A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines
:1. Introduction
2. Trends of AM in Construction of Electrical Machines
2.1. Part-Wise Approach
2.1.1. Active Parts
Permanent Magnets
2.1.2. Passive Parts
- reduction in time and cost of production
- reduction in weight due to enablement of structural topology optimization
- better control over magnetic properties owing to the opportunity of varying the material composition
- less dependency on rare-earth elements due to control over isotropic/anisotropic properties through modification of grain structure
- enablement of complex/application-specific design realizations, by eliminating a lot of mechanical steps as well as the need of molds for almost any desired geometrical shape
- increase in power density, due to the opportunity of integrated functionalities within individual assemblies
2.2. Holistic Approach
3. Future Prospects of Holistic Approach
3.1. Conventional/Symmetrical Electrical Machines
- limitation on the overall size which can be realized with AM at present i.e., relatively small print-bed size
- relatively less maturity regarding electromagnetic properties of AM materials
- associated production cost and time
- rapid prototyping
- production of individual machine parts having application specific complex geometries which are impossible to manufacture otherwise
3.2. Non-Conventional/Asymmetrical Electrical Machines
4. Potential Candidate Machines for AM
- Reduction in weight due to enablement of topology optimization
- Complex shape realization for optimal electromagnetic energy guidance
- High winding fill-factor for increased power density, etc.
- The target machine categories may include;
- Reluctance machines
- Hysteresis machines
- Brushless DC machines
- Least involvement of multi-material utilization
- Machine topology and design parameters falling within the constraints of present stage AM-capabilities
- Have the maximum chance of exploiting present stage AM capability to realize complex geometries, which is not possible otherwise.
4.1. Switched Reluctance Machines (SRM)
4.2. Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM)
4.3. Claw-Pole Machines
4.4. Hysteresis Motors
- Mechanical strength is affected with laminated sheet configuration of conventional motors, which limits the maximum attainable speed.
- Solid rotor of hysteresis motor provides high stiffness during critical speed transitions
- Thermal behavior of conventional induction motors, where eddy currents cause overheating of rotor and in the case of synchronous PM motors, where excessive heating can cause demagnetization
5. Conclusions
- Optimal material utilization
- Structural topology optimization resulting in improved thermal and mechanical performance
- Optimal electromagnetic energy guidance through complex geometric shape realization
- Size and weight reduction due to enablement of integrated functionalities
- Control over material composition and hence its physical properties
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Asymmetry | Machine type | References | Investigated Performance-Parameter of Interest | Improvement in Performance Parameter |
Unity-motor asymmetry | PM motor | [83] |
| 39.8% reduction 56.6% reduction 81.1% reduction in position error |
Asymmetric slot-opening pattern | Induction Motor | [89] |
| 63% reduction |
Asymmetric damper cage | Synchronous Generator | [89] |
| 54% improvement |
Asymmetric flux-barriers configuration in rotor | Synchronous Reluctance Machine | [90] |
| 9.6% increase 22.4% increase 2.3% increase |
Asymmetrical magnet arrangement in rotor | Hybrid Pole Interior-PM Machine | [91] |
| 40.9% reduction 28.9 % increase |
Measured Quantities *Percentage Increase/Decrease From Benchmark SRM | AM-Built-Rotor SRM (At Rated Speed) | AM-Built-Rotor SRM (At 2.5 Times Rated Speed) |
Output Mechanical Power | 12.8% less | 3.6% less |
Input Electrical Power | 6.7% high | 23.5% high |
Average Phase Current | 1.2% high | 1.7% high |
RMS Phase Current | 1.4% high | 14.5% high |
Powder Mix Composition | Density(g/cm3) | Coercivity(kA/m) | AM Technique |
52% (vol.) MQP-S-11-9; 48% H15 | 4.43 | 676 | CS |
52% (vol.) MQFP-B; 48% H15 | 4.32 | 715 | CS |
77% (vol.) MQFP-B; 23% H15 | 5.05 | 706 | CS |
77% (vol.) MQFP-B; 23% H3 | 6.15 | 693 | CS |
38.5% (vol.) MQP-S-11-9, 38.5% MQFP-B (23% H15) | 5.01 | 694 | CS |
65% (vol.) isotropic NdFeB; 35% polyamide | 5.2 | 688.4 | BAAM |
Nd2Fe14B | 7 | 695 | SLM (printed grain size 1 µm) |
Nd2Fe14B | -- | 20 | SLM (laser velocity 0.025 m/s) |
Nd2Fe14B | -- | 10 | SLM (laser velocity 0.036 m/s) |
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Share and Cite
Naseer, M.U.; Kallaste, A.; Asad, B.; Vaimann, T.; Rassõlkin, A. A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines. Energies 2021, 14, 1940. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14071940
Naseer MU, Kallaste A, Asad B, Vaimann T, Rassõlkin A. A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines. Energies. 2021; 14(7):1940. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14071940
Chicago/Turabian StyleNaseer, Muhammad Usman, Ants Kallaste, Bilal Asad, Toomas Vaimann, and Anton Rassõlkin. 2021. "A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines" Energies 14, no. 7: 1940. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14071940
APA StyleNaseer, M. U., Kallaste, A., Asad, B., Vaimann, T., & Rassõlkin, A. (2021). A Review on Additive Manufacturing Possibilities for Electrical Machines. Energies, 14(7), 1940. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14071940