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Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea

Ocean Science and Technology School, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Republic of Korea
Ocean Climate Response & Ecosystem Research Department, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Busan 49111, Republic of Korea
Dokdo Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, 48 Haeyanggwahak-gil, Jukbyeon-myeon, Uljin-gun 36315, Republic of Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Diversity 2024, 16(7), 432;
Submission received: 10 May 2024 / Revised: 17 July 2024 / Accepted: 18 July 2024 / Published: 22 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Dynamics of Marine Communities)


Dokdo Island’s diverse marine ecosystem requires long-term monitoring to understand the effects of rapid environmental changes, such as global warming, on macrobenthos species and communities. Current studies are often short-term and limited, highlighting the need for extended research to predict future changes to ecosystems. This study analyzed the environmental variables influencing macrobenthos through long-term monitoring. In total, 511 species (spp./23.4 m2) were identified with an abundance of 1709.9 individuals/m2 and a diversity of 2.9. Since 2020, there has been a decline in both the number of species and diversity, attributed to changes in sediment composition, particularly an increase in gravel and sand. The dominant species include the crustacean Abludomelita denticulata (17.6%), the polychaete Haplosyllis spongiphila (6.8%), the bivalve Glycymeris munda (5.6%), the polychaete Opisthodonta uraga (5.3%), and the bivalve Limatula japonica (3.8%). The macrobenthos community differs each year, as the dominant species G. munda has decreased in abundance since 2022 and L. japonica since 2021. Depth and gravel sediment strongly correlated with community variation. Site-specific analysis also showed significant differences, with depth, bottom temperature, and sediment composition as the influencing factors. These species thrive in cold water but their abundance declines with an increase in temperature. Continuous long-term monitoring is essential to understand and protect the Dokdo ecosystem amid rapid environmental changes. Long-term monitoring studies have revealed more species than have short-term studies, showing annual and site-specific environmental changes, including sediment erosion and bottom temperature increases. These changes have affected macrobenthos diversity, abundance, and community composition, necessitating ongoing research to determine the persistence of these trends and to protect the ecosystem.

1. Introduction

Dokdo is the easternmost island in the East Sea, located 217 km from Korea. It is of volcanic origin [1] and has been minimally affected by human activities [2]. The island is rich in natural gas [3] and biological resources [4], and its waters boast high biodiversity [5]. This is due to the convergence of the high-temperature, high-salt Tsushima Warm Current from the south, the North Korean Warm Current from the north, and the East Korean Warm Current along the east coast [6,7,8]. The island features a unique environment where vertical mixing occurs due to the island mass effect [9] and the Dokdo cold eddy (DCE) [10]. Additionally, the depositional environment varies with water depth and topographic characteristics [11]. Below about 200 m, sediments consist mainly of conglomerate and sandy sediments, influenced by natural collapse and erosion [12]. Dokdo exhibits a wide range of environmental variables and is characterized by high ecosystem diversity.
Macrobenthos are aquatic animals that live on the bottom of the sea for all or part of their life cycle. They play important roles in the recycling of nutrients, such as carbon [13], and in maintaining the structure and function of the ecosystems through food supply and predation [14]. Additionally, macrobenthos communities reflect the depositional characteristics of sediment and organisms’ methods of adapting to various environmental changes [15], they can be used to assess ecosystem changes and characteristics of the marine benthic environment [16]. Changes in species composition and macrobenthos communities are crucial because they enable us to understand and predict future changes in Dokdo’s ecosystem.
Environmental variables, such as dissolved oxygen (DO) [17] and depth [18], affect macrobenthos species and communities, and the diversity of macrobenthos is highly influenced by environmental changes [19,20]. Ecosystems are affected by various environmental factors [21], including increasing sea temperatures [22]. Higher water temperatures due to global warming affect the aquaculture of fish [18] and shellfish [23], alter species distributions [24,25], and reduce biodiversity in marine ecosystems [26,27]. Global warming affects oceans worldwide, including those around the Korean Peninsula. Although the global average sea surface temperature has increased by about 0.49 °C, temperatures in the waters around Korea have increased by about 1.23 °C, with the East Sea of Korea undergoing a rapid 1.43 °C change between 2009 and 2018 [28]. Therefore, comprehensive investigations into changes in species composition and ecosystem diversity due to environmental change are necessary [21], and long-term monitoring of marine ecosystems affected by rapid environmental change such as global warming, is increasingly important [29,30,31,32].
Studies related to Dokdo macrobenthos include seasonal species and community variation [33], changes in communities according to water depth [34], and changes based on sedimentation [35]. However, most studies have been short-term, as long-term monitoring is challenging [36] due to high research costs [18], permit requirements [37], and other factors. Long-term research is crucial, particularly concerning climate warming, which is expected to alter the dominant macrobenthos species and communities. Nonetheless, studies on long-term changes in macrobenthos have primarily focused on intertidal species and communities [5]. In this study, we analyzed the environmental variables affecting species composition and benthic organism communities through long-term monitoring.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

This study was conducted at five sites (9, 10, 12, 13, and 14) on the coast of Dokdo (37.23–37.25° N, 131.88–131.8° E; Figure 1) from 2017 to 2023. We surveyed in the spring and summer of 2017, but were unable to survey at site 9 in the summer, resulting in a total sample of 9 (Table 1). Four seasons were surveyed from 2018 to 2020, and as an exception, site 10 could not be surveyed in 2018, and the total sample was 19. Spring and summer were surveyed in 2021 and the summer was surveyed in 2023.

