CEPS: An Open Access MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals
:1. Introduction
- To explore the literature on complexity and entropy measures for those suited to a MATLAB® GUI for users who may not be familiar with them and also not expert in computer programming methods.
- To investigate the ‘family trees’ of different complexity and entropy measures in order to better select existing codes for inclusion in CEPS.
- To create a GUI that would allow univariate analysis of single and multichannel (time) series data, specifically for—but not limited to—the data types resulting from our own research. CEPS should thus include some simple analytical methods and basic normality tests, as well as methods to calculate complexity and entropy measures, multiscale measures in particular.
- For CEPS to include some basic pre-processing steps and some ancillary methods for estimating embedding dimension and time delay parameters. Batch processing (import and export) should be possible, and different import and export formats catered for.
- As a central feature, for CEPS to include a ‘Test and Plot’ facility for experimentation with measure parameters prior to processing and exporting results. As a priority, to test CEPS with reference to results obtained using other packages, although this is not always a simple process, given the variety of parameter settings possible [7]. Where this is not feasible, to verify results in consultation with the originators of the different complexity and entropy measures implemented.
- Eventually, for CEPS to include a final ‘Classification’ section where results using different measures and methods can be compared, and a ‘plug-in’ facility to allow other researchers to add measures not already included in the list available.
- To include a ‘Primer’ with CEPS containing enough background information and references to enable those unfamiliar with the concepts of complexity and entropy to use the GUI and process their own data without too much of a ‘garbage in—garbage out’ result.
- To illustrate how CEPS may be applied in practice by using the GUI for analysing the effects of paced breathing (PB) on variability of ECG, PPG and RSP data in a small pilot study. In particular, to compare the relative performance of conventional linear (time- and frequency-domain) indices and the nonlinear measures provided in CEPS, as well as between the different complexity and entropy measures.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Literature Review
- (tool[Title] OR toolbox[Title] OR “graphic* user interface”[Title] OR Software[Title] OR program*[Title]) AND (signal*[Title] OR series[Title]). This resulted in 1190 papers for the period 2000–2020.
2.2. Creating CEPS
2.3. Paced Breathing Data
3. Results
3.1. Literature Review
3.1.1. Complexity and Entropy Measures of Potential Interest Located in PubMed
3.1.2. Researchers, Institutions, and Measures
- 1.
- For 1-dimensional data, H = 2–FD [89].
- 2.
- In certain situations, DFA α is directly related to fractal dimension D, with D = 2–α/2 [90].
- 3.
- For 1-dimensional data, H ≈ DFA α [91].
- 4.
- D2 is related theoretically to the Lyapunov exponents [92].
- 5.
- The LLE can be estimated from RQA [93].
- 6.
- See [94]
- 7.
- Pedro Bernaola-Galván, the main originator of the volatility method of assessing nonlinearity, has co-authored work on nonlinearity with Alberto Porta [95].
- 8.
- Paolo Castiglioni, whose code for mFmDFA is used in CEPS, has co-authored at least six papers with Alberto Porta.
- 9.
- Paolo Grigolini, the originator of Diffusion entropy, co-authored some papers on diffusion with Constantino Tsallis when both were at the University of North Texas [96].
- 10/11.
- SE, CE and DiffEn were all introduced by Shannon in his famous 1948 paper [97].
- 12.
- 13/14.
- 15.
- Both AF and DFA are methods of assess the fractal exponent α, the former particularly for point process data [101].
- 16.
- KSE can also be estimated from RQA [102].
- 17.
- See [103].
- 18.
- See [104].
- 19.
- See [105].
- 20.
- See [106].
