Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Sample Processing
2.3. Data Processing
3. Results
3.1. Environmental Variability
3.2. Species Composition
3.3. Community Assemblages
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Phylum | Species | Phylum | Species | Phylum | Species | Phylum | Species |
Annelida | Onchnesoma steenstrupii | Annelida | Terebellidae sp. | Annelida | Schistomeringos matsushimeansis | Annelida | Kuwaita heteropoda |
Annelida | Listriolobus sorbillans | Annelida | Lepidonotus tenuisetosus | Annelida | Paralacydonia paradoxa | Annelida | Glycera capitata |
Annelida | Apionsoma (Apionsoma) misakianum | Annelida | Chaetozone setosa | Annelida | Chaetozone spinosa | Annelida | Micropodarke sp. |
Annelida | Phascolosoma sp. | Annelida | Odontosyllis sp. | Annelida | Notomastus sp. | Annelida | Aricidea sp. |
Annelida | Golfingia sp. | Annelida | Aricidea assimilis | Annelida | Pisioneidens sp. | Annelida | Hesione sp. |
Annelida | Haplosyllis spongiphila | Annelida | Amphinome sp. | Annelida | Laonice sinica | Annelida | Laonice sp. |
Annelida | Opisthodonta uraga | Annelida | Aphelochaeta sp. | Annelida | Spirobranchus tetraceros | Annelida | Scoletoma sp. |
Annelida | Eurythoe sp. | Annelida | Synelmis albini | Annelida | Amphitrite sp. | Annelida | Terebellides horikoshii |
Annelida | Polyophthalmus sp. | Annelida | Cirratulus cirratus | Annelida | Pista cristata | Annelida | Euphrosine superba |
Annelida | Trypanosyllis sp. | Annelida | Sabellaria sp. | Annelida | Magelona japonica | Annelida | Clymenella koellikeri |
Annelida | Syllis sp. | Annelida | Eteone longa | Annelida | Leodice antennata | Annelida | Spiochaetopterus sp. |
Annelida | Glycera nicobarica | Annelida | Lepidonotus sp. | Annelida | Sabellonga sp. | Annelida | Sabellidae sp. |
Annelida | Chone sp. | Annelida | Brachysyllis japonica | Annelida | Heteromastus filiformis | Annelida | Prionospio ehlersi |
Annelida | Notomastus latericeus | Annelida | Sabellastarte sp. | Annelida | Prionospio paradisea | Annelida | Eteone sp. |
Annelida | Syllis amica | Annelida | Pherusa sp. | Annelida | Eunice sp. | Annelida | Axiothella rubrocincta |
Annelida | Micropodarke dubia | Annelida | Glycera sp. | Annelida | Spiophanes sp. | Annelida | Eunoe sp. |
Annelida | Chrysopetalum sp. | Annelida | Scoletoma fragilis | Annelida | Exogone sp. | Annelida | Capitellidae sp. |
Annelida | Eunice indica | Annelida | Hydroides ezoensis | Annelida | Sthenelais fusca | Annelida | Euchone analis |
Annelida | Thelepus sp. | Annelida | Prionospio sp. | Annelida | Harmothoe sp. | Annelida | Dorvillea sp. |
Annelida | Myxicola sp. | Annelida | Amage sp. | Annelida | Goniada maculata | Annelida | Drilonereis sp. |
Annelida | Poecilochaetus magnus | Annelida | Lumbrineris sp. | Annelida | Phascolion sp. | Arthropoda | Spirontocaris arcuata |
