Delamination Detection in Polymeric Ablative Materials Using Pulse-Compression Thermography and Air-Coupled Ultrasound
:1. Introduction
2. Pulse-Compression
2.1. Pulse-Compression in Air-Coupled Ultrasonic Testing (PuC-ACUT)
2.2. Pulse-Compression Thermography (PuCT)
- The sample is excited via a chirped heating stimulus of time duration and with an additional contribution for . Here, , and . Thus, the sample is kept heated for 30 s after the end of the coded stimulus. Note that is the expected time duration of the SUT’s , meaning that is the expected cooling time of the sample to retrieve a new equilibrium state or, from a practical point of view, is the duration of interest for the present analysis.
- Thermograms are acquired for an overall time interval .
- Apply to the the step-heating removal procedure (Detrend) for each pixel of the acquired thermogram sequence, thus obtaining . Please refer to Silipigni et al. [42] for more details.
- A pixel-by-pixel convolution of each with is performed, retrieving as for Equation (2).
3. Materials
Description of the Sample
4. Experimental Setup
4.1. PuCT Experimental Arrangement
4.2. PuC-ACUT Experimental Arrangement
5. Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Laureti, S.; Khalid Rizwan, M.; Malekmohammadi, H.; Burrascano, P.; Natali, M.; Torre, L.; Rallini, M.; Puri, I.; Hutchins, D.; Ricci, M. Delamination Detection in Polymeric Ablative Materials Using Pulse-Compression Thermography and Air-Coupled Ultrasound. Sensors 2019, 19, 2198.
Laureti S, Khalid Rizwan M, Malekmohammadi H, Burrascano P, Natali M, Torre L, Rallini M, Puri I, Hutchins D, Ricci M. Delamination Detection in Polymeric Ablative Materials Using Pulse-Compression Thermography and Air-Coupled Ultrasound. Sensors. 2019; 19(9):2198.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLaureti, Stefano, Muhammad Khalid Rizwan, Hamed Malekmohammadi, Pietro Burrascano, Maurizio Natali, Luigi Torre, Marco Rallini, Ivan Puri, David Hutchins, and Marco Ricci. 2019. "Delamination Detection in Polymeric Ablative Materials Using Pulse-Compression Thermography and Air-Coupled Ultrasound" Sensors 19, no. 9: 2198.
APA StyleLaureti, S., Khalid Rizwan, M., Malekmohammadi, H., Burrascano, P., Natali, M., Torre, L., Rallini, M., Puri, I., Hutchins, D., & Ricci, M. (2019). Delamination Detection in Polymeric Ablative Materials Using Pulse-Compression Thermography and Air-Coupled Ultrasound. Sensors, 19(9), 2198.