2.2. Sample Processing

Macrobenthos (>1 mm) were collected using a Smith–McIntyre grab (0.1 m2), with two replicates. The samples were passed through a 1 mm sieve on the research vessel and then fixed in 10% formalin. The numbers, wet weights (g), and species identifications of all individuals were determined in the laboratory. Benthic organisms were fixed in 70% ethanol.
The water depth (m), temperature (°C), salinity (psu), and dissolved oxygen content (DO; mL/L) of the bottom layer were measured using a CTD device (SBE-19). To analyze sediment particle size, organic matter was removed with 10% H2O2 and carbonate was eliminated via treatment with 0.1 N HCl; each sediment sample was subjected to a 4 ø sieve [32]. For particles below 4 ø in diameter, the percentage of each particle size grade was derived after sieving for 15 min using a Ro-tap sieve shaker. A 0.1% Calgon solution was added to particles > 4 ø in diameter, the mixture was stirred, and particle size/weight percentages were determined using an automatic X-ray particle size analyzer (SediGraph 5000 D; Micrometrics, Norcross, GA, USA). Calculations were performed using an inclusive graphic method [37].
For the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in sediment, 1 g samples were dried at 50 °C for 48 h, carbonate was removed with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, and TOC was measured using a CHN analyzer.

2.3. Data Processing

Macrobenthos individuals were counted, and wet weight (g) was determined per area (m2) to analyze species abundance (individuals/m2) and biomass (g/m2). The Shannon–Weiner (1963) diversity index [H’(loge)] was calculated using the abundance data. Sigmaplot (v. 15.0) was used to conduct Spearman’s rank correlation analysis of variables associated with organisms and the environment. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Primer v7 + PERMANOVA statistical software (PRIMER-e, NZ). PERMANOVA was used in univariate and multivariate analyses of group (year and site) differences. Cluster analyses of community structure were conducted using the Bray–Curtis similarity index, based on the fourth root-transformed species abundance for year and site. Similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis was performed to identify the species contributing to cluster dissimilarity. Distance-based linear models (DistLM) were based on the Bray–Curtis similarity, and fourth root-transformed abundance. The relationship between environmental variables and the benthic community was explored using DistL through a biota–environment matching (BIO–ENV) analysis for highly correlated variables. The results were visualized using the graphical representation of the ordination method in distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA).

3. Results

3.1. Environmental Variability

The average water depth by year was the deepest at 63.7 m (standard deviation: 13.4) in 2021 and the shallowest was 46.2 m (standard deviation: 6.4) in 2023. Overall, it was maintained at around 50 m from 2017 to 2020, deepened to around 60 m in 2021, and became shallow again in 2023 (Table 2). The average bottom temperature was highest at 16.1 °C (standard deviation: 13.4) in 2022 and lowest at 11.4 °C (standard deviation: 2.6) in 2019. Except for 2019, low-floor temperatures continuously increased from 2017 to 2022. The average salinity changed in the range of 34.1 to 34.4 psu from 2017 to 2023. The average DO was highest at 5.6 mL/L (standard deviation: 0.6) in 2022 and lowest at 4.8 mL/L (standard deviation: 1.4) in 2020. The mean grain size was the most coarse-grained in 2023, was coarser from 2017 to 2020, and then was coarser in 2023. TOC ranged from 0.1% to 0.5%, except in 2017 when the survey was not conducted.
The average water depth was deepest at 71.2 m (standard deviation: 14.4) at site 10, and the shallowest at 47 m (standard deviation: 7.2) at site 13 (Table 2). The average bottom temperature was around 13 °C at sites 9 and 12–14 and was lowest at 11.2 °C (standard deviation: 3.3) at site 10 (Table 2). The average salinity ranged from 34.2 to 34.3 psu. The average DO ranged from 5.2% to 5.4%. The mean grain sizes at sites 12 to 14 were coarser-grained than those at sites 9 and 10. The average total organic carbon ranged from 0.1% to 2.3%.

3.2. Species Composition

In all, 511 macrobenthos species were detected (Appendix A), including 158 mollusks (31%), 145 arthropod crustaceans (28%), 115 annelid polychaetes (23%), 38 echinoderms (7%), and 55 others (11%). The greatest number of species by year was in 2020 at 71.2 species (standard deviation: 10.9), and the fewest were in 2017 at 23.8 species (standard deviation: 5.9). The number of species ranged from 52 to 54 at sites 9, 12, 13, and 14; site 10 had the lowest number of species at 46.4 species (standard deviation: 15.8; Figure 2).
The total average abundance was 1709.9 ind/m2 (standard deviation: 813.6). The average abundance was lowest at 1080 ind/m2 (standard deviation: 753.3) in 2017, and was highest at 2221.8 ind/m2 (standard deviation: 861.7) and 2466 ind/m2 (standard deviation: 679.2) in 2020 and 2023, respectively. The average abundance by site was highest at 13 at 1910.2 ind/m2 (standard deviation: 933.9), and lowest at 10 at 1416.4 ind/m2 (standard deviation; 888.7).
The total average biomass was 198.2 g/m2 (standard deviation: 244.2). It was highest at 292.6 g/m2 (standard deviation: 298.3) in 2020, and lowest at 78.3 g/m2 (standard deviation: 26) in 2023. The average biomass was highest at site 13 and was 294.8 g/m2 (standard deviation: 313) and lowest at site 10, at 87.4 g/m2 (standard deviation: 82.5).
The total average diversity (H’) was 2.9 (standard deviation: 0.4). It was highest at 3.1 in 2019 and 2020, and lowest at 2.1 in 2023. Diversity was high at sties 12 and 13, with 2.8 at sties 9 and 10, 3 at sites 12 and 13, and 2.9 at site 14.
There were five dominant species (average abundance > 3.5%; Table 3). The crustacean Abludomelita denticulata was most abundant (17.6%), followed by the polychaete Haplosyllis spongiphila (6.8%), the bivalve Glycymeris munda (5.6%), the polychaete Opisthodonta uraga (5.3%), and the bivalve Limatula japonica (3.8%). A. denticulata was the most dominant species by year at 406.2 ind/m2 in 2020, excluding 2023, and had increased in abundance since 2017. G. munda was most abundant in 2018 at 228.5 ind/m2 and decreased until 2023. L. japonica was most abundant in 2020 at 172.1 ind/m2 and then decreased until 2023.
In correlation analyses with environmental variables, the number of species, abundance, diversity, biomass, and dominant species were negatively correlated with salinity (Table 4). Sand, silt, and clay substrates and mean grain size were positively correlated with gravel substrate. Species abundance was negatively correlated with sand, silt, and clay substrates as well as mean grain size, and positively correlated with the gravel substrate. Biomass was positively correlated with the gravel substrate, and negatively correlated with mean grain size and a sandy substrate. Diversity was positively correlated with water depth, DO, and gravel and sand substrates, and negatively correlated with mean grain size. Dominant species were principally affected by mean grain size and gravel, sand, silt, and clay substrates. A. denticulata abundance was negatively correlated with salinity and DO; G. munda and L. japonica abundance were negatively correlated with bottom temperature and positively with DO.

