Promising MPPT Methods Combining Metaheuristic, Fuzzy-Logic and ANN Techniques for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic †
:1. Introduction
- Using of Fuzzy logic controller as MPPT system optimized by GA and PSO solvers;
- Using GA for design the architecture of ANN-based MPPT;
- Comparison between these two AI-based methods;
- Proposition a combination of the two methods because each of them is better for a certain range of irradiance and temperature;
- The results are elaborated and comparisons with incremental conductance and perturb and observe methods are presented;
- The comparisons are presented for both linear and step variations of irradiance and temperature.
2. Methods of Maximum Power Point Tracking
2.1. PV Array Modeling
2.2. Conventional Methods
2.3. Artificial Intelligence Methods for MPPT
2.3.1. GA/PSO Fuzzy Logic MPPT
2.3.2. GA-ANN for MPPT
3. Application of the Artificial Intelligence Methods for MPPT
3.1. Application of GA/PSO-FLC Based MPPT Method
3.2. Application of GA-ANN MPPT Method
3.3. Comparison of GA/PSO-FLC and GA-ANN Based MPPT
3.4. Dynamic Environmental Conditions Test of the AI Based Methods
3.5. Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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E | NB | NS | ZE | PS | PB |
NB | ZE | ZE | PB | PB | PB |
NS | ZE | ZE | PS | PS | PS |
ZE | PS | ZE | ZE | ZE | NS |
PS | NS | NS | NS | ZE | ZE |
PB | NB | NB | NB | ZE | ZE |
Step Variations of G and | Ramp Variations of G and | ||
Output Energy (KJ) | Rise Time (s) | Output Energy (KJ) | |
INC | 141.92 | 0.0251 | 127.52 |
P&O | 141.95 | 0.0239 | 127.54 |
GA-FLC | 147.27 | 0.0193 | 129.43 |
PSO-FLC | 147.26 | 0.0193 | 129.43 |
GA-ANN | 147.17 | 0.0169 | 129.31 |
COMBINED GA-FLC-ANN | 147.34 | 0.0168 | 129.44 |
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Ali, M.N.; Mahmoud, K.; Lehtonen, M.; Darwish, M.M.F. Promising MPPT Methods Combining Metaheuristic, Fuzzy-Logic and ANN Techniques for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic. Sensors 2021, 21, 1244.
Ali MN, Mahmoud K, Lehtonen M, Darwish MMF. Promising MPPT Methods Combining Metaheuristic, Fuzzy-Logic and ANN Techniques for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic. Sensors. 2021; 21(4):1244.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAli, Mahmoud N., Karar Mahmoud, Matti Lehtonen, and Mohamed M. F. Darwish. 2021. "Promising MPPT Methods Combining Metaheuristic, Fuzzy-Logic and ANN Techniques for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic" Sensors 21, no. 4: 1244.
APA StyleAli, M. N., Mahmoud, K., Lehtonen, M., & Darwish, M. M. F. (2021). Promising MPPT Methods Combining Metaheuristic, Fuzzy-Logic and ANN Techniques for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic. Sensors, 21(4), 1244.