Fruit Detection and Segmentation for Apple Harvesting Using Visual Sensor in Orchards
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Material and Methods
3.1. Vision Sensing System
3.2. Network Architecture
3.2.1. Gated-FPN for Multi-level Fusion
3.2.2. ASPP for Multi-Scale Fusion
3.2.3. Lightweight Designed Backbone
3.3. Training Data and Method
3.3.1. Data Collection
3.3.2. Training Method
4. Experiment and Discussion
4.1. Experiment on Network Architecture and Training
4.1.1. Experiment on Network Architectures
4.1.2. Experiment Results and Discussion
4.2. Experiment on Detection Performance
4.3. Experiment on Segmentation Performance
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Index | Iteration | If Augmentation | Small | Median | Large |
1 | 100 | Yes | 67% | 32% | 1% |
2 | 100 | No | 87% | 13% | 0% |
3 | 1K | Yes | 58% | 37% | 5% |
4 | 1K | No | 85% | 12% | 1% |
5 | 10K | Yes | 51% | 40% | 9% |
6 | 10K | No | 89% | 11% | 0% |
Index | Model | Method | ||||
1 | DaSNet-A(G) | M1 | ||||
2 | DaSNet-B(G) | M1 | ||||
3 | DaSNet-C(G) | M1 | ||||
4 | DaSNet-B(G) | M2 | 0.827 | |||
5 | DaSNet-C(G) | M2 | ||||
6 | DaSNet-B(FPN) | M2 |
Index | Model | Inference Time | Weights Size |
1 | DaSNet-A(G) | 30 ms | M |
2 | DaSNet-B(G) | 32 ms | M |
3 | DaSNet-C(G) | 40 ms | M |
Index | Model | Weights Size | Time | ||
1 | DaSNet-B(lw-net) | M | 32 ms | ||
2 | DaSNet-B(ResNet-50) | 112 M | 47 ms | ||
3 | DaSNet-B(ResNet-101) | 0.836 | 188 M | 72 ms | |
4 | DaSNet-B(Darknet-53) | 176 M | 50 ms | ||
5 | YOLO-V3(Darknet-53) [31] | 248 M | 48 ms | ||
6 | YOLO-V3(Tiny) [31] | M | 38 ms | ||
7 | Faster-RCNN (VGG-16) [22] | 533 M | 136 ms |
Index | Model | ||
1 | DaSNet-B-Add(lw-net) | ||
2 | DaSNet-B-Concat(lw-net) | ||
3 | DaSNet-B-Concat(ResNet-50) | ||
4 | DaSNet-B-Concat(ResNet-101) | 0.876 | |
5 | DaSNet-B-Concat(Darknet-53) | ||
6 | FCN-8s(ResNet-50) [36] | ||
7 | FCN-8s(ResNet-101) [36] |
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Kang, H.; Chen, C. Fruit Detection and Segmentation for Apple Harvesting Using Visual Sensor in Orchards. Sensors 2019, 19, 4599.
Kang H, Chen C. Fruit Detection and Segmentation for Apple Harvesting Using Visual Sensor in Orchards. Sensors. 2019; 19(20):4599.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKang, Hanwen, and Chao Chen. 2019. "Fruit Detection and Segmentation for Apple Harvesting Using Visual Sensor in Orchards" Sensors 19, no. 20: 4599.
APA StyleKang, H., & Chen, C. (2019). Fruit Detection and Segmentation for Apple Harvesting Using Visual Sensor in Orchards. Sensors, 19(20), 4599.