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Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov., a New Species from Southwest China, and Its Mycorrhizal Synthesis with Three Native Conifers

Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 132 Lanhei Road, Kunming 650201, China
Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 132 Lanhei Road, Kunming 650201, China
Department of Crop and Forest Science, University of Lleida, Av. Alcalde Rovira Roure, 191, 25198 Lleida, Spain
College of Resource and Environment, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Diversity 2022, 14(10), 837;
Submission received: 2 August 2022 / Revised: 29 September 2022 / Accepted: 29 September 2022 / Published: 5 October 2022
(This article belongs to the Topic Fungal Diversity)


A new Choiromyces species was discovered at local wild mushroom markets in Songpan County, Sichuan, southwest China where it has been considered as a Chinese white truffle. Based on both morphological and phylogenetic analyses, the collection was described as Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov. This study confirms the occurrence of members of Choiromyces in China. In addition, the mycorrhizal synthesis via spore inoculation between C. sichuanensis and Pinus armandii or two Picea species of Pi. likiangensis and Pi. crassifolia was attempted in a greenhouse. Both morphoanatomical and molecular analyses evidenced well-developed mycorrhization between C. sichuanensis and P. armandii, but not in Picea seedlings. Our current study provides data about the species diversity and mycorrhizal research of this genus for further studies. In addition, a successful mycorrhization between C. sichuanensis and selected tree species, irrespective of Pinus genus or other plant species, would broaden the set of species for a successful mycorrhization in greenhouse conditions and potential outplanting for cultivation purposes.

1. Introduction

The genus Choiromyces Vittad. (Tuberaceae, Pezizales, Ascomycotina) with C. meandriformis Vittad. as the type species was first described in 1831 [1]. Although Choiromyces is widely distributed in Asia, Europe, and North America [2,3,4,5], the species diversity of Choiromyces is low and only eight species have been categorized (C. alveolatus, C. cerebriformis, C. cookei, C. ellipsosporus, C. helanshanensis, C. meandriformis, C. tetrasporus and C. venosus) [2,3,4,5,6,7]. Among them, C. venosus is commonly considered conspecific with C. meandriformis [4,8], while C. cerebriformis and C. helanshanensis are sporadically reported from China [4,5].
Choiromyces venosus has been a delicacy in Northern Europe [9]. It is hypogeous, subglobose, or irregular, whitish in color, has a fragrant ascomata, and is solid gleba, which is often mistaken for a species of the genus Tuber. For example, C. meandriformis was once sold as T. magnatum Picco. as a highly prized mushroom in the European markets [3]. Interestingly, a similar situation also occurred in 2020 in the local fresh mushroom markets of Sonpan county, Sichuan, southwest China where “white truffle-like” mushrooms were sold as Chinese white truffles (Tuber panzhihuanense Deng, X.J. & Wang, Y.) at a comparatively high price of $80−100 USD kg−1. Our morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses showed that these market collections belonged to a new species that had not been previously classified.
By enquiring local collectors and identifying plant leaves on the fruiting bodies, we assumed that those mushroom samples grow under a Picea dominated forest at altitude of ~2000 m. Choiromyces species has been described to be able to establish ectomycorrhizal associations in the field with Rosaceae (Dryas), Salicaceae (Salix), and Pinaceae (Abies, Picea, Pinus) and thus play an important ecological role in these forest ecosystems [4,5,10]. However, no information is available on how such an ectomycorrhization could be constructed under laboratory environments. In this study, using spores of C. sichuanensis sp. nov., we artificially examined their mycorrhizal symbiosis of three selected tree species including Pinus armandii Franch, an economically planted tree species that is also widely and naturally distributed at high altitude in southwest China [11] and two other important afforestation tree species, Picea likiangensis (Franch.) Pritz. and Pi. crassifolia Kom., which have wide distributions in southwest China and northwest China, respectively. Herein, we described these collections as Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov., and its relationships with other Choiromyces species were discussed. Additionally, a successful mycorrhizal synthesis between C. sichuanensis and selected tree species, irrespective of Pinus genus or other plant species, would broaden the set of species for a successful mycorrhization in greenhouse conditions and develop an effective pathway for cultivation purposes.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Morphological Studies of Ascomata

