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Genetic Differentiation and Population Structure of Two Bulgarian Local Goat Breeds Using Microsatellite Markers

Executive Agency for Selection and Reproduction in Animal Breeding, 1766 Sofia, Bulgaria
Department of Animal Husbandry—Ruminants and Dairy Farming, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Scientific Center of Agriculture, Agricultural Academy, 8300 Sredets, Bulgaria
Department of Experimental Parasitology, Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Research Centre of Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Agricultural Academy, 4700 Smolyan, Bulgaria
Department of Animal Diversity and Resources, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, “Acad. G. Bonchev” Str., Bl. 25, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Diversity 2024, 16(7), 388;
Submission received: 19 June 2024 / Revised: 5 July 2024 / Accepted: 5 July 2024 / Published: 7 July 2024


Establishing genetic diversity in the population is an essential first step for the sustainable conservation of valuable genetic resources under threat of extinction. Two local goat breeds, Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSHL), were genotyped using a panel of 14 microsatellite markers to determine their population structure and differentiation. The overall mean number of alleles was 8.82, higher in BSHL (9.71) as compared with KLH (7.92). The Ho and He values were almost equal for BSHL (0.75; 0.76, respectively) and KLH goats (0.74; 0.76, respectively). The value of the coefficient of population differentiation (FST) was very low (0.024), indicating only 2% genetic differentiation between the two goat breeds. The structure and PCoA analyses revealed considerable overlap between the two breeds, although some flocks of each breed differentiated from the common genetic pool. The results obtained in the present study can serve to differentiate purebred animals that are the basis of a selection process and a breeding strategy with a view to the conservation of these two local goat breeds.

1. Introduction

Goats were among the first domestic animals, and today they are an important livestock species worldwide [1,2,3]. Archeological and molecular data suggest that goats were domesticated along with sheep in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran around the ninth/early eighth millennium from the wild bezoar populations (Capra aegagrus) [4,5]. Another possible center of goat domestication has been proposed by Horwitz [6] based on archaeological data. According to this data, the southern Levant (around 10,000–9200 BP) represents an independent center or the adoption of domestication practices (or even managed animals) from other regions. It can be assumed that goats were domesticated within the large area that encompasses the Central Zagros to Eastern Anatolia (possibly multiple times between about 11,000 and 10,500 BP) during a long transitional period in which the intense hunting of bezoar goats gradually evolved into their management. Starting in a few (and perhaps independent) domestication centers, managed goats spread relatively rapidly outside the natural habitat of bezoar goats in the Near East [7]. Like many other domesticated species, the goat dispersal from domestication center/s into prehistory Europe follow two main routes—the ‘Danubian route’ through the Danube Valley into the plains of central and northern Europe, where the ‘Mediterranean route’ accentuates coastal transport along the Mediterranean coastal regions [8].
After domestication, for millennia, under the influence of humans, different breeds specialized depending on people’s needs were formed. Bred for their meat, milk, fiber, and skin, goats are popularly known as the “poor man’s cow” as they provide various benefits at a low cost [9]. They are the most adaptable and geographically widespread livestock species, inhabiting harsh environments from high altitudes to deserts as well as humid coastal areas in different parts of the world [10,11]. Although it is difficult to establish the number of goat breeds worldwide, mostly due to the existence of local populations that are not managed via phenotypic standardization and the absence of herd book registration and controlled reproduction, it is assumed that they are around 500–600 [12,13].
With respect to the local goat population, only two Bulgarian local goat breeds, namely the Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired goat (BSHL) and the Kalofer long-haired goat (KLH), exist [14,15,16]. The two local goat breeds are characterized by a distinctive phenotype and behavior, with the most prominent differences being in the color of the fur, the position of the horns, and the shape of the head [14].
In the past, both local breeds were distributed in different regions of the country. KLH is a goat breed that mainly inhabits villages in the foothills of the Central Stara Planina Mountain, while BSHL mainly inhabits the mountains in southwestern Bulgaria (Pirin and Rhodope Mountains). Currently, the original (natural) areas of distribution of these two breeds in many regions overlap, i.e., a process of “erosion” of natural habitats can be observed [17].
Local goat breeds in Bulgaria have rarely been the subject of extensive studies due to their relatively lower productivity compared to modern breeds. However, the issue of conservation of local genetic resources in different domesticated animal species has been of growing interest in recent decades [18,19,20]. Establishing genetic diversity in the population is an essential first step for the sustainable conservation of valuable genetic resources under threat of extinction. In this relation, microsatellite markers are a suitable tool to assess genetic diversity, population structure, and genetic differentiation of different livestock breeds [21,22,23]. Microsatellite markers are the best genetic markers because of their locus identity, high level of polymorphism, random distribution over the whole nuclear genome, codominant inheritance, selection neutrality, as well as reproducible and easy automatization of analytical procedures for genotyping animals of different breeds [24,25,26]. The use of a generally accepted panel of microsatellite markers in studies on the genetic diversity of farm animal species is desirable both from the point of view of clarifying the interrelationships between breeds and also with a view of making possible the comparability of information from different studies [27,28,29].
Except for microsatellite markers, SNPs [30,31], whole genome sequencing [32], and next-generation sequencing [33,34] represent other genotyping techniques to estimate genetic diversity in population studies.
So far, genetic research on local goat populations in Bulgaria has not been performed, which has provoked the purpose of the present study. An additional incentive has been the fact that the two breeds—Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired goat and Kalofer long-haired goat—are threatened with extinction, which would result in the loss of part of the national gene pool. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of these native goat breeds. The obtained results can be used to develop effective strategies for their preservation and conservation.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Animal Welfare and Ethical Statement

