Using Gamification and Social Incentives to Increase Physical Activity and Related Social Cognition among Undergraduate Students in Shanghai, China
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Recruitment and Participants
2.3. Power Analysis
2.4. Baseline Measures and Goal Setting
2.5. Intervention
2.5.1. Designs to Enhance Social Incentives
- Daily Report within Teams: The subjects were required to report their DPAD of the prior day and whether they had met their goals in their team WeChat group before 15:00 every day.
- Peer Support: Praising teammates who achieved their DPAD goals and encouraging those who did not within their team WeChat group every day were also required. Criticism and ridicule, which might cause negative reactions, were not allowed.
- Accountability: The leader of each team was endowed with the responsibility to remind their teammates and send peer support (PS) in the BIG INTERVENTION GROUP once all the teammates had reported and interacted before 15:00 every day.
- Team Punishment: The team that sent PS later than 15:00 the most times during the week would receive a punishment during the weekend.
- Team discussion: Educational materials about PA were posted by the investigators in each WeChat group on every Friday. The participants were guided to read it and discuss their gains, as well as the advantages and barriers of promoting PA within groups.
- Competition and Reward: A team competition was held to stimulate the subjects to engage in teamwork, and all the subjects acted as raters to ensure participation. The team that got the highest score was rewarded with a virtual certificate.
2.5.2. Designs to Enhance Gamification
- Points: Every team was endowed with 100 points for 1 week. Each day, if they failed to send PS before 15:00, 10 points were deducted. If any member was absent in the team discussion, 30 points were deducted. This design was based on the following three psychological principles: individuals tend to be more motivated by losses than gains [43], behavior is often better sustained by variable than by constant reinforcement [44], and individuals tend to be more motivated for aspirational behavior around temporal landmarks, such as the beginning of the week (the fresh start effect) [45].
- Ranking: The ranking by the final points of each team for every week was announced in the BIG INTERVENTION GROUP on every Sunday.
- Punishment: The team at the bottom of the ranking was required to perform a talent show in the BIG INTERVENTION GROUP (posting a voice message of a song or standup comedy or a video of a dance performance were all acceptable). Utilizing such performance as the mode of punishment could urge participants to follow the rules and avoid embarrassment, and it could also lighten up the atmosphere, thus improving compliance.
- Rewards: At the end of the intervention, each member of the team that accumulated the highest points was rewarded with a diploma and a small prize, such as a mug or a notebook.
2.6. Outcome Measures
2.6.1. Physical Activity (PA)
2.6.2. Daily Physical Activity Duration (DPAD)
2.6.3. Theory of Planned Behavior Constructs
- 7.
- Subjective norms were measured with 3 items (Cronbach alpha = 0.834), scored from 1 (extremely disagree) to 7 (extremely agree): (a) ‘‘Most people who are important to me approve of my DPAD goal”; (b). “Most people like me will meet my DPAD goal”; and (c). “Most people who are important to me think that I should try to meet my DPAD goal”.
- 8.
- Perceived behavior control was measured with 3 items (Cronbach alpha = 0.912), scored from 1 (extremely disagree) to 7 (extremely agree): (a) “I am confident that I can meet my DPAD Goal”; (b). “Whether or not I meet my DPAD Goal” is up to me; and (c). “I have the ability to meet my DPAD Goal”.
- 9.
- Intention was measured with 3 items (Cronbach alpha = 0.941), scored from 1 (extremely disagree) to 7 (extremely agree): (a) “I intend to meet my DPAD Goal”; (b). “I will make an effort to meet my DPAD Goal”; and (c). “I plan to meet my DPAD Goal”.
