From Discovery to Production: Biotechnology of Marine Fungi for the Production of New Antibiotics
:1. Need for New Antibiotics
2. Marine Fungi as a Promising Source to Meet the Need for New Antibiotics
3. Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of New Antibiotics
3.1. Role of Biotechnology in Discovery
- Controlled miniaturisation for increased screening throughput. Cultivation in small-scale fermentation (mL ranges) systems, e.g., microtiter plates, has been proven to be feasible for marine fungi [61,62,63] and used in screening for antibiotics of filamentous fungi (in deep well microtiter plates [64]). Controlled process development as the biotechnological approach is possible in specialised miniaturised fermentation systems such as “System Duetz” [65] or “BioLector” [66,67]. They allow enlarging the number of tested cultivation conditions, as well as to screen strains or mutant libraries in a targeted and efficient way. A mutant library established from a marine fungus has recently been screened for anticancer natural products [63]. This bioactivity-independent approach can be easily transferred to the antibiotic field. For detailed information on the application of microtiter plates as mini-bioreactors the reader is referred to the review by Duetz [68]. Such systems are necessary for the efficient application of statistical approaches for process optimisation (Design of Experiment, DoE, [69,70]).
- Targeted stimulation of strains to expand chemodiversity. A proper understanding of fungal producers and their ecological role can help to find the appropriate production conditions and extend the chemical diversity of their constituents [71]. Standard approaches in recent years focussed on triggering a strain by as many parameters (randomly chosen) as possible (OSMAC) [21]. More strategic approaches would include targeted mixed fermentations based on genetic and ecological knowledge as used in the food biotechnology to enhance enzyme production. The full potential of such approaches of ecologically or genetically-based biotechnology needs to be proven in the future.
- Strain characterisation using ‘omics’ techniques. Comprehensive knowledge from genome to metabolome level contributes to a general understanding of the fungal potential in drug discovery but also to concrete optimisation strategies for biotechnological processes. Especially the analyses on proteome level (proteomics) may deliver valuable insights into the producing cell, underlying regulatory processes and angles for metabolic engineering [72]. Transcriptomics, proteomics, and secretomics can be applied to elucidate the metabolic state of a cell on all levels of gene regulation and to indicate regulation sites on DNA, RNA, and protein level. Based on such knowledge, conditions required to induce expression of the full biosynthetic potential of an organism can be established and further be controlled [60]. Until now, no such example is available for production of antibiotics by marine fungi, but this approach is considered as one of the major directions for future research. Current examples from a related field, anticancer compounds, already show how powerful these tools may be: A comparative proteome study on a marine Microascus brevicaulis revealed how the biotechnological fermentation process should be controlled in order to increase the production of the anti-cancer compounds scopularides A and B [73]. Furthermore, fluxomics, which determine the metabolic flux of primary molecules during primary and secondary metabolism in a quantitative manner, is a powerful tool to display the conversation of nutrient source into products or by-products [74]. This knowledge can be used to design fermentation conditions or to engineer the underlying pathways by means of genetic modification. Metabolomics, finally, identifies the global metabolite profile in both qualitative and quantitative manner.
3.2. Role of Biotechnology in Production
3.2.1. Production Using Full Fermentative Processes
3.2.2. Production Using Semi-Synthesis
3.2.3. Production Using Heterologous Systems and Genetic and Metabolic Engineering
3.3. Role of Biotechnology in Downstream Processing
3.4. Role of Biotechnology in Lead Development
4. Conclusions: “Success Factors” for Bridging the Gap from Discovery to Production
- Use of marine fungi. The biodiversity of filamentous fungi from marine sources is mostly untapped. Projects should extend knowledge on both biodiversity and chemodiversity of these unique organisms.
- Innovation in technology. There is a clear requirement for the “Next Generation Biotechnology”, which includes the new methodological approaches and the understanding of the underlying biological and technological processes.