Fresh specimens were purchased from markets in Songpan County, Tibetan Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Ngawa, Sichuan, China. Morphological examinations were performed for three Choiromyces specimens, comprising 14 ascomata, which are from three different collection sites. Gross morphology was described based on the fresh ascomata, and microscopic examination was later conducted using dry material according to Yang and Zhang [12]. Hand-cut sections were mounted in a 5% (w/v) KOH solution and examined under a light microscope (Leica DM2500, Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) to observe and record morphology of the ascospores, dermatocystidia, and peridium. For the evaluation of the range of ascus and spore size, 30 asci and 80 ascospores were totally measured based on three samples from three different sites. The spores were also scanned by electron microscopy to observe the surface decoration and record spines’ length. For the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation, spores were scraped from the dried gleba onto double-sided tape and then directly mounted on a SEM stub, coated with gold-palladium, examined, and photographed using a JSM-5600LV SEM (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). Specimens were deposited at Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, Yunnan, China.

2.2. Mycorrhizal Synthesis with Plants

Seeds of Pinus armandii were purchased from the Ciba market, Kunming, Yunnan. Seeds of Picea likiangensis (No. 16CS14028) and Pi. crassifolia (No. LiuJQ-09XZ-LZT-125) were obtained from the Southwest Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In June 2021, 30% hydrogen peroxide was used for surface sterilization of seeds for 10 min and then rinsed thoroughly in distilled water. Seeds of all three species were germinated on a sterilized mixture of perlite and peat (1:1, V:V), which was autoclaved at 121 °C for one hour. Substrate for inoculation was composed of vermiculite: peat: perlite (3:2:1, V:V:V) [13]. Before inoculation, one ascomata was sliced, air dried (average room temperature was 12 °C), and stored at −40 °C. Three-month-old seedlings (September 2021) were rinsed with tap water to remove remaining substrate, and roots were kept moistened until inoculation. Dry slices of ascomata were soaked in distilled water for 24 h at 4 °C and then homogenized with a blender. Spore concentration was measured with a hemacytometer. Five seedlings of each tree species were inoculated with C. sichuanensis spore slurry. Each seedling received 8.0 × 106 spores. Spore slurry was applied in the upper third of the seedling’s root system. Five seedlings of each non-C. sichuanensis inoculated control tree species received 10 mL of distilled water. Seedlings were kept in 420 mL square plastic containers (“olive pots”, Daltons Ltd., Christchurch, New Zealand) and grown in a greenhouse on the Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) campus for six months (September 2021 to March 2022). Growth conditions were natural day-length (10–12 h), average temperature in the day was 14–22 °C. The containers with or without C. sichuanensis inoculation were grown in groups, rather than a randomized arrangement. Each group consisted of a given Pinus/Picea species inoculated or not with C. sichuanensis: 10 seedlings distributed in two rows (one inoculated, one uninoculated) of five seedlings. Seedlings were watered with tap water three times a week to maintain moisture around 50–80%.

2.3. Morphological Observations of Ectomycorrhizae (ECM)

Each seedling was carefully removed from the container to identify the macro-morphological and anatomical characters of C. sichuanensis ECM using a stereomicroscope (Leica S8AP0, Leica Microsytems, Wetzlar, Germany) and a compound light microscope (Leica DM2500, Leica Microsytems, Wetzlar, Germany) following the methods of Agerer [14] and Munsell Color Chart (1994 revised edition). Photographs were captured using the Leica Application Suite. Cross- and longitudinal-sections were made by a freezing microtome (Leica CM3050S) and observed under a compound light microscope (Leica DM2500) for characterization [15,16]. ECM colonization was calculated as the number of ECM roots divided by the total number of root tips, which include ECM root tips and non-ECM root tips [17]. Number of root tips were estimated using WINRHIZO (Regent Instruments Canada Inc., Quebec, QC, Canada).

