Convolutional-Neural Network-Based Image Crowd Counting: Review, Categorization, Analysis, and Performance Evaluation
:1. Introduction
- We specifically reviewed recent CNN-CC techniques in order to highlight deficiencies, advantages, disadvantages, and key features in each category.
- We categorized CNN-based methods into three main categories to fully understand evolving research aspects. Previously, authors in [26] categorized CNN-based approaches into two main categories (network-based and training-approach-based). However, by reviewing the literature and observing the overall crowd-counting mechanism from different perspectives, we realized the need for a new category, and thus introduced image-view-based methods.
- Image-view-based CNN-CC techniques (Image-view-CNN-CC) were further subdivided into arial-view-based (camera and object are perpendicular to each other) and perspective-view-based (camera and object are parallel to each other) methods. Due to this inclusion, crowd counting in health care (microscopic images), counting through unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is further investigated under arial-view-based methods. Moreover, scale-varying issues caused by different perspectives can be further investigated in detail under perspective-view-based methods.
- We provide detailed quantitative comparison (in term of n Mean Absolute Error (nMAE) within each subcategory of the three main categories, and overall performance-based conclusion under different datasets, such as UCF, WE, STA, and STB.
- By observing different aspects of CNN-CC, we also highlighted the features of each subcategory with quantitative comparison that provides a strong foundation for future research in highly diverse and robust scenarios.
2. Traditional Crowd Counting and Image Analysis
2.1. Crowd Counting
2.1.1. Counting by Detection
2.1.2. Counting by Regression
2.1.3. Counting by Density Estimation
2.1.4. Counting by CNN
2.1.5. Counting by Clustering
2.2. Image Analysis
2.3. Unique Challenges of CNN-Based Image Crowd Counting
- Occlusion occurs when two or more objects come very close to each other and merge, so that it is hard to recognize individual objects. Thus, crowd-counting accuracy is decreased [18].
- Clutter is a kind of nonuniform arrangement of objects that are close to each other. It is also related to image noise, making recognition and counting tasks more challenging [19].
- Irregular object distribution refers to varying density distribution in an image or a video. For irregular objects, counting through detection is only viable in sparse areas. On the other hand, counting by regression overestimates the sparse areas and is only viable in dense areas. Thus, the irregular distribution of an object is a challenging task for crowd counting [20].
- Nonuniform object scales often occur due to different perspectives. In counting, objects close to the camera look larger when compared to ones farther away. The nearest objects have more pixels than far-away objects. Thus, ground-truth and actual-density estimations are affected by the nonuniform pixel distribution of the same object [21].
- An inconstant perspective occurs due to different camera angles, tilt, and the up–down movement of the camera position. Object recognition and counting accuracy are greatly affected by varying perspectives [22].
2.4. Motivation for Employing CNN-Based Image Crowd Counting
3. CNN-Based Crowd Counting: Overview
4. Categorization of CNN-CC Techniques
4.1. Network-CNN-CC Techniques
4.1.1. Basic-CNN-CC Techniques
4.1.2. Context-CNN-CC Techniques
4.1.3. Scale-CNN-CC Techniques
4.1.4. Multitask-CNN-CC Techniques
4.2. Image-View-CNN-CC Techniques
4.2.1. aerial-View-CNN-CC Techniques
4.2.2. Perspective-CNN-CC Techniques
4.3. T-CNN-NN Techniques
4.3.1. Patch-Based-CNN-CC Techniques
4.3.2. Whole-Image-CNN-CC Techniques
5. Applications of CNN-CC Algorithms
6. Three-Dimensional Crowd Counting
7. Performance Evaluation of CNN-CC Algorithms
8. Conclusions and Key Observations
- Counting accuracy of basic-CNN-CC is enhanced by removing redundant samples, while multitasking improves the overall accuracy of an algorithm.
- The quality of a density map in context-CNN-CC is enhanced by using a deeper dilated CNN, while counting accuracy is enhanced by using an adaptive-density network through pose-variation-based solutions.
- By investigating scale-CNN-CC, we observed that counting accuracy is improved by using stacked pooling that reduces computational cost. Moreover, concatenated-scale aggregation modules increase accuracy, and the quality of the density map is enhanced.