3.3. Community Assemblages

The macrobenthos community differed annually (PERMANOVA, df = 6, F = 6.761, p = 0.001). Cluster analysis divided the results into five groups (Figure 3). The dominant species A. denticulata was the most abundant overall. H. spongiphila was abundant in 2017 at 67.8%, and in 2022 at 81.3%. G. munda was most abundant in 2018 at 228.5% and in 2019 at 126.2%. H. spongiphila (199.6%) and O. uraga (172.1%) were the most abundant in 2020. The same species were abundant in 2021 (H. spongiphila at 153.1% and O. uraga at 169.7%). In 2023, O. uraga was most abundant at 334.3%. According in SIMFER analysis, the dissimilarity between 2017 and 2023 was the highest at 85.73% (Table 5). The environmental variables that affected the macrobenthos community were assessed through biota-environment matching (BIO-ENV). The highest correlation was with depth and gravel sediment (correlation: 0.61), and the second highest was depth, DO, and gravel sediment (correlation: 0.51; Table 6). Based on the distance-based linear models (DistLM) results by year, the community was influenced by depth and DO in 2018 and 2019, and by gravel sediment in 2020 and 2021. The year 2022 was the most influenced by gravel and bottom temperature, and 2023 was most influenced by bottom temperature.
The macrobenthos community significantly differed depending on the site (PERMANOVA, df = 4, F = 2.235, p = 0.001). Cluster analysis results were divided into two groups, 9/10 and 12/13/14 (Figure 3). The SIMPER analysis yielded dissimilarity between the two clusters of 74.57% (Table 5). BIO-ENV analysis showed that the macrobenthos community had the highest correlation with depth, gravel, and sand sediment (correlation: 0.903), and the second largest correlation with depth, bottom temperature, gravel, and sand sediment (correlation: 0.903) (Table 6). Based on DistLM results by site, environmental variables at site 10 were most influenced by depth, and at sites 12, 13, and 14, they were mostly affected by bottom temperature and gravel sediment.

4. Discussion

This study conducted long-term monitoring of macrobenthos in the waters of Dokdo to a depth below 100 m. The total number of species was 511 (Appendix A), with an abundance of 1709.9 ind/m2 and a diversity of 2.9 (Figure 2). In a previous survey near Ulleungdo and Dokdo, the highest number of species analyzed was 243 species, while the greatest number of species surveyed only on the Dokdo coast was 177 species. Previous studies have shown that macrobenthos differ according to collection area. In this study, the collection area was expanded through long-term monitoring, revealing this difference [38,39]. As in the 2016 survey of the Dokdo coast, the diversity in this survey was 2.9, with Dokdo showing higher diversity than the general East Sea coast. Differences in diversity are expected to be caused by unique environmental characteristics such as transport to Dokdo by the Ulleung Warm Current [40], the island effect [41], and Dokdo cold-water eddies [42], which cause upwelling and increase levels of nutrients and DO.
Environmental change affects the number of species, diversity, the dominant species, and the community every year. The number and diversity of species have been decreasing since 2020, and were affected by gravel and sand sediments. A previous study on changes in the topography of Dokdo from 2018 to 2021 reported that coastal sediments have been affected by rock erosion since 2020 [43]. Additionally, macrobenthos species number and diversity decrease according to the sediment composition [44]. Environmental factors that had an effect over time also differed; while depth and DO indicated strong effects from 2017 to 2019, gravel sediments and bottom temperature had strong effects from 2020 to 2023 (Figure 2). Increasing air and surface temperatures are affecting benthic animals [45]. Dominant species at the sea bottom are changing due to increasing temperatures, with the abundance of cold-water species Glycymeris munda and Limatula japonica decreasing compared to 2017 (Table 4; Figure 2). The abundance of dominant species was negatively correlated with temperature. Both species thrive in cold water and appear to be abundant around Dokdo due to the influence of the Dokdo cold eddy [46], which maintains a lower temperature than the surrounding sea at depths of less than 100 m [47,48]. The distribution of those species is limited by high sea surface temperatures [49]. This trend on the East Sea Coast is likely related to global warming [20,21,24,50]. Understanding the changes in the dominant species of macrobenthos is crucial for assessing changes in ecosystems [28], and such changes should be continuously monitored in the future. Changes in the number of species, diversity, dominant species, and community serve as indicators of ecosystem change [28]. The temporal changes observed in this study provide data to predict and protect ecosystems in the future, carrying significant implications that necessitate ongoing monitoring.
Environmental factors also differed by survey site (Figure 3). Sites 9 and 10, particularly, had low temperatures and were deeper. Sites 9 and 10 were located the south of Dokdo. This appears to have been influenced by Dokdo’s cold water eddy moving southwest near Dokdo, which lowered the surrounding temperature [51]. In particular, the south is deeper than the north [52,53]. Sites 12, 13, and 14 were heavily influenced by gravel and bottom temperature. In particular, site 13 had a bottom temperature of 1.9 °C higher than Site 10 (Table 2). As mentioned earlier, temperature [46] and gravel sediments [43] influence the distribution of the macrobenthos.
This study was a long-term monitoring project, allowing for the discovery of more species compared to a short-term study [33,34]. The results not only revealed fundamental environmental changes across years and sites but also identified annual environmental variation. Unique environmental changes included sediment changes due to erosion and higher bottom temperatures due to climate warming. These environmental changes have impacted the dominant species, diversity, abundance, and community of the macrobenthos. Further research is needed to determine the persistence of these changes through continuous monitoring.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, O.H.Y. and S.J.G.; methodology, S.J.G. and O.H.Y.; software, S.J.G. and O.H.Y.; validation, O.H.Y. and S.J.G.; formal analysis, S.L.K., H.-G.L., S.J.G., C.H.P. and O.H.Y.; investigation, S.L.K., O.H.Y., H.-G.L., C.H.P. and S.J.G.; writing—original draft preparation, S.J.G.; writing—review and editing, O.H.Y. and S.J.G.; funding acquisition, C.H.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was supported by the project “Strengthening to analyze and assess marine environmental/ecosystem variabilities in the surrounding seas of Korea (PEA0201)” of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (PEA0201) and by the project “Sustainable Research and development of Dokdo (PG54141)” of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the corresponding author upon reasonable request to the corresponding author and with permission from Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology.