- Transdisciplinarity. The transdisciplinary and integrative approach of developmental projects should encompass research and development partners comprising all stages of the early drug discovery pipeline, integrating academia, SMEs, and industry. Thus, important gaps in the knowledge of marine fungi relevant for the production of bioactive compounds should be actively addressed and made relevant to pharmaceutical drug discovery pipelines.
- Bridging the innovation gap. Researchers can promote innovation directly by employing novel techniques that promote the biosynthesis/production of new metabolites in early stage drug discovery (lead finding) programs and by enriching the pool of metabolites available for screening programs.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ADAPT | Antibiotic Development to Advance Patient Treatment |
DoE | Design of Experiment |
DSP | Downstream Processing |
EMF | Erlenmeyer Flask |
MIC | Minimal Inhibitory Concentration |
MIC | Minimal Inhibitory Concentration |
MR | Methicillin-Resistant |
OSMAC | One-Strain-Many-Compounds |
Ref. | References |
SAR | Structure-Activity Relationship |
SME | Small and Medium Size Enterprises |
STR | Stirred Tank Reactor |
USP | Upstream Processing |
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| | |
3-Chloro-2,5-dihydroxy benzyl alcohol [37] | 15G265α [38] | Ascochytatin [39] |
| | |
Ascosetin [40] | Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate [41] | Calcaride A [42] |
| | |
Cephalosporin C [43] | Chrysogenazine [44] | Corollosporine [45,46] |
| | |
Cyclo-(Pro-Phe) [37] | Enniatin B [47] | Exophilin A [48] |
| | |
Lindgomycin x [40] | Obioninene [49] | (+)-Terrein [50] |
Compound, Chemical Class | Producer, Origin | Biotechnological Approach | Antibiotic Activity Against | Ref. |
15G265α,β,γ macrocyclic polylactones and lipodepsipeptide | Hypoxylon oceanicum LL‑15G256, mangrove | Optimised medium to increase titres Effect of seawater (negative at low temperature) Transfer to Fernbach flasks and 300-L fermenter | Staphylococcus epidermidis, Xanthomonas campestris Propionibacterium acnes | [38,42] |
Ascochytatin, spirodioxynaphthalene | Ascochyta sp. NGB4, floating scrap of festering rope collected at a fishing port | Optimisation of medium at small scale | Bacterial two-component regulatory system | [39] |
Ascosetin, tetramic acid | Lindgomycetaceae, Halichondria panicea, (sponge from Baltic Sea) | Transfer from EMF to STR (10 L): adaptation of medium, increase of yield (factor 100) and decrease of cultivation time | S. epidermidis, S. aureus, MR S. aureus, P. acnes, X. campestris, Septoria tritici | [40] |
Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, phthalate * | Cladosporium sp., sea water in mangrove area | Transfer from EMF to STR Record of conditions Scaling (2-L fermenter) | Loktanella hongkongensis, M. luteus, Rhodovulum sp., Ruegeria sp., Pseudoalteromonas piscida, Vibrio harveyi | [41,51] |
Calcarides A–E, macrocyclic and linear polyesters | Calcarisporium sp., Wadden sea water | Biosynthesis study for strain characterisation Biological derivatisation For calcaride A: Adaptation of medium in flasks (13‑fold improvement) STR: 200-fold improvement by pH adaptation, C/N ratio, nature of mycelial growth | Macrocyclic compounds: S. epidermidis, X. campestris linear polyesters: no antibiotic activity | [42,52] |
Cephalosporin, β-lactam | Aspergillus chrysogenum, sewage water | Full fermentative optimised process, titres up to 25 g/L Semi-synthesis from 7‑aminocephalosporanic acid (enzymatic) Genetic engineering to reduce by‑products Enzymatic treatment in DSP Immobilised cells in a repeated batch tower reactor | Broad spectrum | [43] |
Cephalosporium chrysogenum, sea water | DNA modified by mutagenesis | Broad spectrum | [53] | |