- Counting the accuracy of multitask-CNN-CC is increased by using self-supervised learning, inter-relations between multiple tasks, and up- and downsampling. However, multitasking makes the system more complex for real-time applications. Density-map quality is also enhanced by using deconvolution layers.
- Performance i of aerial-view-CNN-CC n terms of nMAE is increased by using multiple regression models, and occlusion is handled by feeding the downsampled patches in the CNN.
- Counting accuracy of the PRCC is enhanced by inserting a perspective-aware layer in the deconvolution network, parameter sharing within different domains, and retrieving training scenes from all training datasets that have similar perspective maps with target scenes.
- The nMAE of patch-based-CNN-CC is increased by using detection and regression depending on image density and the optimal transfer of information within CNN layers. For dense datasets, the combination of density-level classification, a specific task-oriented regressor, and deconvolution increase accuracy with the estimation of high-quality density maps. Density datasets are tackled by using a patch-based augmentation (varying scale) strategy.
- The counting accuracy of whole-image-CNN-CC is improved by exploiting semantic and locality-aware features, and density-level classification. Diverse-crowd-density issues are also fixed to some extent by varying image scales, making these techniques highly applicable in real-time applications.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
NNs | Neural Networks |
CNNs | Convolutional NNs |
RNNs | Recurrent NNs |
FCL | Fully Connected Layer |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Unit |
GTD | Ground Truth Density |
ED | Estimated Density |
GLCM | Gray Level Co-Occurrence Metrics |
HOG | Histogram Oriented Gradient |
LBP | Local Binary Pattern |
KLT | Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi |
GANs | Generative Adversarial Networks |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MSE | Mean Square Error |
STA | ShanghaiTech-A (a dataset) |
STB | ShanghaiTech-B (a dataset) |
WE | World Expo 10 (a dataset) |
CNN-CC | CNN Crowd Counting |
Network-CNN-CC | Network-based CNN-CC techniques |
Basic-CNN-CC | Basic CNN-CC techniques |
Context-CNN-CC | Context-aware CNN-CC techniques |
Scale-CNN-CC | Scale-aware CNN-CC techniques |
Multi-task-CNN-CC | Multitask CNN-CC techniques |
Image-view-CNN-CC | Image-view-based CNN-CC techniques |
Aerial-view-CNN-CC | Aerial-view-based CNN-CC techniques |
Perspective-CNN-CC | Perspective-view-based CNN-CC techniques |
Patch-based-CNN-CC | Patch-based CNN-CC techniques |
Whole-image-CNN-CC | Whole-image-based CNN-CC techniques |
Training-CNN-CC | Training-approach-based CNN-CC techniques |
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Dataets | USCD [17] | Mall [4] | UCF [69] | WE [28] | STA [26] | STB [26] |
No. of images (NOI) | 2000 | 2000 | 50 | 3980 | 482 | 716 |
Resolution | 158 × 238 | 320 × 240 | Varied | 576 × 720 | Varied | 768 × 1024 |
Minimum head count | 11 | 13 | 94 | 1 | 33 | 9 |
Average head count | 25 | - | 1279 | 50 | 501 | 123 |
Maximum head count | 46 | 53 | 4543 | 253 | 3139 | 578 |
Total head count (THC) | 49,885 | 62,325 | 63,974 | 199,923 | 241,677 | 88,488 |
Qualitative features | Collected from video camera, ground-truth annotation, low-density dataset, no perspective variation | Collected from surveillance camera, diverse illumination condition; compared to USCD, it has higher density, no scene-perspective variations | Collected from various places like concerts, marathons, diverse scenes with wide range of densities, challenging datasets as compared to USCD and Mall | Specific for cross-scene crowd-counting large diversity, but limited as compared to UCF, not dense as compared to UCF, more images | Chosen from Internet, large scale, largest in terms of number of annotated people, large density as compared to (B), diverse scenes, and varying densities | Collected from Shanghai, varying scale and perspective, nonuniform density level in many images, making it tilt towards the low-density level |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Fu et al. [70] | Real-time approach | PETS_2009, Subway video, Chunix_Road video | ✓ | ✓ | ConvNets | ||