Annelida | Eumida sanguinea | Annelida | Clymenella sp. | Arthropoda | Melita denticulata | Arthropoda | Pagurus pectinatus |
Annelida | Phyllodoce sp. | Annelida | Nicomache sp. | Arthropoda | Byblis japonicus | Arthropoda | Caprella mixta |
Annelida | Nicomache dentatus | Annelida | Petaloproctus dentatus | Arthropoda | Janiralata koreaensis | Arthropoda | Philumnus minutus |
Annelida | Nereis sp. | Annelida | Myriochele sp. | Arthropoda | Melita longidactyla | Arthropoda | Pagurus brachiomastus |
Annelida | Praxillella praetermissa | Annelida | Levinsenia sp. | Arthropoda | Anonyx simplex | Arthropoda | Nanocassiope granulipes |
Annelida | Chaetozone sp. | Annelida | Neineris lavigata | Arthropoda | Liljeborgia serrata | Arthropoda | Liocarcinus corrugatus |
Annelida | Maldanella harai | Annelida | Scolelepis sp. | Arthropoda | Galathea orientalis | Arthropoda | Stenothoe valida |
Annelida | Phyllodoce chinensis | Annelida | Amaeana sp. | Arthropoda | Monocorophium insidiosum | Arthropoda | Caprella californica |
Annelida | Scoletoma nipponica | Annelida | Ampharete arctica | Arthropoda | Parapleustes filialis | Arthropoda | Nanocassiope granulipes |
Annelida | Rhodine loveni | Annelida | Laetmonice japonica | Arthropoda | Aristias nonspinus | Arthropoda | Caprella carinata |
Annelida | Eulalia sp. | Annelida | Asychis sp. | Arthropoda | Melita japonica | Arthropoda | Heptacarpus rectirostris |
Annelida | Armandia sp. | Annelida | Ophelina acuminata | Arthropoda | Jerbarnia aqulopacifica | Arthropoda | Paradexamine setigera |
Annelida | Arabella iricolor | Annelida | Leitoscoloplos pugettensis | Arthropoda | Paguristes digitalis | Arthropoda | Heptacarpus jordani |
Annelida | Vermiliopsis infundibulum | Annelida | Naineris laevigata | Arthropoda | Aeropaguristes japonicus | Arthropoda | Gnathia elongata |
Annelida | Polydora ligni | Annelida | Scoloplos armiger | Arthropoda | Gammaropsis utinomi | Arthropoda | Jassa saltteryi |
Annelida | Spiophanes bombyx | Annelida | Paradoneis nipponica | Arthropoda | Monocorophium acherusicum | Arthropoda | Pandalus prensor |
Annelida | Maldane sp. | Annelida | Lepidonotus helotypus | Arthropoda | Pagurus simulans | Arthropoda | Callipallene sagamiensis |
Annelida | Nereididae sp. | Annelida | Branchiomma sp. | Arthropoda | Achelia echinata | Arthropoda | Gnathia cristata |
Annelida | Sigalion sp. | Annelida | Semivermilia sp. | Arthropoda | Maera serratipalma | Arthropoda | Gammaropsis japonicus |
Arthropoda | Caprella penantis | Arthropoda | Synalpheus tumidomanus | Arthropoda | Orchomene liomargo | Arthropoda | Orchomene japonicus |
Arthropoda | Melta sp. | Arthropoda | Doxomysis sp. | Arthropoda | Tanystylum sp. | Arthropoda | pagurus sp. |
Arthropoda | Desmosoma sp. | Arthropoda | Petalomera jponica | Arthropoda | Scyra compressipes | Arthropoda | zoea |
