Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s First Two Years in Italy
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Framing of Epidemic Waves
3.2. Towards the Lockdown
3.3. Organizational Changes in the First Pandemic Year
3.4. The End of the First Year of the Pandemic
3.5. The Arrival of Vaccines and How They Shaped the Second Pandemic Year
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- Basic Green pass: certificate of vaccination against COVID-19, negative antigenic or molecular test, or previous recovery from the disease.
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- Enhanced green pass: certificate attesting vaccination or recovery from previous COVID-19 disease. This certificate was introduced later to increase vaccination acceptance among skeptics by limiting access to specific services and activities only to those showing proof of vaccination, hence not including those with a negative swab, either antigenic or molecular.
3.6. The Emergence and Spread of SARS-CoV-2 Variants
3.7. Towards “Multiple Pandemics”
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Explication of the indicators used
Indicator Type | Indicator Name |
Monitoring capability | |
Monitoring capability | |
Monitoring capability | |
Monitoring capability | |
Monitoring capability | Number of checklists administered to nursing homes (optional) |
Monitoring capability | Number of nursing homes responding to checklists weekly and reporting at least one criticality (optional) |
Diagnostic tests and contact tracing | Percentage of positive swabs, excluding screening initiatives and re-tested individuals, overall and divided by macro-setting (primary care, emergency department, hospital) per month |
Diagnostic tests and contact tracing | Time elapsed between symptom onset and diagnosis |
Diagnostic tests and contact tracing | Time elapsed between symptom onset and the start of isolation |
Diagnostic tests and contact tracing | Number, type of professionals and time/person in each primary care service dedicated to contact tracing |
Diagnostic tests and contact tracing | Number, type of professionals and time/person in each primary care service dedicated to sample collection and sending to reference labs and monitoring of close contacts and cases in quarantine and isolation |
Diagnostic tests and contact tracing | |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Number of cases reported to Civil Protection in the last 14 days |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Rt as calculated by ISS Integrated Surveillance |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Number of cases reported to the COVID-net network per week (optional) |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Number of cases by date of diagnosis and date of symptom onset reported to the ISS Integrated Surveillance by day |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Number of new transmission outbreaks (≥ 2 new related cases or unexpected increase in the number of cases in a defined time and place) |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Number of new infection cases by Region, not associated to acknowledged transmission chains |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Number of emergency department accesses with ICD-9 classification compatible with COVID-19 symptoms |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Intensive care bed occupancy rate for COVID-19 patients |
Transmission stability and health systems resilience | Bed occupancy rate for COVID-19 patients in medical wards |
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Beccia, F.; Di Pilla, A.; Causio, F.A.; Federico, B.; Specchia, M.L.; Favaretti, C.; Boccia, S.; Damiani, G. Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s First Two Years in Italy. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15443.
Beccia F, Di Pilla A, Causio FA, Federico B, Specchia ML, Favaretti C, Boccia S, Damiani G. Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s First Two Years in Italy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(23):15443.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBeccia, Flavia, Andrea Di Pilla, Francesco Andrea Causio, Bruno Federico, Maria Lucia Specchia, Carlo Favaretti, Stefania Boccia, and Gianfranco Damiani. 2022. "Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s First Two Years in Italy" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 23: 15443.
APA StyleBeccia, F., Di Pilla, A., Causio, F. A., Federico, B., Specchia, M. L., Favaretti, C., Boccia, S., & Damiani, G. (2022). Narrative Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s First Two Years in Italy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(23), 15443.