Evolution and Biogeographic History of Rubyspot Damselflies (Hetaerininae: Calopterygidae: Odonata)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Taxon Sampling
2.2. DNA Extraction, Amplification and Sequencing
2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses
2.4. Divergence Dating Analysis
2.5. Ancestral Character State Reconstruction
- Male, Hindwing, color: hyaline wings (0), color only basally on wing (1), entire wing colored (2)
- Male, Hindwing, apical color: absent (0), apical melanization only (1), multiple cells colored black or red (2)
- Male, Forewing, apical color: absent (0), apical melanization only (1), multiple cells colored black or red (2)
- Male, apical color: absent from forewings and hindwings (0), present in hindwing (1), present in hindwings and forewings (2). Presence was indicated by any color present, melanization or multiple cells.
- Habitat: generalist (0), forest specialist (1)
2.6. Biogeography Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Phylogenetic Analysis
3.2. Ancestral Character State Reconstruction: Wing Coloration
3.3. Ancestral Character State Reconstruction: Habitat
3.4. Divergence Dating and Biogeography
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Fossil | Accession Number | Publication | Fossil Placement | Age and Justification | Prior | Shape | Mean Age | CI |
Calopteryx andancensis | PaleoDB collection 113893 | Nel and Brisac [41] | Node 68 | 9.0–5.3 mya; Steininger et al. [42] | Lognormal | Offset = 5.3 Mean = 13.4 | 25.4 | 19.1, 32.0 |
Sapho legrandi | PaleoDB collection 194946 | Nel and Petrulevičius [43] | Node 73 | 27.82–24.8 mya; Steininger et al. [42] | Lognormal | Offset = 24.8 Mean = 31.4 | 25.7 | 24.8, 27.9 |
Chlorocypha cordasevae | PaleoDB collection 105962 | Nel et al. [44] | Node 119 | 11.1–9.4 mya; Steininger et al. [42] | Lognormal | Offset = 9.4 Mean = 13.2 | 42.5 | 31.2, 53.3 |
Sinocalopteryx shangyongensis | PaleoDB collection 194570 | Lin et al. [40] | Node 65 | 56–5.3 mya | Uniform | Min = 5.3 Max = 56 | 53.5 | 47.6, 56.0 |
MRCA of Hetaerininae | Node 74 | 36.2 | 30.1, 42.1 | |||||
North & Central American clade | Node 76 | 29.3 | 24.1, 34.8 | |||||
South American clade | Node 87 | 28.4 | 23.1, 33.6 | |||||
Ormenophlebia split | Node 82 | 23.2 | 18.5, 28.1 | |||||
Ormenophlebia diverged | Node 86 | 4.7 | 2.6, 7.1 |
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Standring, S.; Sánchez-Herrera, M.; Guillermo-Ferreira, R.; Ware, J.L.; Vega-Sánchez, Y.M.; Clement, R.; Drury, J.P.; Grether, G.F.; González-Rodríguez, A.; Mendoza-Cuenca, L.; et al. Evolution and Biogeographic History of Rubyspot Damselflies (Hetaerininae: Calopterygidae: Odonata). Diversity 2022, 14, 757. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14090757
Standring S, Sánchez-Herrera M, Guillermo-Ferreira R, Ware JL, Vega-Sánchez YM, Clement R, Drury JP, Grether GF, González-Rodríguez A, Mendoza-Cuenca L, et al. Evolution and Biogeographic History of Rubyspot Damselflies (Hetaerininae: Calopterygidae: Odonata). Diversity. 2022; 14(9):757. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14090757
Chicago/Turabian StyleStandring, Samantha, Melissa Sánchez-Herrera, Rhainer Guillermo-Ferreira, Jessica L. Ware, Yesenia Margarita Vega-Sánchez, Rebecca Clement, Jonathan P. Drury, Gregory F. Grether, Antonio González-Rodríguez, Luis Mendoza-Cuenca, and et al. 2022. "Evolution and Biogeographic History of Rubyspot Damselflies (Hetaerininae: Calopterygidae: Odonata)" Diversity 14, no. 9: 757. https://doi.org/10.3390/d14090757