Commercial and Scientific Solutions for Blood Glucose Monitoring—A Review
:1. Introduction
- Invasive monitoring: The traditional monitoring method of BG is via pricking the fingertip and then putting the obtained drop of blood on the test stripe multiple times per day [19]. This way is called invasive monitoring measurement. Although such monitoring helps patients greatly with BG management and is highly sensitive and correct, it still brings pain, infection risk and even damage to the skin tissue over a long time [20]. Moreover, the finger pricking method falls short when it comes to CGM, since it is conducted every couple of hours by the affected patient rather than in short time intervals over the length of the day [19].
- Minimal invasive monitoring: Minimal invasive glucose sensing is via microneedles inserted into the skin where the interstitial fluid is located [21]. A probe of this liquid is then chemically evaluated to determine the glucose level. The well-established commercial available glucose sensing systems of Dexcom [22] and FreeStyle Libre [23] are based on this method. Herein, a sensor is inserted into the skin of the belly or of the upper arm. After a ‘warm-up’/calibration time of one (FreeStyle Libre 3) or two hours (Dexom G6), the sensor is connected with a wearable device for monitoring the measured data, and the glucose level is determined every few minutes [22,23]. Furthermore, the Dexcom G6 can additionally be calibrated manually by the patient with the BGL measured by finger pricking [22]. Compared to the traditional finger pricking, the determination of the BGL with the FreeStyle Libre or Dexcom sensors is less painful for the patient and yields the significant advantage of enabling CGM. However, the costs for this system are relative high, since the sensor has to be replaced at last every 10 or 14 days.
- Non-invasive (NI) monitoring: NI blood glucose monitoring aims to produce neither pain nor discomfort during the glucose measurement [24]. These approaches can be classified according to the applied glucose sensing method. The primary sensing methods for NI methods are the electrochemical [24,25] and the electromagnetic-based methods [26,27,28]. In electrochemical NI glucose sensors, a probe of saliva [29], tear drop [30] or the exhaled breath [31] is analyzed. The electromagnetic methods are based on the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the human body. The applied wavelengths vary from the m-range (impedance spectroscopy) to the mm-range (microwaves) up to the nm-range (optical frequencies)—compare Figure 1.
2. Non-Invasive Sensor Principles
2.1. Electrochemical NI Sensors
2.1.1. Saliva Analysis
- Components: The sensor used for monitoring is called mouthguard (MG) glucose sensor, where an electrode sensor is included. A cellulose acetate (CA) membrane is used as interference rejection membrane to suppress the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA), which is the improvement of 2020 [29]. A wireless module integrated with a potentiostat is designed for a continuous measurement. Finally, the results are displayed on a smartphone or tablet device. The design is shown in Figure 2. The first and third layer is in dentition shape and the second layer is for the electrode sensor, wireless instrument and battery.
- Methods: The main idea is to use the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase (GOD) as the connection between the blood glucose and the saliva. Equations (1) and (2) show the reaction in detail:The MG glucose sensor in 2020 consists of three layers:
- First layer: It is built with MG material, polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG), and modeled in the shape of dentition.
- Second layer: The enzymatic reaction is performed on the electrode sensor, which is formed on the first layer. On the sensor, a GOD mixture is set to the sensing area to detect the glucose concentration. A Bluetooth low energy (BLE)-type wireless measuring instrument is connected with the electrode sensor through a conductive spring with nickel plating for saving the space. The current from the enzymatic reaction will be then transferred via the wireless module and displayed in a smartphone or tablet device via a self-developed application for Android OS. The detection of electrodes shows the correlation to the glucose concentration level.
- Third layer: A second MG material is hermetically mounted through heat welding.
In 2016, the estimation was realized through artificial saliva, which is composed of salts and various proteins, such as disodium hydrogen phosphate, anhydrous calcium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, urea and type II mucin from porcine stomachs [51]. Glucose solutions, such as galactose, fructose, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol, were also prepared for selectivity evaluation. In 2020 further estimations were approached in both artificial and human saliva [29]. - Results: The glucose concentration is proportional to the output current. The sensor can detect the glucose concentration in the range of 0–180 mg/dL (1.75–10,000 µmol/L). The saliva glucose concentration of normal and diabetic patients is 0.4–3.6 mg/dL (20–200 µmol/L). The minimum change in glucose concentration can be detected at 0.9 mg/dL (0.05 mmol/L). In addition, experiments were also held to see the performance of the sensor selectivity by comparing the mean relative output current to different glucose solutions with 1.8 mg/dL (100 µmol/L). According to the magnitude of the output current produced by glucose, the glucose is 100%, the glucose solutions like mannitol, sorbitol, fructose and xylitol can be neglected in artificial saliva, and the galactose is only 0.265%. The rejection of AA and UA interference reaches the noise ratio of 97.1%. That means the sensor has a high selectivity. In addition, a stable output can be obtained in approximate 20 min, and the monitoring can last more than 5 h. The glucose concentration of human saliva is obtained after the calibration curve for artificial saliva. In addition, since the sensor works in the oral cavity, the researchers also ensure that the result is stable until four rounds of cleaning, which also indicates that the sensor has excellent waterproofness. For the low glucose level measurement, the designed biosensor has similar accuracy performance with the kit and spectrophotometer with 0.4 mg/dL and 0.3 mg/dL, respectively.
- Further studies: Since many other proteins in saliva have influence on the glucose measurement, a sensor, which performs under more complex conditions, is still under research.
2.1.2. Ocular Fluid: Tear
- Components: The sensor principle is based on the radiometric fluorescent glucose-sensing membranes, which are fabricated based on an oxygen-sensing membrane with different supporting polymers, namely, ethyl cellulose (EC), polyurethanes (such as D4), aminopropyltrimethoxysilane and glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GA). Figure 3 shows the fabrication of radiometric fluorescent glucose-sensing membranes, which is composed of 2 layers: the oxygen-sensing membrane and GOD on the supporting polymers (EC, D4, GA) [58]. The oxygen-sensing membrane is made of polystyrene particles (PS) doped with oxygen-sensitive fluorescent dye platinum meso-tetra porphyrin (PtP) and Coumarin 6 (C6) (abbreviated with PS@C6⌃PtP) in a sol–gel matrix of GA.
