Metabolic Pathways of the Warburg Effect in Health and Disease: Perspectives of Choice, Chain or Chance
:1. Introduction: What Is the Warburg Effect?
2. Paradoxes of Efficiency within Perpetual Pyruvate Pathways
3. The Need for NADPH and Diversified Carbon Sources
4. The Warburg Effect in Normal and Cancer Cells; Deriving the Choice, Chain or Chance Perspective
4.1. The Warburg Effect by Choice; an Adaptive Response to Oxygen and Nutrient Restrictions
4.2. The Warburg Effect Chained to Oncogenic Events
4.3. The Warburg Effect Evolved by Chance during Ageing
5. The Warburg Effect and Diabetogenesis
5.1. Lessons for T2DM from a Warburg Effect through Normal Cell Metabolic Choice
5.2. Lessons for T2DM from an Oncogenically Chained Warburg Effect
5.3. Lessons for T2DM from a Warburg Effect by Chance Whilst Ageing
6. Not Forgetting the Reverse and Inverse Warburg Hypothesis
7. New Light on Redox Metabolism Pathways in Extreme Conditions
8. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Burns, J.S.; Manda, G. Metabolic Pathways of the Warburg Effect in Health and Disease: Perspectives of Choice, Chain or Chance. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18, 2755.
Burns JS, Manda G. Metabolic Pathways of the Warburg Effect in Health and Disease: Perspectives of Choice, Chain or Chance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017; 18(12):2755.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBurns, Jorge S., and Gina Manda. 2017. "Metabolic Pathways of the Warburg Effect in Health and Disease: Perspectives of Choice, Chain or Chance" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18, no. 12: 2755.
APA StyleBurns, J. S., & Manda, G. (2017). Metabolic Pathways of the Warburg Effect in Health and Disease: Perspectives of Choice, Chain or Chance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(12), 2755.