Re-Envisioning an Early Years System of Care towards Equity in Canada: A Critical, Rapid Review
:1. Introduction
2. An Intersectional Framing of Children’s Early Years
a way of understanding and analyzing the complexity in the world, in people, and in human experiences. The events and conditions of social and political life and the self can seldom be understood as shaped by one factor. They are generally shaped by many factors in diverse and mutually influencing ways. When it comes to social inequality, people’s lives and the organization of power in a given society are better understood as being shaped not by a single axis of social division, be it race or gender or class, but by many axes that work together and influence each other. Intersectionality as an analytical tool gives people better access to the complexity of the world and of themselves.[4]
3. Child Health Inequities in Canada
Structural Inequities and Violence
4. Methods
4.1. Step 1. Defining the Research Question
4.2. Step 2. Searching for Research Evidence
4.3. Step 3. Data Extraction
4.4. Step 4. Analyzing the Findings
5. Findings
5.1. Top-Down Political Leadership—Upstream Accountability and Macro-System Actions
5.2. A Comprehensive and Responsive System for Community, Family and Maternal Wellness
5.3. Coordinated and Funded Intersectoral Alliances and Actions
5.4. Embedding Equity in Data Collection and Accountability Systems
5.5. Bottom-Up Demand—Community Driven Co-Design and Tailoring
5.6. Relational Approaches
6. Discussion of Policy and Research Recommendations
7. Limitations
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria | |
Population | Prenatal period Children aged 0–8 years (In the authors’ home province of BC, the early years is currently conceptualized from birth to 8 years of age) | The literature that exclusively focused on individuals over the age of 8 (e.g., youth, non-pregnant women) |
Global Setting | High-income countries | Low- or middle-income countries |
Research | Explicit equity focus Critical and intersectional framing of health in/equity Prenatal to age 8 years Written in English language Any study type | Lack of equity focus No evidence of critical or intersectional framing of health in/equity Children over 8 years of age Written in language other than English |
Author(s) (Year) and Title | Location | Publication Type and Research Method(s) | Target Population | Findings | Elements of Equity Orientation |
Archambault, J., et al., (2020). Early childhood education and care access for children from disadvantaged backgrounds: Using a framework to guide intervention | Canada | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on literature synthesis | Children 0–5 years and families from “disadvantaged backgrounds” | Authors propose a framework identifying factors influencing access to quality early childhood education and care for children from “disadvantaged backgrounds”. | Multi-purpose and co-located; intersectoral and multisectoral partners and actions; integrated service; relational and responsive programming; government buy-in and support, neighborhood-level programs; outreach; family as partners; training support for staff. |
Ball, J. (2005). Early childhood care and development programs as hook and hub for inter-sectoral service delivery in First Nations communities | Canada | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on multi-site, mixed methods study | First Nations families and young children | Author proposes a conceptual model of early childhood care and development programs as a hook for mobilizing community involvement in supporting young children and families and as a hub for meeting a range of service and social support needs of community members. | Co-location of child care with other services in multi-purpose, community-based service centres to improve access to health monitoring and care, screening for special services and early interventions. |
Baum, F., et al., (2020). Creating political will for action on health equity: practical lessons for public health policy actors. | Australia | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on qualitative case study methodology | Policy stakeholders | Paper provides evidence of the factors that work for or against action to reduce health inequities by addressing the social determinants of health inequities. | Political framing of inequities away from a medical and behavioral framing and towards human right to health. |
Beck, A. F., et al., (2019). Cooling the hot spots where child hospitalization rates are high: A neighborhood approach to population health | United States | Peer-reviewed publication on quality improvement initiative | Hospitalized children from lower-income families | Hospitalizations reduced by 20% through intersectoral action, multi-disciplinary teams, and community participation; and use of actionable, real-time data. | Intersectional action; community participation and tailoring; neighborhood level; data-driven action. |
Berry, O. O., et al., (2021). Social determinants of health: The impact of racism on early childhood mental health | United States | Peer-reviewed publication synthesizing published literature and longitudinal studies | Racialized children ages 0–5 and their caregivers | Young children’s socio-emotional development is highly influenced by exposure to multiple and interconnecting levels of racism and discrimination. | Relational and anti-racist prevention and intervention strategies targeting young children and parents. |