All experimental procedures were reviewed and approved by the Animal Research Ethics Committee of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) (Art. 154 of the Law on Veterinary Activity) in accordance with European Union Directive 86/609.

2.2. Samples Collection

During 2023, 152 blood samples were collected into vacutainer tubes (Venoject®, Terumo, Somerset, NJ, USA), with K2EDTA as an anticoagulant, from two indigenous goat breeds (the Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired goat and the Kalofer long-haired goat). The breeds have different habitats in the country. The Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired goat (BSHL) is distributed in farms located in the region of Southwest Bulgaria in the foothills of the Pirin and the Rhodope Mountains [16]. The Kalofer long-haired goat (KLH) is widespread in farms located mainly in the region of the sub-Balkan valleys and less often in the Rhodope Mountains [14] (Figure 1). A specific feature in the exterior of BSHL is the spirally coiled and upright horns in females. This is also the reason why the local population calls them “male-like goats”. The fur is long, but the hair is not as abundant as in KLH. Unlike KLH, the fur of BSHL is drier and coarser. The color is rich in shades and hues. The majority of representatives are mainly gray, and among them, individuals with a characteristic gray color called “bardzia” stand out [16]. It is characterized by a darker saddle and sides of the body, with gray-brown pigmentation in the rest of the body. In contrast to BSHL, the horns of female representatives of KLH are saber-shaped, curved backward, with a slightly visible fore-edge [14]. The horns of the males are big, curved backward and aside in open spirals. The hair cover is very long and abundant all over the body. The animals have a specific forelock of hairs. It is well-developed in males, and it may hide the whole face to the nose. Limbs are also abundantly covered with hair, and hooves are almost hidden.
The studied BSHL and KLH were represented by nine and six flocks, respectively. We sampled 86 animals from the BSHL breed and 66 from the KLH goat breeds. The samples included both males and females of both breeds. All flocks included non-related typical representatives from different regions of the country according to the natural habitats of the goat breeds. All flocks were under the control of the Executive Agency on Selection and Animal Breeding in Bulgaria (EASAB, Sofia) as well as the Association for Autochthonous Goats Breeds in Bulgaria (AAGBB), from which pedigree information for each animal was taken with a view to avoiding unrelated individuals. The samples were placed in a cooler bag and transported immediately to a laboratory, where they were stored at −20 °C prior to DNA extraction.

2.3. DNA Isolation

Total DNA was extracted from blood samples using a GeneMAGNET Blood DNA Purification Kit (Cat. No. E3429, EURx Ltd., Gdansk, Poland) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The kit used silica-covered magnetic beads, in which it is not necessary to incubate the sample with proteinase K at 56 °C for 3 h. The quality and quantity of the isolated DNA were checked by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and then visualized on UV transilluminator gel documentation systems after staining with SimpliSafe™ (Cat. No. E4600; EURx Ltd., Gdansk, Poland). The isolated DNA was stored at −20 °C before analysis.

