Ex Situ Conservation of Atriplex taltalensis I.M. Johnst. via In Vitro Culturing of Its Axillary Shoots
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Disinfection of Plant Material and Collection of Initial Explants of A. taltalensis
2.2. Culture Conditions
2.2.1. Culture of Initial Explants of A. taltalensis under Different Multiplication Treatments
2.2.2. Effect of Shoots Subcultures on the Multiplication, Elongation, and Rooting In Vitro of A. taltalensis
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Induction of Initial Explants from Uninodal Segments of A. taltalensis
3.2. Culture Initial Explants
3.3. Subculture of New Shoots for In Vitro Multiplication
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Culture Stage | Treatment | Basal Medium + Phytoregulators |
Multiplication | AEmc * | MS |
AEm5 | MS + 0.50 mg L−1 IBA | |
AEm1 | MS + 0.50 mg L−1 IBA + 0.05 mg L−1 BAP | |
AEm2 | MS + 0.50 mg L−1 IBA + 0.25 mg L−1 BAP | |
AEm3 | MS + 0.50 mg L−1 IBA + 0.50 mg L−1 BAP | |
AEm4 | MS + 0.50 mg L−1 IBA + 1.00 mg L−1 BAP |
Culture Period (Weeks) | Observed Responses |
1 | Reddish and bulging stem base in explants subjected to treatments AEm2, AEm3, AEm4, and AEm5. |
2 | Callus growth in explants subjected to treatments AEm2, AEm3, AEm4, and AEm5. Initial development of lateral roots in explants subjected to the control treatment AEmc and treatments AEm2 and AEm1. Apex elongation and stem growth in explants subjected to treatment AEm1. |
3 | Development of basal buds in explants subjected to treatments AEm2, AEm3, AEm4, and AEm5. Development of axillary buds in nodes of explants subjected to treatment AEm1. Apex elongation and stem growth in explants subjected to treatment AEm2 and control treatment AEmc. |
4 | Lateral root growth and proliferation in explants subjected to treatments AEm2 and AEm1. Differentiation of basal buds into shoots in explants subjected to treatments AEm2, AEm3, AEm4, and AEm5. Differentiation of axillary buds into shoots in nodes of elongated explants subjected to treatment AEm1. Development of axillary buds in explants subjected to control treatment AEmc and treatment AEm2. |
5 | Callus growth and basal shoot proliferation in explants subjected to treatments AEm2, AEm3, AEm4, and AEm5. Axillary shoot growth and proliferation in nodes of explants growing under control treatment AEmc and treatments AEm2 and AEm1. |
6 | Basal (treatments AEm2, AEm3, AEm4, and AEm5) and axillary shoot growth (control treatment AEmc and treatments AEm2 and AEm1). Formation of whole plants subjected to control treatment AEmc, treatments AEm2 and AEm1. |
Treatment | Phytoregulators (mg L−1) | Nº Shoots/Explant | Explants with Shoots (%) | Explants with Roots (%) |
AEmc * | Without phytoregulators | 2.57 (±2.44) b | 62.00 a,b | 73.00 b |
AEm1 | 0.50 IBA | 4.52 (±3.94) a | 65.00 a | 90.00 a |
AEm2 | 0.50 IBA + 0.05 BAP | 2.80 (±3.51) b | 62.00 a,b | 37.00 c |
AEm3 | 0.50 IBA + 0.25 BAP | 2.50 (±3.99) b | 38.00 c | 0.00 d |
AEm4 | 0.50 IBA + 0.50 BAP | 4.83 (±6.65) a | 42.00 b,c | 0.00 d |
AEm5 | 0.50 IBA + 1.00 BAP | 5.34 (±7.90) a | 37.00 c | 0.00 d |
Treatment | Phytoregulators (mg L−1) | Nº Shoots/Explant | Shoot Height (cm) | Rooting (%) | Hyperhydricity (%) |
1st subculture | |||||
AEmc | Without phytoregulators | 2.06 (±1.90) d | 1.25 (±0.38) a,b | 74.00 a | 0.00 a |
AEm1 | 0.50 IBA | 6.25 (±3.68) a | 1.36 (±0.48) a | 89.00 a | 0.00 a |
AEm2 | 0.05 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 2.85 (±2.44) c,d | 0.94 (±0.25) c,d | 34.00 b | 0.00 a |
AEm3 | 0.25 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 2.00 (±1.38) d | 0.86 (±0.21) d | 15.00 b,c | 31.00 b |
AEm4 | 0.50 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 3.82 (±2.50) b,c | 1.17 (±0.27) a,b,c | 6.00 c | 27.00 b |
AEm5 | 1.00 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 4.92 (±3.68) b | 1.11 (±0.27) b,c | 5.00 c | 24.00 b |
2nd subculture | |||||
AEmc | Without phytoregulators | 2.08 (±2.11) c | 1.21 (±0.40) a,b | 59.00 b | 0.00 a |
AEm1 | 0.50 IBA | 5.94 (±3.50) a | 1.35 (±0.40) a | 87.00 a | 0.00 a |
AEm2 | 0.05 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 2.72 (±3.02) b,c | 1.01 (±0.28) b,c | 43.00 c | 0.00 a |
AEm3 | 0.25 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 1.81 (±1.33) c | 0.86 (±0.23) c | 17.00 d | 41.00 b |
AEm4 | 0.50 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 3.18 (±2.61) b,c | 1.14 (±0.27) b,c | 14.00 d | 53.00 b |
AEm5 | 1.00 BAP + 0.50 IBA | 3.60 (±3.52) b | 1.16 (±0.28) b,c | 13.00 d | 43.10 b |
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Muñoz-Alcayaga, C.; Soto, J.; Román-Figueroa, C.; Paneque, M. Ex Situ Conservation of Atriplex taltalensis I.M. Johnst. via In Vitro Culturing of Its Axillary Shoots. Diversity 2023, 15, 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15010013
Muñoz-Alcayaga C, Soto J, Román-Figueroa C, Paneque M. Ex Situ Conservation of Atriplex taltalensis I.M. Johnst. via In Vitro Culturing of Its Axillary Shoots. Diversity. 2023; 15(1):13. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15010013
Chicago/Turabian StyleMuñoz-Alcayaga, Carolina, Jorge Soto, Celián Román-Figueroa, and Manuel Paneque. 2023. "Ex Situ Conservation of Atriplex taltalensis I.M. Johnst. via In Vitro Culturing of Its Axillary Shoots" Diversity 15, no. 1: 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15010013
APA StyleMuñoz-Alcayaga, C., Soto, J., Román-Figueroa, C., & Paneque, M. (2023). Ex Situ Conservation of Atriplex taltalensis I.M. Johnst. via In Vitro Culturing of Its Axillary Shoots. Diversity, 15(1), 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15010013