- Methods: The main idea is to follow the catalytic reactions. Since the emission band edges of PS@C6⌃PtP appear at 635 nm and 475 nm for PtP and C6, respectively, the ratio of the fluorescence intensities (FI) is chosen at above two emission wavelengths ( and ). The ratio is formed as below, in Equation (3). An excitation wavelength is chosen at 400 nm.The investigation is carried out in the artificial tear with the components of 10 mM phosphate saline buffer (PBS, 7.0 pH), 10 µM uric acid, 100 µM ascorbic acid, and 10 µM acetaminophen. To quantify the immobilization properties of GOD of EC, D4 and GA, different amounts GOD are under test, namely, 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 and 100 units (U). The amount of immobilized GOD is in the end 50 U after considering factors such as sensitivity, cost and detection range because too much immobilized enzyme results in a narrow detection range, while too little immobilized enzyme leads to the longer detection time. After deciding the immobilized GOD amount, further measurements of the response, the reversibility, the effect of pH and temperature and the long-term stability on the GOD = PS@C6⌃PtP are estimated. The reversibility of the supporting material indicates the sensitivity. The evaluation thereof is demonstrated by exposing these three materials in a repeated cycle of glucose concentration in the range of 0–36 mg/dL (0–2 mM). Regarding the pH and temperature and since the slope value (SI), the ratio of the FI ratio and glucose concentration, are the vital indicators, the relation between the pH value and the temperature with the slop value should not significantly change. According to this, the 7–9 pH-range and the temperature 30 °C are chosen. The stability is estimated by comparing the FI ratio and corresponding glucose at the beginning and one month later.
- Results: The sensor has a detection range of 1.8–180 mg/dL (0.1–10 mM). A high linear sensitivity is given in the low glucose concentration range of 1.8–36 mg/dL (0.1–2 mM). At a high glucose concentration of 36–180 mg/dL (2–10 mM), GA performs better than the other two. Table 1 shows the GOD = PS@C6⌃PtP response to the glucose level of each supporting material in detail.For the reversibility, each material performs separately and repeatedly in 0–36 mg/dL (0–2 mM) glucose for about 20 min. Table 2 shows the different relative standard deviation (RSD) of EC, D4 and GA at 0 mg/dL and 36 mg/dL and GA responses faster than EC and D4. For the stability, the FI-glucose curve at the beginning and that from one month later are very close to each other, which means that the membrane has good stability. The SI of the linear calibration curves and the radiometric FI in both standard glucose solution and artificial tears are estimated. Figure 4 gives the final result. Clearly, the SI of both with three different supporting materials has similar performance in standard and tear glucose. The detailed SI values are shown in Table 2. Additionally, the percentage deviation thereof is −1.5 to 9.0%, which also shows a promising detection in the tears.
2.1.3. Exhaled Breath Analysis
2.1.4. Summary
2.2. Electromagnetic Non-Invasive Monitoring
2.2.1. Raman Spectroscopy
- Components: The design consists of the following parts: An 830 nm laser diode, an imaging spectroscope that includes a mechanical shutter, a charge-coupled device (CCD sensor) and a filtered laser beam of 250 mW with an incidence angle of 60. In Figure 6 the scheme of the Raman spectroscopy system is depicted.Figure 6. Scheme of Raman spectroscopy system (Adapted from Ref. [83]).Figure 6. Scheme of Raman spectroscopy system (Adapted from Ref. [83]).
- Methods: The measurements were conducted on three female Yorkshire pig ears. In the experiments, four glucose difference solutions (G) of 456 mg/dL, 371 mg/dL, 352 mg/dL and 256 mg/dL are used to find the relation between the intensity of increase of the Raman peaks and the glucose difference. A high linearity is found between the Raman peak intensity, the band-area ratio and the glucose difference, respectively. The band-area ratio is the normalized glucose intensity between the glucose Raman peak intensity and the dominant tissue Raman peak intensity. To maximize the effective sampling volume and for stability reasons, an off-axis Raman instrument (Figure 7) is designed with a configuration of an oblique angle of 60° laser illumination. For temperature controlling a water blanket is used. The penetration depth is beyond 1 mm under the skin.
- Results: The detectable glucose concentration is between 29 and 78 mg/dL. The tests are arranged for two five-minute measurements or 10 min in total for spectra collection. It was highlighted that the oblique angle incidence of the laser proved a more effective way to measure the glucose Raman signal. Nevertheless, there are challenges such as movement of the object, sweat, temperature, heart rate, a lower maximum glucose concentration, less integration time, smaller system size and adaption to more users physical situations from different countries. In further development, improving the Raman system and developing sophisticated prediction algorithms are the main directions of J.W. Kang et al. [83].
- Methods: The framework of this research is as follows: Raman spectra serve as the input in the computer space. The spectral information containing the glucose information is then processed inversely through a back regression analysis, so that the prediction performance can be evaluated. Random forest (RF) regression and partial least squares regression (PLSR) are utilized for the prediction. A Monte-Carlo simulation is used to demonstrate the Raman photon generation in skin tissue, which consists of excitation photons scattered into the skin tissue and Raman photons escaping from the skin surface. The excitation laser transmits at 785 nm with 60 mW. The glucose concentration is set to be in the range of 50–400 mg/dL, and the collection efficiency is set five times halved from 3.2% to 0.2%.Equations (5)–(7) show the all used spectra in this research in more detail. The computer simulates a glucose spectrum , a fluorescence background spectrum and a total spectrum , which is the sum of the former two spectra at a certain glucose concentration. In addition, the simulation of excitation photons and Raman photons is also included, which is introduced for the efficiency calculation. The parameters , g, t correspond to the wavelength, glucose concentration and elapsed time, respectively. The glucose spectrum is calculated by the glucose spectrum simulated by the Monte-Carlo method at a given concentration , considering the Raman scattering , the collection efficiency indicating the miniaturization, the excitation laser power , the excitation photons , the Planck constant h and the speed of light c. The fluorescence background spectrum is measured for a duration of 30 s with an excitation laser and a lensed fiber optic probe. In addition, is the time-decay constant.
- Results: A wavelength of 1125 is mostly used for glucose detection. However, it is still a challenge for the non-invasive glucose monitoring devices to have a good trade-off between the performance and the miniaturization with respect to the collection efficiency. Here, three criteria are used to evaluate the prediction, namely, the regression analysis (R), the mean absolute relative difference (MARD), and the zones A and B in the Clarke error grid (CEG A + B). With the reduced collection efficiency (from 3.2% to 0.2%), the achieved results get worse, as depicted in Table 3. For further studies, artifacts detecting subject movement and sweating could be considered as improvement aspects.