We would like to thank Sumin Kang and the crew members of R/V Ieodo and R/V Onnuri for sampling.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. List of macrobenthos species analyzed in this study.
Table A1. List of macrobenthos species analyzed in this study.
AnnelidaOnchnesoma steenstrupiiAnnelidaTerebellidae sp.AnnelidaSchistomeringos matsushimeansisAnnelidaKuwaita heteropoda
AnnelidaListriolobus sorbillansAnnelidaLepidonotus tenuisetosusAnnelidaParalacydonia paradoxaAnnelidaGlycera capitata
AnnelidaApionsoma (Apionsoma) misakianumAnnelidaChaetozone setosaAnnelidaChaetozone spinosaAnnelidaMicropodarke sp.
AnnelidaPhascolosoma sp.AnnelidaOdontosyllis sp.AnnelidaNotomastus sp.AnnelidaAricidea sp.
AnnelidaGolfingia sp.AnnelidaAricidea assimilisAnnelidaPisioneidens sp.AnnelidaHesione sp.
AnnelidaHaplosyllis spongiphilaAnnelidaAmphinome sp.AnnelidaLaonice sinicaAnnelidaLaonice sp.
AnnelidaOpisthodonta uragaAnnelidaAphelochaeta sp.AnnelidaSpirobranchus tetracerosAnnelidaScoletoma sp.
AnnelidaEurythoe sp.AnnelidaSynelmis albiniAnnelidaAmphitrite sp.AnnelidaTerebellides horikoshii
AnnelidaPolyophthalmus sp.AnnelidaCirratulus cirratusAnnelidaPista cristataAnnelidaEuphrosine superba
AnnelidaTrypanosyllis sp.AnnelidaSabellaria sp.AnnelidaMagelona japonicaAnnelidaClymenella koellikeri
AnnelidaSyllis sp.AnnelidaEteone longaAnnelidaLeodice antennataAnnelidaSpiochaetopterus sp.
AnnelidaGlycera nicobaricaAnnelidaLepidonotus sp.AnnelidaSabellonga sp.AnnelidaSabellidae sp.
AnnelidaChone sp.AnnelidaBrachysyllis japonicaAnnelidaHeteromastus filiformisAnnelidaPrionospio ehlersi
AnnelidaNotomastus latericeusAnnelidaSabellastarte sp.AnnelidaPrionospio paradiseaAnnelidaEteone sp.
AnnelidaSyllis amicaAnnelidaPherusa sp.AnnelidaEunice sp.AnnelidaAxiothella rubrocincta
AnnelidaMicropodarke dubiaAnnelidaGlycera sp.AnnelidaSpiophanes sp.AnnelidaEunoe sp.
AnnelidaChrysopetalum sp. AnnelidaScoletoma fragilisAnnelidaExogone sp.AnnelidaCapitellidae sp.
AnnelidaEunice indicaAnnelidaHydroides ezoensisAnnelidaSthenelais fuscaAnnelidaEuchone analis
AnnelidaThelepus sp.AnnelidaPrionospio sp.AnnelidaHarmothoe sp.AnnelidaDorvillea sp.
AnnelidaMyxicola sp.AnnelidaAmage sp.AnnelidaGoniada maculataAnnelidaDrilonereis sp.
AnnelidaPoecilochaetus magnusAnnelidaLumbrineris sp.AnnelidaPhascolion sp.ArthropodaSpirontocaris arcuata
AnnelidaEumida sanguineaAnnelidaClymenella sp.ArthropodaMelita denticulataArthropodaPagurus pectinatus
AnnelidaPhyllodoce sp.AnnelidaNicomache sp.ArthropodaByblis japonicusArthropodaCaprella mixta
AnnelidaNicomache dentatusAnnelidaPetaloproctus dentatusArthropodaJaniralata koreaensisArthropodaPhilumnus minutus
AnnelidaNereis sp.AnnelidaMyriochele sp.ArthropodaMelita longidactylaArthropodaPagurus brachiomastus
AnnelidaPraxillella praetermissaAnnelidaLevinsenia sp.ArthropodaAnonyx simplexArthropodaNanocassiope granulipes
AnnelidaChaetozone sp.AnnelidaNeineris lavigataArthropodaLiljeborgia serrataArthropodaLiocarcinus corrugatus
AnnelidaMaldanella haraiAnnelidaScolelepis sp.ArthropodaGalathea orientalisArthropodaStenothoe valida
AnnelidaPhyllodoce chinensisAnnelidaAmaeana sp.ArthropodaMonocorophium insidiosumArthropodaCaprella californica
AnnelidaScoletoma nipponicaAnnelidaAmpharete arcticaArthropodaParapleustes filialisArthropodaNanocassiope granulipes
AnnelidaRhodine loveniAnnelidaLaetmonice japonicaArthropodaAristias nonspinusArthropodaCaprella carinata
AnnelidaEulalia sp.AnnelidaAsychis sp.ArthropodaMelita japonicaArthropodaHeptacarpus rectirostris
AnnelidaArmandia sp.AnnelidaOphelina acuminataArthropodaJerbarnia aqulopacificaArthropodaParadexamine setigera
AnnelidaArabella iricolorAnnelidaLeitoscoloplos pugettensisArthropodaPaguristes digitalisArthropodaHeptacarpus jordani
AnnelidaVermiliopsis infundibulumAnnelidaNaineris laevigataArthropodaAeropaguristes japonicusArthropodaGnathia elongata
AnnelidaPolydora ligniAnnelidaScoloplos armigerArthropodaGammaropsis utinomiArthropodaJassa saltteryi
AnnelidaSpiophanes bombyxAnnelidaParadoneis nipponicaArthropodaMonocorophium acherusicumArthropodaPandalus prensor
AnnelidaMaldane sp.AnnelidaLepidonotus helotypusArthropodaPagurus simulansArthropodaCallipallene sagamiensis
AnnelidaNereididae sp.AnnelidaBranchiomma sp.ArthropodaAchelia echinataArthropodaGnathia cristata
AnnelidaSigalion sp.AnnelidaSemivermilia sp.ArthropodaMaera serratipalmaArthropodaGammaropsis japonicus
ArthropodaCaprella penantisArthropodaSynalpheus tumidomanusArthropodaOrchomene liomargoArthropodaOrchomene japonicus
ArthropodaMelta sp.ArthropodaDoxomysis sp.ArthropodaTanystylum sp.Arthropodapagurus sp.
ArthropodaDesmosoma sp.ArthropodaPetalomera jponicaArthropodaScyra compressipesArthropodazoea
