Does Protection Really Matter? A Case Study from Central European Oak Forests
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subject of Research
2.2. Data Collection
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- Amelanchier spicata
- Conyza canadensis
- Impatiens parviflora
- Padus serotina
- Pseudotsuga taxifolia
- Quercus rubra
- Robinia pseudacacia
- Fallopia convolvulus
- Solanum luteum
- Vicia hirsuta
- Viola arvensis
- Cotoneaster horizontalis
- Malus domestica
- Sorbus intermedia
- Larix decidua
- Aegopodium podagraria
- Agropyron repens
- Alliaria petiolata
- Allium oleraceum
- Anthriscus sylvestris
- Arenaria serpyllifolia
- Calamagrostis epigejos
- Chaerophyllum aromaticum
- Chamaenerion angustifolium
- Dactylis glomerata
- Galeopsis tetrahit
- Galium aparine
- Geranium robertianum
- Geum urbanum
- Holcus lanatus
- Hypochoeris radicata
- Rubus caesius
- Sambucus nigra
- Sarothamnus scoparius
- Senecio jacobaea
- Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia
- Torilis japonica
- Urtica dioica
- Verbascum nigrum
- Vicia cracca.
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- | ρ |
Duration and Type of Protection | - |
Duration of protection (0–58 years) | 0.072 n.s. |
Nature Reserves | 0.060 n.s. |
N2000 sites | 0.004 n.s. |
Landscape Parks | −0.102 n.s. |
Unprotected areas | 0.098 n.s. |
Bedrock | - |
Ultrabasic | 0.352 *** |
Acidic | −0.145 * |
Basic | −0.113 * |
Topography | - |
HL index | −0.145 *. |
Aspect | 0.017 n.s. |
Slope [o] | 0.002 n.s. |
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Reczyńska, K.; Świerkosz, K. Does Protection Really Matter? A Case Study from Central European Oak Forests. Diversity 2020, 12, 6.
Reczyńska K, Świerkosz K. Does Protection Really Matter? A Case Study from Central European Oak Forests. Diversity. 2020; 12(1):6.
Chicago/Turabian StyleReczyńska, Kamila, and Krzysztof Świerkosz. 2020. "Does Protection Really Matter? A Case Study from Central European Oak Forests" Diversity 12, no. 1: 6.
APA StyleReczyńska, K., & Świerkosz, K. (2020). Does Protection Really Matter? A Case Study from Central European Oak Forests. Diversity, 12(1), 6.