2.2.2. Impedance Spectroscopy-Based Monitoring
- Components: The wearable system for non-invasive glucose motioning proposed in [87] consisted of multiple sensors (Figure 8). A flexible band worn on the wrist contained temperature and humidity sensors as well as electrodes for impedance spectroscopy. Moreover, LEDs and a photoelectric sensor were integrated into the flexible band for optical sensing. Additionally, a flexible band with an electrode for impedance spectroscopy was fixed to the upper arm.Figure 8. Wearable multisensor platform for non-invasive glucose sensing. The system includes impedance spectroscopy-based sensors (electrodes) as well as optical sensors (LEDs, photoelectric sensor) and humidity and temperature sensors (Reprinted from Ref. [87]).Figure 8. Wearable multisensor platform for non-invasive glucose sensing. The system includes impedance spectroscopy-based sensors (electrodes) as well as optical sensors (LEDs, photoelectric sensor) and humidity and temperature sensors (Reprinted from Ref. [87]).
- Methods: The described setup for non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring was evaluated in 33 experiments on six healthy subjects and three subjects with diabetes. The system comprised two different electrodes for impedance spectroscopy. The signal frequency applied on the low-frequency electrodes on the waist and upper arm was 1 kHz to 150 kHz and on the high-frequency electrodes on the waist 10 MHz to 60 MHz, respectively. Therefore, the low-frequency electrodes measured the impedance of the arm and the high-frequency electrodes the impedance of the waist tissue. The use of multiple sensors and the application of time series analysis on these signals endured the time delay between the physiological parameters and the glucose level change. The performance of the system was evaluated by comparing the estimated glucose profiles with the reference glucose profiles derived by finger pricking or a dynamic glucometer.
- Results: The results indicated that the average of the correlation coefficients of the estimated and reference glucose profiles was 0.8315. Moreover, the normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) was 14.6064. Overall, 100% of the estimated glucose levels fell in Zones A and B of the Clark error grid, and 92.86% fell in Zone A. Therefore, it was concluded that the proposed system had the potential of accurate non-invasive continuous glucose monitoring.
- Limitations: The work of Geng et al. is promising; however, the movement of artifacts due to relative displacement between the electrodes and the skin was not addressed. In future research, this problem could be explored.
2.2.3. Microwave-Based Monitoring
- In 2011, an approach based on the dielectric and mounting properties of human tissues was demonstrated [92]. According to it, different components can be composed to simulate a tissue model. A model with skin, fat and blood vessels was proposed to mimic human tissues. The glucose detection range is 50–500 mg/dL. Two different types of patch antennas are applied to find the relation between the scattering parameters and the blood glucose concentration. The simulation is based on the crook of the arm model. The human arm model is represented via the previously published permittivity [94]. The simulation uses and in the range of 5 to 12 GHz.The setup was tested for a water plus glucose test fluid, as water has a high permittivity but a similar dielectric behavior to blood. The measuring frequency is 5–6 GHz. The tested water–glucose solution is from 50 mg/dL to 500 mg/dL, and a slope of 392.5 kHz/dL is achieved between 5.3 GHz and 5.5 GHz.
- In 2013, a six-port reflectometer and a homodyne vector network analyzer were used, with basis on the dielectric measurements as well [93]. In this study, the glucose detection range is 72–500 mg/dL. Both reflection and transmission methods are used and indicate that there should be a limitation of maximum propagation distance in the material under test (MUT) and a proper choice of the waveguide parameters. In addition, a simplification model and an effective permittivity were introduced. The bold line with width w represents the conductor and the gray part is the MUT. Additionally, h is the substrate thickness of 100 µm, corresponds to the angular frequency, and serves as the glucose concentration. The model is simplified from a waveguide cross section of a stacked structure with a microstrip line covered by a blood vessel. As the radius of the blood vessel is larger than the conductor width, the blood vessel is regarded as the MUT, so that the transmission along the blood vessel can be achieved. It has to be remarked that there is no air gap between the microstrip line (MSL) and MUT.In the experiment, 40 samples of real blood with added NaCl and water are used, where NaCl and water serve as the carrier and reference samples. A total of 50 measurements on the MUT were conducted with two 2.92 mm connectors in 14–16 GHz with a glucose concentration variation between 0 and 40.000 mg/dL. The output magnitude and phase shift of both reflected signal and transmitted signal are summarized in Table 4. This implies that when the glucose concentration varies from 0 mg/dL to 10.000 mg/dL, a phase shift of 0.08 and a transmitted magnitude change of 3.2 mV occurred for the reflected signal, whereas for the transmitted signal a phase shift of 0.2 and a transmitted magnitude change of 8 mV were shown. Such a variation on the transmitted magnitude and phase shows the sensitivity of the proposed sensor. That means both reflection-based and transmission-based sensors can detect the minor glucose concentration variation.
Reflected Signal | Transmission Signal | |||
Magnitude (mV) | Phase Shift (°) | Magnitude (mV) | Phase Shift (°) | |
= 0 mg/dL | ∼894.4 | ∼−3.8 | ∼858 | — |
= 10.000 mg/dL | ∼891.2 | ∼−3.96 | ∼864 | ∼−7.76 |
- Components: The idea of the sensor design is based on the hexagonal-shaped complementary split ring resonator (CSRR). The proposed sensor is composed of four-cell CSRRs in a honey-cell pattern with two different topologies, namely, a compact one with a horizontal distance of 7.6 mm and a dispersed one with a horizontal distance of 12.6 mm. The distance between the other two vertical placed CSRRs is 12 mm. Additionally, a VNA, a 2.45 GHz radar board and a container are used in the setup.
