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Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability: The Moderating Role of Firm Type in Chinese Appliance Listed Companies

Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Department of Finance, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Ostrava, 702 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2021, 14(1), 227;
Submission received: 2 December 2020 / Revised: 23 December 2020 / Accepted: 28 December 2020 / Published: 4 January 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Integrated Approaches for Enterprise Sustainability)


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is among the dominant multi-attribute methods of comprehensively representing the competitiveness of a company. A large number of studies have commonly found that profitability can positively affect CSR. However, positivity depends on firm type and the economy, and there is little research in this area. The objective of this paper is to study and verify whether the profitability of different types of companies has a comparable impact on CSR measures in Chinese appliance listed companies. A specific multi-attribute AHP (analytic hierarchy process) model was proposed to determine the CSR for the conditions of Chines appliance listed companies. The interactive regression model serves to analyse the impact of a firm type. The specific multi-attribute AHP model was verified as a suitable tool for CSR evaluation of Chines appliance listed companies. The regression results show that for family firms, the impact of profitability on CSR is significant, while for non-family firms, the impact was not confirmed. Thus, evidence that family firms fulfil better CSR than non-family firms in the investigated Chinese sector is offered. The findings provide proof that it is essential to distinguish firm types, and the generalised findings are simplified and not valid.

1. Introduction

As the competition among companies becomes increasingly fierce, corporate social responsibility (CSR), one of the main tools to fully reflect the competitiveness of a company [1,2,3], has attracted more and more practitioners, academics, and public attention. The unique topic covers the means by which CSR indicators can be measured, and various methods have been developed. The conceptions and methods applied must reflect the specificities of the market and economy [4,5,6].
The factors affecting corporate participation in CSR have been extensively studied in recent decades. The existing literature seems to have reached a consensus that the higher the profitability, the better the CSR [7,8]. Nevertheless, is the rule valid for all types of companies? China, in particular, is a unique emerging market where state-owned enterprises (SOEs) play a vital role in the entire economy and private companies account for a large proportion of it [9]. Hardly any literature examines this area. To investigate the impact of the profit levels on the CSR of different types of companies, we take the Chinese appliance listed companies in 2018 as a sample and explore the moderating effect of the firm type on the relationship between corporate profitability and CSR. The reason for choosing China’s appliance industry as the research sample is that it is one of the few internationally competitive industries in China. Therefore, the CSR of Chinese appliance companies does not only affect their long-term and healthy development [10], but it also impacts their international image and competitiveness [11].
The objective of this paper is to study and verify whether the profitability of different types of companies has a comparable impact on CSR measures in Chinese appliance listed companies. The specific two-level multi-attribute AHP model is proposed to identify the CSR value [12] for the conditions of Chines appliance listed companies. The regression model with interactions is applied to investigate the moderating role of the firm type in explaining the relationship between corporate profitability and CSR in Chinese appliance listed companies. Family- and non-family-type firms are considered.
The study is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews the existing literature on the relationship between the CSR measure and profitability as well as the moderating effect of firm type on this relationship, and hypotheses are proposed. In Section 3, input data are introduced; the two-level multi-attribute model, including criteria and subcriteria, is proposed and described; and the regression CSR models with and without interactive variables are formulated. Section 4 describes the verification and empirical results of the models, which are interpreted and discussed. In the last section, Section 5, we provide conclusions and a summary of our findings.

2. Literature Review

Academic research on CSR began to take form in the 1950s [13]. A lot of scholars and organisations strive to define the concept of CSR. Currently, while there is a multitude of definitions of CSR [14], it is difficult to find a commonly accepted one. This paper adopts the concept of CSR advocated by Elkington [15] based on the triple bottom line principle. He assumes that if an enterprise forms an economic and social system, then its development objectives should constitute a triple beam that is related to the profit and the people associated with the company and cares for the planet.

2.1. CSR and Profitability: Relationship

Slack resource theory claims that better financial performance potentially leads to the availability of slack (financial and other) resources, which provide the opportunity for companies to invest in social performance domains, such as community relations, employee benefits, philanthropic donation, or environmental protection. If slack resources are available, the allocation of these resources to the social domain produces better social performance—“that doing well enables doing good” [16]. Therefore, Waddock and Graves [17] argue that better financial performance is a greater predictor of better corporate social performance. Campbell [18] deems that firms’ slack resources are essential determinants of CSR engagement and proposes that “corporations will be less likely to act in socially responsible ways where they are currently experiencing relatively weak financial performance”. Hasan and Habib [19] hold the same opinion.
Much empirical evidence supports the positive relationship between CSR and financial performance. Based on the American companies, the results of a study by Hussain et al. [20] suggest that profitability significantly influences environmental and social sustainability performance. Giannarakis [21] took a sample consisting of 100 companies from the Fortune 500 list for 2011 and found that profitability is positively associated with the extent of CSR disclosure. The same results were obtained from the studied Chinese samples [22,23,24], hence the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1.
CSR level is positively influenced by profitability in Chinese appliance listed companies.

