Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Harmful Alcohol Use Associated with Intimate Partner Violence and Rape Exposures among Female Students in South Africa
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Site Selection, Sample Size Calculation, and Participant Recruitment
2.2. Ethics and Access
2.3. Data Collection, Measurement, and Variables
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | Observed Measures | Variable Description | Number of Items and Measurement Tool/Description | Examples of Measurement Items | Cronbach’s Alpha |
Latent outcome Mental ill-health | Depressive symptoms | Score, 21+ cut-off, binary | Twenty items of the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale [38,39,40] | Bothered by things that usually don’t bother, unable to cheer up even with the help of family or friends. Responses: Rarely or none of the time, Some or a little of the time, Moderate amount of time, Most or all of the time | 0.88 |
PTSD symptoms | Score, 60+ cut-off, binary | Thirty items of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire [38,41]. | Experiencing recurrent thoughts or memories of most hurtful or terrifying events, feeling as though the event is happening again. Responses Not at all, A little, Quite A Bit, extremely | 0.96 | |
Suicidal thoughts | binary | Single question | In the past four weeks, has the thought of ending your life been in your mind? Responses Yes/No | n/a | |
Observed variable | Binge drinking/Harmful alcohol use | categorical | Three items of the AUDIT C Scale to [42] | How often do you drink five or more alcoholic drinks on the same day? Responses: Never, Occasionally, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or almost daily | n/a |
Observed variable | Childhood trauma | score, binary | Fourteen items of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire [43] | Before I turned 18, I was forced to have sex with a man when I did not want to. Responses: never (= 0), sometimes (= 1), often (= 2), very often (= 3). | 0.83 |
Observed variable Past year physical, sexual, or emotional IPV | Past year physical IPV | binary | Five items on experiences of physical IPV using WHO Domestic Violence Questionnaire [44] | Has a boyfriend/husband ever slapped you or thrown something at you which could hurt you? Has any of this happened in the past 12 months? Responses Yes/No | n/a |
Past year emotional IPV | binary | Four items on experiences of emotional IPV using WHO Domestic Violence Questionnaire [44] | Has a boyfriend/husband ever insulted you or made you feel bad about yourself? How often has this happened? Has any of this happened in the past 12 months? Responses Yes/No | n/a | |
Past year sexual IPV | binary | Three items including forced sex or sexual acts using WHO Domestic Violence Questionnaire [44] | Have you ever had sex with a boyfriend/husband when you didn’t want to because he physically forced or threatened or pressured you? Did this happen many times, more than once, a few times, once, or did it not happen? | n/a | |
Observed variable | Past year non-partner rape | binary | Four items about forced sex by a male non-partner using WHO Domestic Violence Questionnaire [44] | How many times were you forced to have sex by someone who was not your boyfriend/husband? Responses Never, Once, More than one time | n/a |
Observed variable | Other life trauma | Score | Five items of the Life Events checklist [45] | Have you ever experienced any of the following: witnessed the murder of family or friend? Responses: Yes/No | n/a |
Observed variable | Food security | score | Three adapted items from the Household Hunger Scale [46,47] | In the past four weeks, did you go a whole day and night without eating anything because there was not enough food? Responses: 0 = Not at all, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often | 0.77 |
Depression | PTSD | Suicidal Thoughts | |||||||||
Total n = 1293 | No Depression n = 728 | Depression n = 565 | PTSD Score <60 n = 1181 | PTSD Score > = 60 n = 112 | No Suicidal Thoughts n = 1002 | Suicidal Thoughts n = 267 | Missing n = 24 | ||||