2.4. Phylogenetic Analyses

Total DNA was extracted from pieces of dried ascomata using a modified CTAB procedure [18]. Genomic DNA of 10 pooled mycorrhizal tips displaying morphology characteristic of C. sichuanensis from each inoculated seedling and 10 pooled root tips from each non-inoculated seedling were extracted using Aidlab™ kit (Beijing, China). The ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was amplified using primers ITS1F and ITS4 [18,19]. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were performed using the following procedure: 25 µL of PCR reaction solution contained 1 μL DNA, 1 μL (5 μM) of each primer, 2.5 μL 10 × buffer (Mg2+ dNTP (1 mM), 0.5 μL BSA (0.1%), 0.5 μL MgCl2, 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Takara Taq, Takara Biotechnology, Dalian, China). PCR reactions were run as follows: 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, 52 °C for 1 min, and 72 °C for 1 min, followed by a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR products were sent to Tsingke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China) for sequencing.
We have obtained three sequences from ascocarps, 1 from ectomycorrhiza, and the rest of the 52 sequences used for phylogenetic analysis (Table 1) were retrieved from the GenBank ( Dingleya sp. (JF300131, HM485334, JQ925627 and JQ925628) were selected as the outgroup (Table 1) [4,5]. Dataset was aligned using MAFFT v.7.0 [20] applying the L–INS–I strategy and then manually edited with BioEdit v.7.0.9 as needed [21] for deleting the bases in the beginning and end of the matrix that do not belong to the ITS interval. The phylogenetic relationships of taxa were inferred using maximum likelihood (ML) [22] and Bayesian inference (BI) [23].

3. Results

3.1. Taxonomy

Choiromyces sichuanensis Wan, S.P., Wang, R. & Yu, F.Q., sp. nov. (Figure 1).
MycoBank no.: MB843523
Type: CHINA, Sichuan Province, in humic soil under Picea asperata M ast. forest, 29 October 2020, wsp971 (Holotype, YNAU003, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = MW380902).
Etymology: sichuanensis, referring to the location of the type collection.
Description: The ascomata was 2–9 cm in diam, hypogeous, subglobose, or tuberiform, knobby with deep lobes, surface smooth, white, pale yellow to reddish-brown with dark gullies when fresh (Figure 1a), then becoming brown when dry. The peridium was 37–567 µm thick, not clearly differentiated, composed of light brown (outer) or hyaline (inner) hyphae, 0.7–10.0 μm at septa in diam (Figure 1b,c). The gleba was solid, milky white, slightly brown and marbled with white veins, of interwoven thin-walled hyphae, and an odor that was strong, pleasant. The asci hyaline, clavate to saccate, were eight-spored, (35.0–)50.0–88.0(–103.5) × (31.0–)34.0–65.0(–67.0) μm (N = 30). The ascospores were spherical, pale yellow-brown at maturity, (16.7–)17.0–21.4(–24.6) μm in diam (N = 80), irregularly covered with curved blunt spines up to 4 μm (Figure 1d–f).
Habitat and distribution: The specimens were found and collected from a humus soil under a Picea sp. forest in October. Additional specimens examined: CHINA, Sichuan Province: Picea sp., 29 October 2020, wsp 971-1 (YNAU0022, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OM417587); wsp 971-2 (YNAU004, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OK585070).
Remarks: Choiromyces sichuanensis is characterized by hypogeous, glabrous, white, pale yellow or brown, irregularly knobby, much lobed ascomata, and globose spores ornamented with conspicuous, straight, or slightly curved blunt spines. In fact, C. sichuanensis can easily be distinguished from the other two phylogenetically related Chinese Choiromyces species based on the ascosporal ornamentation with long blunt spines (up to 4 μm) whereas spines’ height was <3 μm in Chinese C. helanshanensis (2.0–2.5 μm), C. cerebriformis (2.0–3.0 μm), and southern African C. echinulatus (<2 μm) [4,5,25]. In addition, the spores of C. meandriformis are ornamented with free and “hollow” rods with truncated tips (with apical depressions) [3]. Choiromyces venosus is commonly considered conspecific with C. meandriformis [4]. Additionally, spores’ ornamentation of C. magnusii looks pitted to verrucose-reticulated with a minutely meshed reticulum, and spores of the American species of C. alveolatus are ornamented small pores, which are clearly different from those of C. sichuanensis [3]. Additionally, this species shares similar characteristics with Tuber panzhihuanense, namely the size of ascocarps, color, an irregularly knobbed ascomata, and whitish gleba with sinuous veins when young. However, C. sichuanensis differs from T. panzhihuanense and any other white Tuber species in its globose spores ornamented with conspicuous spines.