2.2. CSR and Profitability: Moderating Role of Firm Type

2.2.1. CSR and Profitability: Moderating Role of a Family Firm

Researchers Gomez-Mejia et al. [25] developed a general “socioemotional wealth (SEW)” model. This model has become one of the most influential theories for studying family firms. A large number of studies on the relationship between CSR and family firms use the SEW model as the theoretical basis and argue that family firms tend to perform CSR for the preservation of their SEW [26,27,28]. However, to date, there is an inconclusive picture of the relationship between CSR and family firms [28,29,30,31]. We find that this research ignores the factual content mentioned by Berrone et al. [32] when applying the SEW model. He declared that “although SEW preservation is the higher-order” reference point for the family principal, poor performance acts as an informational clue that alters the family owners’ “loss framing”. This means that when poor performance exposes the family firm to the possibility of SEW extinction, they would consider the issue of survival first and shift the reference point for formulating strategies from SEW to economic outcomes. In other words, the family firm adjusts the reference point of the related CSR strategy in accordance with the change in financial performance. Specifically, when their profitability is high, they are likely to invest more into CSR to preserve SEW; when their profitability is low, they tend to care about financial results and reduce CSR investment, hence the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2.
For family firms, the level of profitability has a significant and positive influence on the company’s participation in CSR in Chinese appliance listed companies.

2.2.2. CSR and Profitability: Moderating Role of a Non-Family Firm

Sociopolitical theories, which are often applied in research of SOEs, argue that block-holders could urge companies to issue CSR reports, as outlined by Cao et al. [33], for the following reasons: political connections with government, the need to obtain a better social image, consideration for public visibility, or incentives to avoid negative consequences. According to institutional theory, SOEs bring CSR activities to practice by three types of external drivers, namely, coercive, normative, and mimetic drivers [34]. Hence, a high level of CSR can be anticipated in SOEs. However, CSR is also possible at a low level in such firms. These firms are usually separated from market mechanisms and have immature corporate governance structures [24,35], and lack managers’ incentives or project management skills [36]. These conditions can be expected to limit consciousness and considerations regarding stakeholder wishes and CSR-oriented expectations. Therefore, theoretically, it is unclear whether SOEs are inclined to fulfil CSR due to the special status of their block-holder, or whether they are reluctant to participate in CSR activities due to immature corporate governance structures and limited management skills. Profitability is not a crucial factor affecting their motivation to implement CSR. Thus, this study posits that for SOEs, the impact of profitability on CSR is insignificant.
For non-family private firms, they have neither a particular major shareholder like SOEs to urge them to fulfil CSR from the political perspective [33,34,37] nor do they possess the motivation of preserving SEW like family firms to encourage active participation in CSR [38,39]. Consequently, they only implement CSR according to the basic requirements of the regulations, which has nothing to do with their profits. Hence, this study assumes that for non-family private firms, the impact of profitability on their CSR implementation is negligible.
In summary, the following hypothesis is suggested:
Hypothesis 3.
For non-family firms, the level of profitability has little impact on the company’s participation in CSR in Chinese appliance listed companies.

3. Data and Methods

3.1. Sample Selection

This study selected the Chinese appliance listed companies for the year 2018 as its research object. The list of companies was obtained from the Iwencai database [40]. After excluding the companies listed in 2018 and 2019 as well as insolvent companies, a sample of 59 listed companies remained. More precisely, it contained 26 companies listed on the Main Board, 25 companies listed on the Small and Medium Enterprise Board, and eight companies listed on the Growth Enterprise Market. All data were collected from the Iwencai database [40], annual financial reports [41,42] and CSR reports (if any) [41,42,43]. The code of companies and original input data are presented in Appendix A, Table A1.