Boulton, A. F., et al., (2014). Whānau ora; he whakaaro Ā whānau: Māori family views of family wellbeing | Aotearoa New Zealand | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on qualitative study and policy analysis | Māori families | Whānau ora (family well-being) is a multidimensional concept that is time and context specific. Requires Māori self-determination, long-term relationships and financial investments. | Holistic, wrap-around, intersectoral services for whole family. A “one-size fits all” approach is ineffective. Flexibility needed for service providers to work across sectors to manage complex social problems. |
Boone Blanchard, S., et al., (2021). Confronting racism and bias within early intervention: The responsibility of systems and individuals to influence change and advance equity | United States | Discussion paper in peer-reviewed publication | Children 0–5 years | Policies needs go beyond maternal-infant health policies and include the early years of life. Need a health in all policies framework that includes employment, family leave, social systems and health care. Focus on fixing the system and not the child. | Participation and partnerships; anti-racism and anti-oppression practices and policies; trauma-informed approaches; anti-racism and anti-bias training; accountability systems; governance and leadership in social and public policies. |
Dodge, K. A. (2018). Toward population impact from early childhood psychological interventions | United States | Peer-reviewed publication synthesizing published literature and empirical research | Children 0–5 years | Services need to align with children’s needs and evidence-based services need to be readily available with improved continuity between services. Need to catalogue community programs to find where gaps exist. | Political buy-in and ownership; accountability systems through data collection and action; Place-based approach; combine top-down approach to improve determinants of health and neighborhood or local level targeted community resources; tailor to local contexts; data tracking and accountability systems. |
Gerlach, A. J., et al., (2018). Relational approaches to fostering health equity for Indigenous children through early childhood intervention | Canada | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on qualitative study | Indigenous parents and early child development providers in urban centres | Relational perspective of family well-being and relational approaches to early child development programming | Inseparability between family well-being and child health equity; socially-responsive and tailored relational approaches and broader scope of practice. |
Early Intervention Foundation (2020). Adverse childhood experiences: What we know, what we don’t know, and what should happen next | United Kingdom | Research report | Children, young people and families | Ongoing misconceptions about adverse childhood experiences. There are no quick fixes and need for comprehensive public health approaches in local communities. | Comprehensive system to support healthy communities and families; early years needs to extend into educational system. |
Janus, M., et al., (2021). Population-level data on child development at school entry reflecting social determinants of health: A narrative review of studies using the early developmental instrument | International | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on narrative review | Children 0–5 years | The Early Development Instrument (EDI) is an effective tool for monitoring children’s developmental health and increasing understanding on impacts of adverse social determinants. Universal interventions may not be effective at meeting the needs of children with increased neighborhood-level adversity and/or in socio-economically marginalized families. | Holistic and neighborhood-level, intersectoral interventions to address social determinants of health. |
Hickey, S., et al., (2021). A call for action that cannot go to voicemail: Research activism to urgently improve indigenous perinatal health and wellbeing | Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, United States, Canada | Discussion paper in peer-reviewed publication | Indigenous families | Urgent need for adequately funded Indigenous-led solutions to address perinatal health inequities for Indigenous families in high-income settler-colonial countries. | Privileging of Indigenous knowledges and solutions; Indigenous governance; continuity of care; focus on family well-being; strengths-based; improving “cultural capabilities of non-Indigenous staff”. |
Loock, C., et al., (2020). Social pediatrics: A model to confront family poverty, adversity, and housing instability and foster healthy child and adolescent development and resilience | Canada | Book chapter on social pediatrics model | Children and families from structurally vulnerable, low-income communities | Social pediatrics model involves primary care clinic, specialty outreach and legal aid through place- and strengths-based, localized care with emphasis on horizontal partnerships and communication. Effective at providing holistic care from prenatal to child to youth to families within the context of the community. | Integrated management and team approach; responsive and relational care; neighborhood-level access; intersectoral support; shared decision making; bottom-up demand; place-based approaches; validation of community-based knowledge and expertise; child-led, community-driven responses. |
McBride, D., et al., (2021). Family hubs, Stockton-on-Tees: Early childhood services case example | United Kingdom | Report on case study example | Children 0–19 years and families | Family hubs require strong leadership and visioning to provide whole-family support that builds on existing relationships and communication and embody core values such as respect, inclusiveness, honesty, compassion, cooperation and humility. | Wholistic family hub model (integrated care, community-level needs, tailored programs); case management; universal programming and targeted programming; outreach services; systems navigation; relational and reflective practices; strong leadership and vision; strengths-based; build upon existing relationships and intersectoral partners. |
