Bolt Installation Defect Detection Based on a Multi-Sensor Method
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work and Contributions
2.1. State of the Art
2.2. Main Contributions
- The torque and angle sensors inside the screwdriver and the visual sensor described are used for the comprehensive detection and judgment of bolt installation defects. Torque and angle sensors can detect bolt torque defects and whether bolts have slipped. Vision sensors can detect the incorrect and missing installation of bolts.
- Using the YOLO v3 network, the recognition rate of visual detection is up to 99.75%, and the average confidence of the output is 0.947.
- Simulation experiments are carried out for several single-type sensors which are prone to mis-inspection. The results show that the detection method based on multiple sensors can output accurate detection results in the case of bolt missing or incorrect installation, torque defects and whether bolts have slipped, and has great advantages over the detection method based on a single type of sensor.
3. Overview of Detection Methods
- When the inspection results of both modules are normal assembly, the final inspection result is normal assembly of the bolts.
- When the inspection result of the screwdriver module is a torque defect and the inspection result of the visual module is normal assembly, the final inspection result is that the bolt has a torque defect.
- When the inspection result of the screwdriver module is normal assembly and the inspection result of the visual module is incorrect installation, the final inspection result is incorrect installation.
- When the detection result of the screwdriver module is that the torque is too low, the angle is too large and the time is out, and the detection result of the visual module is that the bolt is missing installation, the final detection result is missing installation.
- When the inspection result of the screwdriver module is too large and the inspection result of the visual module is normal assembly, the final inspection result is the bolt slip.
4. Visual Monitoring Based on YOLO v3
4.1. Algorithm Overview
4.2. Network Training
4.2.1. Experimental Data Preparation
4.2.2. Model Training and Experimental Environments
4.2.3. Analysis Results
5. Multiple-Type Sensor Detection Experiment
5.1. Detection Subject
5.2. Experimentation
5.2.1. Normal Bolt Installation
5.2.2. Incorrect Bolt Installation
5.2.3. Missing Bolt Installation
5.2.4. Torque Defects and Bolt Slips
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Contrast Term | Torque Sensor | Range Sensor | Visual Sensor |
Detection content | Incorrect and missing installation, torque defect | Missing installation | Incorrect and missing installation |
Conditions of use | No harsh condition | No harsh condition | Needs steady light |
Robustness | Stronger | Stronger | Susceptible to light conditions |
Characteristic Map Size | Receptive Field | Anchor Box |
13 × 13 | Large | (116 × 90) (156 × 198) (373 × 326) |
26 × 26 | Medium | (30 × 61) (62 × 45) (59 × 119) |
52 × 52 | Small | (10 × 13) (16 × 30) (33 × 23) |
Parameter | Numerical Value |
Weight_decay | 0.0005 |
Batch_ Size | 8 |
Nms_ Iou | 0.3 |
Confidence | 0.5 |
Learning rate | 0.0001 |
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An, S.; Xiao, M.; Wang, D.; Qin, Y.; Fu, B. Bolt Installation Defect Detection Based on a Multi-Sensor Method. Sensors 2023, 23, 4386.
An S, Xiao M, Wang D, Qin Y, Fu B. Bolt Installation Defect Detection Based on a Multi-Sensor Method. Sensors. 2023; 23(9):4386.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAn, Shizhao, Muzheng Xiao, Da Wang, Yan Qin, and Bo Fu. 2023. "Bolt Installation Defect Detection Based on a Multi-Sensor Method" Sensors 23, no. 9: 4386.
APA StyleAn, S., Xiao, M., Wang, D., Qin, Y., & Fu, B. (2023). Bolt Installation Defect Detection Based on a Multi-Sensor Method. Sensors, 23(9), 4386.