- Methods: The experimented glucose level varies in the range of 70–120 mg/dL on the blood mimicking aqueous solutions. The chosen operation frequency is 2.45 GHz, as it not only matches the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band for the sensor integrating in the radar system but also provides adequate penetration depth for the glucose detection. As the magnitude and phase variation is more distinct and sensitive on the transmission coefficient than on the reflection coefficient , the sensitivity evaluation is only conducted through frequency shifts of . The whole research can be divided into three parts: a numerical analysis, an in vitro VNA measurement and an in vivo evaluation with a radar system. The numerical analysis can be further divided into three cases: unloaded, loaded with an empty container and loaded with pure distilled water of volume 600 µL on the compact and dispersed CSRR sensor. Additionally, different skin layer thicknesses of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mm are considered in the simulation. In the in vitro VNA measurement, glucose concentrations of 70–120 mg/dL and 200–500 mg/dL are applied to the two different sensor topologies. For the sake of sensitivity improvement, a PCA algorithm is utilized to analyze the scattering response of the VNA measurement results. Finally, the in vivo test is investigated on the finger. Different to the measurement experiment (depicted in Figure 9), the costly and bulky VNA is replaced with a radar system, which is low cost and low power and carries out real-time monitoring. Notably, the whole research is carried out at room temperature or 25 ± 1 ℃.Figure 9. Working principle of the proposed sensor system by Omer et al. The portable radar-driven sensor measures the BGL by sensing electromagnetic waves of small wavelengths into the blood vessels of the fingertip (Reprinted from Ref. [35]).Figure 9. Working principle of the proposed sensor system by Omer et al. The portable radar-driven sensor measures the BGL by sensing electromagnetic waves of small wavelengths into the blood vessels of the fingertip (Reprinted from Ref. [35]).
- Results: From the numerical analysis, a clear frequency shift occurs after placing a container on the sensor. After loading with distilled water, a further frequency shift and a steeper magnitude variation on the can be observed. Additionally, a clear separable change on both frequency and amplitude can be directly seen after different glucose samples in the range of 40–500 mg/dL are filled into the container. Notably, the skin thickness has a negative influence on the coupled electric field, implying the amplitude variation per dielectric permittivity and the loss tangent are different. In the in vitro VNA measurements, both sample concentration ranges show similar responses in the frequency shift and amplitude variation for the two typologies. Those changes can be related correspondingly to the different sample concentrations. Remarkably, only a slight variation occurs in the frequency shift, whereas the amplitude variation is significant. Nevertheless, the average monitoring sensitivity is 0.94 MHz/(mg/dL) (dispersed: 0.45–0.95 MHz/(mg/dL); compact: 0.63–1.25 MHz/(mg/dL)), which indicates that the determined variation can be as little as 1 mg/dL. Additionally, after applying PCA post-processing, a clearer separation can be seen for different sample concentrations of 70, 90 and 110 mg/dL. In the in vivo test, the designed sensor operates together with a radar system on a 29-year old healthy male volunteer for a maximal test duration about one minute. The test result indicates the same glucose variation trend as with a glucometer. Moreover, the result curves are distinct and separable for different glucose concentrations.
- Methods: The experiments were conducted in the range of 1 GHz to 5 GHz. Blood glucose levels between 0 and 400 mg/dL were measured via a VNA. The antenna is fabricated on FR4 material with 1.6 mm height and a single feed line with a 50 characteristic impedance. The spiral antenna, UWB antenna and narrow band antenna are designed for resonating frequencies of 4.7 GHz, 3.4 GHz and 1 GHz, respectively. The relation to the BGL is constructed according to the return loss measured by and the frequency peak.
- Results: Because of the rectangular spiral shape of the antenna, there is a certain loss, characterized by the return loss of , between simulated and measured values. The simulated value and the tested values of the peak for the spiral shaped antenna are –32.04 dB and –20.09 dB, respectively. As the frequency response of UWB antenna is quite wide, it is not easy to get a correspondence of the frequency response and the blood glucose level, although it is an encouraging method. The final simulated and tested values of the peak are –33.327 dB and –29.236 dB, and –42.22 dB and –39.34 dB, respectively. Nevertheless, the narrow band antenna gives a more accurate linear response compared to the other two antennas. For the narrow band antenna, the simulated value and tested value of the peak of are –31.37 dB and –26.84 dB, respectively. In sum, the loss for the narrow band antenna is the smallest, compared to the other two types of antennas.
- Further Improvements: As next steps, V.V. Deshmukh et al. [96] suggest to generate a mathematical model to predict blood glucose level. For this purpose, the forehand data can be collected to build a data set.
- Methods: The main idea of this research is based on the observed frequency shift of depending on the variation of BGL. The designed narrow band microstrip antenna resonates at 1.36 GHz. The whole research has two parts: data collection and data processing. The BGL is in the range of 0–400 mg/dL.In the data collection, 250 individuals were involved: 75 diabetic subjects (50 male and 25 female aged 18–65), 50 pre-diabetic subjects (25 male and 25 female aged 18–65) and 125 diabetic subjects (75 male and 50 female aged 10–70). The Accu-Check machine was used to record the reference BGL and a VNA to collect corresponding frequency shifts. The reference BGL data were collected 12 h after the fasting period or 2 h after the lunch.In the data processing part, some redundant data were eliminated, which resulted from the environmental change interference. After that, two regression analyses were performed, linear regression with and without sub band frequency analyses, which depended on the frequency shifts. The detailed 3 sub bands are the frequency shifts less than 1 GHz (non diabetic), 1–1.5 GHz (pre-diabetic) and larger than 1.15 GHz (diabetic).
- Results: The performance without the sub band results in the coefficient of determination value of 0.7525, the surveillance error grid (SEG), which is an estimation for clinical scenarios. SEG illustrates the risk level through a color-coded graph from dark green to dark red. Lower risk is displayed in dark green, whereas higher risk is shown in dark red. In other words, the result with more points appears in the green part and the one with less points in the red part performs better. The SEG results are 60.91% in the dark green part, 20% in the green part and 19.09% in the yellow part, and the MARD result is 22.98%. After using the sub-band regression, the performance is improved: of 0.8479 for non-diabetic, of 0.8346 for pre-diabetic and 0.9133 for the person with diabetes; SEG of 85.37%, 9.76% and 4.88% in the dark-green, green and yellow parts, respectively, and mean MARD of 4.204%.
- Further Improvements: The observed measurement errors, such as in the skin thickness and the finger pattern, are mainly caused by the finger movement, the temperature, the pressure and the humidity. Therefore, a proper analysis is important for the microwave-based BG sensor. Meanwhile, the finger should be pressed moderately on the sensor, otherwise the blood may be pressed away, which may lead to measurement inaccuracy.