Arthropoda | Eplumula phalangium | Arthropoda | Bowmaniella portoricensis | Arthropoda | Camptandrium sexdentatum | Arthropoda | Labidochirus anomalus |
Arthropoda | Pilumnopeus sp. | Arthropoda | Megalopa | Arthropoda | Decapoda sp. | Arthropoda | Ampelisca miharaensis |
Arthropoda | Ceratopagurus sp. | Arthropoda | Pagurus japonicus | Arthropoda | Pagurus sp. | Arthropoda | Orchomene obtusa |
Arthropoda | Pontogeneia sp. | Arthropoda | Pareurystheus anamae | Arthropoda | Jaeropsis sp. | Arthropoda | Gnathia sp. |
Arthropoda | Leucothoe alata | Arthropoda | Metadromia wilsoni | Arthropoda | Parapagurodes gracilipes | Arthropoda | Nymphon kodanii |
Arthropoda | Caprella gigantochir | Arthropoda | Pareurystheus amakusaensis | Arthropoda | Pugettia quadridens | Arthropoda | Pagurus rubrior |
Arthropoda | Aoroides sp. | Arthropoda | Heptacarpus sp. | Arthropoda | Monoculodes koreanus | Arthropoda | Boasaxius princeps |
Arthropoda | Hemigrapsus sanguineus | Arthropoda | Bradypallene espina | Arthropoda | Gitanpsis longus | Arthropoda | pugettia sp. |
Arthropoda | Caprella simplex | Arthropoda | Ammothella biunguiculata | Arthropoda | Apherusa sp. | Arthropoda | Parapenaeus sextuberculatus |
Arthropoda | Crassicorophium crassicorne | Arthropoda | Paguristes sp. | Arthropoda | Epimeria sp. | Arthropoda | Cleantioides japonica |
Arthropoda | Pilumnus sp. | Arthropoda | Anoplodactylus velamellus | Arthropoda | Caprella iniquilibra | Arthropoda | Calocarides sp. |
Arthropoda | Ammothea hedgpethi | Arthropoda | Siriella okadai | Arthropoda | Excirolana chiltoni | Arthropoda | Munida japonica |
Arthropoda | Mesotanais sp. | Arthropoda | Odius sp. | Arthropoda | Nephrops thomsoni | Arthropoda | Crangon hakodatei |
Arthropoda | Ericthonius pugnax | Arthropoda | Synchelidium trioostegitum | Arthropoda | Alpheidae sp. | Arthropoda | Podocerus sp. |
Arthropoda | Caecianiropsis psammophila | Arthropoda | Atylus sp. | Arthropoda | Pandalus eous | Arthropoda | Bopyridae sp. |
Arthropoda | Pagurus sp.2 | Arthropoda | Allaxius princeps | Arthropoda | Munida sp. | Arthropoda | Xanthidae sp. |
Arthropoda | Archaeomysis sp. | Arthropoda | Eochelidium lenorostralum | Arthropoda | Pagurus sp.3 | Arthropoda | Pontegeneia rostrata |
Arthropoda | Eusiroides sp. | Arthropoda | Pagurus constans | Cnidaria | Caryophyllia (Caryophyllia) japonica | Echinoderms | Ophiopholis japonica |
Arthropoda | Colomastix prionotos | Arthropoda | Nursia japonica | Cnidaria | Anthopleura sp. | Echinoderms | Ophiacantha levispina |
Arthropoda | Urothoe grimaldii japonica | Arthropoda | Axiidae sp. | Cnidaria | Sertularella sp. | Echinoderms | Ophiacantha omoplata |
Arthropoda | Amphilochus sp. | Arthropoda | Arcania cornigera | Cnidaria | Pennaria disticha | Echinoderms | Sclerodactyla sp. |