3.2. Dependent Variable

A considerable amount of previous literature on China’s CSR research selected the overall evaluation score published by Rankins CSR Ratings Agency (RKS) [44]. It is a reliable CSR rating agency that measures the performance and disclosure of CSR in China. However, there is a flaw in its rating results; namely, it cannot cover all of the listed companies. This flaw exists because RKS evaluates the CSR of listed companies based on the CSR reports issued by the companies, but not every listed company is able or willing to disclose its CSR report.
Given the fact that the necessary sample data of China’s appliance companies cannot be obtained from RKS, we proposed and applied an original multi-attribute model in this study. The model is based on the two-level decomposition of the evaluation criteria and subcriteria. Weights of the criteria and subcriteria are calculated by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), see, e.g., Saaty [45]. Criteria and subcriteria are of a quantitative and qualitative type. The score is calculated by the weighted average arithmetic method.
With the aid of the AHP, we established the evaluation criteria system according to the triple bottom line principle mentioned above. It consists of three common aspects: economy, environment and society. The economic aspect includes five criteria: shareholder, consumer, employee, supply chain, and government. The environment and society aspects have identical criteria. The particular hierarchy of the criteria and subcriteria, including the corresponding indicators, is shown in Table 1. The scales of the qualitative subcriteria, including meaning, are introduced in Table 2. The Saaty preferences of criteria and subcriteria are assigned according to the authors’ judgement and experience with Chinese appliance companies in the current Chinese context. The final weights, including local weights and global weights, are shown in Table 3. All weights passed the consistency test.
The authors collected the majority of the original input data involved in this hierarchy evaluation multicriteria system from the annual report and CSR report (if any). [41,42,43] The remaining data used are from the Iwencai database [40]. The particular values of subcriteria are presented in the Appendix A, Table A1. The usual necessary assumption of the multi-attribute method is positivity and comparability of criteria. If some indicators contain negative values, we subtract the minimum value of the indicator from the original value. The comparability is reached by the normalisation procedure of the same indicator between different companies. Thus, the value of each indicator is normalised (standardised) by dividing the original indicator by the maximum value of the indicator sample. After the normalisation process, all indicator values are within the interval of [0;1]. This approach is consistent, frequently applied, and recommended, e.g., by Mulliner et al. [46].
The final scores of CSR calculated from global weights and normalised criteria for each company serve as the proxy for the CSR implementation status of the Chinese appliance listed companies. See Appendix A, Table A1 for all original data and concrete CSR score of each sample company.

3.3. Moderating Variable

This study takes the firm type as the moderator. We distinguish family firms and non-family firms due to their moderating role of profitability on CSR. Determination of a family firm or a non-family company type can be performed in various ways. We adopt the definition of the family firm defined by the MSCI GMI Ratings used by Madden et al. [30]. Namely, family ties play a vital role in both ownership and board membership. Family members may not have absolute control over shareholder votes (more than 50%); however, they usually own at least 20% of shares. Since many early studies generally include founder companies within the scope of family firms, this study also does so in the same way. We refer to the definition of a founder company as provided by MSCI. This means that the CEO or chairman of the company in a given year is the founder of the company. When the sample company meets the definition of a family or a founder firm, we set the moderating variable of the firm type as a reference group, in contrast to the non-family firm.

3.4. Empirical Regression Model Description

Since the data in this study only involve a cross-sectional dimension, a multiple linear regression model is proposed to test the hypotheses formulated in the previous section. Hence, this study develops the following regression specifications to test the association between corporate profitability and C S R (test of Hypothesis 1).
C S R = β 0 + β 1 R O E C + β 2 F S + β 3 L E V + β 4 E O C + ε
where β 0 is the intercept, symbols β 1 ,   β 2 ,   β 3 ,   β 4 , represent the regression coefficients, R O E C is the return on equity centred, F S is the firm size, L E V is the financial leverage, E O C is the equity ownership concentration, and ε represents the error term.
In this study, we adopt R O E to denote corporate profitability, which is measured as the ratio of net profit to equity. In order to unify the expression with Equation (2), we also use R O E C in Equation (1). Following the prior literature [47,48,49], we control for several firm-level factors that may affect CSR implementation. The firm size F S is the natural logarithm of total assets. The ratio of total debt to total assets is used as a proxy for financial leverage L E V . Equity ownership concentration E O C is measured by the shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder.
To test the hypotheses 2 and 3, we regress CSR on corporate profitability, firm type, their interactive term, and control variables. This allows us to examine the moderating effect of the firm type on the association between profitability and CSR.
C S R = β 0 + β 1 R O E C + β 2 F T + β 3 F T R O E C + β 4 F S + β 5 L E V + β 6 E O C + ε
where F T is the dummy moderating variable of the firm type, and F T R O E C is the interaction variable.
The introduced centring procedure does not affect the regression results of the model; however, it eliminates the multicollinearity between independent variables [19,50]. Simultaneously, the dummy variable F T provides a value of 0 for the reference family firm and a value of 1 for the non-family firm.