2.4. Microsatellite Markers

A total of 152 animals from 15 flocks (BSHL, n = 9; KLH, n = 6) were genotyped using a set of 14 microsatellite markers (CSRD247, ILSTS008, ILSTS019, ILSTS087, INRA005, INRA006, INRA023, INRA063, MAF65, MCM527, OARFCB20, SRCRSP5, SRCRSP8, and SRCRSP23), based on their level of allelic polymorphism and location on different chromosomes (Supplementary Table S1). All microsatellite markers are recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ( accessed on 13 June 2023) and the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) ( accessed on 13 June 2023).

2.5. PCR Amplification and Fragment Analysis

All samples were sent to the GeneControl GmbH laboratory (Grub, Germany), where PCR amplification and fragment analysis were performed. The 15 microsatellites were amplified in one multiplex reaction. The primers used for multiplexed PCR were labeled using 6FAM, VIC, NED, and PET standards. The fragment sizes of the microsatellite alleles were determined using an ABI3130XL genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystem, New York, NY, USA), with LIZ600 labeled size standard. The data obtained were further analyzed using GeneMapper 5.0 software (Applied Biosystem, New York, NY, USA).

2.6. Statistical Analysis

The number of alleles per locus (Na), the effective number of alleles (Ne), the mean number of alleles (Nm), the observed heterozygosity (Ho) and the expected heterozygosity (He), Shannon’s information index (I), the gene flow (Nm), and the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium per locus across breeds and markers were calculated using GenAlEx 6.5 (New Brunswick, NJ, USA) [35]. Wright’s F-statistics (FIT, FIS, FST) [36] were calculated using POPGENE software v. 1.32 [37]. GenAlEx 6.5 was also utilized to perform Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) using the calculated genetic distance between all flocks from the studied two native Bulgarian goat breeds to evaluate the genetic differentiation among all flocks. The polymorphic information content (PIC) of each locus was calculated using the equation of Botstein et al. [38] by utilizing Cervus v3.0.7 software [39].
STRUCTURE 2.3.4 software was used to analyze the population structure of the investigated goat breeds [40]. The number of presumptive clusters (K) was run from 2 to 12, where K was the number of the tested clusters. Ten interactions were performed for each K value. All runs were performed with a length of 50,000, followed by 150,000 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) repeats after burn-in, with 20 replicate runs for each K, using an admixture model and independent allele frequencies. The web tool STRUCTURE HARVESTER ( accessed on 13 June 2023) [41] was used to determine the optimal number of groups (K), the log-likelihood coefficient (Delta K) [41], and the ΔK value of Evanno et al. [42]. The software package Clumpak ( accessed on 13 June 2023) was utilized to identify the most probable values of K [43].
The MEGA v.11 was used to construct neighbor-joining trees to study phylogenetic relationships between all flocks from the two goat breeds using Nei’s genetic distance matrix [44].

3. Results

3.1. Polymorphism of Microsatellite Markers

A total of 247 alleles were identified in the entire goat population, consisting of 152 animals, across 14 microsatellite loci. The locus MAF65 exhibited the highest number of alleles (14), effective allele number (8.21), and polymorphic information content (0.88) (Table 1). No marker showed a PIC of less than 0.5, indicating that all loci were highly polymorphic. The expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.58 in the locus ILSTS008 to 0.88 in the locus MAF65, with an average value of 0.76 across the goat populations. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) showed the highest mean value in the locus MAF65 (0.91) and the lowest in the locus ILSTS008 (0.57), indicating a high level of genetic variability among the three breeds. The Shannon’s information (diversity) index (I), which is an indicator of the genetic diversity of the population, ranged from 1.22 in the loci ILSTS008 and INRA063 to 2.31 in the MAF65 marker (Table 1).
The global deficit of heterozygotes across populations (FIT) was 4%, i.e., 4% of the microsatellite variation between the two goat breeds was due to breed differentiation (Table 2). The deficit of heterozygotes (FIS) across the analyzed populations was very low—0.025, which indicated an absence of inbreeding within the breeds. The mean FST index, which measures population differentiation due to genetic structure, was 0.016, i.e., a difference of around 2% between the breeds was found. This value showed the extremely low level of genetic differentiation between the studied breeds. The gene flow (Nm) varied from 2.03 for the locus ILSTS087 to 3.70 for the marker OARFCB20, with a mean value of 2.51 for the entire goat population. This value indicated a moderate gene flow among the studied populations.
The coefficient of genetic differentiation GST exhibited a very low value of 0.012 differentiation between populations (Table 2). The total genetic diversity (HT), estimated from the pooled allele frequencies, was 0.776, which revealed a high level of total genetic diversity in the overall population. In all 28 HWE tests (14 loci in 2 goat breeds), a significant deviation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium tests was observed only in the locus INRA023 (p < 0.01) in the BSHL breed, i.e., this locus had a heterozygosity deficit (Supplementary Table S2). Conversely, in 96.4% of cases (27/28), there was heterozygosity excess.