Arthropoda | Caprella gracillima | Arthropoda | Pagurus ochotensis | Cnidaria | Heterocyathus aequicostatus | Echinoderms | Ophiopholis mirabilis |
Arthropoda | Caprella danilevskii | Arthropoda | Pagurus sp.3 | Cnidaria | Paradeltocyathus orientalis | Echinoderms | Calasterias toyamensis |
Arthropoda | Caprella septentrionalis | Arthropoda | Pantopoda unid. | Cnidaria | Boloceroides mcmurrichi | Echinoderms | Ophiura kinbergi |
Arthropoda | Leptochelia sp. | Brachiopoda | Laqueus rubellus | Cnidaria | Heteranthus japonicus | Echinoderms | Thyone multipes |
Arthropoda | Pseudonototanais sp. | Brachiopoda | Diestothyris frontalis | Cnidaria | Rhizopsammia minuta | Echinoderms | Temnopleurus toreumaticus |
Arthropoda | Apseudes sp. | Bryozoa | Bugula neritina | Cnidaria | Actiniaria sp. | Echinoderms | Microscyphus olivaceus |
Arthropoda | Campylaspis sagamiensis | Bryozoa | Tricellaria dubia | Cnidaria | Halcampella maxima | Echinoderms | Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus |
Arthropoda | Mcrostylis sp. | Chaetognatha | Sagitta sp. | Cnidaria | Peachia quinquecapitata | Echinoderms | Strongylocentrotus nudus |
Arthropoda | Callipallene amaxana | Chordata | Styela sp. | Cnidaria | Obelia sp. | Echinoderms | Ophiothrix koreana |
Arthropoda | Diasterope sp. | Chordata | Ascidia sp. | Cnidaria | Pulmulariidae unid. | Echinoderms | Cucumaria chronhjelmi |
Arthropoda | Cancer gibbosulus | Chordata | Halocynthia sp. | Cnidaria | Edwardsia japonica | Echinoderms | Nacospatangus alta |
Arthropoda | Spongicola venusta | Chordata | Microcosmous sp. | Echinoderms | Ophiactis sp. | Echinoderms | Asterias amurensis |
Arthropoda | Laomedia astacina | Cnidaria | Actinostola carlgreni | Echinoderms | Amphipholis sp. | Echinoderms | Asterias batheri |
Arthropoda | Pilumnidae sp. | Cnidaria | Stomphia coccinea | Echinoderms | Strongylocentrotus intermedius | Echinoderms | Pteraster tesselatus |
Arthropoda | Heteropilumnus ciliatus | Cnidaria | Ciona sp. | Echinoderms | Pedicellaster magister orientalis | Echinoderms | Brissus agassizii |
Arthropoda | Pugettia pellucens | Cnidaria | Corynactis viridis | Echinoderms | Ophiactis affinis | Echinoderms | Holothuria pardalis |
Echinoderms | Anthocidaris crassispina | Mollusca | Homalopoma amussitatum | Mollusca | Limaria orientalis | Mollusca | Callochiton foveolatus |
Echinoderms | Ophionereis dubia | Mollusca | Cyclocardia ferruginea | Mollusca | Glycymeris rotunda | Mollusca | Clinocardium californiense |
Echinoderms | Clypeaster virescens | Mollusca | Acila divaricata vigila | Mollusca | Crithe nanaoensis | Mollusca | Lussivoltopsius sp. |
Echinoderms | Labidoplax sp. | Mollusca | Astarte vernicosa | Mollusca | Cadella lubrica | Mollusca | Gobraeus kazusensis |
Echinoderms | Cucumella problematica | Mollusca | Zemysina lunaris | Mollusca | Erginus sybariticus | Mollusca | Collonista amakusaensis |
