A Hyper-Integrated Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to Gamification and Carbon Market Enterprise Architecture Framework for Sustainable Environment
:1. Introduction
1.1. Smart Cities
1.2. Sustainability in Smart Cities
1.3. Citizen Behaviors for Sustainability in Smart Cities
1.4. Enterprise Architecture for Smart City Applications
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Proposed Enterprise Architecture Framework
- Achievable environmental sustainability goals;
- Distributed and flexible infrastructure for easy implementation;
- Easy integration of potential shareholders, policy makers and citizens;
- Easy maintenance with affordable technology requirements;
- Implemented governance and security;
- Interactive and attractive to users;
- Responsible practices for all sides;
- Respect for the sensitivity and priorities of users and shareholders;
- Support of social media to spread acceptanc;e
- Transparent operation with respect for privacy;
- User-friendly interface across different platforms for all parties as well as different generations.
2.2. Modules
2.2.1. Gamification Module
- Scenarios as a series of events to be completed or achieved, such as using a bicycle at least once a week, switching from private to public transportation, using electric vehicles for a certain distance, checking in and out of special venues, and so on;
- Supported scenarios and events of shareholders and sponsors using the MaaS system in combination with campaigns;
- Social impact, society jobs and duties, performing outreach and raising awareness;
- Events and attractions, such as attending a sponsorship event, seminars, training, online training, information gathering related to carbon footprint, environmental sustainability, pollution, global warming, habitats and biodiversity, etc.
2.2.2. Blockchain Infrastructure Module
2.2.3. Commodity Exchange Market, Rules, and Carbon Calculations Module
2.2.4. System Core Integration Module
2.2.5. Support Modules and Algorithms
2.3. The Formulation of Activities for Gamification and Smart Contracts
2.3.1. Activity-Specific Parameters
2.3.2. City-Specific Parameters
2.3.3. Policy-Specific Credit Parameters
- Direct Activity: A direct activity includes mobility and transportation activities in the MaaS system. Direct activities can be organized as single activities or as a sequence of activities, such as starting mobility with public transportation, such as the subway, then transferring to a public bus, using an e-scooter, and finally walking to the destination.
- Indirect Activities: Indirect activities do not include physical contributions through transportation, but they do include education, sponsorship of events, volunteer tasks, participation in seminars, social media activities, and information gathering. Direct activities can be organized individually or in a sequence or mix of activities, such as participating in an online seminar on carbon footprint, posting sponsor or government events on social media, reading a QR code from a billboard, or participating in a sports activity within a month.
- Hybrid Activity: Hybrid activities consist of both direct and indirect activities in a sequence or mixed sequence.
Algorithm 1: Activity Recommender System |
3. Results and Case Study for the Framework
3.1. Activity Switching Scenarios
3.1.1. Parameter Setting
3.1.2. Switching Scenarios and Plans
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Sample Availability
CDM | Clean Development Mechanism |
CCX | Chicago Climate Exchange |
DoDAF | Department of Defense Architecture Framework |
EA | Enterprise Architecture |
EU | European Union |
FEAF | Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework |
JSON | Java Script Object Notification |
ICT | Information and Communication Technologies |
IMM | Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality |
MaaS | Mobility as a Service |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification Systems |
RGGI | Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative |
TOGAF | The Open Group Architecture Framework |
VCS | Verified Carbon Standard |
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Hour | CO (µg/m3) | NO2 (µg/m3) | NOX (µg/m3) | NO (µg/m3) | Traffic Level |
5 | 785.2 | 33.1 | 73.3 | 21.4 | 1 |
6 | 780.9 | 33.4 | 73.6 | 21.2 | 2.5 |
7 | 789 | 42.8 | 110.7 | 38 | 2.8 |
8 | 836.8 | 52.6 | 159.3 | 62.6 | 4.9 |
9 | 874.8 | 52.4 | 163.7 | 66 | 4.6 |
10 | 862.6 | 50.4 | 151.9 | 59.4 | 4 |
11 | 815.8 | 46 | 127 | 46.7 | 4.2 |
12 | 779.9 | 44.4 | 113.3 | 38.8 | 4.3 |
13 | 771.1 | 43.8 | 107.3 | 35.3 | 4.3 |
14 | 771.4 | 44.5 | 107.3 | 35.1 | 4.8 |
15 | 782.3 | 46.2 | 110.6 | 36.1 | 5 |
16 | 785.8 | 48.9 | 116.9 | 38 | 5.3 |
17 | 803.7 | 50.5 | 120.1 | 38.8 | 5.6 |
18 | 840.7 | 56.4 | 137.7 | 45.8 | 5.9 |
19 | 908.3 | 61.8 | 160.2 | 55.9 | 6.3 |
20 | 938.7 | 64.1 | 162.1 | 55.6 | 5 |
21 | 955.8 | 62.8 | 152.6 | 50.6 | 3.4 |
22 | 961.6 | 61.7 | 147.3 | 47.7 | 3 |
23 | 961.7 | 60.3 | 145.4 | 47.5 | 2.5 |
0 | 951 | 57.2 | 133.8 | 42.1 | 2.2 |
1 | 943.4 | 53.9 | 128.8 | 41.2 | 2 |
2 | 925.8 | 49.3 | 121.1 | 39.7 | 1.5 |
3 | 864.1 | 41.3 | 97.1 | 30.2 | 1.3 |
4 | 801.1 | 35.3 | 77.9 | 22.5 | 1 |
Scenario | Morning | Midday | Afternoon | Switching Index (SI) | Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCC) |
Park the Car Continue with Metro/Bus | High | Medium | Very High | Very High | High |
Car Sharing | High | Medium | Very High | High | High |
Car to Public transportation twice a week | High | Medium | Very High | High | High |
Car to Public transportation once a week | High | Medium | Very High | Medium | High |
Public Bus to Metro | Low | Very Low | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Public Bus to Bike | Medium | Low | High | Medium | Very High |
Public Bus to Scooter | Medium | Low | High | Medium | High |
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Share and Cite
Ozpinar, A. A Hyper-Integrated Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to Gamification and Carbon Market Enterprise Architecture Framework for Sustainable Environment. Energies 2023, 16, 2480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16052480
Ozpinar A. A Hyper-Integrated Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to Gamification and Carbon Market Enterprise Architecture Framework for Sustainable Environment. Energies. 2023; 16(5):2480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16052480
Chicago/Turabian StyleOzpinar, Alper. 2023. "A Hyper-Integrated Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to Gamification and Carbon Market Enterprise Architecture Framework for Sustainable Environment" Energies 16, no. 5: 2480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16052480
APA StyleOzpinar, A. (2023). A Hyper-Integrated Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to Gamification and Carbon Market Enterprise Architecture Framework for Sustainable Environment. Energies, 16(5), 2480. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16052480