Latency Reduction in Vehicular Sensing Applications by Dynamic 5G User Plane Function Allocation with Session Continuity
:1. Introduction
- The proposal of latency-reduction algorithms for the dynamic allocation of UPFs in 5G vehicular sensing scenarios;
- The evaluation of the proposed algorithms in terms of end-user latency and execution time using a publicly available dataset with vehicular mobility traces and Base Station (BS) deployments;
- The comparison of the proposed algorithms with baseline allocation strategies.
2. Background and Related Work
3. Problem Statement
4. Proposed Solution
- The network graph is composed of the set of base stations as nodes and the corresponding links between them;
- The set of active users for each base station.
- Static K-means:A K-means clustering of all the base stations in the network is calculated. A UPF is deployed at the closest base station to the location of each cluster center based on Euclidean distances. This strategy is static, given the locations of the base stations, and it does not depend on the user distribution. Therefore, it does not involve any dynamic redeployment of the UPFs;
- Random: A trivial approach that picks the base stations where the UPFs are deployed at random, according to a discrete uniform distribution. Note that the scenario in which just one UPF is used is equivalent to a centralized UPF deployment;
- Greedy percentile: This iteratively picks the node that reduces the 90th-percentile worst-case latency perceived by the UEs. In the case of multiple nodes introducing the same 90th-percentile latency, the tie is broken in favor of the node with the largest reduction of the average latency perceived by the UEs;
- Greedy average: This iteratively picks the base station with the largest reduction of the average latency perceived by the UEs;
- K-means: A K-means clustering of the active base stations looking for as many clusters as UPFs we are interested in deploying. A UPF is deployed at the closest base station to the location of each cluster center based on Euclidean distances. This is analogous to the proposal in [52];
- K-means greedy average: A K-means clustering of the active base stations is calculated. A UPF is deployed in each cluster by determining the node with the largest reduction of the average latency perceived by the UEs attached to base stations in the cluster;
- Louvain modularity greedy average: Nodes are clustered according to the Louvain modularity maximization [53]. A UPF is deployed in each cluster by selecting the node with the largest reduction of the average latency perceived by the UEs attached to base stations in the cluster.
5. Methodology
5.1. Dataset
- First, each base station is connected to all the base stations in its surroundings less than away. This results in a set of connected components;
- Then, we built the single connected graph by iteratively finding the pair of nodes from the largest and second-largest components at the shortest distance from each other and set an edge connecting these two nodes. This way, at each iteration, the connected components are joined to the largest component.
- If the UE has just been enabled (that is, there was no information for the UE in the immediately preceding time slot), we assign the UE to the base station with the minimum path loss. To compute the path loss, we used the expression and parameters for a non-line-of-sight urban scenario of [56]. For the sake of clarity, the formula is reproduced next:
- Otherwise, we evaluated the path loss of the nearest base station and the one to which the UE was attached in the previous round. If the path loss to the nearest base station is lower than that to the base station to which the UE was associated plus an additional hysteresis threshold , the UE roams to this base station. Else, the UE remains associated with the previous base station. In our simulations, we set to 2 dB, as recommended in [57].
5.2. Evaluation Metrics
- UE latency is a measure of the latency perceived by each UE since it transmits the sensed information until it is received at the server-side application. In this work, we characterized it as the minimum number of hops from the base station to which the UE is connected to a node where a UPF is deployed. As an aggregate measure of all individual UE latencies, we considered the 90th-percentile of the latency;
- Execution time is the time the UPF allocation algorithm takes to determine in which nodes the UPFs will be deployed. We calculated this as the elapsed time since the UPF allocation module receives the input data until the output is generated by the corresponding algorithm. That is, this time reflects only the decision time at each time slot.
6. Results and Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
SDN | Software-Defined Networking |
NFV | Network Function Virtualization |
VNF | Virtual Network Function |
MANO | Management and Orchestration |
MEC | Multi-access Edge Computing |
UE | User Equipment |
UPF | User Plane Function |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GTP | GPRS Tunneling Protocol |
DTN | Delay-Tolerant Networking |
ICDT-WSN | Intermittently Connected Delay-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Network |
WSN | Wireless Sensor Network |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
RSU | Roadside Unit |
AR | Augmented Reality |
TAMDAR | Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
LiDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
SFC | Service Function Chaining |
ILP | Integer Linear Programming |
MILP | Mixed-Integer Linear Programming |
BS | Base Station |
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Fondo-Ferreiro, P.; Candal-Ventureira, D.; González-Castaño, F.J.; Gil-Castiñeira, F. Latency Reduction in Vehicular Sensing Applications by Dynamic 5G User Plane Function Allocation with Session Continuity. Sensors 2021, 21, 7744.
Fondo-Ferreiro P, Candal-Ventureira D, González-Castaño FJ, Gil-Castiñeira F. Latency Reduction in Vehicular Sensing Applications by Dynamic 5G User Plane Function Allocation with Session Continuity. Sensors. 2021; 21(22):7744.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFondo-Ferreiro, Pablo, David Candal-Ventureira, Francisco Javier González-Castaño, and Felipe Gil-Castiñeira. 2021. "Latency Reduction in Vehicular Sensing Applications by Dynamic 5G User Plane Function Allocation with Session Continuity" Sensors 21, no. 22: 7744.
APA StyleFondo-Ferreiro, P., Candal-Ventureira, D., González-Castaño, F. J., & Gil-Castiñeira, F. (2021). Latency Reduction in Vehicular Sensing Applications by Dynamic 5G User Plane Function Allocation with Session Continuity. Sensors, 21(22), 7744.