Echinoderms | Asterias sp.1 | Mollusca | Lepidozona coreanica | Mollusca | Lussivoltopsius filosus ochotensis | Mollusca | Kuroshiodaphne sp. |
Echinoderms | Asterias sp.2 | Mollusca | Tonicella zotini | Mollusca | Monia umbonata | Mollusca | Modiolus margaritaceus |
Echinoderms | Henricia reniossa | Mollusca | Tripoplax andrijaschevi | Mollusca | Turcica monilifera | Mollusca | Alvania ogasawarana |
Echinoderms | Luidia quinaria | Mollusca | Megacardita nodulosa | Mollusca | Cystiscus angasi | Mollusca | Gibberula sp. |
Echinoderms | Aquilonastra minor | Mollusca | Limatula kurodai | Mollusca | Megacardita ferruginosa | Mollusca | Alvenius ojianus |
Echinoderms | Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) exigua | Mollusca | Tetrarca boucardi | Mollusca | Cardita leana | Mollusca | Pandora otukai |
Echinoderms | ophionephthys lowelli | Mollusca | Megacardita coreensis | Mollusca | Nipponomysella oblongata | Mollusca | Searlesia modesta |
Echinoderms | Stylocidaris reini rubida | Mollusca | Homalopoma nocturnum | Mollusca | Cystiscus nanaoensis | Mollusca | Corbula scaphoides |
Mollusca | Glycymeris munda | Mollusca | Rhyssoplax kurodai | Mollusca | Centrocardita sp. | Mollusca | Megacardita koreana |
Mollusca | Limatula japonica | Mollusca | Corbula venusta | Mollusca | Solamen columbianum | Mollusca | Hiatella arctica |
Mollusca | Barbatia stearnsii | Mollusca | Tonicella squamigera | Mollusca | Puncturella fastigiata | Mollusca | Tristichotrochus multiliratus |
Mollusca | Pleuromeris pygmaea | Mollusca | Porterius dalli | Mollusca | Microcardium sakuraii | Mollusca | Mactrinula dolabrata |
Mollusca | Modiolus comptus | Mollusca | Limnoperna fortunei kikuchii | Mollusca | Chama sp. | Mollusca | Astarte borealis |
Mollusca | Neocollonia pilula | Mollusca | Dimya japonica | Mollusca | Crenulilimopsis crenata | Mollusca | Mya sp. |
Mollusca | Cardita nodulosa | Mollusca | Isommia umbonata | Mollusca | Eximiothracia concinna | Mollusca | Lepidozona albrechtii |
Mollusca | Tegulaplax hululensis | Mollusca | Mactrotoma depressa | Mollusca | Arca soyoae | Mollusca | Paracingulina sp. |
Mollusca | Cryptopecten vesiculosus | Mollusca | Myadropsis transmontana | Mollusca | Glycymeris aspera | Mollusca | Glaucidae sp. |
Mollusca | Azumapecten farreri | Mollusca | Pitar affinis | Mollusca | Parvamussium intuscostatus | Mollusca | Gregariella semigranata |
Mollusca | Neopycnodonte cochlear | Mollusca | Barleeia simplex | Mollusca | Pseudoneaera semipellucida | Mollusca | Limopsis crenata |
Mollusca | Homalopoma grauliferum | Mollusca | Cerithiopsis subreticulata | Mollusca | Emarginella sakuraii | Mollusca | Modiolus kurilensis |
Mollusca | Niveotectura pallida | Mollusca | Erginus moskalevi | Mollusca | Genkaimurex sp. | Mollusca | Mysella nipponica |
Mollusca | Oxyperas bernardi | Mollusca | Eulima lacca | Mollusca | Inella japonica | Mollusca | Periglypta chemnitzi |
