Advances in Short-Term Solar Forecasting: A Review and Benchmark of Machine Learning Methods and Relevant Data Sources
:1. Introduction
- The available open-source data enabling the comparison and benchmarking of different forecasting methods. Today, there is a significant body of work describing different ML methods and explaining the benefits of applying them to specific case studies. However, in most of the papers, the dataset is unavailable and unknown in terms of the number of data and quality of the data, as well as availability to produce the results from the published paper. We find that such an approach hinders future development, as each researcher/developer needs to self-test all available methods to learn about their advantages and disadvantages. Our goal is to list the open available data and to assist in creating an open-source community where transparency of newly developed tools/solutions is key to quality research.
- The relevant metrics to benchmark the effectiveness of a certain ML method as well as what is the range of the values for those metrics in previously published papers. Our goal is to provide a framework for future researchers to use adequate metrics and to understand the quality of their proposed method.
- New sources of data, previously less or not utilized, that could improve the existing or new ML methods. Here again, we focus on open sets of data that are transparent and available to everyone, and as such can serve as a unified benchmark of the proposed method.
2. Research Area Overview
- Goal—goal of the paper: PV power or solar irradiance forecasting;
- Horizon (Step)— forecast horizon with the granularity of the forecast (step);
- Test size—it is important to highlight this feature, as a larger test set provides a more statistically significant sample of the data, indicates robustness, reduces risk of overfitting and gives more credibility to solutions tested on larger datasets;
- Error term—measure of performance used to compare methods;
- Method—ML method employed in the paper;
- Location—geographical location of the PV power plant(s); all locations referred to in the analysed literature are shown on the world map in Figure 1.
Performance Measures
3. Machine Learning Methods
3.1. Classical Machine Learning
3.2. Neural Networks (Deep Learning)
4. Open-Source Data
4.1. Sources
4.2. Benchmark
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
BPNN | Backpropagation Neural Network |
MLR | Multiple Linear Regression |
(Bi)LSTM | (Bidirectional) Long Short-Term Memory |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
ConvNet | Convolutional Neural Network |
SVR | Support Vector Regression |
DT | Decision Tree |
MLP | Multiple Layer Perceptron |
RF | Random Forest |
AR | Autoregressive Model |
DNN | Deep Neural Network |
FNN | Feedforward Neural Network |
DXNN | Direct Explainable Neural Network |
GB(D)T | Gradient Boosting (Decision) Trees |
(L)GBM | (Light) Gradient Boosting Machine |
XGB | Extreme Gradient Boosting |
NGBoost | Natural Gradient Boosting |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Unit |
Dense | Fully connected feedforward layer |
(S)AR(I)MA | (Seasonal) Autoregressive (Integrated) Moving Average |
ResNet | Residual Neural Network |
GRU | Gated Recurrent Unit |
QR | Quantile Regression |
ANFIS | Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System |
