Parameter Estimation of a Grid-Tied Inverter Using In Situ Pseudo-Random Perturbation Sources
:1. Introduction
2. Grid-Tied Inverter
2.1. Inverter Topology
2.2. Mathematical Analysis of Inverter
3. Simulated Small-Signal Analysis of Inverter
4. Parameter Estimation
4.1. Frequency-Domain Sensitivity Analysis of Filter and Controller Parameters
4.2. Parameter Estimation Methodology
4.3. Parameter Estimation Results
5. Experimental Comparison of Pseudo-Random Perturbation
5.1. Pseudo-Random Perturbation Sources
5.2. Description of the Practical Inverter under Investigation
5.3. PRIS Perturbation
5.4. PRBS Perturbation
5.5. Critical Comparison of Pseudo-Random Perturbation Strategies
5.6. Estimation of an Analytical Transfer Function of the Inverter Output Impedance from Measurement Data
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Cf [] | Lf [mH] | Lg [] | ||||
Value | 5.4 | 400 | 1 | 314.16 | 5.3 | 18 | 9 |
Coefficient | Value |
0 | |
50 Hz | 58 Hz | 515 Hz | 23 kHz | |||||
Parameter | Damping | Shifting | Damping | Shifting | Damping | Shifting | Damping | Shifting |
x | x | |||||||
x | x | |||||||
x | x | |||||||
x | x | |||||||
x | x | x | ||||||
x | x | |||||||
x | x |
GA Parameters | Parameter Value |
Population size | 70 |
Number of real variables | 7 |
Crossover fraction | 0.8 |
Mutation fraction | 0.01 |
Migration fraction | 0.2 |
Seed for random number generator | 0 |
Maximum iterations | 700 |
Population size | 200 |
Parallel computing enabled | Yes |
Particle Swarm Parameters | Parameter Value |
Maximum inertia weight | 0.1 |
Minimum inertia weight | 1.1 |
Maximum iterations | 1400 |
Minimum adaptive neighborhood size | 0.25 |
Particle velocity adjustment weight | 1.49 |
Neighbourhood velocity adjustment weight | 1.49 |
Swarm size | 100 |
Step | kp Error [%] | ki Error [%] | ωpr Error [%] | ωg Error [%] | Cf [F] | Cf Error [%] | Lf [mH] | Lf Error [%] | Lg [H] | Lg Error [%] | ||||
1 | 4.76 | 11.89 | 560.60 | 40.15 | 0.60 | 40.29 | 313.35 | 0.26 | 6.27 | 18.27 | 15.20 | 15.54 | 7.61 | 15.44 |
2 | 5.40 | 0.02 | 400.08 | 0.02 | 0.99 | 0.03 | 314.16 | 0.00 | 5.3 | 0.02 | 0.018 | 0.01 | 9 | 0.05 |
Specification | Value |
Maximum DC Voltage | 600V |
Nominal DC voltage | 400 V |
Minimum DC voltage | 125 V |
Nominal AC power | 1600 W |
Nominal AC voltage | |
Maximum output current | |
Power factor | 1 |
Maximum efficiency | |
Topology | Transformerless |
Setup | PRBS Order | |||||
1 | 15 | 30 kHz | 160 | 100 | 2.2 mH | 100 nF |
2 | 12 | 6 kHz | 160 | 100 | 1 mH | 1 F |
Setup | PRBS Order | ||
1 | 14 | 16 kHz | 5 |
2 | 12 | 3 kHz | 5 |
PRIS Source | PRBS Source |
The series RLC circuit that is incorporated in the PRIS source allows for increased protection of the H-bridge and DC source, while also providing an additional means of controlling the time-and frequency-domain characteristics of the PRIS | Fewer components are used to construct the PRBS source |
Can be connected in parallel with the system under test thus Can be used to characterize an inverter and the grid simultaneously | Can be connected in series with the system under test and based on practical measurements that are conducted in this work, it produces better perturbation |
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Gerber, I.P.; Mwaniki, F.M.; Vermeulen, H.J. Parameter Estimation of a Grid-Tied Inverter Using In Situ Pseudo-Random Perturbation Sources. Energies 2023, 16, 1414.
Gerber IP, Mwaniki FM, Vermeulen HJ. Parameter Estimation of a Grid-Tied Inverter Using In Situ Pseudo-Random Perturbation Sources. Energies. 2023; 16(3):1414.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGerber, Ian Paul, Fredrick Mukundi Mwaniki, and Hendrik Johannes Vermeulen. 2023. "Parameter Estimation of a Grid-Tied Inverter Using In Situ Pseudo-Random Perturbation Sources" Energies 16, no. 3: 1414.
APA StyleGerber, I. P., Mwaniki, F. M., & Vermeulen, H. J. (2023). Parameter Estimation of a Grid-Tied Inverter Using In Situ Pseudo-Random Perturbation Sources. Energies, 16(3), 1414.