Smart City Scenario Editor for General What-If Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Context Definition
3. Requirement Analysis and Scenario Data Model Definition
3.1. Scenario Data Model
- A1.
- name (string): the name of the scenario;
- A2.
- description (string): a brief description of the scenario;
- A3.
- location (string): the textual name of the geographic area considered;
- A4.
- startDatetime (string): timestamp of the starting instant from which the scenario is valid, represented as string compliant with ISO 8601 [41];
- A5.
- endDatetimes (string): timestamp of the last time instant for which the scenario is valid, represented as string compliant with ISO 8601 [41];
- A6.
- areaOfInterest (geometry): a polygon describing the portion of the city over which the scenario is defined, represented in GeoJSON;
- A7.
- knowledgeBase (string): the ID of the knowledge base used to fetch the data in the scenario, represented as a URI. It also identifies an organization or tenant in the multitenant Snap4City platform;
- A8.
- entities (data structure): IoT devices or other urban entities (e.g., traffic sensors, semaphores, POIs, buildings, gardens, waste bins, etc.) considered in the scenario and included in the area of interest, represented in JSON. Each entity is identified with a URI associated with an instance in the knowledge base;
- A9.
- roads (geometry): a list of roads included in the area of interest, represented in GeoJSON, according to the formal model described in Section 3.2. Each road is identified with a URI associated with an instance in the knowledge base;
- A10.
- restrictions (data structure): a list of traffic or access restrictions applied to entities and roads of the scenario, represented in JSON;
- A11.
- additionalData (data structure): data required by specific analytics, represented in JSON;
- A12.
- processingStatus (data structure): a list indicating the status of the scenario for each analytic used, represented in JSON. Each list entry can assume different values depending on the analytic to which it is referred;
- A13.
- operativeStatus (string): a description indicating the status of the scenario; it can assume the following values: proposed, approved, and rejected;
- A14.
- version (string): the version of the scenario used to implement a versioning system, with user-defined status labels. Please note that an automated versioning/evolution approach based on time was implemented using the dateObserved attribute;
- A15.
- dataObserved (string): timestamps of the creation/modifications of the scenario, represented as string compliant with ISO 8601 [41].
3.2. Formal Road Graph Data Model
- is the set of nodes forming the road graph (i.e., the road junctions).
- is the set of edges of the road graph, where means that there is a physical link allowing one to go from node v to node w and vice versa.
- R is the set of roads.
- is a function associating a GPS position to each node.
- is a function associating each edge to the road it belongs to.
- is a function stating for each edge the direction in which it can be traversed: means it can be traversed both ways; . Only from to ; . only from to .
- is a function associating the number of lanes (>0) for each edge.
- is a function that associates each edge with its max speed.
- models turn restrictions, where tuple means that the restriction of type applies to the edge via node to edge ; the node has to be shared between edges and , for example, restriction means that from edge , it is not possible to turn to edge .
- , the set of nodes of the compact version are a subset of the full version.
- and
- maps to the longest possible sequence of edges.
4. Scenario Editor
Scenario Editor Usability Test
5. Case Study: Traffic Flow Reconstruction
5.1. Consistency and Correctness of TFR
5.2. What-If Analysis for Traffic Congestion Reduction
- ,
- ,
- ,
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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ID | Name | Description of the Functional Requirements of a Scenario Editor |
R01 | Map visualization and controls | Show/select ground map to be used as the main canvas over which the user can define and study the scenario. Controls to move and zoom in on the map must be provided, with the possibility of changing the ground map when needed. The map is a visual representation of the geo information, for the minimal case, the graphs of roads, their relationships, and details. |
R02 | Area of interest definition | Draw/change a polygonal shape of arbitrary size to define the area of interest of the scenario, selecting a portion of the map and of the corresponding geo information. The scenario could be composed of multiple disjoint areas. |
R03 | Metadata setting | Set some metadata describing the scenario, such as its name, a description, the temporal validity (from date time to date time), the author, a purpose, etc. |
R04 | Knowledge base management | Work on different maps and geo information, which can be coded into different knowledge bases or other storages, to fetch the geolocated information (i.e., entities and roads) to be taken into account in the scenario. |
R05 | Road graph selection and management | Manage the road graph; each road segment must be visualized and managed in the scenarios. The road segments may present a number of descriptive characteristics, such as, type, travel direction, presence of restrictions, lanes, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. Each road must be selectable by the user to access additional information, such as name, type, length, number of lanes, maximum speed, etc. The manipulation of the road graph must be possible, for example, add, remove, or alter a road, invert the travel direction, increase or reduce the number of lanes, etc. In the representations of road segments, visual coding should be used to provide information at a glance. |