- Methods: The whole process can be divided into two parts, namely, a detection part and a data processing part. In the detection part, a VNA and a three-layer earlobe model are employed, which play a vital role in further data processing and serve as training dataset and test set. The VNA is calibrated with a 12-term short-open-load-thru (SOLT), including isolation using OLSN50 calibration kits. The VNA is operated in the range of 0.2–4 GHz and with a stepsize of 6.25 MHz to detect the reflection and transmission coefficients. In the earlobe model, B1 corresponds to the blood layer with a thickness of 3 mm, whereas F1 and F2 are two fat layers with the thickness of 1.5 mm each. D1 and D2 are the boundaries between the fat and blood layer. A1 and A2 represent two antennas with a size of 80 mm × 20 mm, whereas E describes the plane Electromagnetic (EM) wave. In particular, , , , and are the transmitted wave in layer F1, the reflected wave in layer F1, the transmitted wave in layer B1, the reflected wave in layer B1 and the transmitted wave in layer F2, respectively. Additionally, and are the permittivity and conductivity of the respective medium. The measured data are then stored in a PC for further signal post-processing.In the subsequent processing part, the INNHO is used, which consists of two models: a modified back propagation neural network (BPNN) model and a hybrid least squares-random sample consensus (LS-RANSAC) model. Since this research uses machine learning signal post-processing, the detailed methods will be explained in Section 3.1.
- Further Improvements: The model in this state misses real-world factors to some extent. Thus, e.g., the thickness of the tissue should be considered.
- Components: The approached sensor (Figure 10) is a two-port microstripline simulation based system with an operating frequency of 19.037 GHz after tapering and an impedance of 50 . It is adhered to a substrate with a dielectric constant of 10.7. The size of the sensor is 0.36 mm in width. The MUT object is a water glucose solution of 0–500 mg/dL glucose level. A water tank simulates the blood-glucose with 5 mm in depth, 5 mm in width and the dielectric constant = 78.2.Figure 10. View of the proposed sensor approach (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [98] © 2020 IEEE).Figure 10. View of the proposed sensor approach (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [98] © 2020 IEEE).
- Methods: The main idea is to evaluate the frequency shift of the reflection coefficient caused by various glucose concentrations. Moreover, two step-sizes are chosen for studying the relation between the glucose concentration and the reflection and the transmission coefficients, a fine one with 10 mg/dL in the range of 0–110 mg/dL and a coarse one with 50 mg/dL in the range of 0–500 mg/dL.
- Results: The corresponding phase variation to the glucose concentration change is detected through the reflection coefficients , with circa 2 ° per 10 mg/dL change and with about 10 ° per 50 mg/dL variation, while no significant phase difference, with 0.035 ° per 10 mg/dL variation, can be seen through the transmission coefficients (Figure 11), which indicates that the phase variation of is more sensitive than of .
- Challenging: The fabrication of the sensor is challenging because of the high matching purpose, which means an impedance-tuner is needed to avoid the mismatching. Additionally, a cable with a high phase stability is in demand. Furthermore, the material of the substrate and an additional layer above it need to be moisture-absorption free.
- Methods: The biosensor utilizes an LC-resonator. The applied inductor is chosen to be an intertwined air-bridge-type asymmetrical differential spiral inductor to improve the whole device inductance. The capacitor is a circular finger-type inter-digital capacitor with max. five circular fingers and a varying resonating frequency depending on the number of fingers. The system is proposed to have a resonating frequency of 1.5 GHz to accomplish a deep penetration according to Equation (4). Hereby, the value of penetration depth is calculated according to the deionized (DI) water. In consequence, a penetration depth of 34.46 mm is achieved.The detected S-parameters serve as the estimation factor to evaluate the accuracy of the fabricated sensor through comparison among the simulated, fabricated and DI water droplet sensors. Then, through the S-parameter and various glucose samples (30–500 mg/dL), the relation between resonating frequency and glucose concentration is found. After a linearization for calibration reasons, temperature effects are determined. According to the resonating shifts and the Q-factor shifts, a mathematical modeling of the sensor is developed, leading to the relation between the effective permittivity and glucose concentration.In addition, the glucose sample permittivity and relaxation time both affect the variation in complex permittivity, which can be observed by the Debye equations [98]
- Results: The proposed biosensor is able to detect glucose concentration in the range of 30–500 mg/dL in less than 5 s with an amplitude deviation of 0.004 dB/mgdL. In addition, the measurements were conducted at temperatures of 10–50 °C. The deviation of the tested and simulated accuracy-estimation is because of fabrication errors and impedance mismatching. Compared to the previously published glucose sensors, this sensor has a smaller size and low limitation of detection. Table 5 shows a summary of the results compared to the previous published studies, for example, utilizing Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRRs).
- Further Improvements: In the next step, the measurement should be performed under more realistic conditions, taking for example the human serum albumin with different age, gender and diabetes problems into account.Table 5. Performance comparison of different resonator approaches.
Reference Biosensor Structure Concentration
()Sample Amount
(dB/mg/dL)Limit of
(mg/dL)[99] LC-Resonator 30–500 0.006 × 0.005 0.1 0.0049 35 [100] LC-Resonator 25–500 0.026 × 0.060 1 NA 80 [101] CSRR Resonator 30–400 0.251 × 0.386 NA 0.0003 NA [102] CSRR Resonator 0–500 NA 70 0.005 NA [103] Hilbert-shaped Resonator 50–250 0.408 × 0.808 500 0.000156 19.2
- Components: The designed sensor is a coin-shaped near-field sensor, 25 mm in diameter and 0.76 mm in thickness. In addition, there is a VNA to measure the BGL and a hand model, which simulates biological tissue.
- Methods: The research is managed in three parts: model calculation, numerical simulation, and practical experiment. The blood considered here is venous blood. Therefore, instead of the various solutions in a container such as in the aforementioned studies, the solution is given through a silicon tube with a 5 mm inner diameter. In the hand model, the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the dermis, the subcutaneous adipose tissue, the hand vein and its wall and the fat are considered as having a thickness of 0.22, 0.04, 1.83, 1, 4, 0.5 and 6 mm, respectively. The system, including the hand model and the sensor, is operated in the frequency range of 0.5–5 GHz. Different saline solutions: 0, 18, 54, 72, 90, 126, 162 and 180 mg/dL (0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 mmol/L) are simulated to get the relation between the real part of the dielectric permittivity and the frequency. In the practical part, the simulations are then validated in practice.