4. Data Characterisation, Model Verification and Description of the Results

4.1. Descriptive Statistics and Model Verification

Table 4 provides the descriptive statistics for the variables used in the regression models. The CSR level varies from 0.183 to 0.716, with a mean of 0.475 and a standard deviation of 0.116. R O E ranges between −105% and 34.79%, with a mean of 1.462% and a standard deviation of 26.551%. R O E C fluctuates from −106.462% to 33.328%, with a mean of 0% and a standard deviation of 26.551%. Statistics show that in 2018, the average value of the firm type is 0.37, which indicates that 37% of firms in China’s appliance industry are non-family firms. In other words, family firms account for 63% of China’s appliance industry.
Before interpretation of the results and testing of the hypotheses, this study verifies the classical linear regression assumptions for the cross-sectional data. Mainly, it provides tests for multicollinearity, normality of the residuals, and homoscedasticity.
Table 5 presents Pearson’s correlation analysis results among all variables with their significance level. It is apparent from the correlation coefficient values that there is no multicollinearity among independent variables. The maximum coefficient of the Pearson correlations is 0.597.
Figure 1 shows intuitive answers that the residuals of Equations (1) and (2) are of Gaussian (normal) distribution, respectively.
From Table 6, presenting estimated coefficients and testing parameters, we can see the results of the LM statistic of Equations (1) and (2), which are not significant at the 5% level. This result means that there are no heteroscedasticity concerns.

4.2. Regression Results

The regression results for the two analysed equations are shown in Table 6. The estimated coefficients should be compared. R-squared of Equation (1) is 0.359, which means that all the independent variables in Equation (1) together explain about 35.9% of the variance in the CSR level of the Chinese appliance listed companies. For Equation (2), the p-value of change in R-squared is 5.8%, which means that the moderator of the firm type plays an essential role in explaining the association between corporate profitability and CSR.
The results reported in Table 6 indicate that in Equations (1) and (2), both coefficients of corporate profitability are positive and significant (p < 0.01), which shows the importance of corporate profitability in explaining the variation in CSR. This conclusion supports Hypothesis 1. Profitable companies can afford the expenses linked to CSR, such as paying more dividends to the shareholders, investing more funds for research and development, and donating more to society. This result is consistent with the findings of Hussain et al. [20] and Giannarakis [21].
It is shown in Table 6 that the coefficient of interaction F T R O E C is significant at the 5.8% level. This moderating effect of the firm type is visibly depicted in Figure 2. Combined with Table 7, we can see that the conditional effect is positive and statistically significant if the firm type is equal to 0. The red solid line indicates the family firm in Figure 2. It is invalid and not significant when the firm type is equal to 1. The blue dotted line indicates the non-family firm in Figure 2.
These results provide support for the conditional (moderating) effects proposed in Hypotheses 2 and 3. That is, for the family firm, the impact of profitability on the CSR is positive and significant. In contrast, for the non-family firm, this impact is not confirmed. The same evidence can be found in the last two columns of Table 7, which reports the results generated from 95% confidence intervals for the conditional effect on CSR using 5000 bootstrapping samples produced by the SPSS (PROCESS) procedure.

5. Conclusions

The findings of this study contribute to the research topic and literature in two ways. Firstly, the specific two-level multi-attribute AHP model was proposed and verified to identify CSR indicators regarding the conditions of Chines appliance listed companies. The model should be applied when the CSR data of the analysed companies from ranking agencies are not at one’s disposal. The applied model can include both quantitative and qualitative criteria.
Secondly, the study surveyed whether firm type moderates the association between corporate profitability and CSR in the specific and unique conditions of Chinese appliance listed companies. When we test the relationship between profit and the CSR of all sample companies as a whole, this relationship was significant and positive, which is in accordance with many existing studies. However, when the sample of companies was divided into family and non-family firms, profitability had different impacts on CSR for different types of companies, as we hypothesised. We can conclude that the divergence in characteristics of different types of companies results in the distinct motivation to fulfil the CSR.
The regression results show that although profitability is positively related to the CSR of all firms when the moderator of firm type is considered, this relationship changes a lot. Specifically, only the CSR of the family firms is significantly affected by profitability, while the phenomena of the non-family firms were not confirmed. Moreover, we have offered new proof for the statement that family firms are more prone to engage in CSR than non-family firms [30,51]. This was verified and is valid for the Chinese appliance sector in the investigated year. Our findings promote a richer understanding of the relationship between profitability and CSR in the Chinese context, especially in the appliance sector.
These findings provide clear evidence to update the underlying view of previous studies, namely, that the impact of profitability on CSR is the same for all company types. The presented results can be very significant for decision makers and researchers, and they provide a new understanding of the impact of profitability on CSR. Recognising this crucial point, decision makers who intend to promote CSR can formulate targeted policies for different types of companies. It can also be used to create different business strategies for selected types of companies, which can better improve CSR during the process of business development and further enhance corporate competitiveness.
Future studies can extend the research in a number of ways. As a small amount of companies (15%) are evaluated with rating authority, evaluation ranking with AHP evaluation can be compared. Furthermore, after obtaining the data, more periods can be investigated with the aim of discovering dynamics. Analysis of other sectors in China with specificities can also provide more extensive evidence.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, X.W., D.D. and Z.Z.; methodology, X.W., D.D. and Z.Z.; software, X.W.; validation, X.W., D.D. and Z.Z.; formal analysis, X.W., D.D. and Z.Z.; investigation, X.W.; resources, X.W.; writing—original draft preparation, X.W., Z.Z.; writing—review and editing, D.D.; supervision, Z.Z.; project administration, D.D.; funding acquisition, D.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research was funded by VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, the SGS Projects SP2020/124, SP2019/132, SP2018/154 Financial Modelling and Decision-making of Companies and Financial Institutions under Risk, Flexibility and Interaction.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available in Appendix A.