3.1.3. Paced Breathing
3.2. A Brief Description of CEPS
3.2.1. Installation
3.2.2. Loading Data
3.2.3. Pre-Processing Data
3.2.4. Testing Parameters
3.2.5. Running the Pipeline
3.2.6. Processing Results
3.2.7. Classifying Results
3.2.8. System Requirements, License, Troubleshooting and Sample Data
3.3. Paced Breathing Data—Some Basic Analysis
3.3.1. Measures That Increased during Paced Breathing
3.3.2. Measures That Decreased during Paced Breathing
3.3.3. Conclusion of Paced Breathing Example Study
4. Discussion
4.1. Limitations
4.2. Advantages
5. Conclusions and Future Directions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AAPE | Amplitude-aware Permutation Entropy |
ACV 1-10 | Autocovariance, lags 1-10 |
AE | Average Entropy |
AE global | Average Entropy (global) |
AE local | Average Entropy (local) |
AF | Allan Factor |
ApEn | Approximate Entropy |
AR | Allan Ratio |
BBi | Inter-breath interval |
BE | Bubble Entropy |
BEDE | Balanced Estimation of Diffusion En |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
c… | Corrected |
cCE | Corrected Conditional Entropy |
CCM | Complex Correlation Measure |
CE | Conditional Entropy |
CI | Complexity Index |
CoSEn | Coefficient of Sample Entropy |
cRPE | Corrected Rényi permutation entropy |
D2 | Correlation Dimension |
DE | Dispersion Entropy |
DFA | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
DiffEn | Differential Entropy |
DistEn | Distribution Entropy |
DnEn | Diffusion Entropy |
DPE | Delayed Permutation Entropy |
E-MC | Entropy using Mo Chen’s algorithm |
EoDm | Entropy of Difference (order m) |
EoE global | Entropy of Entropy (global) |
EoE local | Entropy of Entropy (local) |
EPP | Extended Poincaré plot |
FD | Fractal Dimension |
FE | Fuzzy Entropy |
fSampEn | Fixed Sample Entropy |
H | Hurst Exponent |
HFD 12 | Higuchi’s fractal dimension lag k = 12 |
Hjorth A, M and M | Hjorth activity, motility and complexity parameters |
HR | Heart Rate |
HRA | Heart Rate Asymmetry |
HRV | Heart Rate Variability |
ImPE | Improved Multiscale |
Katz FD | Katz Fractal Dimension |
KLDm | Kullback-Leibler Divergence (order m) |
KSE | Kolmogorov(-Sinai) Entropy |
LF/HF | Ratio of low frequency to high frequency HRV power |
LLE | Largest Lyapunov Exponent |
LSampEn | Local Sample Entropy |
LZC | Lempel-Ziv Complexity |
m… | Multiscale |
M-E | Min-Entropy |
mF | Multifractal |
mFmDFA | Multifractal Multiscale Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
MSE | Multiscale Entropy |
PB | Paced Breathing |
PE | Permutation Entropy |
PhEn | Phase Entropy |
PM-E | Permutation Min-Entropy |
PP | Poincaré Plot |
PPG | Photoplethysmography |
PPi | Pulse-to-Pulse PPG interval |
QSE | Quadratic Sample Entropy |
RC | Refined Composite |
RCmDE | Refined Composite Multiscale Dispersion Entropy |
RCmFE | Refined Composite Multiscale Fuzzy Entropy |
RCMSEσ | Refined Composite Multiscale Sample Entropy based on SD (σ) |
RE | Rényi Entropy |
RMSSD | Root mean square of successive RRi |
RoCV | Robust Coefficient of Variation |
RQA | Recurrence Quantification Analysis |
RQA DET | RQA Determinism |
