Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living
:1. Introduction and Related Works
2. The Necessity of the PWP System
2.1. Details of the Controller and Sensors
2.1.1. ESP8266 12E/NodeMCU Controller
2.1.2. SDS021 Particulate Matter Sensing Unit
2.1.3. MQ07-CO Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensing Unit
2.1.4. NO2-B43F Nitrogen Dioxide Sensing Unit
2.1.5. Aeroqual Ozone (O3) Sensing Unit
2.2. Layered Architecture of an IoT-Based Air Quality Monitoring System
2.2.1. Physical Sensing Layer
2.2.2. Communication and Networking Layer
2.2.3. Data Analysis Layer
Data Preprocessing
2.2.4. Data Prediction Layer
- Select the type of machine-learning network for the kind of regression problem to be resolved, such as identifying a PWP system for an air pollutant gas estimator. One of the best solutions for that purpose is to use a multilayered machine-learning perceptron network.
- Data preprocessing: The data gathered for this study consists of a set of 189,648 training sample instances; each instance being composed of six variables. All variables were initially expressed in ppm, such as NO2, PM2.5, PM10, CO, O2, and O3. The sample data was later normalized into [0.1, 0.9] the interval, which streamlined the ANN model’s learning.
- ANN Model design: There are numbers of machine-learning architectures to select from, each having its particular parameters and compensations for its specific problem. One of the most widespread machine-learning models is the feed-forward multilayered perceptron. In this network, the ANN model consists of 7 layers: an input layer, five hidden layers, and an output layer. The hidden layers contain 512, 512, 256, 128, and 64 neurons, respectively. The final layer includes a single output neuron. The hidden layers consist of all the probable networks between the input to the output layer and allow for a combined impact of multiple independent variables on the output layer. The first input layer relates to the independent variables (NO2, PM2.5, PM10, CO, O2, and O3), while the final output layer corresponds to the dependent variable score of the PWP system for air pollutant gases. To achieve the final architecture mixture, such as setting the size and number of the hidden layers, we were accompanied by a cross-validation method. The architecture used in the undertaken study is a customized multilayered ANN model, as shown in Figure 8. To build a customized ANN model to predict the AQI values of various pollutants, various parameters such as the activation function, error functions, and optimizers must be configured. In the undertaken study, the rectilinear unit (ReLU) was used as an activation function; a mean absolute and mean squared error was chosen as the error function. Furthermore, adam was chosen as an optimizer. In the end, the number of neurons and hidden layers were selected based on the size and features of the dataset, as represented in Table 7. To set the weights for all the nodes in the ANN, a backpropagation technique was employed. The learning rate was set to 0.2, and the momentum term was 0.3. The ANN training was stopped when the mean squared errors (MSE) reached below 0.001.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Air Pollution Prediction Using a Linear Regression Methodology
3.2. Air Pollution Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks
3.3. PWPS Web and Mobile Interface
4. Conclusions and Future Work Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A1. Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix A2. Air Quality Index
Appendix A3. Air Monitoring Stations
Terminologies | Description |
K | In Kelvin degrees |
Ppb | Parts per billion |
AQI | Air Quality Index |
mg/m3 | one milligram per cubic meter |
ug/m3 | one microgram per cubic meter |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
MQTT | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
PM | Particulate Matter |
PWP | Pollution Weather Prediction System |
AQHI | Air Quality Health Index |
hPA | Atmospheric Pressure |
LR | Linear Regression |
RR | Ridge Regression |
Lasso | Lasso Regression |
Bayes | Bayesian Linear Regression |
Huber | Huber Regression |
Lars | Least-Angle Regression |
Lasso-lars | Lasso and Least-Angle Regression |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
ElasticNet | Elastic Net Regression |
QoS | Quality of Service |
IoT | Internet of Things |
GUSTO | Generic Ultraviolet Sensors Technologies and Observations |
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Name | CPU Configurations | Price (Rs.) | Analog I/O Pins | Digital I/O Pins |
Raspberry Pi 3 | Quad Core1.2 GHz Broadcom BCM2837 64-bit Processor (1 GB, 42 g) | 3200 | 0 | 14 |
Node MCU | Tensilica XtensaLX106 32-bit controller Wi-Fi SOC integrated (4 MB, 8 g) | 400 | 1 | 17 |
BeagleBone Black | AM335x,1GHz ARM Cortex A8 Processor (512 MB, 40 g) | 6000 | 6 | 14 |