The authors thank the journal editor and anonymous reviewers for their guidance and constructive suggestions.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Original data with symbols in Table 1 and CSR score of each sample company obtained via to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method.
Table A1. Original data with symbols in Table 1 and CSR score of each sample company obtained via to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method.
Stock CodeShareholderConsumerEmployeeSupply ChainGovernmentEnvironmentSocietyCSR
0008010.0277 0.0086 0.2304 0.1947 0.06640.2086 0.3890 0.1992 40.49350.0237 0.0173 42300.0000 010.4417
0008100.2086 0.0000 0.0000 0.3077 0.04790.2120 0.6666 0.0073 40.52340.0255 0.0029 52300.0000 110.4456
002052−0.3554 0.0000 0.0000 0.2641 0.08030.4641 1.3613 0.3460 30.82440.0739 0.0094 24300.0000 000.6246
002519−0.3384 0.0000 0.0000 0.0815 0.09890.2670 0.3799 0.2021 30.73240.0805 0.0400 33300.0001 010.4763
002848−0.0682 0.0000 0.0000 0.7877 0.0690.1541 0.2881 0.2219 50.46350.0297 0.0059 33300.0002 010.5767
0000160.1529 0.0294 0.5855 0.6343 0.00860.0774 0.0379 0.0650 42.25330.0357 0.0006 64510.0000 110.6302
002420−0.6828 0.0000 0.0000 0.0616 0.03510.0717 0.1657 0.3763 20.7140.0342 0.0069 41300.0000 000.2457
0024290.0507 0.0000 0.0000 0.3076 0.03020.1336 −0.0106 0.2138 41.19540.0349 0.0049 54200.0000 100.4889
6000600.0738 0.0082 0.3001 0.4592 0.0340.1227 0.6567 0.2051 51.04140.0271 0.0060 65410.0000 010.6751
600839−0.0451 0.0045 0.3142 0.2044 0.02350.1076 0.2804 0.1857 50.77440.0214 0.0009 74510.0000 100.5715
603996−0.0625 0.0000 0.0000 0.7946 0.03660.1766 0.5658 0.3792 31.17320.0066 0.0018 32300.0000 100.4996
0020320.0923 0.2247 0.7277 0.2657 0.02260.1041 0.3589 −0.0087 41.09140.0481 0.0062 61510.0002 010.4495
0020350.1826 0.1141 0.3811 0.0165 0.03670.0712 0.0528 0.0703 40.63550.0747 0.0032 53400.0004 010.4258
0022420.0691 0.1714 0.8139 0.0350 0.03640.1951 2.2055 −0.0076 21.02340.0543 0.0052 31300.0009 010.4053
0024030.0024 0.0228 0.3436 0.3432 0.04560.0852 0.2655 −0.0687 50.74230.0560 0.0073 52500.0004 010.4090
0024730.0397 0.0000 0.0000 0.3353 0.00750.1270 0.1463 0.1675 31.12240.1899 0.0007 14300.0000 000.4600
0025080.1661 0.1444 0.5152 0.0036 0.03950.1600 0.8911 0.0126 40.6520.1126 0.0136 44300.0001 110.5004
0025430.0854 0.0775 0.5031 0.3349 0.03460.1022 0.3837 0.1491 40.89430.0553 0.0095 54300.0000 110.5256
0026140.1276 0.0191 0.1271 0.7587 0.03370.1024 0.4319 0.2010 30.63130.0597 0.0042 51100.0001 010.4133
0026770.0433 0.2296 0.7957 0.0000 0.02910.1087 0.1717 0.1267 31.08540.1289 0.0006 35310.0002 100.5881
0027050.0472 0.0750 0.5580 0.8580 0.03260.1215 −0.1145 0.2020 50.75340.0376 0.0038 62500.0004 110.5417
002723−0.1096 0.0000 0.0000 0.7406 0.03730.1446 0.4390 0.2949 40.89430.0090 0.0034 34100.0000 000.5643
0027590.0183 0.0000 0.0000 0.0220 0.03670.1374 −0.1994 0.1752 30.71130.0635 0.0040 21300.0000 010.2667
300247−0.3257 0.0000 0.0000 0.5758 0.05990.1061 0.1858 0.0710 41.25120.0411 0.0127 31300.0000 000.3649
300272−0.3185 0.0280 0.1392 0.5400 0.03860.0963 0.2493 0.4137 51.94140.0305 0.0060 35500.0001 010.6010
603355−0.1417 0.0272 0.2085 0.3318 0.04170.0826 0.2157 0.1720 50.85340.0203 0.0068 54200.0001 110.4895
603366−0.1712 0.0000 0.0000 0.0454 0.02460.1038 0.4948 −0.1311 40.8140.0728 0.0057 44100.0004 010.3829
6035790.0831 0.0607 0.3370 0.4156 0.04740.1369 0.2047 0.2915 41.13230.0349 0.0044 31300.0002 110.4051