ArthropodaEplumula phalangiumArthropodaBowmaniella portoricensisArthropodaCamptandrium sexdentatumArthropodaLabidochirus anomalus
ArthropodaPilumnopeus sp.ArthropodaMegalopaArthropodaDecapoda sp.ArthropodaAmpelisca miharaensis
ArthropodaCeratopagurus sp.ArthropodaPagurus japonicusArthropodaPagurus sp.ArthropodaOrchomene obtusa
ArthropodaPontogeneia sp.ArthropodaPareurystheus anamaeArthropodaJaeropsis sp.ArthropodaGnathia sp.
ArthropodaLeucothoe alataArthropodaMetadromia wilsoniArthropodaParapagurodes gracilipesArthropodaNymphon kodanii
ArthropodaCaprella gigantochirArthropodaPareurystheus amakusaensisArthropodaPugettia quadridensArthropodaPagurus rubrior
ArthropodaAoroides sp.ArthropodaHeptacarpus sp.ArthropodaMonoculodes koreanusArthropodaBoasaxius princeps
ArthropodaHemigrapsus sanguineusArthropodaBradypallene espinaArthropodaGitanpsis longusArthropodapugettia sp.
ArthropodaCaprella simplexArthropodaAmmothella biunguiculataArthropodaApherusa sp.ArthropodaParapenaeus sextuberculatus
ArthropodaCrassicorophium crassicorneArthropodaPaguristes sp.ArthropodaEpimeria sp.ArthropodaCleantioides japonica
ArthropodaPilumnus sp.ArthropodaAnoplodactylus velamellusArthropodaCaprella iniquilibraArthropodaCalocarides sp.
ArthropodaAmmothea hedgpethiArthropodaSiriella okadaiArthropodaExcirolana chiltoniArthropodaMunida japonica
ArthropodaMesotanais sp.ArthropodaOdius sp.ArthropodaNephrops thomsoniArthropodaCrangon hakodatei
ArthropodaEricthonius pugnaxArthropodaSynchelidium trioostegitumArthropodaAlpheidae sp.ArthropodaPodocerus sp.
ArthropodaCaecianiropsis psammophilaArthropodaAtylus sp.ArthropodaPandalus eousArthropodaBopyridae sp.
ArthropodaPagurus sp.2ArthropodaAllaxius princepsArthropodaMunida sp.ArthropodaXanthidae sp.
ArthropodaArchaeomysis sp.ArthropodaEochelidium lenorostralumArthropodaPagurus sp.3ArthropodaPontegeneia rostrata
ArthropodaEusiroides sp.ArthropodaPagurus constansCnidariaCaryophyllia (Caryophyllia) japonicaEchinodermsOphiopholis japonica
ArthropodaColomastix prionotosArthropodaNursia japonicaCnidariaAnthopleura sp.EchinodermsOphiacantha levispina
ArthropodaUrothoe grimaldii japonicaArthropodaAxiidae sp.CnidariaSertularella sp.EchinodermsOphiacantha omoplata
ArthropodaAmphilochus sp.ArthropodaArcania cornigeraCnidariaPennaria distichaEchinodermsSclerodactyla sp.
ArthropodaCaprella gracillimaArthropodaPagurus ochotensisCnidariaHeterocyathus aequicostatusEchinodermsOphiopholis mirabilis
ArthropodaCaprella danilevskiiArthropodaPagurus sp.3CnidariaParadeltocyathus orientalisEchinodermsCalasterias toyamensis
ArthropodaCaprella septentrionalisArthropodaPantopoda unid.CnidariaBoloceroides mcmurrichiEchinodermsOphiura kinbergi
ArthropodaLeptochelia sp.BrachiopodaLaqueus rubellusCnidariaHeteranthus japonicusEchinodermsThyone multipes
ArthropodaPseudonototanais sp.BrachiopodaDiestothyris frontalisCnidariaRhizopsammia minutaEchinodermsTemnopleurus toreumaticus
ArthropodaApseudes sp.BryozoaBugula neritinaCnidariaActiniaria sp.EchinodermsMicroscyphus olivaceus
ArthropodaCampylaspis sagamiensisBryozoaTricellaria dubiaCnidariaHalcampella maximaEchinodermsHemicentrotus pulcherrimus
ArthropodaMcrostylis sp.ChaetognathaSagitta sp.CnidariaPeachia quinquecapitataEchinodermsStrongylocentrotus nudus
ArthropodaCallipallene amaxanaChordataStyela sp.CnidariaObelia sp.EchinodermsOphiothrix koreana
ArthropodaDiasterope sp.ChordataAscidia sp.CnidariaPulmulariidae unid.EchinodermsCucumaria chronhjelmi
ArthropodaCancer gibbosulusChordataHalocynthia sp.CnidariaEdwardsia japonicaEchinodermsNacospatangus alta
ArthropodaSpongicola venustaChordataMicrocosmous sp.EchinodermsOphiactis sp.EchinodermsAsterias amurensis
ArthropodaLaomedia astacinaCnidariaActinostola carlgreniEchinodermsAmphipholis sp.EchinodermsAsterias batheri
ArthropodaPilumnidae sp.CnidariaStomphia coccineaEchinodermsStrongylocentrotus intermediusEchinodermsPteraster tesselatus
ArthropodaHeteropilumnus ciliatusCnidariaCiona sp.EchinodermsPedicellaster magister orientalisEchinodermsBrissus agassizii
ArthropodaPugettia pellucensCnidariaCorynactis viridisEchinodermsOphiactis affinisEchinodermsHolothuria pardalis
EchinodermsAnthocidaris crassispinaMolluscaHomalopoma amussitatumMolluscaLimaria orientalisMolluscaCallochiton foveolatus
EchinodermsOphionereis dubiaMolluscaCyclocardia ferrugineaMolluscaGlycymeris rotundaMolluscaClinocardium californiense
EchinodermsClypeaster virescensMolluscaAcila divaricata vigilaMolluscaCrithe nanaoensisMolluscaLussivoltopsius sp.
EchinodermsLabidoplax sp.MolluscaAstarte vernicosaMolluscaCadella lubricaMolluscaGobraeus kazusensis
