Habitat Selection to Reintroduce Iris bismarckiana in Semi-Arid Environments
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Site
2.2. A Brief History of Nazareth Iris
2.3. Measurements
2.3.1. Surface Temperature and Precipitation
2.3.2. Human Disturbance
2.3.3. Soil Edaphic, Vegetation, and Topographic Variables
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Climatic Conditions
3.2. Human Disturbance
3.3. Soil Edaphic Factors
3.4. Site Topography and Tree Canopy Cover
3.5. Successful Reintroduction Component
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Zone | pH | EC (ds m−1) | Organic Matter (%) | CO2-C (mg kg−1) |
2022 | A | 7.81 a | 0.29 a | 1.03 c | 18.2 d |
B | 7.53 a | 0.24 a | 4.47 a | 77.1 a | |
C | 7.59 a | 0.39 a | 4.62 a | 72.3 a | |
D | 7.49 a | 0.45 a | 3.77 ab | 48.3 b | |
E | 7.71 a | 0.38 a | 1.93 b | 24.4 cd | |
F | 7.76 a | 0.29 a | 4.11 a | 55.1 b | |
G | 7.44 a | 0.47 a | 2.49 b | 29.1 c | |
p-Value | 0.44 | 0.23 | 0.03 | 0.02 | |
2023 | A | 7.73 a | 0.25 a | 1.24 c | 25.7 b |
B | 7.57 a | 0.30 a | 3.33 ab | 56.8 a | |
C | 7.70 a | 0.25 a | 3.93 ab | 63.7 a | |
D | 7.63 a | 0.27 a | 2.87 b | 61.9 a | |
E | 7.77 a | 0.26 a | 4.43 a | 55.4 a | |
F | 7.67 a | 0.28 a | 3.38 ab | 60.0 a | |
G | 7.63 a | 0.34 a | 2.90 b | 60.8 a | |
p-Value | 0.96 | 0.83 | 0.0037 | 0.0009 |
Soil Texture (Particle Proportion) | ||||||
Zone | Clay | Silt | Sand | Texture | Stone Diameter > 2 mm (% of Stones by Volume) | Soil Depth (cm) |
A | 20.7 a | 45.7 b | 37.0 a | Loam | 8.4 b | >40 |
B | 20.0 ab | 43.7 b | 36.2 a | Loam | 8.3 b | >40 |
C | 18.9 ab | 69.3 a | 15.1 c | Silt-loam | 10.7 b | >40 |
D | 17.5 ab | 66.1 a | 16.4 c | Silt-loam | 21.0 ab | >40 |
E | 16.8 ab | 53.7 b | 29.5 ab | Silt-loam | 17.7 ab | >40 |
F | 15.3 ab | 53.2 b | 28.2 b | Silt-loam | 24.5 a | >40 |
G | 13.9 b | 68.0 a | 18.1 c | Silt-loam | 13.0 ab | >40 |
p-Value | 0.037 | 0.0004 | <0.0001 | - | 0.05 | - |
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Othman, Y.A.; Ayasrah, B.; Al-Kofahi, S. Habitat Selection to Reintroduce Iris bismarckiana in Semi-Arid Environments. Diversity 2023, 15, 957. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15090957
Othman YA, Ayasrah B, Al-Kofahi S. Habitat Selection to Reintroduce Iris bismarckiana in Semi-Arid Environments. Diversity. 2023; 15(9):957. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15090957
Chicago/Turabian StyleOthman, Yahia A., Bilal Ayasrah, and Salman Al-Kofahi. 2023. "Habitat Selection to Reintroduce Iris bismarckiana in Semi-Arid Environments" Diversity 15, no. 9: 957. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15090957
APA StyleOthman, Y. A., Ayasrah, B., & Al-Kofahi, S. (2023). Habitat Selection to Reintroduce Iris bismarckiana in Semi-Arid Environments. Diversity, 15(9), 957. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15090957