R06 | Entity selection and management | Manage geolocated entities such as IoT devices with time series data (such as semaphores, sensors/actuators, waste bins, parking sensors, luminaries, Wi-Fi access points, tv cameras, parking in structures); urban furniture (such as pedestrian crossing, benches, flowerbeds, fountains for drinkable water, toilets); and POIs (such as banks, cultural services, schools, commercial areas, restaurants, hotels). They must be visualized over the map upon user request. Each entity must be selectable by the user to inspect additional information (i.e., metadata, position, real-time and/or historic data, etc.). The manipulation of entities must be permitted, for example, to disable/enable an IoT device, select the measurements of interest, choose between real-time, historic, predicted, typical time trend data, change the semaphore timings, move a pedestrian crossing, etc. |
R07 | Enabling analytic computation | Define the context on which one could apply a large number of analytical processes including for example, the computation of traffic flow reconstructions, environmental analysis, environmental heatmaps, 15 min city index, KPIs to quantify some analysis, semaphore analysis, etc. For each analytic, the user has to be capable of composing the scenario and composing different inputs. This is the basis on which to enable the usage of the scenario for what-if analysis, exploiting several scenarios that must be inspected to verify their validity for solving a specific case. |
R08 | Validation through the activation of consistency analysis | Validate the scenario by means of one or a set of methods to assess its consistency and completeness in terms of road graph, entities, metadata, etc. The validation process has to involve an in-depth spatial analysis of the road graph as well as the compatibility check among the selected inputs. |
R09 | Scenario evolution over time | A scenario can evolve over time in terms of operative status (e.g., proposed, accepted, rejected), processing status (e.g., init, runnable, completed), and version. Each step must be related to a specific timestamp. |
R10 | Scenario management | To create a new scenario, save the defined scenario, load a previously created scenario, and save it again, possibly with a different name, etc. |
R11 | Models and custom | Scenario should be conformant to a model, on which additional variables can be added. |
Req. | GIS [19,20] | OSM iD Editor [24] | SUMO Netedit [28] | PTV [26,27] | Snap4City |
R01 | Yes | Yes | Yes (limited) | Yes (limited) | Yes |
R02 | No | No | No | No | Yes |
R03 | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R04 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R05 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R06 | Yes (no real-time) | Yes (no real-time) | Yes (no real-time) | Yes (no real-time) | Yes |
R07 | No | No | Yes (traffic only) | Yes (traffic only) | Yes |
R08 | No | Yes | Yes (partial) | Yes | Yes |
R09 | Yes (manual) | Yes (changelog) | Yes (manual) | Yes | Yes |
R10 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
R11 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Task | Question | AVG | STD |
1 | (a) How easy was to draw/edit the scenario on the map? | 4.4 | 0.7 |
(b) How much effective in terms of functionalities has it been? | 4.4 | 0.5 | |
(c) Are you satisfied with the velocity of the tool? | 4.4 | 0.7 | |
2 | (d) How easy was to remove primary roads and set the metadata? | 4.5 | 0.8 |
(e) How much effective in terms of functionalities has it been? | 4.5 | 0.9 | |
(f) Are you satisfied with the velocity of the tool? | 4.8 | 0.4 | |
3 | (g) How easy was to load the scenario on the map and add Points of Interest? | 4.5 | 1.2 |
(h) How much effective in terms of functionalities has it been? | 4.2 | 1.1 | |
(i) Are you satisfied with the velocity of the tool? | 4.6 | 0.5 |
Scenario Version | FRrs (FreeFlow) | FLrs (FluidFlow) | HErs (HeavyFlow) | VHrs (VeryHeavyFlow) |
0.7649 | 0.1501 | 0.0396 | 0.0455 | |
0.7607 | 0.1705 | 0.0414 | 0.0274 | |
0.7622 | 0.1744 | 0.0411 | 0.0223 |
Delta | Value | Percentage of Reduction |
0.00416 | −0.54% | |
0.00267 | −0.35% | |
−0.0205 | 13.69% | |
−0.0244 | 16.27% | |
−0.0017 | −4.51% | |
−0.0014 | −3.76% | |
0.0181 | 39.86% | |
0.0232 | 50.98% |
Scenario Version | FRrs (FreeFlow) | FLrs (FluidFlow) | HErs (HeavyFlow) | VHrs (VeryHeavyFlow) |
0.8071 | 0.0414 | 0.0251 | 0.1264 | |
0.7293 | 0.0569 | 0.0174 | 0.1961 |
Scenario Version | Computational Times (s) |
161.259 | |
162.330 | |
159.402 | |
120.368 | |
126.924 |
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Share and Cite
Adreani, L.; Bellini, P.; Bilotta, S.; Bologna, D.; Collini, E.; Fanfani, M.; Nesi, P. Smart City Scenario Editor for General What-If Analysis. Sensors 2024, 24, 2225.
Adreani L, Bellini P, Bilotta S, Bologna D, Collini E, Fanfani M, Nesi P. Smart City Scenario Editor for General What-If Analysis. Sensors. 2024; 24(7):2225.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAdreani, Lorenzo, Pierfrancesco Bellini, Stefano Bilotta, Daniele Bologna, Enrico Collini, Marco Fanfani, and Paolo Nesi. 2024. "Smart City Scenario Editor for General What-If Analysis" Sensors 24, no. 7: 2225.
APA StyleAdreani, L., Bellini, P., Bilotta, S., Bologna, D., Collini, E., Fanfani, M., & Nesi, P. (2024). Smart City Scenario Editor for General What-If Analysis. Sensors, 24(7), 2225.