EchinodermsCucumella problematicaMolluscaZemysina lunarisMolluscaErginus sybariticusMolluscaCollonista amakusaensis
EchinodermsAsterias sp.1MolluscaLepidozona coreanicaMolluscaLussivoltopsius filosus ochotensisMolluscaKuroshiodaphne sp.
EchinodermsAsterias sp.2MolluscaTonicella zotiniMolluscaMonia umbonataMolluscaModiolus margaritaceus
EchinodermsHenricia reniossaMolluscaTripoplax andrijascheviMolluscaTurcica moniliferaMolluscaAlvania ogasawarana
EchinodermsLuidia quinariaMolluscaMegacardita nodulosaMolluscaCystiscus angasiMolluscaGibberula sp.
EchinodermsAquilonastra minorMolluscaLimatula kurodaiMolluscaMegacardita ferruginosaMolluscaAlvenius ojianus
EchinodermsOphiothrix (Ophiothrix) exiguaMolluscaTetrarca boucardiMolluscaCardita leanaMolluscaPandora otukai
Echinodermsophionephthys lowelliMolluscaMegacardita coreensisMolluscaNipponomysella oblongataMolluscaSearlesia modesta
EchinodermsStylocidaris reini rubidaMolluscaHomalopoma nocturnumMolluscaCystiscus nanaoensisMolluscaCorbula scaphoides
MolluscaGlycymeris mundaMolluscaRhyssoplax kurodaiMolluscaCentrocardita sp.MolluscaMegacardita koreana
MolluscaLimatula japonicaMolluscaCorbula venustaMolluscaSolamen columbianumMolluscaHiatella arctica
MolluscaBarbatia stearnsiiMolluscaTonicella squamigeraMolluscaPuncturella fastigiataMolluscaTristichotrochus multiliratus
MolluscaPleuromeris pygmaeaMolluscaPorterius dalliMolluscaMicrocardium sakuraiiMolluscaMactrinula dolabrata
MolluscaModiolus comptusMolluscaLimnoperna fortunei kikuchiiMolluscaChama sp.MolluscaAstarte borealis
MolluscaNeocollonia pilulaMolluscaDimya japonicaMolluscaCrenulilimopsis crenataMolluscaMya sp.
MolluscaCardita nodulosaMolluscaIsommia umbonataMolluscaEximiothracia concinnaMolluscaLepidozona albrechtii
MolluscaTegulaplax hululensisMolluscaMactrotoma depressaMolluscaArca soyoaeMolluscaParacingulina sp.
MolluscaCryptopecten vesiculosusMolluscaMyadropsis transmontanaMolluscaGlycymeris asperaMolluscaGlaucidae sp.
MolluscaAzumapecten farreriMolluscaPitar affinisMolluscaParvamussium intuscostatusMolluscaGregariella semigranata
MolluscaNeopycnodonte cochlearMolluscaBarleeia simplexMolluscaPseudoneaera semipellucidaMolluscaLimopsis crenata
MolluscaHomalopoma grauliferumMolluscaCerithiopsis subreticulataMolluscaEmarginella sakuraiiMolluscaModiolus kurilensis
MolluscaNiveotectura pallidaMolluscaErginus moskaleviMolluscaGenkaimurex sp.MolluscaMysella nipponica
MolluscaOxyperas bernardiMolluscaEulima laccaMolluscaInella japonicaMolluscaPeriglypta chemnitzi
MolluscaLottia langfordiMolluscaHydorginella sagamiensisMolluscaNeptunea sp.MolluscaPoromya flexuosa
MolluscaDendrodoris peculiarisMolluscaPatelloida pygmaea signatoidesMolluscaNipponotrophon scitulusMolluscaTheora fragilis
MolluscaTriphora confusaMolluscaScelidotoma vadososinuataMolluscaNotoseila morishimaiMolluscaYoldia johanni
MolluscaFelaniella sowerbyiMolluscaLamellaria sp.MolluscaOenopota canditaMolluscaAtaxocerithium abnormale
MolluscaHawaiarca uwaensisMolluscaLepidozona amabilisMolluscaSepiola birostrataMolluscaBedeva sp.
MolluscaNitidotellina sp.MolluscaChlamys chosenicaMolluscaIschnochiton comptusMolluscaCeratostoma sp.
MolluscaVaricorbula yokoyamaiMolluscaGari kazusensisMolluscaCarditellopsis toneanaMolluscaCryptonatica hirasei
MolluscaProterato callosaMolluscaCreonovolva sp.MolluscaFlabellina cf. bicolorMolluscaErgalatax contracta contracta
MolluscaScissurella stamineaMolluscaNuculana acinaceaMolluscaPlaciphorella albitestaeMolluscaEtrema subauriformis
MolluscaIrus irusMolluscaInquisitor sp.MolluscaChlamys swiftiMolluscaEulima sp.
MolluscaNudibranchia sp.MolluscaPhilbertia leuckartiMolluscaNipponomysella sp.MolluscaGuraleus deshayesii
MolluscaAstarte alaskensisMolluscaAmphichama argentataMolluscaMenestho sp.MolluscaLepeta kuragiensis
MolluscaLimopsis sp.MolluscaArca avellanaMolluscaMitrella sp.MolluscaLeptogyropsis inflata
MolluscaLienardia roseotinctaPoriferaTethya japonica
MolluscaNatica sp.PoriferaMycale plumosa
MolluscaOphiodermella erosaPoriferaSycon sp.
MolluscaParthenina pagodulaPoriferaLeucandra barbata
MolluscaRetimohnia frieleiPoriferaEuplectella sp.
MolluscaNoumea nivalisPoriferaPorifera sp.
MolluscaAntalis tosaensisPoriferaRaspailia sp.
MolluscaCompressidens kikuchiiSipunculaAspidosiphon sp.
MolluscaDeshayesiella bidentataSipunculaMetedwardsia sp.
MolluscaLeptochiton sp.SipunculaCloeosiphon aspergillus
MolluscaTonicella undocaeruleaSipunculaThysanocardia sp.
NemerteaEmplectonema sp.
NemerteaLineus subcingulatus
NemerteaBaseodiscus sp.
NemerteaMicrura sp.
NemerteaAmphiporus sp.
NemerteaCerebratulus marginatus
PlatyhelminthesNotoplana sp.
PlatyhelminthesPseudoceros sp.
PoriferaHalichondria panicea