3-Chloro-2,5-dihydroxy benzyl alcohol, benzene derivative | Ampelomyces sp., marine biofilm | Scaling in EMF | Micrococcus sp., Vibrio sp., Pseudoalteromonas sp., S. aureus, S. haemolyticus | [37] |
Chrysogenazine, diketopiperazine | Penicillium chrysogenum, Porteresia coarctata (mangrove plant, leaves) | Scaling from 1-L to 5-L flasks Yield of the compound enhanced by modifying the carbon and nitrogen source | Vibrio cholera | [44] |
Corollosporin and derivates, phthalide derivatives | Corollospora maritima, marine driftwood | Biological derivatives by enzymatic treatment Salt dependency of fermentation | Candida maltosa, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, S. aureus, S. aureus North German epidemic strain, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus | [45,54] |
Cyclo-(Pro-Phe), diketopiperazine | Unidentified marine fungus UST030110-009, marine biofilm | Scaling in EMF | Antibacterial antibiofilm: Micrococcus sp., Vibrio sp., Pseudoalteromonas, S. aureus, S. haemolyticus | [37] |
Enniatins, cyclodepsipeptides | Halosarpheia sp., mangrove | Heterologous reprogramming of biosynthetic pathways | E. coli, Enterococcus faecium, Salmonella enterica, Shigella dysenteriae, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium perfringens, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus | [47] |
Exophilin A, 3,5-dihydroxy-decanoic polyester | Exophiala pisciphila, Mycale adhaerens (sponge) | Transfer from EMF to STR (glass bottle fermenter, 20 L) | E. facium, E. faecalis, S. aureus, MR S. aureus | [48] |
Lindgomycin, tetramic acid | Lindgomycetaceae, Halichondria panicea (sponge from Baltic Sea) | Adaptation of medium Transfer from EMF to STR (10 L): increase of yield (factor 100) and decrease of cultivation time (from 14 to 7 days) | MR S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. acnes, X. campestris, S. tritici | [40] |
Obioninene, ortho-quinone | Leptosphaeria oraemaris, marine driftwood | Effect of salinity on antibiotic production (in EMF) | Fucus-associated not identified bacterium | [49] |
(+)-Terrein, cyclopentenone | Aspergillus terreus PF-26, Phakellia fusca (sponge) | Optimisation of operating factors (5-L STR) such as inoculation, agitation speed, aeration rate, pH control and nutrient feeding | B. subtilis | [55] |
Not determined, sesterterpenoid | Fusarium heterosporum and Aspergillus versicolor, driftwood and alga | Metabolic engineering | Broad spectrum | [56] |
Not determined | Arthrinium c.f. saccharicola, seawater from a mangrove habitat | Co-culture Stimulation with bacterial elucidators Systematic manipulation of culture conditions: salinity, temperature, pH, and culture medium composition | Pseudoalteromonas spongiae, Vibrio vulnificus | [57] |
Not determined | Obligate fungi, marine deep-sea habitats | High pressure cultivation Scaling 20–100 L | Broad spectrum | [58] |
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Share and Cite
Silber, J.; Kramer, A.; Labes, A.; Tasdemir, D. From Discovery to Production: Biotechnology of Marine Fungi for the Production of New Antibiotics. Mar. Drugs 2016, 14, 137.
Silber J, Kramer A, Labes A, Tasdemir D. From Discovery to Production: Biotechnology of Marine Fungi for the Production of New Antibiotics. Marine Drugs. 2016; 14(7):137.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSilber, Johanna, Annemarie Kramer, Antje Labes, and Deniz Tasdemir. 2016. "From Discovery to Production: Biotechnology of Marine Fungi for the Production of New Antibiotics" Marine Drugs 14, no. 7: 137.
APA StyleSilber, J., Kramer, A., Labes, A., & Tasdemir, D. (2016). From Discovery to Production: Biotechnology of Marine Fungi for the Production of New Antibiotics. Marine Drugs, 14(7), 137.