- Results: After applying the subtraction of the zero concentration to various concentrations, the maximum difference can be detected at around 1 GHz and in the range of 1.5–1.8 GHz. At the frequency of 1.07 GHz, the accuracy can be achieved with 0.1 dB in amplitude value of reflection coefficient to the glucose change of 18 mg/dL (1 mmol/L). However, in the practical experiment, the maximum difference is achieved at frequencies from 1.45 GHz to 1.55 GHz. The bias between the simulation (1.07 GHz) and the experiment is mainly caused by sensor manufacturing. In addition, the difference between the solution with 126 and 162 mg/dL (7 and 9 mmol/L) is hard to distinguish. In this range, at a frequency of 1.53 GHz, the sensor showed an optimal solution, which means the average variation in amplitude value of is 0.15–0.4 dB. However, the average value thereof is over the simulation result.
- Further improvements: In further research, the flexibility and mobility of the whole setup need improvements such as replacing the bulky VNA. Moreover, the time needed to perform the data collection and data processing should be reduced significantly.
- Methods: The proposed setup operates in near-field in the frequency range of 0.1 GHz to 10 GHz at 1 mm distance between the sensor and the tissue through the reflection coefficient . There are two processing stages, namely, numerical simulation and experimental testing. The glucose level is monitored via the real part of dielectric permittivity. The sensor is conical, horn-shaped so that a wider passband can be achieved than in those with an open-end narrow-band probe. In the numerical simulation, conducted in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 10 GHz, biological tissues such as skin, blood, fat, muscles, and bones are considered. In the experimental testing, a sodium chloride solution with various contents of dextrose is used as a sample. The spectrum is analyzed with an N5230C power network analyzer (PNA-L) at its working frequency from 10 MHz to 40 GHz.
- Results: The simulation results illustrate the attenuation characteristics and penetration depth of different biological tissues. The penetration depths of blood, muscles and skin, of bone and of fat are 30, 60 and over 100 mm, respectively. In the experimental setup, when the frequency is lower than 1.5 GHz or over 3.5 GHz, the spectral behavior for different sample solutions cannot be distinguished. Therefore, the frequency range of 1.4–1.7 GHz is chosen. In this frequency range, the glucose concentration can be monitored from 0 to 450 mg/dL with a resolution of 1.8 mg/dL.
- Further improvements: The signal distinction at a frequency over 3.5 GHz can be improved, being not limited between 1.4 and 1.7 GHz.
3. Post-Processing
3.1. Improving Accuracy via Post-Processing
3.2. Prediction of BGL Trends
- BGmax in mmol/L: The peak BG level after the meal started;
- iAUC120 in : The incremental area under the glycemic curve 120 min after the meal start, which is the main factor in PPGR research;
- BGRise in mmol/L: The rise of BG from the meal start to the peak;
- BG60 in mmol/L: The BG value 60 min after the meal start.
3.3. Summary
4. Commercial Devices and Systems
4.1. Commercial Devices
4.2. Commercial System
5. Discussion
5.1. Non-Invasive Sensor Principles
5.2. Post-Processing
5.3. Evaluation with Clarke Error Grid
Reference | Measuring Method | Detection Range in mg/dL | Dataset | Clarke Error Grid: | ||||
A | B | C | D | E | ||||
Commercial Sensor Systems: | ||||||||
[158] | Dexcom G6 | 40–400 | 25P T1D (resistance), 30 min each (aerobic), 30 min each | 85.4% | 12.5% | 0% | 2.1% | 0% |
74.0% | 26.0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | ||||
[159] | FreeStyle Libre | 30–400 | 24P T1D, 11P T2D, 39P TGD, all pregnant, 4207 data points | 83.6% | 15.5% | 0% | 0.8% | 0% |
[160] | FreeStyle Libre | 40–500 | 30P T2D, 1353 data points | 88.54% | 11.01% | 0% | 0.45% | 0% |
Optical Sensor Systems: | ||||||||
[84] | Raman Spectroscopy | 50–400 | 10.000 synthetic generated spectra | 93.0% | NA | NA | NA | |
[141] | Raman Spectroscopy | 105–216 | 30 meas. × 12P | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | |
Microwave-Based Sensor Systems: | ||||||||
[97] | Microwave | 60–400 | 205P without categorization | 80.91% | 19.09% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
205P with categorization | 95.12% | 4.88% | 0% | 0% | 0% | |||
[99] | Microwave | 30–500 | meas. | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
[104] | Microwave | 0–180 | meas. | 85.7% | 14.3% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
[139] | Microwave | 0–400 | 10 min in total, 2 min each, concentration level (CGM) | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
meas. for: | ||||||||
[161] | Microwave | 50–500 | 1. Silver-painted device | 44.45% | 40.74% | 3.70% | 11.11% | 0% |
2. Adhesive copper tape device | 68.97% | 24.14% | 0% | 6.89% | 0% | |||
Sensor Systems with Advanced Post-Processing: | ||||||||
[32] | Microwave Post Processing INNHO | 20–500 | data points | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
[87] | Impedance Spectr./Sensor Fusion Post-Proc.: Time Series Analysis | 0–200 | 3 T1D P and 6 healthy P | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | |
[114] | Flash CGM Post Processing xgboost model | 60–180 | 198 TGD, 37 healthy P 3240 data points | 100% | 0% | 0% | 0% | |
[117] | Medtronic Enlite CGM sensors Post Processing RNN | 30–400 | Ohio T1DM dataset [118] 25142791 data points | patient dependent, >90% in A and B | ||||
[142] | Photoplethysmography (PPG) | 50–150 | synthetic | 80% | 20% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Monte Carlo Simulation | 80–200 | real data (35P) | 91.8% | 5.05% | 0% | 3.15% | 0% | |
[146] | RNN | 30–400 | Ohio T1DM dataset | 90% | 9% | 0% | 1% | 0% |
[148] | Grammatical Evolution (GE) | 30–400 | Ohio T1DM dataset | 87.1% | 11.5% | 0% | 1.4% | 0% |