Udoo (Quad) | Freescale MX6 Quad, 4 x Cortex™ A9 Core@ 1GHz processor With Atmel 32-bit cortex controller (1 GB, 150 g) | 9000 | 14 | 62 + 14 |
Intel Galileo | Quark ™ X1000 32-bit 400 MHz (256 B, 370 g) | 7000 | 6 | 14 |
Features | Technical Specifications |
Pollutants Measuring Capability | PM2.5 and PM10 levels |
Sensitivity | 0.001 mg/m3 |
Measurement range | 0–100 mg/m3 |
Response time | N.A. |
Zero drift | Auto (zero every hour) |
Power backup | 5 V |
Related current | 60 mA |
Sleep Current | <4 mA |
Temperature Range | −20 to +60 degrees |
Threshold (minimum resolution of particles) | 0.3 μm |
Air Pressure | 86 KPa to 110 KPa |
Protocol | UART |
Features | Technical Specifications |
Pollutants Measuring Capability | CO levels |
Sensitivity | −400 to −650 nA/ppm at 2 ppm |
Measurement range | 0–1000 ppm |
Response time | <15 s |
Zero drift | <0.1 ppm/year |
Power backup | 5 V |
Related current | 60 mA |
Sleep Current | <4 mA |
Temperature Range | −20 to +50 degrees |
Relative humidity | <95% |
Heating Consumption | 350 mW |
Protocol | UART |
Features | Technical Specifications |
Pollutants Measuring Capability | NO2 levels |
Sensitivity | −250 to −600 nA/ppm at 2 ppm |
Response time | <25 s |
Power backup | 5 V |
Measurement Range | 0.001 to 0.02 ppm |
Zero drift | 0 to 0.02 ppm/year |
Weight | <13 g |
Temperature Range | 3 to 20 degrees |
Storage Period | 6 months |
Load resistor | 33 to 100 Ω |
Noise | ±2 standard deviations (ppm equivalent) |
Features | Technical Specifications |
Pollutants Measuring Capability | Ozone levels |
Sensitivity | 0.002 ppm |
Power backup | 3.3 V |
Response Time | 20 s |
Measurement range | 0.002 to 0.01 ppm |
Temperature Range | −20 to +60 degrees |
Zero drift | <0.02 ppm/day |
AQI Values | Classification of Risk |
0–50 | Good |
51–100 | Moderate |
101–150 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups |
151–200 | Unhealthy |
201–300 | Very unhealthy |
300 and above | Hazardous |
Data Type | Number of Rows | Number of Columns | Status |
Raw data | 189,648 | 18 | Raw data |
Processed data | 600,00 | 13 | Feature selection (dimensionality reduction) |
Missing data (1 value/row) | 129,648 | 13 | Removing Missing values |
Training data | 400,00 | 13 | Data extraction for Training the model |
Testing data | 200,00 | 13 | Data extraction for Testing the model |
Pollutants | Weight Parameter(W) | Prediction Accuracy (%) |
PM2.5 | 734.33 | 99.01 |
PM10 | 11.08 | 98.12 |
CO | 943.78 | 97.79 |
NO2 | 1176.20 | 91 |
O3 (1 h) | 4.00 | 96.21 |
O3 (4 h) | 2.00 | 96.59 |
Pollutants | Prediction Accuracy (%) |
PM2.5 | 90 |
PM10 | 84 |
CO | 83 |
NO2 | 84.79 |
O3 (1 h) | 79 |
O3 (4 h) | 77 |
Methodologies | PM2.5 (%) | PM10 (%) | CO (%) | NO2 (%) | O3 (1 h (%)) | O3 (1 h (%)) |
Linear Regression | 99.01 | 98.12 | 97.79 | 91 | 96.21 | 96.59 |
Ridge Regression | 98.11 | 97.68 | 97.45 | 89 | 94.34 | 93.21 |
Lasso Regression | 97.23 | 97.11 | 97.33 | 87.78 | 93.98 | 93.12 |
Bayes Regression | 97.32 | 96.59 | 97.08 | 86.78 | 92.79 | 93.02 |
Huber Regression | 96.88 | 96.45 | 96.67 | 85.04 | 90.12 | 91.11 |
Lars Regression | 96.67 | 96.55 | 96.01 | 84.49 | 89.98 | 90.34 |
Lasso-Lars Regression | 95.56 | 95.54 | 94.99 | 80.76 | 88.77 | 90.11 |
SGD Regression | 94.86 | 94.33 | 93.79 | 80.03 | 87.79 | 90.01 |
ElasticNet | 94.78 | 94.13 | 93.54 | 79.76 | 87.16 | 89.78 |
ANN Regression | 90 | 84 | 83 | 84.79 | 79 | 77 |
Methodologies | Mean Absolute Error (%) | Mean Squared Error (%) |
Linear Regression | 1.12 | 3.22 |
Ridge Regression | 1.23 | 3.23 |
Lasso Regression | 1.40 | 4.20 |
Bayes Regression | 1.77 | 4.23 |
Huber Regression | 2.67 | 4.67 |
Lars Regression | 3.33 | 5.23 |
Lasso-Lars Regression | 4.06 | 6.63 |
SGD Regression | 5.12 | 9.23 |
ElasticNet | 6.02 | 10.20 |
ANN Regression | 11.23 | 21.63 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Pandya, S.; Ghayvat, H.; Sur, A.; Awais, M.; Kotecha, K.; Saxena, S.; Jassal, N.; Pingale, G. Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living. Sensors 2020, 20, 5448. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185448
Pandya S, Ghayvat H, Sur A, Awais M, Kotecha K, Saxena S, Jassal N, Pingale G. Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living. Sensors. 2020; 20(18):5448. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185448
Chicago/Turabian StylePandya, Sharnil, Hemant Ghayvat, Anirban Sur, Muhammad Awais, Ketan Kotecha, Santosh Saxena, Nandita Jassal, and Gayatri Pingale. 2020. "Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living" Sensors 20, no. 18: 5448. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185448
APA StylePandya, S., Ghayvat, H., Sur, A., Awais, M., Kotecha, K., Saxena, S., Jassal, N., & Pingale, G. (2020). Pollution Weather Prediction System: Smart Outdoor Pollution Monitoring and Prediction for Healthy Breathing and Living. Sensors, 20(18), 5448. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185448