Richter, L. M., et al., (2017). Investing in the foundation of sustainable development: pathways to scale up for early childhood development | International | Discussion paper in peer-reviewed publication | Young children and families | Data is needed to monitor the implementation of policies and requires multiple forms of knowledge and expertise, intersectoral partnerships with government and policy makers and mobilization of parents, families and communities. Calls for United Nations Special Advisor for Early Childhood Development as a way to put the issue high on political agendas, facilitate coordination and promote accountability. | Intersectoral action; community-led and driven; political buy-in and top-down leadership and governance; holistic continuum of care from prenatal to adolescent and women’s health; outreach; political buy-in and need better research and data-driven evaluations; flexibly adapted at the local level with sharing of responsibility; health in all policies; monitor adoption of and implementation of policies and funding; build local capacity. |
Ritte, R., et al., (2016). An Australian model of the First 1000 days: An Indigenous-led process to turn an international initiative into an early-life strategy benefiting Indigenous families | Australia | Discussion paper in peer-reviewed publication | Preconception to early years | Empirical evidence needed for the future well-being of future generations. Need for community-informed, strengths-based data and decolonizing research and methodologies, community governance; cultural responsiveness and cultural safety. Need to build capacity of families and healthcare and allied workforce. | Intersectoral action; community participation and co-creation and leading; integrated services; health promotion holistic focus on health and wellness including a focus on families and communities; strengths-based approaches; community leaderships; whole-service approaches; microfinancing; local adaptation; improvement of quality indicators and measures and accountability systems. |
Tyler, I., et al., (2018). It takes a village: a realist synthesis of social pediatrics program. | Canada, USA, Europe, Australia | Peer-reviewed publication reporting on realist review | Children and families from structurally vulnerable, low-income communities | Child is viewed in context of society, neighborhood, and family. Four consistent patterns of care that may be effective in social pediatrics: (1) horizontal partnerships based on willingness to share status and power; (2) bridged trust initiated through previously established third party relationships; (3) knowledge support increasing providers’ confidence and skills for engaging community; and (4) increasing vulnerable families’ self-reliance through empowerment strategies. | Holistic focus; community participation and partnerships; intersectoral actions. Trauma-informed and strengths-based approaches, acknowledgement of family and community expertise; intersectoral collaboration and partnerships with providers, children, and families; sharing of power; relational approaches to care. |
VicHealth. (2015). Promoting equity in early childhood development for health equity through the life course | Australia | Report synthesizing “current evidence” | Prenatal-8 years | Health and social policies that support health of parents, young children and the conditions in which families work and live; equitable access to healthcare and social care for families; interventions should be universal, but the level of support needs to be proportionate to need. | Collective approach to leadership and governance; community development; targeted neighborhood or geographic locations; universalistic with targeted interventions; intersectoral and cross sectoral actions; social participation and engagement and trust; universal primary care services alongside local-tailored and responsive service provision. |
Wettergren, B., et al., (2016). Child health systems in Sweden | Sweden | Discussion paper in peer-reviewed publication | Prenatal to 18 years | Children and families involved in decision making, information systems and quality improvements. Integrated system of maternity, child, preschool and school health care that is mid-wife or nurse-led. National public health policies are supportive of parenting role, health promotion and universal outreach with extra support for structurally vulnerable families. | Comprehensive, integrated and responsive system integrating prenatal care with early years and early grades in school; focus on health promotion |
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Gerlach, A.J.; McFadden, A. Re-Envisioning an Early Years System of Care towards Equity in Canada: A Critical, Rapid Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9594.
Gerlach AJ, McFadden A. Re-Envisioning an Early Years System of Care towards Equity in Canada: A Critical, Rapid Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(15):9594.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGerlach, Alison Jayne, and Alysha McFadden. 2022. "Re-Envisioning an Early Years System of Care towards Equity in Canada: A Critical, Rapid Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 15: 9594.
APA StyleGerlach, A. J., & McFadden, A. (2022). Re-Envisioning an Early Years System of Care towards Equity in Canada: A Critical, Rapid Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15), 9594.