Mundhenk et al. [71] | Contextual information, creation of large datasets of cars | Cars Overhead with Context (COWC), | ✓ | ✓ | AlexNet, Inception | ||
Wang et al. [72] | End-to-end deep CNN regression model | UCF | ✓ | ✓ | FCN | ||
Zhao et al. [73] | Joint learning of crowd density and velocity | USCD, [LHI, TS, CNN] * | ✓ | ✓ | FlowNet | ||
Hu et al. [74] | Two supervisory signals: crowd count and crowd density | UCF, USCD | ✓ | ✓ | ConvNets | ||
Walach et al. [75] | Gradient boosting and selective sampling, and elimination of low-quality training samples | UCF, USCD, [Bacterial Cell, Make 3D] * | ✓ | ✓ | Boosting Net |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Chattopadhyay et al. [76] | Associative subitizing | PASCAL VOC, COCO | ConvNet | ||||
Zhang et al. [77] | Attention model for head detection | UCF, STA, STB | AM-CNN | ||||
Li et al. [78] | Dilated convolution and multiscale contextual information | UCF, STA, STB, WE | CSRNet | ||||
Han et al. [79] | Combination of correlation and MRF | UCF | ResNet | ||||
Wang et al. [80] | Density adaption network | ST, UCF | DAN, LCN, HCN | ||||
Liu et al. [81] | Spatially aware network | ST, UCF, WE | Local Refinement Network |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Liu et al. [82] | Geometry-aware crowd counting | ST, WE, Venice | ✓ | ✓ | Siamese | ||
Huang et al. [83] | Exploits cross-scale similarity | ST, WE | ✓ | ✓ | Wide and Deep | ||
Kang et al. [84] | Image pyramid to deal with scale variation | ST, WE, USCD | ✓ | ✓ | VGG network | ||
Boominathan et al. [85] | Combination of deep and shallow networks | UCF | ✓ | ✓ | VGG-16 | ||
Zeng et al. [86] | Single multiscale column | ST, UCF | ✓ | ✓ | Inception | ||
Kumagai et al. [87] | Integration of multiple CNNs (gating and expert CNN) | UCF, Mall | ✓ | ✓ | MoC-CNN | ||
Onoro-Rubio et al. [88] | CCNN for mapping the appearance of image patch to its density map; Hydra CNN is scale-aware model | UCF, USCD, TRANCOS | ✓ | ✓ | CCNN, Hydra | ||
Shi et al. [89] | Dynamic data-augmentation strategy, NetVLAD | ST, UCF, WE | ✓ | ✓ | VGG-like net | ||
Cao et al. [90] | Multi-scale feature extraction with scale aggregation modules | UCF, STA, STB, USCD | ✓ | ✓ | SANet | ||
Shen et al. [91] | GANs-based network, novel regularizer | ST, UCF, USCD | ✓ | ✓ | ACSCP |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Arteta et al. [92] | Multitasking: foreground and background segmentation, uncertainty, and density estimation | Penguins dataset | ✓ | ✓ | ConvNet | ||
Idrees et al. [93] | Multitasking with loss optimization | UCF-QNRF | ✓ | ✓ | DenseNet | ||
Zhu et al. [94] | Combination of pedestrian flow statistics task with people counting | UCF, [DH302IMG, DH302VID] * | ✓ | ✓ | VGGNet-16 | ||
Huang et al. [95] | Body structure-aware methods | STB, UCF, USCD | ✓ | ✓ | Multi-column body-part aware model | ||
Yang et al. [96] | Multicolumn multitask CNN focusing on drastic scale variation | ST, UCF, USCD, MALL, WE | ✓ | ✓ | MMCNN | ||
Liu et al. [97] | Self-supervised tasking | UCF, STA, STB | ✓ | ✓ | VGG-16 |
Technique | Features | Datasets * | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Khan et al. [98] | Automatic approach to select a region of interest by computing a bounding box that encloses the embryo | Time-lapse image sequences | ✓ | ✓ | Architecture of Krizhevsky | ||
