Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components for Modular Multilevel Converters with Partial Integration of Energy Storage Systems
:1. Introduction
2.1. Topology
2.2. Analytical Analysis
2.3. Circulating Current Optimization
3. Proposed Design Methodology
3.1. Framework of the Study
- The converter nominal power (without the energy storage system);
- The maximum power imbalance to cover by the energy storage system;
- The reactive power requirement;
- The AC/DC grid voltages.
- The minimum number of ES-SMs;
- ES-SM and SM capacitances;
- Arm current for semiconductor devices rating;
- Power exchanged by the ESE of an ES-SM;
- Arm inductances (most of the time neglected).
- SMs an ES-SM capacitances ( and );
- Maximum voltage ripple at the SM and ES-SM capacitors (the ripples considered here are the ripples on the equivalent capacitors in the average model of an arm, and the actual ripple on a single submodule capacitor is higher and related to the low-level control);
- Semiconductor device ratings;
- Maximum power of an ESE ().
- The peak, average, and rms values of the arm current do not exceed the maximum rating allowed;
- The instantaneous voltage at the equivalent capacitor of a stack of SM or ES-SM cannot exceed the maximum allowed voltage deviation;
- The sum of the individual power of each ESE must be equal (or greater) to the considered power imbalance .
3.2. Numerical Method
4. Results Obtained with the Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components
- Maximum peak current, 1.8 kA;
- Maximum RMS current, 1.1 kA;
- Maximum average current, 0.6 kA.
4.1. Feasibility Plot
4.2. Case Study
4.3. Validation
5. Conclusions
- In this paper, a novel method for designing an MMC-PIES is presented that complies with given specifications. It illustrates its feasibility even if a restricted number of components is available, i.e., prebuilt SMs and ES-SMs are considered, and their structures are imposed.
- First, the working principle of the converter is detailed in the Introduction, as well as its main challenges such as operating at reduced power level or the voltage deviation at the average arm capacitor. Therefore, a set of equations to apply realistic voltage constraints and a method based on circulating currents is proposed to operate at low power in the AC system. This improved method also optimizes the design of the converter by adapting the amplitude of circulating currents and their phase shifts.
- Once the framework of the study is presented, the design methodology based on prebuilt components is introduced. Afterward, each step of the process is developed to determine the minimum number of ES-SMs to satisfy an expected range of operation. Based on this methodology, the feasibility graph of the converter is drawn, to visualize the feasible operating range of the MMC-PIES and to determine if a converter can operate properly without exceeding its physical limits. It also shows the exceeded limit giving indications to the designer to find a solution.
- Finally, a case study is presented to show the potential of the proposed method. It is confirmed that half-bridge ES-SMs are a much more promising solution than full-bridge ES-SMs by requiring fewer switches and less energy stored within the converter.
6. Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Values |
Converter nominal active power, | 1 GW |
Maximum power imbalance, | 0.1 GW |
Converter reactive power requirements, | +/−0.3 GVAR |
AC phase-to-neutral voltage | 222 kV |
Arm inductance, | 50 mH |
AC inductance, | 50 mH |
DC bus voltage, | 640 kV |
Total number of submodules in an arm, | 200 |
Submodule nominal voltage | 3.5 kV |
Voltage ripple of equivalent submo𝐿dule capacitors | +/−10% |
Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 | ||||
Type of ES-SMs | HB | FB | HB | FB | HB | FB |
Specifications SM capacitance, (mF) | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 |
ES-SM capacitance, (mF) | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Power of an ESE (MW) | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Results Minimum number of ES-SMs, | / | / | 31 | 73 | 34 | 34 |
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Errigo, F.; De Oliveira Porto, L.; Morel, F. Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components for Modular Multilevel Converters with Partial Integration of Energy Storage Systems. Energies 2022, 15, 5006.
Errigo F, De Oliveira Porto L, Morel F. Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components for Modular Multilevel Converters with Partial Integration of Energy Storage Systems. Energies. 2022; 15(14):5006.
Chicago/Turabian StyleErrigo, Florian, Leandro De Oliveira Porto, and Florent Morel. 2022. "Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components for Modular Multilevel Converters with Partial Integration of Energy Storage Systems" Energies 15, no. 14: 5006.
APA StyleErrigo, F., De Oliveira Porto, L., & Morel, F. (2022). Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components for Modular Multilevel Converters with Partial Integration of Energy Storage Systems. Energies, 15(14), 5006.