6038680.0802 0.2711 0.7733 0.0061 0.01330.0351 −0.4173 −0.0481 30.85140.1370 0.0119 41300.0000 010.2468
6009830.0574 0.0098 0.1464 0.4740 0.02290.1298 0.3164 −0.2474 50.37440.0319 0.0088 55500.0000 000.5565
0004040.0636 0.0035 0.1929 0.3472 0.03320.0909 0.3993 −0.0481 40.53140.0084 0.0034 54500.0000 010.4870
002011−0.5225 0.0000 0.0000 0.1181 0.03710.0571 0.2179 0.0098 40.88540.0436 0.0085 64500.0000 000.4365
0020500.0978 0.0935 0.5735 0.4572 0.04030.1400 0.5673 0.0560 40.73340.0417 0.0056 54500.0000 000.5593
0022900.0279 0.0000 0.0000 0.1390 0.02880.1461 −0.0789 0.0261 40.56330.0397 0.0043 21500.0005 010.3178
002418−0.6192 0.0000 0.0000 0.0845 0.020.0466 −0.1178 0.0955 50.51340.0501 0.0173 41500.0016 110.2819
0026760.0068 0.0000 0.0000 0.1344 0.02490.0896 −0.0753 −0.0235 41.16350.0516 0.0042 44300.0000 010.4294
0028600.1155 0.0263 0.1834 0.0433 0.04780.1165 −0.1021 −0.0175 40.65440.1066 0.0130 24300.0000 100.4348
300160−0.3403 0.0898 0.0000 0.2470 0.03140.0582 0.3642 0.3518 42.03440.0503 0.0091 34100.0007 100.4698
3002170.0727 0.0123 0.1754 0.0807 0.03470.1040 −0.0907 0.2087 40.67440.0595 0.0030 44500.0000 000.4597
300342−0.0183 0.0467 0.6554 0.0536 0.07350.2136 0.2430 0.1365 40.65440.0753 0.0038 34300.0008 010.5276
300403−0.0967 0.0407 0.3705 0.6337 0.07150.1639 0.0684 0.0872 41.02340.0547 0.0127 34300.0002 010.5848
3004750.0350 0.0056 0.2035 0.0000 0.06730.0798 0.1904 0.3643 30.32240.1173 0.0254 24100.0000 010.4419
6006190.0565 0.0257 0.4180 0.2074 0.03930.1508 0.6280 0.0899 50.45550.0274 0.0055 55500.0000 110.5902
603519−0.0137 0.1534 1.2133 0.2776 0.03150.1452 0.1152 0.1272 31.37140.0160 0.0007 11200.0000 000.3463
6035780.0876 0.0379 0.3132 0.0066 0.03970.1419 −0.2113 0.1309 31.07440.0718 0.0422 22200.0007 110.3618
6036770.1731 0.0437 0.4989 0.2563 0.03470.0997 −0.1199 0.1266 40.9440.0262 0.0029 32500.0004 100.4142
6037260.0784 0.0892 0.6541 0.0423 0.04140.1565 −0.1357 0.1623 41.01130.0639 0.0079 32300.0003 000.3450
0003330.1149 0.1032 0.4232 0.4252 0.03780.1074 1.4822 −0.0979 50.81440.0529 0.0051 75500.0001 100.6259
0006510.3868 0.1890 0.4821 0.1124 0.03670.1330 0.1653 0.1201 50.72550.0764 0.0034 75510.0000 000.6538
3002490.0413 0.0070 0.1748 0.0000 0.05250.2478 0.4025 0.0969 40.38150.0394 0.0100 34310.0000 000.5456
600854−0.0017 0.0168 0.7634 0.0010 0.00060.0136 −0.1714 −0.1705 30.91110.1304 0.0027 11300.0000 000.1832
000521−0.0042 0.0122 1.6213 0.2128 0.0470.1552 0.2799 0.1620 40.55240.0203 0.0055 64500.0000 000.5305
0009210.1132 0.0583 0.2998 0.2985 0.0280.0398 0.0900 0.1420 50.73540.0340 0.0096 64510.0000 110.5977
002668−0.3193 0.0000 0.0000 0.6678 0.04320.0731 −0.1408 −0.0709 30.54320.0351 0.0021 61300.0000 010.3493
6003360.0329 0.0123 0.3430 0.1615 0.01990.0880 0.1704 0.0560 50.64240.0439 0.0048 54400.0000 000.4462
6006900.1612 0.0467 0.3004 0.4202 0.02940.1709 2.0620 0.0651 50.68550.0487 0.0049 75500.0001 110.6754
0001000.1243 0.0248 0.3864 0.4970 0.050.1663 0.3542 −0.0599 50.91450.0441 0.0000 75510.0001 110.7163
002426−0.0956 0.0000 0.0000 0.1895 0.02130.2575 1.0986 0.1642 31.01140.0241 0.0017 53300.0000 100.4505
6033310.0545 0.0448 0.4328 0.2674 0.03190.0952 −0.0073 0.0799 31.94440.0577 0.0039 34500.0003 100.4982
Note: Subcriterion E3 is stated due to intervals of ordinal value: 1 for NE < 500, 2 for 500 < NE < 1000, 3 for 1000 < NE < 3000, 4 for 3000 < NE < 5000, 5 for 5000 < NE < 10000, 6 for 10000 < NE < 50000, 7 for NE > 50000.