GP(R) | Gaussian Process (Regression) |
KNN | K-Nearest Neighbors |
LR | Linear Regression |
AdaBoost | Adaptive Boosting |
ETR | Extra Trees Regressor or Extremely Randomized Trees |
EDLSTM | Encoder-Decoder Long Short Term Memory |
STCNN | Space-Time Convolutional Neural Network |
NLSTM | Multi-Task Multi-Channel Nested Long Short Term Memory |
SSA | Salp-Swarm Algorithm |
PSO | Particle Swarm Algorithm |
ENN | Elman Neural Network |
NAR(X) | Autoregressive Neural Network (with Exogenous Inputs) |
PHANN | Physical Hybrid Artificial Neural Network |
GCLSTM | Graph Convolutional Long Short Term Memory |
STAR | Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Model |
GCTrafo | Graph Convolutional Transformer |
MR-ESN | Multiple Reservoirs Echo State Network |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine |
DRL | Deep Reinforcement Learning |
KS test | Kolmogorov–Smirnov test |
IAE | Individual Absolute Error |
SSIM | Structural Similarity |
Coefficient of correlation | |
PIAW | Prediction Interval Average Width |
PICP | Prediction Interval Coverage Probability |
CRPS | Continuous Ranked Probability Score |
CWC | Coverage Width Calculation |
TSM-GAT | Temporal-Spatial Multi-Windows Graph Attention Network |
Lasso | Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator |
ST-Lasso | Spatio Temporal model with Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator |
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Reference | Goal | Horizon (Step) | Test Size | Error Term | Methods | Location |
[21] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | 5 months | MAE, MSE, R, RMSE, Error | MLR, ANN | Hungary |
[22] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (1 h) | not specified | RMSE, MAE | CNN, SVM, DT, MLP, LSTM, RF | Taiwan |
[23] | PV power forecasting | 15, 30, 60 min (15 min) | 4 months | nMAE, nRMSE, 1- | Conv-LSTM, CNN | China |
[24] | PV power forecasting | 15 min, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h (15 min) | not specified | nRMSE, nMAE | ST-Lasso, AR | France |
[25] | PV power forecasting | 15 min | 20 days | RMSE, FS | CNN, AR | USA |
[26] | Irradiance forecasting | 6 h (1 h) | 1 year | rRMSE, MBE, FS | DNN (FNN), AR, GBT | Netherlands |
[27] | Irradiance forecasting | 1 h (10 min) | 2 years | RMSE, MBE, FS | ANN, GBM, RF, Conv ReLU + Dense | USA |
[28] | PV power forecasting | 1, 2, 3 h (1 h) | 23 days | RMSE, MSE, | BiLSTM, ARMA, ARIMA, SARIMA | China |
[29] | Irradiance forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | 3 years | MSE, FS | Clear sky models | USA |
[15] | Irradiance forecasting | 15 min | 36 days | RMSE, MAE, | CNN-LSTM, CNN-ANN | USA |
[30] | Irradiance forecasting | 10 min (1 min) | 1 month | RMSE, MAE, nRMSE, nMAE, FS | ResNet | USA |
[31] | PV power forecasting | 15 min (1 min) | 20 days | RMSE, MAE, FS | CNN + Dense | USA |
[32] | PV power forecasting | 1 h (1 min) | 1 week | RMSE, MAE, MAPE | LSTM, ANN, GRU | Taiwan (*) |
[33] | PV power forecasting | 6, 12, 24 h (1 h) | 100 days | RMSE, MAE, MAPE, MRE, MBE | LSTM, ANN, GRU | USA |
[16] | Irradiance forecasting | 15 min | 70 days | RMSE, MAE, , nPIAW, PICP, CWC | CNN-QR, LSTM-QR, ANN | USA |
[17] | Irradiance forecasting | 10 min (1 min) | 30 days | MAPE, RMSE, MBE | SVM, BPNN, ARIMA | USA |
[14] | Irradiance forecasting | 5, 10 min | 5 months | Accuracy | ResNet | Italy, Switzerland |
