Risk-Aware Distributionally Robust Optimization for Mobile Edge Computation Task Offloading in the Space–Air–Ground Integrated Network
:1. Introduction
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- We investigate the task offloading decision model in the SAGIN environment. The task offloading model consists of two stages: the first stage involves the task offloading decision, while the second stage focuses on edge–cloud collaboration and cloud resource allocation.
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- A fuzzy set of computational resources for edge computing nodes was constructed, considering CVaR. Then, based on the theory of Lagrange duality, the model is transformed into a semidefinite programming form, and the RaDROO algorithm is proposed to solve the task offloading problem with distributional robustness under risk awareness.
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- We conducted simulation experiments from two aspects. On one hand, we adjusted certain parameters of the proposed model to obtain the optimal values for those parameters. On the other hand, we fixed the parameters and compared them with the state-of-the-art algorithms in different computation and network environments. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model and algorithm have better results than the state-of-the-art methods in terms of usability, robustness, and risk.
2. Related Work
2.1. SAGIN Architecture
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- Cross-platform efficiency: Through the integration and collaborative operations achieved by SAGIN, different tasks can be offloaded and migrated between different platforms, thereby improving the efficiency of task execution.
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- Increased flexibility through edge–cloud collaboration: In the SAGIN network, tasks can be dynamically allocated and scheduled, allowing them to be offloaded to the most suitable platforms based on their computational requirements. This improves resource utilization.
2.2. Traditional Computation Offloading
2.3. Uncertain-Aware Computation Offloading
2.4. Risk-Aware Computation Offloading
3. Network Architecture and System Model
3.1. SAGIN Architecture and Channel Models
3.2. Computation Task Offloading Model
3.3. Computing Resources Using a Fussy Set Model
4. Risk-Aware Distributionally Robust Optimization Task Offloading Algorithm Design
4.1. Network Architecture and System Model
4.2. Transform from DRO to SDP
4.3. RADROO-MILP Algorithm
Algorithm 1 Cost-based MILP algorithms for the DRO task offloading problem. |
4.4. Complexity Analysis
5. Performance Evaluation
5.1. Simulation Setup
- (1)
- Channel State Information (CSI)
- (2)
- ECNs Information
- (3)
- Comparison Algorithm
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- The Brute-Force algorithm does not take into account any uncertainty or potential computational overflow of tasks to the extent that it may eventually result in the inability to obtain an optimal solution.
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- In RO, only the uncertainty of computational resources of ECNs is considered and their possible worst-case scenarios are experimentally selected to ensure their robustness.
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- In SO, the fuzzy set is constructed based on the historical data of the computational resources of the given ECNs; thus, we obtain their means and variances.
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- In DRO [5], the mean value in the range of the uncertainty set is obtained, and its optimal robust result is obtained by the min–max theory, which guarantees both robustness and practicality. However, there is also a drawback, namely that it is an uncertainty set constructed from historical data, which does not guarantee the stability of the uncertainty set and does not consider its risk.
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- In RaDROO, in addition to what the DRO considers, it complements certain deficiencies that it possesses. It considers CVaR, choosing only the part as the benchmark, while using as a weight with the original part. That is to say, it selectively aggravates the proportion of the worse part of the results within the final result in order to guarantee its risk resistance.
5.2. Experiments
5.2.1. RaDROO Algorithm
5.2.2. Comparison with Other Algorithms
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Li, Z.; Chen, P. Risk-Aware Distributionally Robust Optimization for Mobile Edge Computation Task Offloading in the Space–Air–Ground Integrated Network. Sensors 2023, 23, 5729. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23125729
Li Z, Chen P. Risk-Aware Distributionally Robust Optimization for Mobile Edge Computation Task Offloading in the Space–Air–Ground Integrated Network. Sensors. 2023; 23(12):5729. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23125729
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Zhiyuan, and Pinrun Chen. 2023. "Risk-Aware Distributionally Robust Optimization for Mobile Edge Computation Task Offloading in the Space–Air–Ground Integrated Network" Sensors 23, no. 12: 5729. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23125729
APA StyleLi, Z., & Chen, P. (2023). Risk-Aware Distributionally Robust Optimization for Mobile Edge Computation Task Offloading in the Space–Air–Ground Integrated Network. Sensors, 23(12), 5729. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23125729