n | n (%) | n (%) | p-Value | n (%) | n (%) | p-Value | n (%) | n (%) | n (%) | p-Value | |
Age group | |||||||||||
18–24 | 1072 | 603 (56.3) | 469 (43.7) | 0.871 | 982 (91.6) | 90 (8.4) | 0.176 | 829 (77.3) | 221(20.6) | 22 (2.1) | 0.723 |
25–30 | 200 | 112 (56) | 88 (44) | 178 (89) | 22 (11) | 155 (77.5) | 43 (21.5) | 2 (1) | |||
Missing age | 21 | 13 (61.9) | 8 (38.1) | 21(100) | 0 (0) | 18 (85.7) | 3 (14.3) | 0 (0) | |||
Type of institution | |||||||||||
Tvet college | 519 | 267 (51.5) | 252 (48.5) | 0.004 | 476 (91.7) | 43 (8.3) | 0.693 | 353 (68) | 156 (30.1) | 10 (1.9) | <0.0001 |
University | 774 | 461 (59.6) | 313 (40.4) | 705 (91.1) | 69 (8.9) | 649 (83.9) | 111 (14.3) | 14 (1.8) | |||
Past 12 m IPV experience (n = 1216) | |||||||||||
No | 692 | 444 (64.2) | 248 (35.8) | <0.0001 | 654 (94.5) | 38 (5.5) | <0.0001 | 577 (83.4) | 105 (15.2) | 10 (1.5) | <0.0001 |
Yes | 524 | 246 (46.9) | 278 (53.1) | 459 (87.6) | 65 (12.4) | 375 (71.6) | 141 (26.9) | 8 (1.5) | |||
Experienced non-partner rape | |||||||||||
No | 1196 | 690 (57.7) | 506 (42.3) | <0.0001 | 1104 (92.3) | 92 (7.7) | <0.0001 | 944 (78.9) | 231 (19.3) | 21 (1.8) | <0.0001 |
Yes | 97 | 38 (39.2) | 59 (60.8) | 77 (79.4) | 20 (20.6) | 58 (59.8) | 36 (37.1) | 3 (3.1) | |||
Alcohol use | |||||||||||
None | 593 | 361 (60.9) | 232 (39.1) | 0.070 | 561 (94.6) | 32 (5.4) | 0.067 | 484 (81.6) | 106 (17.9) | 3 (0.5) | 0.113 |
yes, but no binge drinking | 201 | 117 (58.2) | 84 (41.8) | 182 (90.6) | 19 (9.4) | 156 (77.6) | 42 (20.9) | 3 (1.5) | |||
yes, occasional binge drinking | 351 | 185 (52.7) | 166 (47.3) | 318 (90.6) | 33 (9.4) | 269 (76.6) | 79 (22.5) | 3 (0.9) | |||
Yes, regular binge drinking | 97 | 51 (52.6) | 46 (47.4) | 88 (90.7) | 9 (9.3) | 70 (72.2) | 26 (26.8) | 1 (1.03) | |||
Missing | 51 | 14 (27.5) | 37 (72.5) | 32 (62.8) | 19 (37.3) | 23 (45.1) | 14 (27.5) | 14 (27.5) | |||
mean (sd) | mean (sd) | mean (sd) | p-value | mean (sd) | mean (sd) | p-value | mean (sd) | mean (sd) | p-value | ||
Food security score n = 1276 | 7.51 (0.16) | 6.13 (0.19) | 9.32 (0.26) | <0.0001 | 7.19 (0.16) | 11.06 (0.69) | <0.0001 | 6.96 (0.18) | 9.55 (0.40) | <0.0001 | |
Other life trauma score n = 1276 | 1.56 (0.05) | 1.22 (0.06) | 2.02 (0.08) | <0.0001 | 1.51 (0.05) | 2.29 (0.23) | <0.0001 | 1.36 (0.05) | 2.33 (0.13) | <0.0001 | |
Childhood trauma score (n = 1274) | 5.31 (0.13) | 4.43 (0.14) | 6.44 (0.22) | <0.0001 | 5.06 (0.12) | 8.01 (0.61) | <0.0001 | 4.95 (0.13) | 6.58 (0.36) | <0.0001 |
Depression Score Outcome | PTSD Score Outcome | |||||
Coef. | 95% CI | p-Value | Coef. | 95% CI | p-Value | |
Experience IPV in past year | 4.3 | 3.21 to 5.40 | <0.001 | 9.71 | 7.38 to 12.04 | <0.001 |
Experience non-partner sexual violence in past year | 4.42 | 1.77 to 7.06 | 0.001 | 13.92 | 9.1 to 18.74 | <0.001 |
Food insecurity score | 0.61 | 0.45 to 0.76 | <0.001 | 1.00 | 0.75 to 1.26 | <0.001 |
Childhood trauma score | 0.58 | 0.45 to 0.72 | <0.001 | 1.46 | 1.27 to 1.66 | <0.001 |
Experienced other trauma (score) | 1.36 | 1.08 to 1.64 | <0.001 | 3.33 | 2.57 to 4.1 | <0.001 |
Alcohol use: | ||||||
none | Ref | Ref | ||||
yes, but no binge drinking | 1.33 | −0.10 to 2.76 | 0.067 | 2.59 | 0.63 to 4.54 | 0.009 |
yes, occasional binge drinking | 2.06 | 1.07 to 3.04 | <0.001 | 5.15 | 3.01 to 7.30 | <0.001 |
Yes, regular binge drinking | 1.47 | −0.79 to 3.72 | 0.202 | 6.89 | 3.49 to 10.28 | <0.001 |
Depression—Binary Outcome | PTSD—Binary Outcome | Suicidal Thoughts | |||||||
OR | 95% CI | p-Value | OR | 95% CI | p-Value | OR | 95% CI | p-Value | |
Experience IPV in past year | 2.02 | 1.70 to 2.39 | <0.001 | 2.4 | 1.79 to 3.23 | <0.001 | 2.07 | 1.65 to 2.61 | <0.001 |
Experience non-partner sexual violence in past year | 2.13 | 1.43 to 3.18 | <0.001 | 3.15 | 1.94 to 5.10 | <0.001 | 2.53 | 1.81 to 3.54 | <0.001 |
Food insecurity score | 1.10 | 1.07 to 1.14 | <0.001 | 1.11 | 1.07 to 1.14 | <0.001 | 1.08 | 1.03 to 1.12 | <0.001 |
Childhood trauma score | 1.11 | 1.09 to 1.14 | <0.001 | 1.11 | 1.07 to 1.15 | <0.001 | 1.08 | 1.04 to 1.11 | <0.001 |