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AA | Ascorbic Acid |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
ARX | Autoregression with Exogenous Inputs |
BG | Blood Glucose |
BFGS Method | Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno Method |
BGL | Blood Glucose Level |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
BPNN | Back Propagation Neural Network |
CA | Cellulose acetate |
CGM | Continuous Glucose Monitoring |
CCD | Charge-coupled Device |
CEG | Clarke Error Grid |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
CSRR | Complementary Split Ring Resonator |
CVNN | Complex-Valued Neural Network |
C6 | Coumarin 6 |
D | Depth |
DI | Deionized |
DM | Diabetes Mellitus |
EC | Ethyl Cellulose |
EM | Electromagnetic |
EMA | European Medicine Agency |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FI | Fluorescence Intensities |
FM | Frequency Number Matcher |
GA | Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane |
GE | Grammatical Evolution |
GOD | Glucose Oxidase |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
INNHO | Improved Neural Network and Hybrid Optimization |
IPA | Isopropanol |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific and Medical |
LD | Laser Diode |
LOD | Limit of Detection |
LP | Lowpass Filter |
LS-RANSAC | Least Squares-Random Sample Consensus |
LSTM | Long short-term memory |
MAE | Median Absolute Error |
MARD | Mean Absolute Relative Difference |
MG | Mouthguard |
MLR | Multiple Linear Regression |
MUT | Material Under Test |
MSL | Microstrip Line |
NA | Not a Number |
NI | Non-invasive |
NIR | Near Infrared |
NRMSE | Normalized Root Mean Squared Error |
OCT | Optical Coherence Tomography |
OP | Optical Polarimetry |
P | Persons |
P-TiO | Porous TiO |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis |
PETG | Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol |
PBS | Phosphate Saline Buffer |
PLSR | Partial Least Squares Regression |
PNA | Power Network Analyser |
PPG | Photoplethysmography |
PPGR | Postprandial Glycemic Response |
PtP | Platinum Meso-Tetra Porphyrin |
PS | Polystyrene Particles |
R | Regression |
RBM | Restricted Boltzmann Machines |
RF Regression | Random Forest Regression |
RMSE | Root Mean Square Error |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network |
RSD | Relative Standard Deviation |
SEG | Surveillance Error Grid |
SI | Ratio of FI and Glucose Concentration |
SMBG | Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose |
SOLT | Short-Open-Load-Thru |
SPP | Surface Plasmon Polariton |
SVR | Support Vector Regression |
T1D | Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 |
T2D | Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 |
TGD | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus |
U | Unit |
UA | Uric Acid |
UWB | Ultra Wide Band |
VNA | Vector Network Analyser |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compound |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
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Supporting Material | Limit of Detection (LOD) | Maximal Reaction Rate () | Michaelis–Menten Constant () |
EC | 0.5 mg/dL (0.025 mM) | 8568 mg/dL·min (476 mM/min) | 5.1 mg/dL (0.286 mM) |
D4 | 0.5 mg/dL (0.029 mM) | 2534.4 mg/dL·min (140.8 mM/min) | 6.6 mg/dL (0.366 mM) |
GA | 0.8 mg/dL (0.043 mM) | 1314 mg/dL·min (73 mM/min) | 6.6 mg/dL (0.364 mM) |
Supporting Material | RSD at 0 mg/dL | RSD at 36 mg/dL | ||
EC | 0.32% | 0.15% | 0.0555 | 0.0503 |
D4 | 0.38% | 0.79% | 0.0821 | 0.0846 |
GA | 23% | 0.33% | 0.0561 | 0.057 |
Prediction Method | ( Five Times Halved from 3.2% to 0.2%) | ||
R | MARD | CEG A + B | |
RF regression | 0.91 → 0.35 | 20.3% → 54.6% | 93.0% → 82.4% |
PLSR | 0.91 → 0.34 | 20.3% → 54.8% | 93.0% → 82.4% |
Reference | Frequency (GHz) | Utilized Data, Calibration | Estimation Method | Dataset | Concentration (mg/dL) | Sensitivity (dB per mg/dL) | Performance |
[110] | 60 | No Cal. | Analytical | 10 healthy men in vivo | 23.94–4788 | Glucose spike monitoring test | |
[111] | 1.4–1.9 | Cal. not mentioned | Data Fitting | 12 meas. samples in vitro 5000 pseudo samp. | 78–625 625–5000 | Average error 20 mg/dL 50 mg/dL | |
[112] | 60–80 | Cal. not specified. | CVNN | meas. sampl. in vitro | 50–300 | — | Estimation for 100 mg/dL: 80–107 mg/dL internal validation |
[113] | 3–10 | Absorption Spectrum Cal. not mentioned | Linear Fitting | meas. from 0 to 500 mg/dL in step of 20 mg/dL in vitro | 20–500 | — | Proof of concept |
[32] | 0.2–4 | SOLT Cal. | INNHO | training: testing: in vitro | 20–500 | RMSE: 5.52 mg/dL k-fold cross-validation |
Reference | Value | Model | Performance | Diabetic Status |
[114] | iAUC120 | Boosted decision trees | R = 0.644 | TGD |
[115] | iAUC120 | Boosted decision trees | R = 0.70 | healthy |
[116] | iAUC120 | Boosted decision trees | R = 0.62 | healthy |
FreeStyle Libre 2 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Dexcom G6 | |
Release time | 2020 | 2021 | 2020 |
Sensor type | CGM using flash glucose monitoring system | CGM using CGM system | CGM |
Sensor principle | electrochemical | electrochemical | electrochemical |
Regulatory status | CE Mark cleared by FDA | CE Mark not cleared by FDA | CE Mark cleared by FDA |
Sensor size | 5 mm in height 35 mm in diameter | 2.9 mm in height 21 mm in diameter | 45.7 mm × 30.5 mm × 15.2 mm |
Sensor weight | 5 g | 1 g | 12 g |
BG measuring range | 40–500 mg/dL | 40–500 mg/dL | 40–400 mg/dL |
Working period | 14 days | 14 days | 10 days |
Calibrationtime | 60 min | 60 min | 120 min |
Wearing position | back of the upper arm | back of the upper arm | belly (from the age of 2) back of the upper arm (from the age of 2) the upper buttocks (ages from 2 to 17) |
User age | from the age of 4 | from the age of 4 | from the age of 2 |
Data reading | mobile phone (FreeStyle LibreLink APP) seperate reader | mobile phone | mobile phone (Dexcom Follow App) |