3.2. Genetic Variability between and within the Kalofer Long-Haired and Bulgarian Screw-Horned Long-Haired Goat Breeds

Table 3 summarizes the statistics of the molecular genetic polymorphism. A total of 95 distinct alleles were detected at the 14 microsatellite markers in 152 goat samples. Amongst them, KLH and BSHL goat breeds had 111 and 147 alleles, respectively. Out of all distinct 95 alleles (38.9%), 37 were unique to both goat breeds. BSHL had the largest number of private alleles at 31 (31/95, 32.6%), while in KLH, 6 private alleles (6/95, 6.3%) were observed. Across the two goat breeds, the average number of alleles per locus was 8.82 ± 0.57, with the range from 5 (INRA005, OARFCB20, ILSTS019, and INRA005 loci) to 15 (MAF65A locus).
The average Ho frequency (0.74) of the KLH goat breed was lower compared with BSHL (0.75) (Table 3). Surprisingly, the average He in both breeds showed an equal value (0.76). The heterozygote deficit within populations (FIS) for the two goat breeds showed very low values (KLH, 0.037; BSHL, 0.011), which indicated the absence of inbreeding processes.
The results of the Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) were presented in Supplementary Table S3. The AMOVA revealed that most of the molecular variance occurred within individuals (95%), while only 2% occurred among the two goat populations and 3% among individuals within populations. Although small, the individual/breed components were both statistically significant (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001, respectively).

3.3. Genetic Variability within and among the Flocks of Kalofer Long-Haired and Bulgarian Screw-Horned Long-Haired Goat Breeds

The Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSHL) goat breeds were represented by six and nine flocks, respectively. The mean number of identified alleles (Na) varied from 4.64 in flock 2 (KLH goat breed) to 6.57 in flock 1, again in KLH (Table 4). We found only one private allele in KLH flock 1, while in BSHL, there were 12 flocks with private alleles. The expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.67 in KLH flock 5 to 0.74 in KLH flock 1. The lowest level of heterozygosity (Ho) was observed in KLH flock 6 (0.69) and the highest was observed in BSHL flock 6 (0.82). The FIS values were very low in all flocks, which means that no flock is at risk of inbreeding (Table 4).

3.4. Admixture Analysis and Genetic Differentiation

The admixture and genetic differentiation among the flocks of both breeds were evaluated by Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) and STRUCTURE analysis.
The results from the STRUCTURE analysis showed that the ∆K peaked at K = 3 (Figure 2A). This value suggests that the studied goat breeds were better defined by three genetic clusters. The flocks from the BSHL goat breed seemed to show a homogenous structure, as almost all individuals (except for the first one) formed a single cluster (Figure 2B). BSHL flock 1 seemed to have a mixed genetic profile between the two studied breeds. Regarding the KLH goat breed, the situation was more complicated since two different clusters in the same breed were observed. Almost all animals from flock 2, with some individuals from flocks 1, 3, and 4, were placed in the same cluster. On the contrary, the majority of the individuals from flocks 5 and 6 grouped in the third cluster (shown in blue color), separated from the BSHL breed cluster. At K = 2, two genetic clusters were observed as some individuals of the BSHL breed had high assignment probabilities with the first cluster (KLH breed).
Overall, the PCoA plot showed some differentiation between the two goat breeds, but for the most part, a mixed genetic profile was observed in all flocks from the two breeds (Figure 3). The PC1 and PC2 components showed 16.53% and 13.67% genetic variability of the BSHL and KLH goat breeds, respectively. The PCoA plot also showed that some individuals from each breed differentiated from the others, but in general, the two populations were quite admixed.
These observations were further supported when a visual representation of the phylogenetic relationships among all flocks was constructed by means of a neighbor-joining analysis tree (Figure 4). The phylogenetic tree clearly revealed some important points concerning the studied flocks from the KLH and BSHL goat breeds: (1) KLH flocks 1 and 2 were genetically differentiated from the remaining four flocks belonging to the same breed; (2) BVLH flock 1 was closer to KLH than to BVLH goat breeds, and (3) KLH flocks 6 and BSHL flock 6 were grouped closely together.
The differentiation coefficients (FST) and Nei’s genetic distance based on the distance method of different allele frequencies between the two goat breeds were presented in Supplementary Table S4. The FST value showed the highest genetic differentiation between KLH flock 2 and BSHL flock 2 and the lowest value between KLH flock 7 and KLH flocks 2 and 3.