Appendix B

Table A2. Macrobenthos species number and density (ind./m2) in previous studies of the East Sea.
Table A2. Macrobenthos species number and density (ind./m2) in previous studies of the East Sea.
SamplingSpecies NumbersDensity
Ecological Indices (H’)Dominant SpeciesReference
1999–2000Dokdo-2280-(APo) Spiophanes bombyx
(APo) Lumbrineris longifolia
(APo) Tharyx spp.
(APo) Polydora spp.
2005Hupo3191972/6 m22.4(APo) Spiophanes bombyx
(APo) Scoletoma longifolia
(APo) Magelona japonica
(MBi) Adontorhina subquadrata
2012Dokdo135413/1 m22.2(CAm) Byblis japonicus
(CAm) Abludomelita denticulate
(APo) Syllidae sp.
(APo) Terebellides stroemii
2013Uljin3455797/8 m22.1(APo) Spiophanes bombyx
(APo) Magelona sp.1
(MBi) Cadella semitorta
(APo) Lumbrineris longifolia
2016Dokdo1771566/2.2 m22.9(CAm) Melita denticulata
(CAm) Melita shimizui
(APo) Salvatoria clavate
(MBi) Glycymeris aspersa
2017Gangneung23648/1.4 m22.5(CAm) Diogenes edwardsii
(APo) Aonides oxycephala
(APo) Spiophanes bombyx
(CAm) Siphonoecetes exolitus
2018Ulsan20920/2.2 m22.0
2017–2021Ullungdo-Dokdo2431421/12.5 m22.1(APo) Chaetozone setosa
(APo) Terebellides horikoshii
(MBi) Axinopsida subquadrate
(APo) Aglaophamus sp.