Mollusca | Lottia langfordi | Mollusca | Hydorginella sagamiensis | Mollusca | Neptunea sp. | Mollusca | Poromya flexuosa |
Mollusca | Dendrodoris peculiaris | Mollusca | Patelloida pygmaea signatoides | Mollusca | Nipponotrophon scitulus | Mollusca | Theora fragilis |
Mollusca | Triphora confusa | Mollusca | Scelidotoma vadososinuata | Mollusca | Notoseila morishimai | Mollusca | Yoldia johanni |
Mollusca | Felaniella sowerbyi | Mollusca | Lamellaria sp. | Mollusca | Oenopota candita | Mollusca | Ataxocerithium abnormale |
Mollusca | Hawaiarca uwaensis | Mollusca | Lepidozona amabilis | Mollusca | Sepiola birostrata | Mollusca | Bedeva sp. |
Mollusca | Nitidotellina sp. | Mollusca | Chlamys chosenica | Mollusca | Ischnochiton comptus | Mollusca | Ceratostoma sp. |
Mollusca | Varicorbula yokoyamai | Mollusca | Gari kazusensis | Mollusca | Carditellopsis toneana | Mollusca | Cryptonatica hirasei |
Mollusca | Proterato callosa | Mollusca | Creonovolva sp. | Mollusca | Flabellina cf. bicolor | Mollusca | Ergalatax contracta contracta |
Mollusca | Scissurella staminea | Mollusca | Nuculana acinacea | Mollusca | Placiphorella albitestae | Mollusca | Etrema subauriformis |
Mollusca | Irus irus | Mollusca | Inquisitor sp. | Mollusca | Chlamys swifti | Mollusca | Eulima sp. |
Mollusca | Nudibranchia sp. | Mollusca | Philbertia leuckarti | Mollusca | Nipponomysella sp. | Mollusca | Guraleus deshayesii |
Mollusca | Astarte alaskensis | Mollusca | Amphichama argentata | Mollusca | Menestho sp. | Mollusca | Lepeta kuragiensis |
Mollusca | Limopsis sp. | Mollusca | Arca avellana | Mollusca | Mitrella sp. | Mollusca | Leptogyropsis inflata |
Phylum | Species | Phylum | Species | ||||
Mollusca | Lienardia roseotincta | Porifera | Tethya japonica | ||||
Mollusca | Natica sp. | Porifera | Mycale plumosa | ||||
Mollusca | Ophiodermella erosa | Porifera | Sycon sp. | ||||
Mollusca | Parthenina pagodula | Porifera | Leucandra barbata | ||||
Mollusca | Retimohnia frielei | Porifera | Euplectella sp. | ||||
Mollusca | Noumea nivalis | Porifera | Porifera sp. | ||||
Mollusca | Antalis tosaensis | Porifera | Raspailia sp. | ||||
Mollusca | Compressidens kikuchii | Sipuncula | Aspidosiphon sp. | ||||
Mollusca | Deshayesiella bidentata | Sipuncula | Metedwardsia sp. | ||||
Mollusca | Leptochiton sp. | Sipuncula | Cloeosiphon aspergillus | ||||
Mollusca | Tonicella undocaerulea | Sipuncula | Thysanocardia sp. | ||||
Nemertea | Emplectonema sp. | ||||||
Nemertea | Lineus subcingulatus | ||||||
Nemertea | Baseodiscus sp. | ||||||
Nemertea | Micrura sp. | ||||||
Nemertea | Amphiporus sp. | ||||||
Nemertea | Cerebratulus marginatus | ||||||
Platyhelminthes | Notoplana sp. | ||||||
Platyhelminthes | Pseudoceros sp. | ||||||
Porifera | Halichondria panicea |
Appendix B