3.2. Description of Ectomycorrhizae Choiromyces sichuanensis Wan, S.P., Wang, R. & Yu, F.Q. + Pinus armandii Franch (Figure 2)

After inoculation in the greenhouse for six months (September 2021 to March 2022), ECM was formed between C. sichuanensis and all inoculated P. armandii seedlings (Figure 2a–c). ECM colonization (%) was 82.86 (±2.04). No ECM was detected in any of Picea or control seedlings.
Figure 2. (a) Six-month-old Pinus armandii seedlings inoculated with Choiromyces sichuanensis in pots. (b,c) Ectomycorrhizal tips after six-month inoculation (bars = 1 mm). (d) Detail of the surface showing sparse emanating hyphae (bars = 1 mm). (e) Septate and see-through hyphae emanating and rhizomorphs from the outer mantle layer (bar = 20 µm). (f) Plan view of the inner mantle (bar = 20 µm). (g,h) Cross-section showing the mantle (M), cortical cells (CC), and Hartig net (HN) (bar = 20 µm). (i) Tangential section showing Hartig net (HN) (bar = 20 µm). (j) Plan view of the outer mantle showing irregular tree branch–like pattern (bar = 10 μm).
Figure 2. (a) Six-month-old Pinus armandii seedlings inoculated with Choiromyces sichuanensis in pots. (b,c) Ectomycorrhizal tips after six-month inoculation (bars = 1 mm). (d) Detail of the surface showing sparse emanating hyphae (bars = 1 mm). (e) Septate and see-through hyphae emanating and rhizomorphs from the outer mantle layer (bar = 20 µm). (f) Plan view of the inner mantle (bar = 20 µm). (g,h) Cross-section showing the mantle (M), cortical cells (CC), and Hartig net (HN) (bar = 20 µm). (i) Tangential section showing Hartig net (HN) (bar = 20 µm). (j) Plan view of the outer mantle showing irregular tree branch–like pattern (bar = 10 μm).
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ECM systems were 2.5–4.3 mm long and 1.5–5.6 mm wide (Figure 2b,c), monopodial or dichotomously branched and complex, with a coralloid, main axis 0.3–0.4 mm wide, branches 2.4–6.0 mm long and 0.3–0.5 mm wide, straight to slightly sinuous, and yellowish-brown ochre. Mantles were smooth or slightly woolly (Figure 2d); emanating hyphae were long, with sample or branched, septate, rounded tips, up to 3.0–4.8 μm diam at the base and were frequent on young ECM, rhizomorphs occurrence (Figure 2e). Whole mycorrhiza discoloring was darker with age; the was mantle distinct, not transparent; cortical cells were not visible.
Cross-section: The mantle was 18–45 μm thick, with 4–9 layers of hypha cells (Figure 2g,h). The outer mantle layer (Figure 2j) was pseudoparenchymatous or a transitional type between plectenchymatous to pseudoparenchymatous in plan views (close to type H), partially Hartig net-lik with some of them cut in a cross-section view, thin-walled, and smooth. The inner mantle layer (Figure 2f) was plectenchymatous with a net-like arrangement of hyphal bundles (mantle type A), partially Hartig net-like with often thin-walled. Hartig net palmetto type had single hyphal rows (Figure 2h). Longitudinal section: The mantle was disposed in a plectenchymatous arrangement; hyphae was disposed in parallel and was flat-lying, compact in the inner layer, compact in the outer mantle, with tannin cells cylindrical, cortical cells rectangular to rounded, and hyphae between cortical cells cylindrical (Figure 2i).
The ECM of other fungal species were not detected in any of the inoculated or control seedlings.