4. Discussion

After domestication in the Fertile Crescent in the early Neolithic era (ca. 12,000 BP), domestic goats that already carried differentiated gene pools spread to Europe, Africa, and Asia [45]. Sequential analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) data showed that both mitochondrial and nuclear molecular variation of Neolithic goat herds was strongly structured [46]. This evidence supported the hypothesis of multiple wild origins for early domestic goat populations that was already suggested from analyses of modern mtDNA data [47,48] and further indicated a high genetic diversity of different local bezoar populations. An interesting fact in this direction is the suggestion that in the past, the bezoar (C. aegagrus) inhabited Bulgarian mountains [49], i.e., C. aegagrus is not introducing species to Europe, in particular, Bulgaria. These observations give us reason to assume that the origin of the studied local long-haired goat breeds (KLH and BSHL goat) may be related to a genetically distinct population of bezoar specific only to the Balkan region. Native animal breeds are usually created because of multi-year selection, mainly under the influence of environmental factors; local breeds of farm animals are perfectly adapted to the specific climate-geographical conditions of the area of distribution. They are characterized by increased resistance to many diseases endemic to a certain region. The areas of distribution and cultivation are often extensive mountainous and semi-mountainous regions, threatened by depopulation, with low economic activity of the population. In Bulgaria, as in other countries, due to the import of a number of highly productive breeds into our country, as well as the inefficient market policy of animal production, we are witnessing a drastic decrease in the economic interest of farmers raising local breeds of animals [50,51]. This, in turn, inevitably threatens their existence, as the risk is expressed in reducing the size of populations and narrowing their genetic diversity to a critical minimum.
This study aims to reveal the genetic diversity (within breeds and between breeds) and population structure and variability of two native Bulgarian goat breeds through genotyping a panel of 14 microsatellite markers. This has been the first purposeful genetic research conducted in Bulgaria regarding this species.

4.1. Total Genetic Diversity of the Bulgarian Goat Populations

Overall, the number of alleles (Na), the level of heterozygosity (He and Ho), and the polymorphic information content (PIC), which are the values most accurately expressing the level of genetic variation among the studied populations, showed a high level of diversity (Table 1 and Table 2). The mean Na was approximately nine, indicating a high diversity of alleles in the entire native Bulgarian goat population.
We compared our results with other native goat breeds from the Balkan and the Italian Peninsulas due to the similar genetic profile of previous investigations on a large number different from goat native and ancient animal species [52,53,54,55,56].
In this relation, the mean number of identified alleles in the entire native Bulgarian goat population (ca. 9) was higher than those reported for the native Italian goat population (6.5) [57], native Albanian goat population (7.7) [58], and one native breed from Croatia (8.1) [59]. A higher Na per locus was observed in native Turkish breeds [60,61].
In our study, the average Ho for the total population was 0.75, ranging from 0.57 to 0.91, while the He varied from 0.58 to 0.88 in the ILSTS008 and MAF65 loci, respectively (Table 1). The values of the two genetic parameters are among the most frequently used to assess the genetic diversity of a given population and even population structural and historical information can be obtained therefrom [62,63]. Depending on Ho and He values, three scenarios are commonly observed: Ho < He (population inbreeding), Ho > He (population outbreeding), and Ho = He (random mating) [64]. Only two (SRCRSP8 and MAF65 markers) showed a prevalence of Ho over He value, suggesting that the entire studied goat population had low genetic differentiation and inbreeding processes were observed.
Polymorphism information content, or power of information content (PIC), represents an index that assesses the suitability of microsatellite markers for estimating the genetic diversity in a population [65,66]. Usually, when the PIC value is over 0.50, the markers are highly informative, and a PIC value below 0.25 is less informative [38]. In this study, we used only 14 microsatellite markers due to the fact that this is a panel used in the parentage testing. The informativeness of microsatellite markers is directly related to their degree of polymorphism. Additionally, the ability of the selected microsatellite panel to estimate the biodiversity of a given population depends on the farm animal studied [31,67]. For example, in genetic diversity and population analyses of species such as chickens, cattle, and dogs, the use of 18–30 markers is common because these species, which are known for their numerous varieties and breeds, have been studied and improved through breeding programs using microsatellite standard sets [68]. PIC is a measure of polymorphism for a marker locus and is a relative measure of the informativeness of a marker, which depends on the number of alleles of this marker and its relative frequency in the population. When a PIC value is more than 0.5, a reduced panel of 9–12 markers was considered suitable [68]. In this study, all 14 markers that were used had PIC values greater than 0.5, with a mean value of 0.75, which indicated the high diversity of the studied Bulgarian goat populations and the appropriateness of the selected microsatellite panel in assessing the genetic diversity. The observed PIC value of 0.74 was similar to those reported for the goat population in Croatia [59], higher than the Albanian goat population (0.70) [58], and lower than the Anatolian hair goats (0.87) [61].
The inbreeding coefficient FIS showed negative values only in two markers (MAF65 and SRCRSP8), indicating excess heterozygosity in these loci (Table 2). Overall, the mean value of FIS of all tested loci was 0.024, which means that there is a low level of heterozygote deficiency.

