Road Asphalt Pavements Analyzed by Airborne Thermal Remote Sensing: Preliminary Results of the Venice Highway
:1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Data and methods
3.1. Image preprocessing
3.2. Image classification
3.2.1. Object-oriented approach
- (i)
- The “find objects” task (i.e. segmentation; [30]) that was divided, in its turn, into four steps: “segment”, “merge”, “refine”, and “compute attributes”. The “segment” and “merge” steps of this task were used to divide the image into segments corresponding to real-world objects and for solving over-segmentation problems and then the adjacent segments were grouped on the basis of their brightness value.
- (ii)
- The “rule-based classification” task (i.e. classification; [30]) was used to extract only the highways and exits objects and then to export them onto a raster image.
3.2.2. Band Depth analysis on asphalt roads
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Object-oriented classification results
4.2. Application requirements and Band-Depth results
5. Conclusions
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Spectral coverage | VIS: 0.43-0.83 μm (channels 1-20) | Bandwidth | 20 nm | SNR (min, max) | 6 - 366 |
NIR: 1.15-1.55 μm (channels 21-28) | 50 nm | 80 - 1062 | |||
SWIR: 1.98-2.47 μm (channels 29-92) | 8 nm | 4 - 191 | |||
TIR: 8.18-12.70 μm (channels 93-102) | 340-540 nm | 150 - 1500 | |||
FOV and IFOV | 71° and 2 mrad | Cross-track pixels | 755 | ||
Angular | 1.64 | Digitalization accuracy | 12 bit |
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Pascucci, S.; Bassani, C.; Palombo, A.; Poscolieri, M.; Cavalli, R. Road Asphalt Pavements Analyzed by Airborne Thermal Remote Sensing: Preliminary Results of the Venice Highway. Sensors 2008, 8, 1278-1296.
Pascucci S, Bassani C, Palombo A, Poscolieri M, Cavalli R. Road Asphalt Pavements Analyzed by Airborne Thermal Remote Sensing: Preliminary Results of the Venice Highway. Sensors. 2008; 8(2):1278-1296.
Chicago/Turabian StylePascucci, Simone, Cristiana Bassani, Angelo Palombo, Maurizio Poscolieri, and Rosa Cavalli. 2008. "Road Asphalt Pavements Analyzed by Airborne Thermal Remote Sensing: Preliminary Results of the Venice Highway" Sensors 8, no. 2: 1278-1296.