Variational Bayesian Inference for Nonlinear Hawkes Process with Gaussian Process Self-Effects
:1. Introduction
2. Proposed Model
2.1. Classical Hawkes Process
2.2. Nonlinear Hawkes Process with Gaussian Process Self-Effects
Multivariate Model
3. Inference
3.1. Model Augmentation
3.2. Variational Inference
3.3. Optimal
3.4. Optimal
Algorithm 1: NH–GPS Variational Inference. |
Hyperparameters Tuning
3.5. Identifying the Background Rate and the Self-Effects Function
4. Related Work
5. Experiments
5.1. Synthetic Data
5.2. Real Data
5.2.1. Crime Report Data
5.2.2. Neuronal Activity Data
5.2.3. Multi-Neurons Data
6. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Gibbs Sampler
Appendix A.1. Conditional Distribution of the Upper Intensity Bound
Appendix A.2. Conditional Distribution of the Linear Intensity Function
Appendix A.3. Conditional Distribution of the PG Variables
Appendix A.4. Conditional Distribution of the Augmenting Events
Algorithm 2: NH–GPS Gibbs Sampler |
Appendix B. Hyperparameters Learning for the Gibbs Sampler
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Dataset | Zhou et al. (2020) [17] | NH–GPS |
Vancouver | ||
Dataset | MR–PP | NH–GPS |
Monkey Cortex | ||
Human Cortex |
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Malem-Shinitski, N.; Ojeda, C.; Opper, M. Variational Bayesian Inference for Nonlinear Hawkes Process with Gaussian Process Self-Effects. Entropy 2022, 24, 356.
Malem-Shinitski N, Ojeda C, Opper M. Variational Bayesian Inference for Nonlinear Hawkes Process with Gaussian Process Self-Effects. Entropy. 2022; 24(3):356.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMalem-Shinitski, Noa, César Ojeda, and Manfred Opper. 2022. "Variational Bayesian Inference for Nonlinear Hawkes Process with Gaussian Process Self-Effects" Entropy 24, no. 3: 356.
APA StyleMalem-Shinitski, N., Ojeda, C., & Opper, M. (2022). Variational Bayesian Inference for Nonlinear Hawkes Process with Gaussian Process Self-Effects. Entropy, 24(3), 356.