RQA LAM | RQA Laminarity |
RQA Lmax | RQA Length of longest (diagonal) line segment |
RQA TT | Recurrence Quantification Analysis Trapping time |
RRi | Intervals in time between successive R waves in the ECG |
RSP | Respiration |
SampEn | Sample Entropy |
SD1 10 | Standard Deviation along the minor axis of the Poincaré plot (lag k = 10) |
SD2 3 | Standard Deviation along the major axis of the PP (lag k = 3) |
SDNN | Standard Deviation of normal-to-normal ECG RR intervals (RRi) |
SDRR | Standard Deviation of all sinus beat RR intervals |
SE | Shannon Entropy |
SlopeEn | Slope Entropy |
SpEn | Spectral Entropy |
SymDyn | Symbolic Dynamics |
tbc | To be confirmed |
TE | Tsallis Entropy |
T-E | Tone-Entropy |
VLF | Very Low Frequency |
VM | Volatility Method |
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Measure | Abbreviated Name | Search Term |
Higuchi fractal dimension | HFD | Higuchi AND “fractal dimension” |
Katz fractal dimension | KFD | Katz AND “fractal dimension” |
Allan Factor | AF | “Allan Factor” |
Correlation dimension | D2 | “Correlation dimension” |
Hurst exponent | H | “Hurst exponent” |
Detrended fluctuation analysis | DFA | “Detrended fluctuation analysis” |
Largest Lyapunov exponent | LLE | Various 1 |
Recurrent quantification analysis | RQA | “Recurrent quantification analysis” |
Poincaré plot | PP | “Poincaré plot” NOT “return plot” |
Lempel-Ziv complexity | LZC | “Lempel-Ziv complexity” |
Measure | Abbreviated Name | SEARCH TERM |
Shannon entropy | SE | “Shannon entropy” |
Rényi entropy | RE | “Renyi entropy” |
Min-entropy | M-E | “Min-entropy” |
Tsallis entropy | TE | “Tsallis entropy” |
Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy | KSE | “Kolmogorov entropy” or “Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy” |
Permutation entropy | PE | “Permutation entropy” |
Conditional entropy/ Corrected conditional entropy | CE/ CCE | “Conditional entropy” |
Approximate entropy | ApEn | “Approximate entropy” |
Sample entropy | SampEn | “Sample entropy” |
Coefficient of Sample entropy | CosEn | “Coefficient of sample entropy” |
Quadratic Sample entropy | QSE | “Quadratic sample entropy” |
Multiscale entropy | MSE | “Multiscale entropy” |
Fuzzy entropy | FE | “Fuzzy entropy” |
Dispersion entropy | DE | “Dispersion entropy” |
Slope entropy | SlopeEn | “Slope entropy” |
Bubble entropy | BE | “Bubble entropy” |
Distribution entropy | DistEn | “Distribution entropy” |
Phase entropy | PhEn | “Phase entropy” |
Spectral entropy | SpEn | “Spectral entropy” |
Differential entropy | DiffEn | “Differential entropy” |
Diffusion entropy | DnEn | “Diffusion entropy” |
Symbolic Dynamics 1 | SymDyn | “Symbolic Dynamics” |
CEPS (149 Measures) | ||
Category | Measures | Counts |
Descriptive measures | e.g., Mean, SD, CV, RoCV | 12 |
Linear measures | e.g., Slope, Intercept, RoSlope, Skewness | 7 |
Time domain | e.g., RMSSD, Hjorth A, M and C | 5 |
Stationarity and c. | Auto-covariance (1-20), ACV | 21 |
Complexity measures | HFD (5-14), H, RQA, EPP (1-10), CCM (1-10), LZC, mLZC, (1-9) | 52 |
Shannon-based | SE, E-MC, AE, EoE, EoDm, KLDm, Tone | 7 |