3.3. Phylogenetic Analyses

The final ITS alignment included 56 sequences (Table 1), which contained 665 aligned sites. The Bayesian analysis yielded similar trees as the parsimony analysis; thus, only the phylogenetic tree established from the parsimony analysis was presented (Figure 3). All analyzed Choiromyces species formed a monophyletic group with 100% bootstrap support. Three Choiromyces specimens and one Choiromyces mycorrhiza from this study were independently clustered as a well-supported subclade (PP = 1.0, BP = 100) and were clearly distinct from the known C. helanshanensis and C. cerebriformis.

4. Discussion

Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequences indicated that there are nine species of C. cerebriformis, C. helanshanensis, C. sichuanensis, Choiromyces sp. 1, C. alveolatus, Choiromyces sp. 2, C. meandriformis, C. venosus, and C. magnusii within the genus Choiromyces. C. cookei, C. ellipsosporus. Among them, C. venosus is commonly considered conspecific with C. meandriformis [4,8], and we unified the above viewpoint through the phylogenetic analysis results of this study (Figure 3). Among the above species, the Choiromyces Chinese specimens formed an independent clade (Figure 3) with high Bayesian posterior probability and were easily distinguishable from other European and American species. Meanwhile, DNA analyses revealed less than 95% ITS sequence similarity between C. sichuanensis, C. cerebriformis, and C. helanshanensis. Most species of fungi show 1–3% intraspecific and >3% interspecific distance between ITS sequences [31]. Thus, the molecular results confirmed that C. sichuanensis was well distinguished from C. cerebriformis and C. helanshanensis. Moreover, morphologically, ascosporal ornamentation in C. sichuanensis had longer blunt spine than that in two other Chinese Choiromyces species. Therefore, these morphological and molecular results provided strong support for C. sichuanensis as a new species (100% and 98% PP). In China, little is known about hypogeous fungi other than the genus Tuber. However, the abundance and diversity of Tuber species in southwest China indicate a potential biodiversity of other hypogeous fungi in this region. In this study, we confirmed an independent species within the genus Choiromyces and provided fundamental data about the diversity of species for future studies.
The ECM between C. sichuanensis and P. armandii was well developed, while no such ECM formation was observed on Picea roots. Both morphological descriptions and molecular identification fully confirmed the real identities of mycorrhization between C. sichuanensis and P. armandii as the ITS sequences of the synthesized mycorrhizae were identical to the original ascomata used for inoculation. Although C. sichuanensis was sold as Chinese white truffle, the ectomycorrhizal morphological characteristics are different with Tuber panzhihuanense which has typical needle-shaped cystidia and pseudoparenchymatous mantles [32]. This result is the first report on the synthesized mycorrhizae between pine plants with a commercial pig truffle of C. sichuanensis. Both morphological and molecular evidence in this study could provide reliable references for future studies of other Choiromyces species. In contrast, we had not observed ECM formation either from Picea likiangensis or Pi. crassifolia, although C. sichuanensis samples might come from a Picea dominated forest, which has to be confirmed in nature. Mycorrhizal synthesis in this study was carried out in September 2021 to March 2022 in greenhouse with natural light and a minimal midday temperature of 10 °C in winter months. Low soil temperatures have been shown to inhibit shoot, leaf, and root growth and water uptake [33,34,35]. Lahti et al. [36] studied the effects of soil temperature on Norway spruce seedlings’ root growth. The results showed that the root growth of Norway spruce was significantly lower at 9 °C compared with the other treatments. In our study, a kind of winter dormancy of Picea might inhibit root growth, and then affect the formation of mycorrhiza. Therefore, further studies are required to better understand the relationships between C. sichuanensis and Picea or other ecotomycorrhizal tree species. The expected results could provide management strategies for developing mushroom cultivation under planted and natural forests.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, F.Y.; methodology, R.W. and S.W.; software, R.W. and S.W.; validation, R.W., S.W. and F.Y; formal analysis, R.W. and S.W.; investigation, S.W.; resources, J.Y.; data curation, R.W. and S.W.; writing—original draft preparation, R.W. and S.W.; writing—review and editing, F.Y.; visualization, R.W. and S.W.; supervision, F.Y.; project administration, S.W.; funding acquisition, S.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work is supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (for Shanping Wan; grant number: 32060008) and Basic Research Program of Yunnan (for Shanping Wan; grant number: 202201AT070268).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