Sampling | Species Numbers | Density (ind./m2) | Ecological Indices (H’) | Dominant Species | Reference | |
Year | Area | |||||
1999–2000 | Dokdo | - | 2280 | - | (APo) Spiophanes bombyx (APo) Lumbrineris longifolia (APo) Tharyx spp. (APo) Polydora spp. | [54] |
2005 | Hupo | 319 | 1972/6 m2 | 2.4 | (APo) Spiophanes bombyx (APo) Scoletoma longifolia (APo) Magelona japonica (MBi) Adontorhina subquadrata | [29] |
2012 | Dokdo | 135 | 413/1 m2 | 2.2 | (CAm) Byblis japonicus (CAm) Abludomelita denticulate (APo) Syllidae sp. (APo) Terebellides stroemii | [55] |
2013 | Uljin | 345 | 5797/8 m2 | 2.1 | (APo) Spiophanes bombyx (APo) Magelona sp.1 (MBi) Cadella semitorta (APo) Lumbrineris longifolia | [56] |
2016 | Dokdo | 177 | 1566/2.2 m2 | 2.9 | (CAm) Melita denticulata (CAm) Melita shimizui (APo) Salvatoria clavate (MBi) Glycymeris aspersa | [33] |
2017 | Gangneung | 23 | 648/1.4 m2 | 2.5 | (CAm) Diogenes edwardsii (APo) Aonides oxycephala (APo) Spiophanes bombyx (CAm) Siphonoecetes exolitus | [57] |
2018 | Ulsan | 20 | 920/2.2 m2 | 2.0 | ||
2017–2021 | Ullungdo-Dokdo | 243 | 1421/12.5 m2 | 2.1 | (APo) Chaetozone setosa (APo) Terebellides horikoshii (MBi) Axinopsida subquadrate (APo) Aglaophamus sp. | [34] |
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Year | Seasonal | Total Sample Number | |||
Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall | ||
2017 | O | O | 9 | ||
2018 | O | O | O | O | 19 |
2019 | O | O | O | O | 20 |
2020 | O | O | O | O | 20 |
2021 | O | O | 10 | ||
2022 | O | O | 10 | ||
2023 | O | 5 |
Environment Variables | Year | Site | ||||||||||
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 9 | 10 | 12 | 13 | 14 | |
Depth | 54.7 ± 11.3 | 52.9 ± 12.7 | 56.5 ± 10.9 | 56.6 ± 16.8 | 63.7 ± 13.4 | 55.7 ± 12.1 | 46.2 ± 6.4 | 53.9 ± 8.2 | 71.2 ± 14.4 | 56.7 ± 11.8 | 47 ± 7.2 | 50.7 ± 10.5 |
Temperature | 12.8 ± 3 | 12.5 ± 3.6 | 11.4 ± 2.6 | 12.4 ± 3.8 | 13.6 ± 1.9 | 16.1 ± 4.2 | 14.2 ± 1.3 | 13.1 ± 3.4 | 11.2 ± 3.3 | 13.2 ± 3.2 | 13.7 ± 3.4 | 13.1 ± 3.6 |
Salinity | 34.3 ± 0.1 | 34.2 ± 0.3 | 34.3 ± 0.1 | 34.1 ± 0.2 | 34.4 ± 0.1 | 34.2 ± 0.2 | 34.3 ± 0 | 34.2 ± 0.2 | 34.3 ± 0.1 | 34.2 ± 0.2 | 34.2 ± 0.2 | 34.2 ± 0.2 |
DO | 5.2 ± 0.3 | 5.5 ± 0.6 | 5.6 ± 0.4 | 4.8 ± 1.4 | 5.4 ± 0.6 | 5.6 ± 0.6 | 4.9 ± 0.1 | 5.4 ± 0.8 | 5.3 ± 0.8 | 5.2 ± 0.8 | 5.3 ± 0.8 | 5.3 ± 0.8 |
Mz | −0.2 ± 0.8 | −0.5 ± 1.2 | −1 ± 1.2 | −1.4 ± 0.9 | −0.1 ± 1.7 | −1 ± 1.8 | −1.5 ± 0.6 | −0.1 ± 0.8 | −0.6 ± 1.3 | −1.3 ± 1.1 | −1.2 ± 1.3 | −1 ± 1.4 |
TOC | - | 0.1 ± 0 | 0.5 ± 0.4 | 0.2 ± 0.2 | 0.1 ± 0 | 0.1 ± 0 | 0.1 ± 0 | 0.2 ± 0.2 | 0.3 ± 0.4 | 0.1 ± 0.2 | 0.1 ± 0.2 | 0.3 ± 0.3 |
Taxa | Species | Density (Individuals/m2) | % of Total Density | Frequency (%) |
AAm | Abludomelitadenticulata | 298 | 17.6 | 87.5 |
APo | Haplosyllis spongiphila | 114.9 | 6.8 | 62.5 |
MBi | Glycymeris munda | 94.9 | 5.6 | 81.3 |
APo | Opisthodonta uraga | 90.0 | 5.3 | 59.4 |