Ordinal entropies | mPE (1-10), ImPE (1-10), mPM-E (1-10) | 30 |
Other entropies | RCmDE (1-10), DistEn, SlopeEn, BE, PhEn | 14 |
Kubios HRV (49 Measures) | ||
Category | Measures | Counts |
Time/Geometric domain | e.g., Mean HR, TINN, pNN50 | 11 |
Frequency domain | e.g., Welch and autoregressive peak Hz and band powers | 34 |
Complexity | Poincaré SD1, SD2, SD1/SD2 | 3 |
Other | Stress index | 1 |
(A) Measure [Packages] | (B) N PubMed (SCOPUS) Hits | (C) Date of First PubMed Paper | (D) First Paper Citations—GS (S) | (E) Peak Year in PubMed |
HFD [7,15,20,33,34,43] | 118 (458) | 1994 [44] | 28 (17) | 2019 |
KFD [15] | 27 (135) | 1994 [45] | 43 (0) | 2019 |
AF [22,33] | 18 (98) | 1996 [46] | 152 (113) | 2004–5 |
D2 [5,20,22,23,29,30,31,33,43,47] | 732 (3869) | 1986 [48] | 113 (70) | 2019 |
H [5,15,20,33,43] | 427 (3464) | 1992 [49] | 0 (2) | 2008 |
DFA [10,15,20,21,22,23,24,26,27,33,34,43,47,50,51,52] | 907 (3288) | 1995 [53] | 3850 (2619) | 2017 |
LLE [5,8,15,22,23,29,30,33,43] | 545 (2470) | 1986 [54] | 1081 (550) | 2019 |
RQA [10,13,20,22,23,30,33,43,50] | 386 (1201) | 1997 [55] | 154 (79) | 2019 |
PP [7,10,13,15,20,21,23,27,30,33,43,47,50,56,57,58,59,60,61] | 339 (870) | 1992 [62] | 472 (292) | 2018 |
LZC [14,15,20,31,33,34] | 201 (547) | 1993 [63] | 20 (16) | 2015 |
(A) Measure [Packages] | (B) N PubMed (SCOPUS) Hits | (C) Date of First PubMed Paper | (D) First Paper Citations—GS (S) | (E) Peak Year in PubMed |
SE [8,15,34,64] | 903 (6999) | 1988 [65] | 14 (11) | 2019 |
RE [20,33,60] | 138 (2704) | 2000 [66] | 64 (44) | 2017/19 |
M-E | 15 (500) | 2012 [67] | 172 (114) | 2015–17 |
TE [34] | 93 (1525) | 2001 [68] | 106 (89) | 2015 |
KSE | 129 (1121 a) | 1985 [69] | 201 (119) | 2000 |
PE [9,24] | 234 (1347) | 2002 [70] | 2927 (1977) | 2018 |
CE/CCE [9,15,20,33] | 166 d (1635) | 1998 [71] | 286 (209) | 2019 |
ApEn [9,13,15,20,22,23,24,28,31,33,43,62] | 1199 b (2605) | 1991 [72] | 5394 (3801) | 2013 |
SampEn [9,13,15,20,21,23,33,34,43] | 1033 (2691) | 2000 [73] | 5712 (4126) | 2018 |
CoSEn | 8 (15) | 2011 [74] | 243 (183) | 2018 |
QSE | 4 (11) | 2014 [75] | 13 (11) | n/a (all tied) |
fSampEn | 9 (13) | 2015 [76] | 10 (6) | 2018/20 |
MSE [13,24,28] | 402 (959) | 2002 [77] | 2526 c (1843) | 2018 |
FE [9,24] | 121 (2003) | 1998 [78] | 118 (58) | 2018 |
DE [24] | 9 d | 2016 [79] | 14 (11) | 2017–20 |
SlopeEn | 0 (3) | 2019 [80] | 1 (3) | n/a |
BE | 2 d | 2017 [81] | 42 (34) | n/a (both tied) |
DistEn [9,24] | 31 d | 2015 [82] | 129 (110) | 2019 |
PhEn [24] | 1 d | 2019 [83] | 5 (3) | 2019 |
SpEn [20,33,43] | 302 (1022) | 1991 [84] | 26 (18) | 2019 |
DiffEn | 72 (942) | 1970 [85] | 44 (21) | 2018 |
DnEn | 31 (117) | 2002 [86] | 50 (27) | 2016 |
SymDyn [15,20,24,33,34,87] | 329 (2383) | 1995 [88] | 79 (55) | 2015 |
Author | N Measures | N Papers | Earliest | Institution |
Maria Signorini | 17 | 31 | 1994 | Politecnico Milano |
U Rajendra Acharya | 16 | 53 | 2004 | Ngee Ann Polytechnic |
Roberto Hornero | 14 | 102 | 1999 | U Valladolid |
Xiaoli Li | 14 | 82 1 | 2005 | Beijing Normal U |
Alberto Fernández | 14 | 44 | 2006 | U Complutense, Madrid |