Reference | Evaluation Object | Measuring Method | Post- Processing | Detection Range (mg/dL) | Calibration/ Validation | Accuracy/ Sensitivity | Observation Time | Sensor Size | Influence Factor/ Sensor Limitation/ Further Development | Dataset |
Sensor Systems: | ||||||||||
[29] | real saliva in vivo | electro- chemical | — | 0–180 | Proof of Concept | — | testing: 20 min; monitoring more than 5 h | 25 mm × 5 mm × 0.5 mm | many proteins in the saliva | 1 person |
[137] | aqueous solution with, glucose, urea, lactate in vitro | Raman spectroscopy | filtering, smoothing, least-square fit | glucose: 18–1081 urea: 18–3604 lactate: 18–3604 | area under Raman shift peaks | ≈4072 counts/mM | 360 s each meas. s | — | interference due to other blood comp., scattering light | meas. |
[93] | real blood with NaCl, water and glucose in vitro | microwave | — | 0–40.000 (14–16 GHz) | temperature control | reflected signal: 0.08 and 3.2 mV ( mg/dL) transmitted signal: 0.2 and 2 mV ( mg/dL) | — | decimeter range plus VNA | temperature of the oscillator, sedimentation in the blood samples, water absorption | meas. |
[98] | glucose water solution simulation | microwave | Debye model | 0–500 (19 GHz) | — | phase of of 2° per 10 mg/dL | — | mm | tapering, fabrication errors | simulation |
[99] | glucose solution in vitro | microwave | lin. regression | 30–500 (1.5 GHz) | lin. regression | 0.0049 dB/mg/dL | — | mm | optimization for more realistic situation | — |
[104] | saline solutions in vitro | microwave | regression averaging | 0–180 (1.45–1.55 GHz) | regression | 21.7–23.4 dB/(mg/dL) | — | diameter: 25 mm thickness: 0.76 mm | optimization for mobility, data collecting time, data processing time | meas. |
[138] | glucose water solution in vitro | microwave | lin. fitting | 25–300 (0.8, 3.2 GHz) | lin. fitting, 2-port cal. | 1.38 MHz per mg/dL | — | centimetre range plus VNA | temperature, geometrical parameters | meas. |
[139] | glucose water solution in vitro | microwave | lin. fitting, averaging | 0–400 (2.26 GHz) | VNA Cal. | 1.947 mdB per mgdLµL | 1080 s (CGM) | ≈several centimetre plus VNA | temperature, rel. humidity | CGM meas. |
[140] | real blood in vivo | microwave | lin. interpolation | 89–262 (5.5, 8.5 GHz) | Comparison with Accu check and aqueous solution for cal. curve | 8.5 GHz: 0.04 per mg/dL 5.5 GHz: 0.06 per mg/dL | — | mm plus VNA | temperature (skin, environ.), blood pressure, EMV, thickness of skin, pressure, sweat, pollution | 11 persons |
Sensor Systems and Accuracy Improvement via Post-Processing: | ||||||||||
[32] | glucose water solution in vitro | microwave | INNHO, LS-RANSAC, BPNN | 20–500 (0.2–4 GHz) | Cal.: SOLT Val.: k-fold cross-val. | 0.0045 dB/(mg/dL) RMSE of 5.52 mg/dL | — | mm | measurement uncertainty | training: testing: |
[35] | aqueous glucose water (in vitro) fingertip (in vivo) | microwave | PCA classification | 40–140 (2.45 GHz) | VNA calibrated, internal validation | 0.45–0.9 (dispersed) 0.63–1.25 (compact) each per MHz | 1 h each 10 min | cm | temperature, geometrical parameters | 600 samples (in vitro) 1 healthy P. (in vivo) |
Sensor Systems and Prediction of Blood Glucose Trends: | ||||||||||
[83] | pig ears in vivo | Raman spectroscopy | Prediction MLR, PLSR | 52–914 | Lin. Regression for calibration, cross-4-fold validation | MARD: 6.6% (250–500 mg/dL) (>500 mg/dL) | h each 5 min | portable Raman spectrometer fibre bundle: 2 mm diameter | temperature, heart rate, skin movement, sweat, effective sampling volume | 3 female Yorkshire pig |
[141] | nail fold in vivo | Raman spectroscopy | Prediction PCA, BPNN | 105–216 | Cal. with 2 reference points | RMSE = 5 mg/dL | h each 5 min 6 meas. | Renishaw inVia confocal Raman spectrometer | temperature dirt, sweat | 12 healthy persons |
[87] | in vivo | impedance spectroscopy and multiple sensors | time series analysis sensor fusion | 0–200 (1–150 kHz) (10–60 MHz) | Comparison with Accu-check and calibration | average correlation factor = 0.8314 NRMSE = 14.6064 | h (diabetic, CGM) healthy: during lunch | flexible wrist band ≈ several cm | movement artifacts sweat | 6 healthy, 3 diabetic persons |
[97] | real blood in vivo | microwave | Prediction linear regression | 60–400 (1.3 GHz) | Pre-processing Accu check as reference | MARD: 22.98% (without sub-band) 4.204% (with sub-band) | — | cm | object movement, temperature, pressure, humidity | 75 non-diabetic 50 pre-diabetic 125 diabetic persons |
Reference | Model | RMSE in mg/dL | Data Set |
[117] | RNN | 18.87 | Ohio T1DM |
[145] | RNN | 19.04 | Ohio T1DM |
[146] | RNN | 18.22 | Ohio T1DM |
[147] | Autoregression with exogenous inputs (ARX) | 19.48 | Ohio T1DM |
[148] | Grammatical evolution (GE) | 21.19 | Ohio T1DM |
[149] | Physiological models | 19.33 | Ohio T1DM |
[150] | XGBoost | 19.32 | Ohio T1DM |
[151] | Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | 21.72 | Ohio T1DM |
[42] | Ensemble MMS (3 aggregated NNs) | 19.57 | Ohio T1DM |
[152] | Long short-term memory (LSTM) | 18.23 | Ohio T1DM |
[153] | RNN and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RNN-RBM) | 15.59 | DirecNet [154] |
[155] | Support Vector Regression (SVR) | 18.0 | own data set |
[156] | LSTM | 21.4 | described in [155] |
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Xue, Y.; Thalmayer, A.S.; Zeising, S.; Fischer, G.; Lübke, M. Commercial and Scientific Solutions for Blood Glucose Monitoring—A Review. Sensors 2022, 22, 425.
Xue Y, Thalmayer AS, Zeising S, Fischer G, Lübke M. Commercial and Scientific Solutions for Blood Glucose Monitoring—A Review. Sensors. 2022; 22(2):425.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXue, Yirui, Angelika S. Thalmayer, Samuel Zeising, Georg Fischer, and Maximilian Lübke. 2022. "Commercial and Scientific Solutions for Blood Glucose Monitoring—A Review" Sensors 22, no. 2: 425.
APA StyleXue, Y., Thalmayer, A. S., Zeising, S., Fischer, G., & Lübke, M. (2022). Commercial and Scientific Solutions for Blood Glucose Monitoring—A Review. Sensors, 22(2), 425.