Correlating the Integral Sensing Properties of Zeolites with Molecular Processes by Combining Broadband Impedance and DRIFT Spectroscopy—A New Approach for Bridging the Scales
:1. Introduction
2. Instrument Development
2.1. Low-Frequency Impedance Spectroscopy
2.2. High-Frequency Impedance Spectroscopy
2.3. DRIFT Spectroscopy in Combination with Low-Frequency Impedance Spectroscopy
3. Development of Zeolite-Based, Impedimetric Sensors for Automotive Exhaust Gases
4. Future Directions
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Chen, P.; Schönebaum, S.; Simons, T.; Rauch, D.; Dietrich, M.; Moos, R.; Simon, U. Correlating the Integral Sensing Properties of Zeolites with Molecular Processes by Combining Broadband Impedance and DRIFT Spectroscopy—A New Approach for Bridging the Scales. Sensors 2015, 15, 28915-28941.
Chen P, Schönebaum S, Simons T, Rauch D, Dietrich M, Moos R, Simon U. Correlating the Integral Sensing Properties of Zeolites with Molecular Processes by Combining Broadband Impedance and DRIFT Spectroscopy—A New Approach for Bridging the Scales. Sensors. 2015; 15(11):28915-28941.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Peirong, Simon Schönebaum, Thomas Simons, Dieter Rauch, Markus Dietrich, Ralf Moos, and Ulrich Simon. 2015. "Correlating the Integral Sensing Properties of Zeolites with Molecular Processes by Combining Broadband Impedance and DRIFT Spectroscopy—A New Approach for Bridging the Scales" Sensors 15, no. 11: 28915-28941.
APA StyleChen, P., Schönebaum, S., Simons, T., Rauch, D., Dietrich, M., Moos, R., & Simon, U. (2015). Correlating the Integral Sensing Properties of Zeolites with Molecular Processes by Combining Broadband Impedance and DRIFT Spectroscopy—A New Approach for Bridging the Scales. Sensors, 15(11), 28915-28941.