David Cuesta-Frau | 14 | 28 2 | 2007 | U Politècnica, València |
Alberto Porta | 13 | 74 | 1994 | U Brescia (now U Milano) |
Andreas Voss | 13 | 38 | 1991 | Institut für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung, Berlin (now U Applied Sciences, Jena) |
Jamie Sleigh | 13 | 37 | 1995 | Waikato U (now Waikato Hospital) |
Daniel Abásolo | 12 | 57 | 2005 | U Valladolid (now U Surrey) |
Javier Escudero | 12 | 52 | 2006 | U Valladolid (now U Edinburgh) |
Jesús Poza | 8 | 35 | 2005 | U Valladolid |
Marimuthu Palaniswami | 7 | 36 | 2001 | U Melbourne |
Ki Chon | 7 | 34 | 2001 | City U, NY (now U Connecticut) |
Jiann-Shing Shieh | 7 | 34 | 2009 | Yuan Ze U (now National Taiwan U Hospital) |
Nick Stergiou | 6 | 85 | 2003 | U Nebraska |
Men-Tzung Lo | 6 | 33 | 2010 | National Taiwan U Hospital (now National Central U, Chungli) |
Jack J Jiang | 6 | 29 | 2001 | U Wisconsin |
Heikki Huikuri | 5 | 49 | 1996 | U Oulu |
Timo Mäkikallio | 5 | 30 | 1996 | U Oulu |
Chandan Karmakar | 4 | 34 | 2007 | U Melbourne (now Deakin U) |
Steven Pincus | 3 | 74 | 1991 | Yale U (now Chapman U) |
Metin Akay | 3 | 35 | 1996 | Rutgers U (now U Houston) |
Chung-Kang Peng | 2 | 49 | 1992 | Boston U (now Harvard U) |
Chengyu Liu | 2 | 27 | 2011 | Shandong U (now Southeast U) |
Johannes Veldhuis | 1 | 170 | 1994 | U Virginia (now Mayo Clinic) |
Ferdinand Roelfsema | 1 | 60 | 1996 | Leiden U |
Ary Goldberger | 1 | 46 | 1991 | Beth Israel Hospital, Boston (now Harvard U) |
Ali Iranmanesh | 1 | 40 | 1996 | Salem Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Marijke Frölich | 1 | 28 | 1997 | Leiden U |
Yan Li | 1 | 27 1 | 2009? | U Southern Queensland |
Measure | Original Author/s | Provider | Source Code | Institution | Verification | O, A or D |
AAPE | Azami and Escudero 2016 [109] | DataShare | MATLAB | Edinburgh | Cuesta-Frau/D.M. | D |
AE | Hsu et al., 2019 [110] | Hsu * | MATLAB | Hsinchu | Hsu/D.M. | O |
AF | Allan 1966 [111] | Cornforth * | C++ | (Newcastle) | Cornforth/D.M. | O |
ApEn | Pincus et al., 1991 [72] | Monge | matlabcentral | (Valladolid) | Rohila [HRVAnalysis, Kubios] | O [D] |
BE | Manis et al., 2017 [82] | Manis * | python | Ioannina, Milan | Manis, Rohila, D.P. | O |
BEDE | Qi and Yang 2011 [112] | @ | n/a | Shanghai | n/a | |
CE/CCE | Porta et al., 1998 [71] | Monge | matlabcentral | Milan (Valladolid) | [HRVAnalysis] | D/O |
CCM | Karmakar et al., 2009 [113] | Cornforth * | C++ | Melbourne (Newcastle) | Cornforth/D.M. | A |
CI | Costa et al., 2008 [114] | D.P. (tbc) | MATLAB | (Hertfordshire) | Implementation in progress | T |
CoSEn | Lake and Moorman 2011 [115] | D.P. (tbc) | MATLAB | (Hertfordshire) | Implementation in progress | T |
D2 | Theiler 1987 [116] | Faranda and Vaiente [117] | MATLAB | (Paris-Saclay, Aix Marseille) | Verification in progress | [D] |
DE | Rostaghi and Azami 2016 [79] | DataShare | MATLAB | Edinburgh | PyBioS/tbc | T |
DFA | Peng et al., 1994 [118] | Magris (tbc) | MATLAB | Harvard | Castiglioni/HRVAnalysis | T |
DiffEn | Shi et al., 2013 [119] | D.P. (tbc) | MATLAB | (Hertfordshire) | Implementation in progress | T |
