An Inexact Optimization Model for Crop Area Under Multiple Uncertainties
:1. Introduction
2. Model Formulation
2.1. Type-2 Fuzzy Interval Programming
2.2. The Chance Constrained Programming Model
2.3. Type-2 Fuzzy Interval Chance Constrained Programming
2.4. Solution Process
- Step 1: Establish the T2FICCP model.
- Step 2: Convert the chance constraint into the deterministic constraint with a feasible constraint set based on the CCP model.
- Step 3: Transform the model, which has converted the chance constraint into the deterministic constraint, into two submodels with T2FS based on the interactive algorithm.
- Step 4: Each submodel is converted into its deterministic counterpart by using a type reduction technique.
- Step 5: The submodel corresponding to is formulated and solved first based on the solution steps presented in Section 2.1.
- Step 6: Based on the solution of the first submodel, the submodel corresponding to is formulated and solved.
- Step 7: Based on the solutions of two submodels, the solution of the established T2FICCP model can be obtained, which is expressed as a set of intervals: and .
- Step 8: Repeat steps 3–7 corresponding to different levels.
3. Case Study
Model Building
- : Price of crop i under the conventional irrigation mode (yuan/t) (Interval parameter);
- : Price of crop i under the water-saving irrigation mode (yuan/t) (Interval parameter);
- : Yield of crop i under the conventional irrigation mode (t/ha) (Interval parameter);
- : Yield of crop i under the water saving irrigation mode (t/ha) (Interval parameter);
- : The cost of crop i under the conventional irrigation mode (yuan/ha);
- : The cost of crop i under the water saving irrigation mode (yuan/ha);
- : Irrigation area of crop i (104 ha);
- : Minimized irrigation area of crop i (104 ha);
- : Maximized irrigation area of crop i (104 ha);
- TA: Total irrigation area of the study area (104 ha);
- : Irrigation quota of crop i under the conventional irrigation mode (m3/ha) (Interval number);
- : Irrigation quota of crop i under the water saving irrigation mode (m3/ha) (Interval number);
- IC: Irrigation water use efficiency of the study area;
- SW: Water demand of the secondary industry (104 m3);
- TW: Water demand of the tertiary industry (104 m3);
- DW: Domestic water consumption (104 m3);
- EW: Ecological water consumption (104 m3);
- : Groundwater exploration (104 m3) (Type-2 fuzzy interval parameter);
- SFW: Maximized surface water supply (104 m3) (Random parameter);
- : The ET of the ith crop under the conventional irrigation mode (m3/ha) (Interval parameter);
- : The ET of the ith crop under the water saving irrigation mode (m3/ha) (Interval parameter);
- TET: The control indicator of the total water consumption (m3);
- FDP: Food demand per capita (t/p);
- TPR: Population of the study area (104 p).
4. Analysis of the Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Crops | Yield (kg/ha) | Irrigation Quota (m3/ha) | ET (m3/ha) | P (¥/ha) | C (¥/ha) | Amin (ha) | Amax (ha) | |||
Mode 1 | Mode 2 | Mode 1 | Mode 2 | Mode 1 | Mode 2 | |||||
Wheat | (5447, 5745) | (5175, 5250) | (5150, 5250) | (4150, 4450) | (5410, 6490) | (4050, 4500) | (1.8, 2) | 7179.5 | 0.9396 | 4.2282 |
Maize | (10,470, 10,695) | (12,750, 12,750) | (5400, 5520) | (3000, 3600) | (5400, 5520) | (3000, 3600) | (1.3, 1.5) | 7788 | 1.8782 | 8.4519 |
Bean | (2482, 2884) | (2482, 2884) | (3950, 4450) | (3950, 4450) | (5715, 5715) | (5715, 5715) | 4 | 5500 | 0.0866 | 0.3897 |
Potato | (27,000, 30,000) | 33,000 | (4370, 4850) | (3500, 3640) | (5200, 5705) | (4213, 4270) | (0.5, 0.6) | 5250 | 0.7768 | 3.4956 |
Maize seed | (14,041, 14,428) | (13,835, 15,418) | (2250, 3250) | (2250, 2250) | (3621, 4248) | (3617, 3500) | 2.2 | 16,075.5 | 0.2386 | 1.0737 |
Cotton | (1800, 1845) | (1980, 2030) | (3950, 4450) | (1950, 3150) | (3440, 4300) | (3600, 4695) | (5, 5.5) | 5235 | 0.1500 | 0.6750 |
Oilseed | (3559, 3674) | (3559, 3674) | (4800, 5250) | (4800, 5250) | (3750, 4695) | (3750, 4695) | (3, 3.4) | 3650 | 0.8018 | 3.6351 |
Vegetable | 11,5500 | 11,3250 | (4500, 5300) | (2680, 3100) | (5400, 6450) | (2200, 2900) | (1, 1.3) | 18,000 | 1.3540 | 6.0930 |
Cucurbit | 60,882 | 63,196 | (4200, 4800) | (2700, 3150) | (3900, 4190) | (3300, 3670) | 1.8 | 9125 | 0.1212 | 0.5454 |
Apple | 11,545 | 11,545 | (4780, 5290) | (4780, 5290) | (5825, 6742) | (5825, 6742) | (2, 2.2) | 4950 | 0.2050 | 0.9225 |
Grape | (13,500, 15,000) | 12,000 | 4130 | 2130 | (4296, 5000) | (3017, 3073) | (3, 3.5) | 8000 | 0.2670 | 1.2015 |
TA (104 ha) | TPR (104 P) | FDP (kg/P) | SW (104 m3) | EW (104 m3) | DW (104 m3) | TW (104 m3) | IC |
24.28 | 186.14 | 300 | 21,838.5 | 15,544.8 | 5832.67 | 2261.57 | 0.59 |
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Ren, C.; Zhang, H. An Inexact Optimization Model for Crop Area Under Multiple Uncertainties. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2610.
Ren C, Zhang H. An Inexact Optimization Model for Crop Area Under Multiple Uncertainties. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(14):2610.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRen, Chongfeng, and Hongbo Zhang. 2019. "An Inexact Optimization Model for Crop Area Under Multiple Uncertainties" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 14: 2610.
APA StyleRen, C., & Zhang, H. (2019). An Inexact Optimization Model for Crop Area Under Multiple Uncertainties. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2610.