4.2. Genetic Differentiation within and between Bulgarian Local Breeds

The fixation index (FST) is considered the best parameter regarding population differentiation due to genetic structure [69,70]. It is assumed that values of FST between 0.05 and 0.15 indicate moderate differentiation between populations, while a value ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 is indicative of high differentiation [71]. The results of our study show that the FST value between KLH and BSHL goat populations is 0.024, indicating very low genetic differentiation between them. In contrast, native Italian goat populations expressed moderate differentiation (0.062) [57], while Turkish native breeds showed almost moderate genetic differentiation of 0.047 [60]. Within populations, the FST in the KLH goat breed showed the highest value in KLH flock 2 against all other flocks (Supplementary Table S2). Although the FST levels indicated a low level of genetic differentiation, KLH flock 2 showed a different genetic profile from the others. The results obtained are not surprising, considering that in the natural habitat of the BSHL goat breed (Southwestern Bulgaria), and also, the majority of the existing population of KLH goats is located in the same region. In contrast to the KLH goat breed, the FST among all flocks belonging to BSHL indicated lower values, suggesting a more homogenous genetic structure of the breed.
STRUCTURE analysis was used to analyze the population genetic structure of all flocks from KLH and BSHL (Figure 2). The obtained ∆K value showed that all individuals from the KLH and BSHL goat breeds were grouped within three clusters (Figure 2A). Interestingly, most animals from KLH flock 2, with some individuals from flocks 1, 3, and 4, formed their own cluster (green color) (Figure 2B). Also, the majority of individuals from KLH flocks 5 and 6 were assigned to a separate gene pool (blue color), with the presence of animals of the BSHL breed in this genetic pool. Since the two clusters are formed by animals of the same breed but with distinct genetic profiles, it can be assumed that two different subpopulations exist within the KLH goat breed. Regarding BSHL, the genetic structure analyses also showed that the genetic profile of this goat breed population is much more homogeneous. An exception is flock 1 of this breed, whose genetic profile resembles that of the other breed (KLH) (Figure 2 and Figure 4).
Considering the fact that the two goat breeds are difficult to distinguish phenotypically and the natural range of the breeds is disturbed, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of significant admixture in both populations. Possible reasons regarding the observed mixed genetic profile are most likely related to (1) the breeding of animals of different breeds in the same region of the country and/or (2) seeking to improve the productive qualities of these relatively low-productivity native goat breeds by crossing with higher productive local or introduced breeds. Indeed, the drive for genetic improvement of local breeds in order to improve their productivity, in which national genetic resources are disturbed, is a common phenomenon [72,73,74].
The existence of native species of animals is an integral part of the sustainability of the ecosystem that they inhabit. It is a fact that, in most cases, local breeds are bred freely and in natural environments, thus helping to maintain natural territories and habitats. Conservation of local breeds of livestock with a unique genetic profile and high adaptability to natural environmental conditions is more important today than ever before.