Experienced other trauma (score) | 1.31 | 1.25 to 1.37 | <0.001 | 1.21 | 1.08 to 1.36 | 0.001 | 1.32 | 1.23 to 1.42 | <0.001 |
Alcohol use: | |||||||||
none | Ref | ||||||||
yes, but no binge drinking | 1.11 | 0.92 to 1.34 | 0.291 | 1.84 | 1.10 to 3.06 | 0.019 | 1.23 | 0.98 to 1.56 | 0.077 |
yes, occasional binge drinking | 1.39 | 1.12 to 1.74 | 0.004 | 1.76 | 1.05 to 2.96 | 0.033 | 1.34 | 0.99 to 1.82 | 0.059 |
Yes, regular binge drinking | 1.41 | 0.95 to 2.10 | 0.091 | 1.79 | 1.12 to 2.87 | 0.016 | 1.69 | 1.16 to 2.47 | 0.007 |
Direct Effects | Indirect Effects | Total Effects | ||||
Standardised Coef (95% CI) | p-Value | Standardised Coef (95%CI) | p-Value | Standardised Coef (95% CI) | p-Value | |
Mental Health issues ← Experience/witness traumatic events | 0.219 (0.170, 0.267) | <0.001 | 0.025 (0.009, 0.041) | 0.004 | 0.244 (0.195, 0.292) | <0.001 |
Mental health issues ← Childhood trauma | 0.164 (0.108, 0.220) | <0.001 | 0.043 (0.019, 0.066) | 0.001 | 0.207 (0.155, 0.259) | <0.001 |
Mental health issues ← Food insecurity | 0.238 (0.175, 0.301) | <0.001 | 0.042 (0.007, 0.076) | 0.023 | 0.280 (0.228, 0.331) | <0.001 |
Mental Health issues ← IPV experience | 0.188 (0.102, 0.273) | <0.001 | 0.188 (0.102, 0.273) | <0.001 | ||
Mental Health issues ← Non-partner sexual violence experience | 0.149 (0.041, 0.257) | 0.007 | 0.149 (0.041, 0.257) | 0.007 | ||
Binge drinking ← Experience/witness traumatic events | 0.156 (0.097, 0.215) | <0.001 | 0.022 (0.005, 0.039) | 0.012 | 0.178 (0.120, 0.237) | <0.001 |
Binge drinking ← IPV Experience | 0.210 (0.131, 0.289) | <0.001 | 0.210 (0.131, 0.289) | <0.001 | ||
Non-partner sexual violence experience ← Food insecurity | 0.280 (0.180, 0.380) | <0.001 | 0.280 (0.180, 0.380) | <0.001 | ||
Non-partner sexual violence experience ← Binge drinking | 0.200 (0.080, 0.320) | 0.001 | 0.200 (0.080, 0.320) | 0.001 | ||
IPV experience ← Experience/witness traumatic events | 0.105 (0.033, 0.178) | 0.004 | 0.105 (0.033, 0.178) | 0.004 | ||
IPV experience ← Childhood trauma | 0.220 (0.147, 0.293) | <0.001 | 0.220 (0.147, 0.293) | <0.001 | ||
Covariances | Standardised Coef. (95%CI) | p-value | ||||
Childhood trauma and food insecurity | 0.271 (0.223, 0.320) | <0.001 | ||||
Childhood trauma and other life traumas | 0.228 (0.180, 0.275) | <0.001 | ||||
Food insecurity and other life traumas | 0.158 (0.103, 0.213) | <0.001 | ||||
IPV Experience and non-partner violence experience | 0.330 (0.185, 0.474) | <0.001 | ||||
PTSD and suicidal thoughts |
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Machisa, M.T.; Chirwa, E.; Mahlangu, P.; Nunze, N.; Sikweyiya, Y.; Dartnall, E.; Pillay, M.; Jewkes, R. Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Harmful Alcohol Use Associated with Intimate Partner Violence and Rape Exposures among Female Students in South Africa. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 7913.
Machisa MT, Chirwa E, Mahlangu P, Nunze N, Sikweyiya Y, Dartnall E, Pillay M, Jewkes R. Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Harmful Alcohol Use Associated with Intimate Partner Violence and Rape Exposures among Female Students in South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(13):7913.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMachisa, Mercilene Tanyaradzwa, Esnat Chirwa, Pinky Mahlangu, Ncediswa Nunze, Yandisa Sikweyiya, Elizabeth Dartnall, Managa Pillay, and Rachel Jewkes. 2022. "Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Harmful Alcohol Use Associated with Intimate Partner Violence and Rape Exposures among Female Students in South Africa" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 13: 7913.
APA StyleMachisa, M. T., Chirwa, E., Mahlangu, P., Nunze, N., Sikweyiya, Y., Dartnall, E., Pillay, M., & Jewkes, R. (2022). Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress, and Harmful Alcohol Use Associated with Intimate Partner Violence and Rape Exposures among Female Students in South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 7913.