MBi | Limatula japonica | 64.0 | 3.8 | 87.5 |
Depth (m) | Temperture (°C) | Salinity (psu) | Do (mL/L) | TOC | Gravel (%) | Sand (%) | Slit (%) | Clay (%) | Mean Grain Size (ø) | |
Number of species | 0.142 | −0.0743 | −0.251 * | 0.11 | 0.144 | 0.42 *** | −0.407 *** | −0.321 ** | −0.321 ** | −0.301 ** |
Density (ind/m2) | −0.131 | 0.0118 | −0.141 | −0.0107 | −0.12 | 0.518 *** | −0.521 *** | −0.382 *** | −0.382 *** | −0.41 *** |
Biomass (g/m2) | −0.132 | 0.0323 | −0.162 | −0.046 | 0.124 | 0.577 *** | −0.575 *** | −0.177 | −0.177 | −0.443 *** |
Diversity (H’) | 0.23 * | −0.193 | −0.114 | 0.23 * | 0.166 | 0.284 ** | −0.268 * | −0.0393 | −0.0393 | −0.25 * |
Melita denticulata | −0.16 | 0.188 | −0.314 ** | −0.227 * | 0.105 | 0.285 * | −0.282 ** | −0.29 ** | −0.29 ** | −0.241 * |
Haplosyllis spongiphila | 0.12 | −0.161 | 0.12 | 0.0151 | 0.142 | 0.414 *** | −0.402 *** | −0.375 *** | −0.375 *** | −0.298 ** |
Glycymeris munda | −0.114 | −0.287 ** | −0.0405 | 0.241 * | 0.105 | −0.0577 | 0.039 | 0.439 *** | 0.439 *** | 0.0842 |
Opisthodonta uraga | 0.087 | −0.0102 | 0.0845 | −0.029 | 0.0524 | 0.387 *** | −0.372 *** | −0.479 *** | −0.479 *** | −0.317 *** |
Limatula japonica | −0.111 | −0.34 *** | −0.00763 | 0.355 *** | 0.0834 | 0.131 | −0.146 | 0.155 | 0.155 | −0.113 |
Year | ||||
2017 | 2018, 2019 | 2020, 2021 | 2022 | |
2017 | ||||
2018, 2019 | 80.88 | |||
2020, 2021 | 82.88 | 71.13 | ||
2022 | 86.89 | 79.96 | 74.41 | |
2023 | 85.73 | 77.66 | 64.65 | 73.81 |
Site | ||||
12, 13, 14 | ||||
9, 10 | 74.57 |
Group | Number of Variables | Correlation (%) | Best Variables |
Year | 2 | 0.610 | Dep, Gravel |
3 | 0.510 | Dep, DO, Gravel | |
4 | 0.477 | Dep, Bot-temp, DO, Gravel | |
3 | 0.465 | Dep, Bot-temp, Gravel | |
5 | 0.458 | Dep, Bot-temp, DO, Gravel | |
Site | 3 | 0.903 | Dep, Gravel, sand |
4 | 0.903 | Dep, Bot-temp, Gravel, Sand | |
2 | 0.891 | Dep, Gravel | |
2 | 0.891 | Dep, Sand | |
5 | 0.891 | Dep, Bot-temp, Gravel, Sand, Mz |
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Gwak, S.J.; Kim, S.L.; Lee, H.-G.; Park, C.H.; Yu, O.H. Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea. Diversity 2024, 16, 432. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16070432
Gwak SJ, Kim SL, Lee H-G, Park CH, Yu OH. Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea. Diversity. 2024; 16(7):432. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16070432
Chicago/Turabian StyleGwak, Si Jin, Sang Lyeol Kim, Hyung-Gon Lee, Chan Hong Park, and Ok Hwan Yu. 2024. "Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea" Diversity 16, no. 7: 432. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16070432
APA StyleGwak, S. J., Kim, S. L., Lee, H.-G., Park, C. H., & Yu, O. H. (2024). Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea. Diversity, 16(7), 432. https://doi.org/10.3390/d16070432