5. Conclusions

The present study has investigated and determined for the first time the genetic differentiation and population structure of the only two local Bulgarian goat breeds—Kalofer long-haired and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired. The selected set of 14 microsatellite markers for genotyping showed a high level of genetic polymorphism. The obtained results showed high genetic diversity regarding the mean number of alleles, Ho and He heterozygosity, and PIC values. Structural and PCoA analyses indicated the mixed genetic profile of the two breeds, which is mainly due to erosion of the natural habitats of the two breeds.
The obtained results provide the opportunity to take measures towards the development of a breeding strategy and the protection of the two local goat breeds, considering their vulnerability and economic and cultural importance.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at Table S1: Details of the used 14 goat microsatellite (STR) markers. Table S2: Hardy Weinberg (HW) equilibrium test in all studied microsatellite loci by goat breeds; Table S3: Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and F-Statistic of Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breeds based on genotyping of 14 microsatellite markers; Table S4: Pair-wise population matrix of Nei’s genetic distance (below diagonal) and FST values (above diagonal) among 15 flocks from Kalofer long-haired (KLH, n = 6) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH, n = 9) goat breeds.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, G.Y., G.R., P.H. and G.K.; data curation, G.R., P.H. and G.Y.; formal analysis, G.R. and P.H.; funding acquisition, G.R.; investigation, H.D., L.L., D.S. and G.K.; methodology, H.D., N.P., L.L., D.S. and G.K.; writing original draft preparation, G.Y., G.R., P.H., G.K., N.P., H.D., T.O., P.T. and L.L.; writing review and editing, G.R., P.H., G.K., G.Y., T.O. and P.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science, grant number KΠ-06-H51/16 2021.

Institutional Review Board Statement

All experimental procedures were reviewed and approved by the Animal Research Ethics Committee of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) (Art. 154 of the Law on Veterinary Activity) in accordance with European Union Directive 86/609.

