An Overview of HVDC Technology
:1. Introduction
2. HVDC Technology Overview/Background
2.1. Advantages of HVDC
- Asynchronous connection (can connect two AC systems of different frequency).
- Overcoming technical limitations. HVDC can supply via a long cable system when an AC system cannot. This is due to the high cable capacitance causing a large capacitive current (reactive power flow) that leaves reduced current capacity for the transmission of real power when AC transmission is used.
- No increase in short-circuit capacity (there is no need to upgrade protection equipment due to the link).
- Controllable real power transfer (independent of Z, V & f). The ability supply power to any pre-specified criteria (the controller can be set to a variety of functions).
- Higher power transfer for a given conductor.
- No stability distance limitation.
- The lack of reactive voltage drop means better voltage regulation for both heavy loading and light loading (no Ferranti effect).
- Narrower right-of-way (better land use).
- Higher power transfer for a given conductor.
- Advanced control features can improve the stability of the AC systems and act as a fast generation reserve.
2.2. Power Electronic Switches
2.3. Current Source Converters
2.4. Voltage Source Converters
2.5. Topologies
3. Comparison of Current Source and Voltage Source Converters
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Current Source Converters
3.3. Voltage Source Converters
- Neutral-point clamped circuit (also called a diode-clamped circuit)
- Flying Capacitor
- Cascaded H-bridge
- Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC)
- Circulating currents are inherent in the MMC topology.
- These currents cause variations in the capacitor voltages and increase converter losses.
- Capacitor voltages variations increase with increase in load current and circulating currents.
4. Historical Development
5. Innovations in HVDC
5.1. Capacitor Commutated Converter
- Reduced reactive power demand hence reducing the amount of shunt compensation
- Reduced area requirements
- Simplified AC switchyard
- Increased immunity to commutation failures
- Increased stability at low SCR
- Smaller overvoltages at load rejection
- No AC side zero sequence currents
- Improved control properties
- Reduces shunt bank switching and transformer OLTC operations (reduces operation and maintenance costs)
5.2. Continuously Tuned AC Filter
5.3. Active DC Side Filters
5.4. Reinjection Concept
5.5. DC Faults
6. Discussion
6.1. VSC HVDC Systems
6.2. CSC-Based HVDC Systems
- Load rejection overvoltages
- Temporary overvoltage after recovering from an AC system fault
- Voltage change on reactive switching
- AC network frequency and stabilisation/modulation control
- Possible subsynchronous torsional interactions with nearby turbine-generators.
6.3. Hybrid HVDC Systems
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Correction Statement
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Characteristic | LCC HVDC | VSC HVDC |
Store energy in | inductance | capacitance |
Semiconductor | withstands voltage in either polarity | Combination can pass current in either direction |
Semiconductor switch | turned ON by control action | turned ON & OFF by control action |
DC Voltage | changes polarity, reserves the power flow direction | Direction does not change |
DC Current | direction does not change | direction changes to reverse the power flow |
Turn-OFF | commutation relies on the external circuit | independent of external circuit |
P & Q | P & Q dependent | independent P & Q control |
Quadrants | 2 quadrant operation | 4-quadrant operation |
Real Power capability | Very High | Lower than LCC |
System Strength | Requires minimum SCR to commutate thyristors | Operates into weaker AC systems (or passive) |
Overload capability | Good | Weak |
DC line faults | Copes well. Control action can extinguish arc | More challenging as diodes provide path. |
Harmonic generation | Significant, AC & DC harmonic filters required | Small, minimal filtering required. |