[34] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | 1 year | CRPS, MARE, PIAW | QR | Hungary |
[35] | PV power forecasting | 24 h | 31 days | RMSE, MSE, MAE, MAPE, nRMSE, R | GRU, RF | China |
[36] | PV power forecasting | 5 min (0.5 min) | 1 day | SSIM, MSE | Conv-AutoEncoder | USA |
[37] | PV power forecasting | 24 h | 5 weeks | MAE, RMSE, nMAE, nRMSE, IA, Error | MLP | Finland |
[38] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | 1 year | nRMSE, nMAE, nMBE | ANN + Physical Model | Hungary |
[39] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | 2 years | nRMSE, nMAE, nMBE, FS, | LR, SVM, CatBoost, MLP, RF, LGBM, XGB | Hungary |
[40] | PV power forecasting | 5 h (1 h) | 4 months | MAPE, MAE, RMSE, nMAE | LSTM, CNN, FNN | South Korea |
[41] | PV power forecasting | 24 h | 10 months | RMSE, MSE, MAE, | XGB, AdaBoost, RF, ETR | Kuala Lumpur |
[42] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | 1.5 months | RMSE, MAPE, MAE, | LSTM | Saudi Arabia (*) |
[43] | PV power forecasting | 6 h (15 min) | 4 months, 1 year | nMAE, nRMSE | GCLSTM, GCTrafo, TSM-GAT, STCNN | Switzerland, USA |
[44] | PV power forecasting | 2, 6 h (1 h) | 2.5 months | nRMSE, MAPE, Error | AR, FNN, LSTM, STCNN | USA |
[45] | PV power forecasting | 7.5, 15 min, (0.05 min) | 4 days | MAE, RMSE, adj R, Accuracy | DT, RF, SVR, MLP, LSTM, BiLSTM, NLSTM | China |
[46] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (1 h) | 3.5 months | MAPE, MRE | SVM-SSA, CNN-SSA, LSTM-SSA | Taiwan |
[47] | PV power forecasting | 6 h (15 min) | 1 year | nMAE, nRMSE | STAR, GCLSTM, GCTrafo, STCNN, SVR, EDLSTM | Switzerland |
[48] | PV power forecasting | 16 h (15 min) | not specified | RMSE, MAD | LSTM, Wavelet NN, SVM, BPNN | China |
[49] | PV power forecasting | 72 h (1 h) | 2 months | MAE, MSE | BPNN | China |
[50] | PV power forecasting | 10 h (1 h) | 500 samples | MAPE, Error | MR-ESN | USA |
[51] | Irradiance forecasting | not specified | not specified | MAE, RMSE, PICP, PINAW, Accuracy | ELM | China |
[20] | PV power forecasting | 1 h (1 h) | 3.5 months | MSE | Ridge | Croatia |
[52] | PV power forecasting | 24 h (1 h) | 22 days | MAPE, nMAE, wMAE, eMAE, nRMSE, , Error | PHANN | Italy |
[53] | PV power forecasting | 24, 72 h (1 h) | 1 month | IAE, RMSE, MSE, R | NARX | Egypt |
[54] | PV power forecasting | 14 h (1 h) | 4 months | MAE, RMSE | ANN, DNN, LSTM, ARIMA, SARIMA | South Korea |
[55] | PV power forecasting | 24 h | 4 months | MAE, RMSE, MAPE, Error, | MLP (DNN) | South Korea |
[56] | PV power forecasting | 1, 5, 30, 60 min (1 min) | 1 month | MAE, RMSE, MAPE, | LSTM, ENN, NAR | Italy |
[57] | Irradiance forecasting | 17 h (1 h) | 1 year | MAE, MAPE, RMSE | DRL + CNN-BiLSTM | USA |
[13] | PV power forecasting | 4 h (15 min) | 30 days | nMAE, nRMSE | SVM, GBDT, ARMA | USA |
[58] | Irradiance forecasting | 6 h (15 min) | 6 months | MAE, rMAE, RMSE, rRMSE | ConvNet + Dense | France |
[59] | PV power forecasting | 1 min | 200 samples | K-means, PSO | China | |
[60] | PV power forecasting | 1 h | 1 year | RMSE, R | LSTM, SVR, ANN, ANFIS, GPR | Kuala Lumpur |
[61] | Irradiance forecasting | 1 min | not specified | RMSE, MAE, R | SVR, BPNN, XGB, DXNN | France |
[62] | PV power forecasting | 36 h (15 min) | 1 month | RMSE, MAE, MBE, CRPS, PIAW, PICP | NGBoost, GP | Germany |
Measure of Performance | Equation |
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) * | |
Mean Squared Error (MSE) | |