We are grateful to Xinhua He for constructive comments that improved the quality of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as potential conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Choiromyces sichuanensis (YNAU003, Type): (a) ascoma; (b) dermatocystidia; (c) peridium section; (d,e) light micrograph (LM) of ascospores; (f) SEM image of an ascospore.
Figure 1. Choiromyces sichuanensis (YNAU003, Type): (a) ascoma; (b) dermatocystidia; (c) peridium section; (d,e) light micrograph (LM) of ascospores; (f) SEM image of an ascospore.
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Figure 3. RAxML tree based on ITS sequences of Choiromyces sichuanensis and related species. Bootstrap (BS) values derived from maximum likelihood (ML) analysis (≥70%) and posterior probabilities (PPs) from Bayesian inference (≥0.90) are shown above or beneath the branches at nodes. New sequences are in colored bold font.
Figure 3. RAxML tree based on ITS sequences of Choiromyces sichuanensis and related species. Bootstrap (BS) values derived from maximum likelihood (ML) analysis (≥70%) and posterior probabilities (PPs) from Bayesian inference (≥0.90) are shown above or beneath the branches at nodes. New sequences are in colored bold font.
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Table 1. Species name, voucher, origin, ITS, and references for sequences.
Table 1. Species name, voucher, origin, ITS, and references for sequences.
Species NameVoucherOriginITSReferences
Choiromyces alveolatus (Harkn.) TrappeMES97USAHM485332Bonito et al. [24]
C. alveolatusTrappe 17497USAEU669384Unpublished
C. alveolatus22830IsraelAF501258Ferdman et al. [25]
C. alveolatusHS2886USAHM485333Bonito et al. [24]
C. cerebriformis Yuan, T.J., Li, S.H. & Wang, Y.YAAS 8890 HolotypeDiqing, ChinaMW209701Yuan et al. [5]
C. cerebriformisYAAS TJ16-2Yunnan, ChinaMT672014Yuan et al. [5]
C. cerebriformisYAAS TJ16-1Yunnan, ChinaMT672013Yuan et al. [5]
C. helanshanensis Juan Chen & P.G. LiuYAAS L3063ChinaMT672012Yuan et al. [5]
C. helanshanensisYAAS L3062ChinaMT672011Yuan et al. [5]
C. helanshanensisYAAS L3051ChinaMT672010Yuan et al. [5]
C. helanshanensisHKAS 80639Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019351Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS 80647Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019350Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80631Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019349Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80642Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019348Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80646Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019347Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80634 HolotypeInner Mongolia, ChinaKP019346Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80645Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019345Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80638Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019344Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHKAS80636Inner Mongolia, ChinaKP019343Chen et al. [4]
C. helanshanensisHMAS83766Heilongjiang, ChinaKU531609Unpublished
C. helanshanensisHKAS80641Inner Mongolia, ChinaKU531606Unpublished