Reactive power | Needed | Fine reactive power control in both directions |
“Black” start | requires additional equipment | capable |
Name | Year | Technology | Length | DC Voltage | Power Rating |
Cable/OHL | (kV) | P (MW) | |||
Gotland 1 | 1954 | Mercury-arc | 98/0 | 200 | 20 |
Cross-Channel | 1961 | Mercury-arc | 64/0 | ±100 | 160 |
NZ Inter-Island 1 | 1965 | Mercury-arc | 40/571 | ±250 | 600 |
SACOI 1 | 1965 | Mercury-arc | 365/118 | ±200 | 200 |
Konti-Skan 1 | 1965 | Mercury-arc | 87/89 | ±250 | 250 |
Zhoushan | 1987 | Mercury-arc | 54 | −100 | 50 |
Vancouver Isl. 1 | 1968 | Mercury | 42/33 | 260 | 312 |
Pacific DC Intertie | 1970 | Thyristor | 0/1362 | ±500 | 3100 |
Nelson River Bipole 1 2 | 1977 | Mercury-arc | 0/895 | ±450 | 1620 |
Skagerrak 1 | 1977 | Thyristor | 130/100 | ±250 | 500 |
Cahora Bassa 3 | 1979 | Thyristor | 0/1420 | ±533 | 1920 |
Hokkaido—Honshu | 1979 | Thyristor | 44/149 | ±250 | 300 |
Zhou Shan 4 | 1982 | Thyristor | 44/149 | +100 | 50 |
Itaipu 1 | 1984 | Thyristor | 0/785 | ±600 | 3150 |
Nelson River Bipole 2 | 1985 | Thyristor | 0/940 | ±500 | 1800 |
Itaipu 2 | 1987 | Thyristor | 0/805 | ±600 | 3150 |
Fenno-Skan | 1989 | Thyristor | 200/33 | ±400 | 500 |
Rihand-Delhi | 1990 | Thyristor | 0/814 | ±500 | 1500 |
Quebec—New England | 1991 | Thyristor | 5/1100 | ±450 | 2250 |
NZ Inter-Island 2 | 1992 | Merc. & Thyr | 40/571 | +270/−350 | 1240 |
Baltic Cable | 1994 | Thyristor | 250/12 | 450 | 600 |
Garabi HVDC | 2002 | Merc. | 0/0 | ±70 | 2200 |
Three Gorges—Changzhou | 2003 | Thyristor | 0/890 | ±500 | 3000 |
Three Gorges—Guangdong 1 | 2004 | Thyristor | 0/980 | ±500 | 3000 |
Three Gorges—Guangdong | 2004 | Thyristor | 0/940 | ±500 | 3000 |
BassLink | 2006 | Thyristor | 298/72 | ±400 | 500 |
NorNed | 2008 | Thyristor | 580/0 | ±450 | 700 |
Yunnan–Guangdong | 2010 | Thyristor | 0/1418 | ±800 | 5000 |
XIangjiaba-Shanghai | 2010 | Thyristor | 0/1907 | ±800 | 6400 |
NZ Inter-Island 3 | 2013 | Thyristor | 40/571 | ±350 | 1200 |
Estlink 2 | 2014 | Thyristor | 157/14 | ±450 | 650 |
North-East Agra | 2017 | Thyristor | 0/1728 | ±800 | 6000 |
Nelson River Bipole 3 | 2018 | Thyristor | 0/1324 | ±500 | 2000 |
Name | Year | Topology | Length (km) | Switching Frequency | DC Voltage | Power Rating | |
Cable 1/OHL | (Hz) | (kV) | P (MW) | Q(MVAr) | |||
Gotland VSC | 1999 | 2-level | 70/0 | 1950 | ±80 | 50 | −55 to 50 |
Tjäreborg | 2000 | 2-level | 4.3/0 | 1950 | ±9 | 7.2 | −3 to 4 |
Directlink | 2000 | 2-level | 59/0 | 1950 | ±80 | 180 | −165 to 90 |
Eagle Pass | 2000 | 3-level 2 | 0/0 | 1500 | ±15.9 | 36 | ±36 |
MurrayLink | 2002 | 3-level 3 | 176/0 | 1350 | ±150 | 220 | −150 to 140 |
CrossSound | 2002 | 3-level 3 | 40/0 | 1260 | ±150 | 330 | ±150 |
Troll A | 2005 | 2-level | 70/0 | 2000 | ±60 | 84 | −20 to 24 |
Estlink1 | 2006 | 2-level 4 | 105/0 | 1150 | ±150 | 350 | ±125 |
BorWin1 | 2009 | 2-level | 200/0 | ±150 | 400 | ||
Trans Bay Cable | 2010 | MMC | 85/0 | <150 | ±200 | 400 | ±170 |
Nanao Island 5 | 2013 | MMC 6 | 10/32 | ±160 | 200/100/500 | ||
Zhoushan Isl. 7 | 2014 | MMC | 134/0 | ±200 | 400 | ||
INELFE | 2015 | MMC | 64.5/0 | ±320 | 2 × 1000 | ||
BorWin2 | 2015 | MMC | 200/0 | ±300 | 800 | ||
HelWin1, | 2015 | MMC | 130/0 | ±250 | 576 | ||
HelWin2 | 2015 | MMC | 130/0 | ±320 | 690 | ||
Dolwin1 | 2015 | Casc. 2-L 8 | 165/0 | ±320 | 800 | ||
Dolwin2 | 2015 | MMC | 135/0 | ±320 | 900 | ||
Dolwin3 | 2018 | MMC | 162/0 | ±320 | 900 | ||
SylWin1 | 2015 | MMC | 205/0 | ±300 | 864 | ||
BorWin3 | 2019 | MMC | 160/0 | ±320 | 900 | ||
Zhangbei HVDC 9 | 2019 10 | MMC | 170/648 11 | ±500 | 1500/4500 |
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Watson, N.R.; Watson, J.D. An Overview of HVDC Technology. Energies 2020, 13, 4342.
Watson NR, Watson JD. An Overview of HVDC Technology. Energies. 2020; 13(17):4342.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWatson, Neville R., and Jeremy D. Watson. 2020. "An Overview of HVDC Technology" Energies 13, no. 17: 4342.
APA StyleWatson, N. R., & Watson, J. D. (2020). An Overview of HVDC Technology. Energies, 13(17), 4342.