Ribera et al. [99] | Plants are estimated by using the regression model instead of classification | RGB UAV images of sorghum plants | ✓ | ✓ | Inception-v2 | ||
Hernnandez et al. [100] | Feature pyramid network | BBBC005 | ✓ | ✓ | VGG-Style NN | ||
Xie et al. [101] | Two convolutional regression networks | RPE, T and LBL cells | ✓ | ✓ | VGG-net |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Kang et al. [102] | Incorporating side information (perspective weights) in CNN by using adaptive convolutional layers | USCD | ✓ | ✓ | ACNN | ||
Zhao et al. [103] | Perspective embedded deconvolution network | WE | ✓ | ✓ | PE-CFCN-DCN | ||
Marsden et al. [104] | Multidomain patch-based regressor | ST, Penguin, Dublin cell * | ✓ | ✓ | VGG16 | ||
Zhang et al. [105] | Cross scene crowd counting, human body shape and perspective variation are considered | UCF | ✓ | ✓ | Crowd CNN model | ||
Shi et al. [106] | Perspective-aware weighting layer | UCF, WE, STA, STB | ✓ | ✓ | PACNN | ||
Yao et al. [107] | General model based on CNN and LSTM | ST, UCF, WE | ✓ | ✓ | DSRM with ResNet |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Cohen et al. [108] | Smaller network used for estimation in given receptive field | [VGG, MBM] * | ✓ | ✓ | Count-ception | ||
Liu et al. [109] | Detection and density-estimation network | Mall, STB, WE | ✓ | ✓ | DecideNet | ||
Onro-Rubio et al. [110] | Joint feature extraction and pixelwise object density | ST, USCD, TRANSCOS | ✓ | ✓ | GU-Net | ||
Xu et al. [111] | Depth-information-based method | STB, Mall, ZZU-CIISR | ✓ | ✓ | Multi-scale network | ||
Shami et al. [112] | Head-detector-based crowd-estimation method | ST, UCF | ✓ | ✓ | ImagNet | ||
Zhang et al. [113] | Aggregated framework | UCF, AHU-CROWD | ✓ | ✓ | count-net | ||
Zhang et al. [114] | Multicolumn CNN with varying receptive fields | ST, UCF | ✓ | ✓ | MCNN | ||
Wang et al. [115] | Skip-connection CNN with scale-related training | ST, UCF | ✓ | ✓ | SCNN | ||
Sam et al. [116] | Switch CNN multidomain patch-based regressor | ST, UCF, WE | ✓ | ✓ | Switch CNN |
Technique | Features | Datasets | Negative Samples | Data Driven | Architecture | ||
Yes | No | Yes | No | ||||
Rahnmonfar et al. [117] | Simulated learning, and synthetic data for training, tested on real images | Fruit dataset * | ✓ | ✓ | Inception-ResNet | ||
Sheng et al. [118] | Pixel-level semantic-feature map, learning locality-aware features | USCD, Mall | ✓ | ✓ | Semantic-feature map and W-VLAD encoding | ||
Marsden et al. [119] | Simultaneous multiobjective method for violent-behavior detection, crowd counting and density-level classification, creation of new dataset | UCF | ✓ | ✓ | ResNetCrowd | ||
Marsden et al. [120] | Multiscale averaging to handle scale variation | ST, UCF | ✓ | ✓ | FCN | ||
Sindagi et al. [121] | Multitask end-to-end cascaded network of CNNs to learn both crowd-count classification and density estimation | ST, UCF | ✓ | ✓ | Cascaded network |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Ilyas, N.; Shahzad, A.; Kim, K. Convolutional-Neural Network-Based Image Crowd Counting: Review, Categorization, Analysis, and Performance Evaluation. Sensors 2020, 20, 43.
Ilyas N, Shahzad A, Kim K. Convolutional-Neural Network-Based Image Crowd Counting: Review, Categorization, Analysis, and Performance Evaluation. Sensors. 2020; 20(1):43.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIlyas, Naveed, Ahsan Shahzad, and Kiseon Kim. 2020. "Convolutional-Neural Network-Based Image Crowd Counting: Review, Categorization, Analysis, and Performance Evaluation" Sensors 20, no. 1: 43.
APA StyleIlyas, N., Shahzad, A., & Kim, K. (2020). Convolutional-Neural Network-Based Image Crowd Counting: Review, Categorization, Analysis, and Performance Evaluation. Sensors, 20(1), 43.