Data Availability Statement

The authors can provide the data if needed.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Geographic location and breeding area of the studied goat breeds in Bulgaria.
Figure 1. Geographic location and breeding area of the studied goat breeds in Bulgaria.
Diversity 16 00388 g001
Figure 2. (A) Delta K plots of STRUCTURE analysis averaged over ten repetitions at K = 3. (B) Each color represents 1 cluster, with the length of each colored segment corresponding to the percentage of each individual belonging to a particular cluster. Black lines separate individuals belonging to each goat breed. Abbreviations: KLH—Kalofer long-haired goat breed; BSHL—Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired goat breed.
Figure 2. (A) Delta K plots of STRUCTURE analysis averaged over ten repetitions at K = 3. (B) Each color represents 1 cluster, with the length of each colored segment corresponding to the percentage of each individual belonging to a particular cluster. Black lines separate individuals belonging to each goat breed. Abbreviations: KLH—Kalofer long-haired goat breed; BSHL—Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired goat breed.
Diversity 16 00388 g002
Figure 3. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) of the two goat breeds created by GenAlEx. A two-dimensional plot of the PCoA analysis shows the clustering of the 15 goat flocks (n = 6, KLH; n = 9, BSHL). The first and the second coordinates account for 16.53% and 11.74%, respectively, of the total variation. Abbreviations: KLH—Kalofer long-haired; BSHL—Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired.
Figure 3. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) of the two goat breeds created by GenAlEx. A two-dimensional plot of the PCoA analysis shows the clustering of the 15 goat flocks (n = 6, KLH; n = 9, BSHL). The first and the second coordinates account for 16.53% and 11.74%, respectively, of the total variation. Abbreviations: KLH—Kalofer long-haired; BSHL—Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired.
Diversity 16 00388 g003
Figure 4. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of six flocks (KLH) and nine flocks (BSHL) based on Nei’s genetic distance. The tree was drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. The tree was obtained from a panel of 14 microsatellite markers. Abbreviations: KLH FL1-FL6 indicates the 6 studied flocks of Kalofer long-haired (KLH) goat breed; BSLH FL1-FL9 indicates the 9 studied flocks of Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breed.
Figure 4. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of six flocks (KLH) and nine flocks (BSHL) based on Nei’s genetic distance. The tree was drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. The tree was obtained from a panel of 14 microsatellite markers. Abbreviations: KLH FL1-FL6 indicates the 6 studied flocks of Kalofer long-haired (KLH) goat breed; BSLH FL1-FL9 indicates the 9 studied flocks of Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breed.
Diversity 16 00388 g004
Table 1. Number of identified alleles (Na), number of effective alleles (Ne), polymorphic information content (PIC), heterozygosity: observed (Ho), expected (He), Shannon’s information index (I), and F (Null)—Null allele frequency estimated.
Table 1. Number of identified alleles (Na), number of effective alleles (Ne), polymorphic information content (PIC), heterozygosity: observed (Ho), expected (He), Shannon’s information index (I), and F (Null)—Null allele frequency estimated.
LocusNaNePICHoHeIF (Null)
Table 2. Fixation index (FIS, FIT, FST), gene flow (Nm), genetic diversity among populations at each locus (GST), total expected heterozygosity (HT), and Jost’s estimate of differentiation (D).
Table 2. Fixation index (FIS, FIT, FST), gene flow (Nm), genetic diversity among populations at each locus (GST), total expected heterozygosity (HT), and Jost’s estimate of differentiation (D).
a Wright’s statistics according to Weir and Cockerham [36].
Table 3. Genetic diversity estimates of Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breeds. Sample size (N), number of alleles, mean number of alleles per population (Na), effective number of alleles per locus (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and inbreeding coefficient (FIS).
Table 3. Genetic diversity estimates of Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breeds. Sample size (N), number of alleles, mean number of alleles per population (Na), effective number of alleles per locus (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and inbreeding coefficient (FIS).
BreedAcronymNNumber of AllelesNaNeHoHeFIS
Kalofer long-hairedKLH661117.9294.7570.7370.7640.037
Bulgarian screw-horned long-hairedBSLH861479.7144.9110.7540.7640.011
Mean 1298.8214.8340.7460.7640.024
SE 0.5710.3360.0200.0170.012
Table 4. The sample size, number of identified alleles (Na), effective number of alleles per locus (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and inbreeding coefficient (FIS) in each flock from Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breeds.
Table 4. The sample size, number of identified alleles (Na), effective number of alleles per locus (Ne), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), and inbreeding coefficient (FIS) in each flock from Kalofer long-haired (KLH) and Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breeds.
Flocks/Breeds *Sample No.NaNeHoHeFIS
KLH FL1186.574.090.750.74−0.02
KLH FL2104.643.420.760.69−0.11
KLH FL385.433.890.790.71−0.13
KLH FL4104.863.560.710.69−0.03
KLH FL5105.363.540.700.67−0.02
KLH FL6105.213.680.690.690.04
BSLH FL1105.713.500.730.68−0.07
BSLH FL2105.793.910.780.72−0.09
BSLH FL3105.933.760.710.71−0.005
BSLH FL4105.863.750.780.70−0.11
BSLH FL5105.713.780.730.68−0.08
BSLH FL685.864.240.820.73−0.12
BSLH Fl7106.214.140.760.72−0.05
BSLH FL885.934.040.770.73−0.06
BSLH FL9105.933.700.710.69−0.03
Mean 5.673.800.750.70−0.06
* KLH FL1-FL6 indicates the 6 studied flocks of Kalofer long-haired (KLH) goat breed; BSLH FL1-FL9 indicates the 9 studied flocks of Bulgarian screw-horned long-haired (BSLH) goat breed.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Yordanov, G.; Kalaydzhiev, G.; Palova, N.; Salkova, D.; Lozanova, L.; Dundarova, H.; Odjakova, T.; Todorov, P.; Radoslavov, G.; Hristov, P. Genetic Differentiation and Population Structure of Two Bulgarian Local Goat Breeds Using Microsatellite Markers. Diversity 2024, 16, 388.

AMA Style

Yordanov G, Kalaydzhiev G, Palova N, Salkova D, Lozanova L, Dundarova H, Odjakova T, Todorov P, Radoslavov G, Hristov P. Genetic Differentiation and Population Structure of Two Bulgarian Local Goat Breeds Using Microsatellite Markers. Diversity. 2024; 16(7):388.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yordanov, Georgi, Georgi Kalaydzhiev, Nadezhda Palova, Delka Salkova, Lyudmila Lozanova, Heliana Dundarova, Tsonka Odjakova, Pavel Todorov, Georgi Radoslavov, and Peter Hristov. 2024. "Genetic Differentiation and Population Structure of Two Bulgarian Local Goat Breeds Using Microsatellite Markers" Diversity 16, no. 7: 388.

APA Style

Yordanov, G., Kalaydzhiev, G., Palova, N., Salkova, D., Lozanova, L., Dundarova, H., Odjakova, T., Todorov, P., Radoslavov, G., & Hristov, P. (2024). Genetic Differentiation and Population Structure of Two Bulgarian Local Goat Breeds Using Microsatellite Markers. Diversity, 16(7), 388.

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