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Figure 1. (a) Normal P–P plot of residuals for Equation (1); (b) normal P–P plot of residuals for Equation (2).
Figure 1. (a) Normal P–P plot of residuals for Equation (1); (b) normal P–P plot of residuals for Equation (2).
Energies 14 00227 g001
Figure 2. Graph of moderating effect of firm type on the relationship between CSR and profitability.
Figure 2. Graph of moderating effect of firm type on the relationship between CSR and profitability.
Energies 14 00227 g002
Table 1. Criteria, subcriteria and corresponding indicators constructed for assessing corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Table 1. Criteria, subcriteria and corresponding indicators constructed for assessing corporate social responsibility (CSR).
CriteriaSymbolSubcriteriaCorresponding Indicators
shareholderA1Preserving and increasing the value of equityThe growth rate in owner equity
A2Cash dividend returnsCash dividend yield
A3Dividend paymentDividend payout ratio
consumerB1Product qualityThe proportion of export revenue
B2Product R&D spendingThe proportion of R&D expenditure in revenue
B3Product R&D capabilitiesR&D staff ratio
employeeC1Salary levelSalary competitiveness (compared with local average salary)
C2Salary growth Salary growth rate
C3Employee trainingQualitative indicator
supply chainD1Capital occupation of supplierAccounts payable turnover ratio
D2Relationship with supplierQualitative indicator
D3Relationship with dealerQualitative indicator
governmentE1Tax abilityThe proportion of taxes in revenue
E2Support for government policiesThe proportion of government subsidies in net profit
E3Employment issuesNumber of employees (NE)
environmentF1Energy savingQualitative indicator
F2Emission reduction Qualitative indicator
F3Recycling of discarded or old household appliancesQualitative indicator
societyG1Donation expensesThe proportion of donation expenses in net profit
G2Charity activityQualitative indicator
G3Public welfareQualitative indicator
Table 2. Description of scales of qualitative subcriteria.
Table 2. Description of scales of qualitative subcriteria.
C3little relevant contentrelevant content is just a few clichésonly involves a basic training plan without a quantitative descriptioninvolves advanced training plan but without quantitative descriptionthe description of employee training is clear, both in quantitative and qualitative aspects
D2little mention of their relationjust passively accepts the producta cooperative relationshipevaluates suppliers before purchasinghelps in improving the development of suppliers to provide higher quality products
D3only provides products to the dealerjust meets the basic needs of the dealersonly a cooperative relationship without other disclosureestablishes stable cooperative relations and jointly makes specific marketing plansactively trains its dealers to make them better understand its products
F1little mention of energy savingonly mentions the term “energy saving“ without any practicesaves energy during the production processinvolves production or research and development of energy-saving productsclear and quantitative energy-saving instructions
F2little mention of emission reductionjust mentions emission reduction in a few words without any practicedescribes qualitatively and routinely how to reduce emissionsdescribes qualitatively and in detail how to reduce emissionsclear and quantitative emission reduction instructions