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Baseline Characteristics
3.2. Intervention Effects on the Baseline (T0) to Post-Test (T1) Changes in the TPB Constructs.
3.3. Intervention Effects on Baseline (T0) to Post-test (T1) Changes in Physical Activity Measures
3.4. Prediction of PA by TPB Constructs
4. Discussion
Strengths and Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Baseline Weekly PA Duration (min) | Percentage of Goal Greater than the Baseline |
150~ | 0~10% |
120~149 | 10~20% |
90~119 | 20~30% |
60~79 | 30~40% |
30~59 | 40~60% |
~30 | 60~80% |
Variable | Intervention Group (n = 17) | Control Group (n = 35) | p |
Demographics | |||
Age, mean (SD), y | 20.76 (1.97) | 20.74 (2.33) | 0.958 |
Female, No. (%) | 9 (52.94) | 18 (51.43) | 0.768 |
Baseline Measures | |||
BMI, mean (SD), kg/m2 | 21.71 (2.50) | 21.36 (2.63) | 0.649 |
Physical Activity Measures | |||
DPAD, mean (SD), min | 36.39 (27.26) | 48.98 (22.10) | 0.760 |
DPAD increase from the baseline to the goal, mean (SD), min | 25.86 (11.37) | 30.59 (14.29) | 0.823 |
days doing VPA per week, mean (SD), d | 2.24 (1.35) | 2.94 (1.63) | 0.118 |
VPA time per day, mean (SD), min | 26.18 (14.42) | 26.57 (15.38) | 0.784 |
VPA time per week, mean (SD), min | 72.65 (50.93) | 89.71 (64.99) | 0.549 |
days doing MPA per week, mean (SD), d | 2.88 (1.45) | 3.03 (2.15) | 0.890 |
MPA time per day, mean (SD), min | 31.47 (18.61) | 31.71 (19.78) | 0.676 |
MPA time per week, mean (SD), min | 87.35 (50.50) | 113.71 (105.04) | 0.821 |
Days Walking>10min per week, mean (SD), d | 6.53 (0.72) | 5.94 (1.21) | 0.113 |
Walk time per day, mean (SD), min | 47.94 (28.23) | 43.14 (37.26) | 0.192 |
Walk time per week, mean (SD), min | 306.18 (181.52) | 267.71 (259.72) | 0.050 |
Sitting time per week, mean (SD), min | 3306.47 (590.62) | 3455.80 (870.82) | 0.553 |
Physical activity total score, mean (SD) | 1940.97 (813.28) | 2056.03(1323.26) | 0.585 |
TPB Construct Measures | |||
Attitude, mean (SD) | 5.51 (1.28) | 5.53 (0.99) | 0.969 |
Subjective norms, mean (SD) | 5.27 (1.09) | 5.58 (1.02) | 0.346 |
Perceived behavioral control, mean (SD) | 5.97 (0.96) | 5.98 (1.06) | 0.921 |
Intention, mean (SD) | 5.65 (0.89) | 5.99 (1.19) | 0.129 |
Variable | Intervention group (N = 17) | Control group (N =3 5) | P |
Attitude, mean (SD) | 0.55 (1.11) | −0.13 (1.08) | 0.023 |
Subjective norms, mean (SD) | 0.82 (1.13) | −0.17 (1.23) | 0.006 |
Perceived behavioral control, mean (SD) | 0.28 (0.90) | −0.35 (0.97) | 0.011 |
Intention, mean (SD) | 0.80 (0.83) | −0.40 (1.23) | 0.000 |
Variable | Intervention Group (n = 17) | Control Group (n = 35) | p |
days doing VPA per week, mean (SD), d | 2.29 (1.11) | 0.66 (1.80) | 0.000 |
VPA time per day, mean (SD), min | 12.94 (13.92) | 2.71 (12.14) | 0.019 |
VPA time per week, mean (SD), min | 105.59 (77.43) | 18.14 (56.10) | 0.000 |
days doing MPA per week, mean (SD), d | 1.41 (1.27) | 0.09 (1.82) | 0.012 |
MPA time per day, mean (SD), min | 13.24 (22.63) | −2.14 (16.51) | 0.013 |
MPA time per week, mean (SD), min | 101.47 (75.74) | −3.57 (72.28) | 0.000 |
Days Walking>10 min per week, mean (SD), d | 0.47 (0.71) | 0.91 (1.22) | 0.256 |
Walk time per day, mean (SD), min | 6.47 (20.37) | 7.00 (34.30) | 0.735 |
Walk time per week, mean (SD), min | 74.71 (124.09) | 70.00 (225.87) | 0.937 |
Sitting time per week, mean (SD), min | −420.00 (410.41) | 0.20 (544.05) | 0.005 |
Physical activity total score, mean (SD) | 1497.12 (640.62) | 361.86 (974.64) | 0.000 |
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Mo, D.; Xiang, M.; Luo, M.; Dong, Y.; Fang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, Z.; Liang, H. Using Gamification and Social Incentives to Increase Physical Activity and Related Social Cognition among Undergraduate Students in Shanghai, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 858.
Mo D, Xiang M, Luo M, Dong Y, Fang Y, Zhang S, Zhang Z, Liang H. Using Gamification and Social Incentives to Increase Physical Activity and Related Social Cognition among Undergraduate Students in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(5):858.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMo, Dandan, Mi Xiang, Mengyun Luo, Yuanyuan Dong, Yue Fang, Shunxing Zhang, Zhiruo Zhang, and Huigang Liang. 2019. "Using Gamification and Social Incentives to Increase Physical Activity and Related Social Cognition among Undergraduate Students in Shanghai, China" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 5: 858.
APA StyleMo, D., Xiang, M., Luo, M., Dong, Y., Fang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., & Liang, H. (2019). Using Gamification and Social Incentives to Increase Physical Activity and Related Social Cognition among Undergraduate Students in Shanghai, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 858.