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) * | |
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) | |
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) | |
Mean Bias Error (MBE) * | |
Index of Agreement (IA) | |
Correlation Coefficient () | |
Coefficient of Determination (R) | |
Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) | |
Prediction Interval Average Width (PIAW) * | |
Prediction Interval Coverage Probability (PICP) | |
Coverage Width Calculation (CWC) | |
Forecast Skill (FS) | |
Envelope Weighted Mean Absolute Error (eMAE) |
Source/Name | Data Type | Link | References |
NREL | Irradiance, satellite images | | [15,16,27,33,43,44,57] |
HelioClim3 | Irradiance | | [24,76,77] |
EUMETSAT | Satellite images | | [20] |
Girasol | Irradiance | | [78,79] |
ECMWF | Irradiance | | [11,26] |
SURFRAD | Satellite images | | [29,80] |
SKIPP’D | Satellite images | | [31] |
AERONET | Aerosol optical depth (AOD) | | [49,81] |
GFS | Irradiance | global_weather_forecast | [47] |
SARAH-2 | Irradiance | pvgis_sarah-2 | [82] |
C3S | Irradiance |!/search?type=dataset | [83] |
Source/Ref. | Period (Training) | Testing | Goal | Horizon (Step) | Best Method | Error |
NREL/[57] | (1 January 2015–31 December 2018) | 1 January 2020–31 December 2020 | Irradiance forecasting | 17 h (1 h) | DRL + CNN-BiLSTM | RMSE = 80.02 W/m MAE = 51.95 W/m MAPE = 7.64% |
NREL/[27] | (1 January 2012–31 December 2014) | 1 January 2016–31 December 2017 | Irradiance forecasting | 1 h (10 min) | SolarNet | FS = 34.02 RMSE = 81.03 W/m MBE = −0.44 W/m |
NREL/[15] | (1 July 2017–19 April 2018) | 25 May 2018–30 June 2018 | Irradiance forecasting | 15 min | CNN-LSTM CNN-ANN | = 0.97 RMSE = 80.48 W/m MAE = 51.89 W/m |
NREL/[33] | (1 January 2016–22 September 2018) | 22 September 2018–31 December 2018 | PV power forecasting | 24 h (1 h) | LSTM-NN | MAE = 0.36 MW RMSE = 0.71 MW MAPE = 22.31% MRE = 1.44% MBE = 0.01 MW |
NREL/[16] | 1 July 2017–30 June 2018 | 5-fold CV∼70 days | Irradiance forecasting | 15 min | CNN-QR LSTM-QR | MAE = 68.84 W/m RMSE = 98.94 W/m nPIAW = 0.09% PICP = 0.92% CWC = 0.16 = 0.96 |
NREL/[43] | (1 January 2006–31 August 2006) | 1 September 2006–31 December 2006 | PV power forecasting | 6 h (15 min) | TSM-GAT | nMAE = 14.78% nRMSE = 10.37% |
SKIPP’D/[31] | 1 March 2017–1 December 2019 | ∼20 days (4% of data) | PV power forecasting | 15 min (1 min) | ConvNet | FS = 16.44 RMSE = 0.0024 MW MAE = 0.0015 MW |
SURFRAD/[29] | 1 January 2015–31 December 2018 | not specified | Irradiance forecasting | 24 h (15 min) | Ineichen-Perez clear sky model | FS = 14.3 RMSE = 120 W/m |
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Pandžić, F.; Capuder, T. Advances in Short-Term Solar Forecasting: A Review and Benchmark of Machine Learning Methods and Relevant Data Sources. Energies 2024, 17, 97.
Pandžić F, Capuder T. Advances in Short-Term Solar Forecasting: A Review and Benchmark of Machine Learning Methods and Relevant Data Sources. Energies. 2024; 17(1):97.
Chicago/Turabian StylePandžić, Franko, and Tomislav Capuder. 2024. "Advances in Short-Term Solar Forecasting: A Review and Benchmark of Machine Learning Methods and Relevant Data Sources" Energies 17, no. 1: 97.
APA StylePandžić, F., & Capuder, T. (2024). Advances in Short-Term Solar Forecasting: A Review and Benchmark of Machine Learning Methods and Relevant Data Sources. Energies, 17(1), 97.