F3If there is relevant information about the recycling of discarded or old household appliances in annual or CSR reports, this indicator is assigned to 1; otherwise, it is 0.
G2, G3If the company participated in charity activities or public welfare, the corresponding indicator has a value of 1; otherwise, the value is of 0.
Table 3. Summary of weights of criteria and subcriteria.
Table 3. Summary of weights of criteria and subcriteria.
CriteriaLocal WeightSubcriteriaLocal WeightGlobal Weight
shareholder0.1Preserving and increasing the value of equity0.540.054
Cash dividend returns0.160.016
Dividend payment0.300.03
consumer0.24Product quality0.500.12
Product R&D spending0.250.06
Product R&D capabilities0.250.06
employee0.16Salary level0.540.0864
Salary growth0.300.048
Employee training0.160.0256
supply chain0.07Capital occupation of supplier0.200.014
Relationship with supplier0.400.028
Relationship with dealer0.400.028
government0.04Tax ability0.540.0216
Support for government policies0.160.0064
Employment issues0.300.012
environment0.35Energy saving0.650.2275
Emission reduction 0.120.042
Recycling of discarded or old household appliances0.230.0805
society0.03Donation expenses0.610.0183
Charity activity0.120.0036
Public welfare0.270.0081
Source: according to the authors’ judgement.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics.
VariableMinimumMaximumMeanStd. Dev.
CSR0.183 0.7160.475 0.116
R O E −105.000%34.790%1.462%26.551%
R O E C −106.462%33.328%0.000 26.551%
F T 010.370.488
F S 19.74326.29822.4281.447
L E V 0.1470.8610.4720.186
E O C 0.0780.8120.3680.169
Table 5. Correlation matrix.
Table 5. Correlation matrix.
10.322 *0.287 *0.1250.486 **0.237−0.132CSR
10.1060.415 **0.168−0.395 **0.407 ** R O E C
10.1630.358 **0.269 *−0.137 F T
10.448 **0.1520.181 F T R O E C
10.597 **−0.098 F S
1−0.2 L E V
1 E O C
Note: The symbols ** and * indicate statistical significance at the levels of 0.01 and 0.05, respectively.
Table 6. Regression models results.
Table 6. Regression models results.
VariableEquation (1)Equation (2)
R O E C 0.0020.0013.0250.0040.0020.0013.3850.001
F T 0.0140.0280.5060.615
F T R O E C −0.0030.001−1.9400.058
F S 0.0200.0131.4800.1450.0250.0141.8670.068
L E V 0.1410.1101.2790.2060.1530.1101.3900.170
E O C −0.1750.084−2.0780.042−0.1540.084−1.8230.074
F-statistic7.555 **5.904 **
Change in R2 (ΔR2) 0.046
F-statistic (ΔR2) 3.762 (p = 0.0578)
White test (the LM statistic)Obs· R ε 2 2 = 3.304Obs · R ε 2 2 = 2.773
p = 0.1917p = 0.2499
Note: The symbol ** indicates statistical significance at the level of 0.01.
Table 7. Conditional effects of the focal predictor at values of the moderator.
Table 7. Conditional effects of the focal predictor at values of the moderator.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wu, X.; Dluhošová, D.; Zmeškal, Z. Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability: The Moderating Role of Firm Type in Chinese Appliance Listed Companies. Energies 2021, 14, 227.

AMA Style

Wu X, Dluhošová D, Zmeškal Z. Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability: The Moderating Role of Firm Type in Chinese Appliance Listed Companies. Energies. 2021; 14(1):227.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wu, Xiaojuan, Dana Dluhošová, and Zdeněk Zmeškal. 2021. "Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability: The Moderating Role of Firm Type in Chinese Appliance Listed Companies" Energies 14, no. 1: 227.

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