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Figure 1. Sampling area in the Dokdo, basin in the East Sea of the coast of Korea.
Figure 1. Sampling area in the Dokdo, basin in the East Sea of the coast of Korea.
Diversity 16 00432 g001
Figure 2. Macrobentos species number, density (ind/m2), biomass (g/m2), and diversity (H’) by year and site.
Figure 2. Macrobentos species number, density (ind/m2), biomass (g/m2), and diversity (H’) by year and site.
Diversity 16 00432 g002
Figure 3. Cluster analysis, dominant species, and distance-based linear model (DistLM) analysis by (A) year and (B) site, based on the abundance of macrobenthos.
Figure 3. Cluster analysis, dominant species, and distance-based linear model (DistLM) analysis by (A) year and (B) site, based on the abundance of macrobenthos.
Diversity 16 00432 g003
Table 1. Survey year, season, and total sample number information.
Table 1. Survey year, season, and total sample number information.
YearSeasonalTotal Sample Number
2017 OO 9
2021 OO 10
2022 OO 10
2023 O 5
Table 2. Average environmental variables (Depth, m; Temperature, °C; Salinity, psu; Do = Dissolved oxygen, mL/L; Mz = Mean size grain, ø; TOC = Total organic carbon, %) by the group (year and site) on the coast of Dokdo.
Table 2. Average environmental variables (Depth, m; Temperature, °C; Salinity, psu; Do = Dissolved oxygen, mL/L; Mz = Mean size grain, ø; TOC = Total organic carbon, %) by the group (year and site) on the coast of Dokdo.
Environment VariablesYear Site
Depth54.7 ± 11.352.9 ± 12.756.5 ± 10.956.6 ± 16.863.7 ± 13.455.7 ± 12.146.2 ± 6.453.9 ± 8.271.2 ± 14.456.7 ± 11.847 ± 7.250.7 ± 10.5
Temperature12.8 ± 312.5 ± 3.611.4 ± 2.612.4 ± 3.813.6 ± 1.916.1 ± 4.214.2 ± 1.313.1 ± 3.411.2 ± 3.313.2 ± 3.213.7 ± 3.413.1 ± 3.6
Salinity34.3 ± 0.134.2 ± 0.334.3 ± 0.134.1 ± 0.234.4 ± 0.134.2 ± 0.234.3 ± 034.2 ± 0.234.3 ± 0.134.2 ± 0.234.2 ± 0.234.2 ± 0.2
DO5.2 ± 0.35.5 ± 0.65.6 ± 0.44.8 ± 1.45.4 ± 0.65.6 ± 0.64.9 ± 0.15.4 ± 0.85.3 ± 0.85.2 ± 0.85.3 ± 0.85.3 ± 0.8
Mz−0.2 ± 0.8−0.5 ± 1.2−1 ± 1.2−1.4 ± 0.9−0.1 ± 1.7−1 ± 1.8−1.5 ± 0.6−0.1 ± 0.8−0.6 ± 1.3−1.3 ± 1.1−1.2 ± 1.3−1 ± 1.4
TOC-0.1 ± 00.5 ± 0.40.2 ± 0.20.1 ± 00.1 ± 00.1 ± 00.2 ± 0.20.3 ± 0.40.1 ± 0.20.1 ± 0.20.3 ± 0.3
Table 3. Dominant species based on the density of macrobenthos collected in the survey period 2017 to 2023 (Density, 3.5<; % of total density; Frequency).
Table 3. Dominant species based on the density of macrobenthos collected in the survey period 2017 to 2023 (Density, 3.5<; % of total density; Frequency).
% of Total DensityFrequency
APoHaplosyllis spongiphila114.96.862.5
MBiGlycymeris munda94.95.681.3
APoOpisthodonta uraga90.05.359.4
MBiLimatula japonica64.03.887.5
AAm = Arthropoda Amphipoda; APo = Annelida Polychaeta; MBi = Mollusca Bivalvia.
Table 4. Spearman rank correlation within the average environmental variables and number of species, density, diversity, biomass, and dominant species in sampling periods (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001).
Table 4. Spearman rank correlation within the average environmental variables and number of species, density, diversity, biomass, and dominant species in sampling periods (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001).
Depth (m)Temperture (°C)Salinity (psu)Do (mL/L)TOCGravel (%)Sand (%)Slit (%)Clay (%)Mean Grain Size (ø)
Number of species0.142−0.0743−0.251 *0.110.1440.42 ***−0.407 ***−0.321 **−0.321 **−0.301 **
Density (ind/m2)−0.1310.0118−0.141−0.0107−0.120.518 ***−0.521 ***−0.382 ***−0.382 ***−0.41 ***
Biomass (g/m2)−0.1320.0323−0.162−0.0460.1240.577 ***−0.575 ***−0.177−0.177−0.443 ***
Diversity (H’)0.23 *−0.193−0.1140.23 *0.1660.284 **−0.268 *−0.0393−0.0393−0.25 *
Melita denticulata−0.160.188−0.314 **−0.227 *0.1050.285 *−0.282 **−0.29 **−0.29 **−0.241 *
Haplosyllis spongiphila0.12−0.1610.120.01510.1420.414 ***−0.402 ***−0.375 ***−0.375 ***−0.298 **
Glycymeris munda−0.114−0.287 **−0.04050.241 *0.105−0.05770.0390.439 ***0.439 ***0.0842
Opisthodonta uraga0.087−0.01020.0845−0.0290.05240.387 ***−0.372 ***−0.479 ***−0.479 ***−0.317 ***
Limatula japonica−0.111−0.34 ***−0.007630.355 ***0.08340.131−0.1460.1550.155−0.113
Table 5. The results of the similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis: dissimilarity between by year and site.
Table 5. The results of the similarity percentage (SIMPER) analysis: dissimilarity between by year and site.
20172018, 20192020, 20212022
2018, 201980.88
2020, 202182.8871.13
12, 13, 14
9, 1074.57
Table 6. Environmental and biological variables affecting the macrobenthos community as determined by a biota–environment matching (BIO–ENV) analysis (Dep = Depth; Bot-temp = Bottom temperature; Sal = Salinity; DO = Dissolved oxygen; TOC = Total Organic Carbon; Mz = Mean grain size).
Table 6. Environmental and biological variables affecting the macrobenthos community as determined by a biota–environment matching (BIO–ENV) analysis (Dep = Depth; Bot-temp = Bottom temperature; Sal = Salinity; DO = Dissolved oxygen; TOC = Total Organic Carbon; Mz = Mean grain size).
GroupNumber of VariablesCorrelation (%)Best Variables
Year20.610Dep, Gravel
30.510Dep, DO, Gravel
40.477Dep, Bot-temp, DO, Gravel
30.465Dep, Bot-temp, Gravel
50.458Dep, Bot-temp, DO, Gravel
Site30.903Dep, Gravel, sand
40.903Dep, Bot-temp, Gravel, Sand
20.891Dep, Gravel
20.891Dep, Sand
50.891Dep, Bot-temp, Gravel, Sand, Mz
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MDPI and ACS Style

Gwak, S.J.; Kim, S.L.; Lee, H.-G.; Park, C.H.; Yu, O.H. Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea. Diversity 2024, 16, 432.

AMA Style

Gwak SJ, Kim SL, Lee H-G, Park CH, Yu OH. Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea. Diversity. 2024; 16(7):432.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Gwak, Si Jin, Sang Lyeol Kim, Hyung-Gon Lee, Chan Hong Park, and Ok Hwan Yu. 2024. "Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea" Diversity 16, no. 7: 432.

APA Style

Gwak, S. J., Kim, S. L., Lee, H.-G., Park, C. H., & Yu, O. H. (2024). Long-Term Monitoring of Macroinvertebrate Community Assemblages and Species Composition on the Coast of Dokdo, East Sea of Korea. Diversity, 16(7), 432.

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