Large Instances | average gap −4.5% |
Modified HSA | MILP | |||
Benchmark Instance | Objective Function | tavg (s) | Upper Bound (UB) | tavg (s) |
E-n29-k4-s7 | 383(4) | 12 | 383(4) | 734 |
E-n30-k3-s7 | 577(3) | 18 | 577(3) | 1753 |
E-n35-k3-s5 | 527(4) | 22 | 527(4) | 4183 |
E-n37-k4-s4 | 853(4) | 36 | 854(4) | 6327 |
E-n60-k5-s9 | 564(5) | 82 | 582(5) | 10,800 |
F-n49-k4-s4 | 729(4) | 85 | 735(4) | 10,800 |
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Minanda, V.; Liang, Y.-C.; Chen, A.H.L.; Gunawan, A. Application of an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problems. Energies 2024, 17, 3716.
Minanda V, Liang Y-C, Chen AHL, Gunawan A. Application of an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problems. Energies. 2024; 17(15):3716.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMinanda, Vanny, Yun-Chia Liang, Angela H. L. Chen, and Aldy Gunawan. 2024. "Application of an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problems" Energies 17, no. 15: 3716.
APA StyleMinanda, V., Liang, Y.-C., Chen, A. H. L., & Gunawan, A. (2024). Application of an Improved Harmony Search Algorithm on Electric Vehicle Routing Problems. Energies, 17(15), 3716.