C. magnusii (Mattir.) Paol.AH11894SpainJF300144Moreno et al. [3]
C. magnusiiAH19770SpainJF300143Moreno et al. [3]
C. meandriformis Vittad.K(M):171388United KingdomMZ159438Unpublished
C. meandriformisK(M)53644EnglandEU784185Brock et al. [26]
C. meandriformisK(M)135393EnglandEU784184Brock et al. [26]
C. sichuanensis Wan, S.P., Wang, R. & Yu, F.Q. YNAU003 HolotypeSichuan, ChinaMW380902This study
C. sichuanensisYNAU004Sichuan, ChinaOK585070This study
C. sichuanensisYNAU0022Sichuan, ChinaOM417587This study
C. sichuanensis Wan, S.P., Wang, R. & Yu, F.Q. + Pinus armandii Franch Synthesized ECM of Pinus armandiiSichuan, ChinaON113253This study
C. venosus (Fr.) Th. Fr.AH38904RomaniaJF300147Moreno et al. [3]
C. venosusAH38915ItalyJF300146Moreno et al. [3]
C. venosusAH38935UKJF300145Moreno et al. [3]
Choiromyces sp.AR1291CanadaJX630965Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.AR1293CanadaJX630960Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.AR1647CanadaJX630948Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.HV_D3_8USAJX630713Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.PP_S3_3_287_1CanadaJX630610Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.FB_D3_5_188_1USAJX630491Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.FB_D3_1_184a_4USAJX630489Timling et al. [27]
Choiromyces sp.JLF1765USAMH220314Unpublished
Choiromyces sp.58-351USAMH038084Hart et al. [28]
Uncultured ChoiromycesNX1-4299Ningxia, ChinaLC622741Unpublished
Uncultured ChoiromycesNX2-148Ningxia, ChinaLC623368Unpublished
Uncultured Choiromycest24Xinjiang, ChinaMF142389Unpublished
Uncultured ChoiromycesNX1-4464Ningxia, ChinaLC622777Unpublished
Uncultured ChoiromycesNX1-4377Ningxia, ChinaLC622757Unpublished
Uncultured ChoiromycesNX1-4472Ningxia, ChinaLC622778Unpublished
Uncultured ChoiromycesNX2-137Ningxia, ChinaLC623365Unpublished
Uncultured Choiromyces3232A6USAKF617408Taylor et al. [29]
Uncultured ChoiromycesAR699CanadaJX630936Timling et al. [27]
Uncultured ChoiromycesTK21_OTU183USAEF434127Taylor et al. [29]
Dingleya sp.JT31036AustraliaJQ925628Bonito et al. [30]
Dingleya sp.JT31575AustraliaHM485334Bonito et al. [24]
Dingleya sp.JT27686AustraliaJQ925627Bonito et al. [30]
Dingleya sp.AH37860AustraliaJF300131Moreno et al. [3]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wang, R.; Wan, S.; Yang, J.; Yu, F. Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov., a New Species from Southwest China, and Its Mycorrhizal Synthesis with Three Native Conifers. Diversity 2022, 14, 837.

AMA Style

Wang R, Wan S, Yang J, Yu F. Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov., a New Species from Southwest China, and Its Mycorrhizal Synthesis with Three Native Conifers. Diversity. 2022; 14(10):837.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wang, Ran, Shanping Wan, Juan Yang, and Fuqiang Yu. 2022. "Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov., a New Species from Southwest China, and Its Mycorrhizal Synthesis with Three Native Conifers" Diversity 14, no. 10: 837.

APA Style

Wang, R., Wan, S., Yang, J., & Yu, F. (2022). Choiromyces sichuanensis sp. nov., a New Species from Southwest China, and Its Mycorrhizal Synthesis with Three Native Conifers. Diversity, 14(10), 837.

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