Spoilt for Choice: User-Centric Choice of Battery Size and Chemistry for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks
:1. Introduction
1.1. Contributions
- Comprehensive analysis of the feasibility of varying battery capacities for different use casesThis paper presents the first comprehensive analysis of which battery size is feasible for a long-haul BETs considering charging power, payload, and cell-individual vehicle restrictions as well as degradation effects.
- Novel investigation on the cost-effectiveness of oversizing the batteryWe analyze the trade-off between rising investment costs and less need to replace the battery during lifetime, caused by the degradation of the cell. We model the aging effects based on cell chemistry as well as available charging power and transported payload.
- Detailed analysis of the cost-optimal and use case individual choice of cell chemistryWe provide an in-depth comparison of the two mentioned cell chemistries, regarding cost-effectiveness. We significantly enhance the state of the art, considering detailed aging modeling and the dependency on available charging infrastructure. We additionally conduct a sensitivity analysis in order to make the influence of our assumptions as transparent as possible.
1.2. Organization of the Article
2. Method
2.1. Scenario and Power Profile
2.2. Electro-Thermal Aging Model
2.3. Cost Model
3. Results
3.1. Feasibility
3.2. Cost-Effective Battery Size
3.3. Cell Chemistry Comparison
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Section | Parameter | Value | Source |
Power Profile | [4] | ||
[4] | |||
[15] | |||
13,765 kg | [19] | ||
Thermal/Aging | [37] | ||
[37] | |||
896 | [38] | ||
10 | [39] | ||
[39] | |||
33 | [30] | ||
[30] | |||
[30] | |||
[30] | |||
Feasibility | 42 | [16] | |
3250 | [15] | ||
5% | |||
273 | [30] | ||
176 | [19] | ||
[30] | |||
[19] | |||
685 | [30] | ||
376 | [19] | ||
[30] | |||
[19] | |||
1 | |||
Cost Model | 140 | [23] | |
100 | [23] | ||
[40] | |||
15% | [15] | ||
8 | [13] | ||
130,000 km | [41] | ||
[15] | |||
[42] | |||
[43] | |||
r | [15] |
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Schneider, J.; Teichert, O.; Zähringer, M.; Götz, K.; Lienkamp, M. Spoilt for Choice: User-Centric Choice of Battery Size and Chemistry for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks. Energies 2024, 17, 158. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17010158
Schneider J, Teichert O, Zähringer M, Götz K, Lienkamp M. Spoilt for Choice: User-Centric Choice of Battery Size and Chemistry for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks. Energies. 2024; 17(1):158. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17010158
Chicago/Turabian StyleSchneider, Jakob, Olaf Teichert, Maximilian Zähringer, Korbinian Götz, and Markus Lienkamp. 2024. "Spoilt for Choice: User-Centric Choice of Battery Size and Chemistry for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks" Energies 17, no. 1: 158. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17010158
APA StyleSchneider, J., Teichert, O., Zähringer, M., Götz, K., & Lienkamp, M. (2024). Spoilt for Choice: User-Centric Choice of Battery Size and Chemistry for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks. Energies, 17(1), 158. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17010158