Federated Transfer Learning for Authentication and Privacy Preservation Using Novel Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3) Algorithm for IIoT
:1. Introduction
- The privacy of a user’s various blockchains that have been brought forward to authenticate the mechanism of the users is successfully and efficiently preserved so that it protects them from all attacks [11]. The blockchains that introduced are the inner as well as the outer blockchains.
- The implementation of the authentication of the users in every part is completely dependent on the credit of the users. All this is carried out to gain more and more accuracy towards the process of authentication. It is the authenticated mechanism design that helps in merging the credit of the users with both the local credit as well as the crossed region credits. Some algorithms are created and used to bring more and more accuracy by providing proper training to the local models of authentication. A Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3) algorithm is then created for training the local model of authentication with utmost accuracy.
- To decrease the extra time that is spent in the models of authentication, the method of transfer learnings (TL) is applied. With the help of transfer learning of the outer blockchains, the successful transfer of the models of authentication is accurately carried out from the local level to foreign users.
- The final results of these are (i) that there is accurate authentication for local as well as foreign users, and (ii) that higher throughput and low latency are achieved in several scenarios of IIoT.
2. Related Work
3. System Model
4. The Implementation of the FT-Block
4.1. Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3)-Based User Authentication
4.2. Authentication Mechanism on FT-Supervised Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3)
5. Result Evaluation
5.1. Simulation Setup
- 1.
- Performance Metrics: The system throughput helps evaluate FT-Block, latency, and the accuracy of authentication considering different SR, NT, NBT, NU (Number of User), and BS.
- System Throughput: The performance of the entire system can be improved if the performance of transactions is at very high speed.
- Transaction Latency: For improving the processing capacity of all the communications, the latency of transactions must be decreased.
- Accuracy Rate of Authentication: Both FAR as well as MDR comprise the rate of error on an average.
5.2. Results
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Num Reg | 5 | 10 | 15 |
LCR_ F/LCR_M | 4.2%/5.1% | 5.23%/6.15% | 5.2%/8.1% |
L2_F/L2 MDR | 5.2%/6.1% | 7.3%/9.1% | 8.1%/10.2% |
CR2_F/CR2_M | 7.15%/8.12% | 7.9%/10.8% | 8.93%/12.89% |
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K, A.; J, S.; Maurya, S.; Joseph, S.; Asokan, A.; M, P.; Algethami, A.A.; Hamdi, M.; Rauf, H.T. Federated Transfer Learning for Authentication and Privacy Preservation Using Novel Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3) Algorithm for IIoT. Sensors 2021, 21, 7793. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21237793
K A, J S, Maurya S, Joseph S, Asokan A, M P, Algethami AA, Hamdi M, Rauf HT. Federated Transfer Learning for Authentication and Privacy Preservation Using Novel Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3) Algorithm for IIoT. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):7793. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21237793
Chicago/Turabian StyleK, Arumugam, Srimathi J, Sudhanshu Maurya, Senoj Joseph, Anju Asokan, Poongodi M, Abdullah A. Algethami, Mounir Hamdi, and Hafiz Tayyab Rauf. 2021. "Federated Transfer Learning for Authentication and Privacy Preservation Using Novel Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3) Algorithm for IIoT" Sensors 21, no. 23: 7793. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21237793
APA StyleK, A., J, S., Maurya, S., Joseph, S., Asokan, A., M, P., Algethami, A. A., Hamdi, M., & Rauf, H. T. (2021). Federated Transfer Learning for Authentication and Privacy Preservation Using Novel Supportive Twin Delayed DDPG (S-TD3) Algorithm for IIoT. Sensors, 21(23), 7793. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21237793