DnEn | Grigolini et al., 2001 [120] | @ | n/a | N Texas | n/a | |
DistEn | Li et al., 2015 [82] | Li * | MATLAB | Harvard | [PyBioS] | [A] |
DPE | Martínez-Rodrigo et al., 2019 [121] | @ | n/a | Castilla-La Mancha (xxx) | n/a | |
EoDm | Nardone 2014 [122] | Nardone * | mathematica | Bruxelles | Nardone/D.P. | O |
EoE | Hsu et al., 2017 [123] | Hsu * | MATLAB | Hsinchu | Hsu/D.M. | O |
EPP | Satti et al., 2019 [124] | Mani * | MATLAB | UCL | Mani [Kubios HRV, HRVAnalysis] | O [A] |
FD | Higuchi 1988 [125] | Monge | matlabcentral | (Valladolid) | Ibáñez-Molina [HRVAnalysis] | A [O] |
FE | Chen 2007 [126] | DataShare | MATLAB | Edinburgh | Rohila [PyBioS] | A [D] |
fSampEn | Sarlabous et al., 2014 [127] | Estrada | MATLAB | Barcelona | Estrada and Torres | O |
H | Hurst 1965 [128] | Davidson | matlabcentral | not known | [HRVAnalysis] | D |
HRA | Jelinek et al., 2011 [129] | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
ImPE | Azami and Escudero 2016 [130] | DataShare | MATLAB | Edinburgh | Verification in progress | T |
KSE | Grassberger and Procaccia 1983 [131] | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
LLE | Rosenstein et al., 1993 [132] | Kizilkaya | matlabcentral | n/a | [HRVAnalysis] | [D] |
LZC | Lempel and Ziv 1976 [133] | Thai | matlabcentral | Ibáñez-Molina | O (tbc) | |
mFmDFA | Castiglioni et al., 2019 [134] | Castiglioni * | MATLAB | Milan | Implementation in progress | T |
mLZC | Ibáñez-Molina et al., 2015 [135] | Ibáñez-Molina * | MATLAB | Jaén | Ibáñez-Molina | O (tbc) |
MSE | Costa et al., 2002 [77] | MATLAB | Harvard | Reinertsen/Da Poian/[PyBioS] | D | |
PE | Bandt and Pompe 2002 [70] | DataShare | MATLAB | (Edinburgh) | Rohila, Zunino [PyBioS] | O [D] |
PhEn | Rohila and Sharma 2019 [83] | Rohila * | MATLAB | (Roorkee) | Rohila [PyBioS] | O [A] |
PM-E | Zunino et al., 2015 [136] | Zunino * | MATLAB | La Plata | Zunino | O |
QSE | Lake 2011 [74] | D.P. (tbc) | MATLAB | (Hertfordshire) | Implementation in progress | T |
RE | Rényi 1961 [137] | Mathworks | matlabcentral | (Shanghai) | Verification in progress | T |
RQA | Zbilut et al., 2002 [138] | Mathworks | matlabcentral | [Kubios HRV] | [D] | |
SampEn | Azami and Escudero 2016 [139] | DataShare | MATLAB | Edinburgh | Rohila [Kubios HRV, PyBioS] | O [pD 1] |
SE | Shannon 1948 [97] | Mathworks | matlabcentral | various | [HRVAnalysis] | [O 2] |
SlopeEn | Cuesta-Frau 2019 [80] | Cuesta-Frau * | MATLAB | Valencia | Cuesta-Frau/D.M. | O |
SpEn | Inouye et al., 1991 [84] | tbc | Implementation in progress | T | ||
SymDyn | Voss et al., 1995 [88] | tbc | tbc | tbc | Not yet implemented | |
TE | Tsallis 1988 [140] | Guan | matlabcentral | (Shanghai) | Verification in progress | T |
T-E | Oida et al., 1997 [141] | Karmakar | MATLAB | Kyoto | Karmakar/D.P. | O |
VM | Bernaola-Galván et al., 2017 [40] | Bernaola-Galván * | Fortran, MATLAB | Málaga | Implementation in progress | T |
Measure | A: d and/or c | B: s, m and/or l | C: Noise | D: Filtered | E: Sampling | F: s/ns, l/nl |
AAPE | d, c 1 | Ts, m, Tl | T | T | T | s, ns, l, nl |
AE | d, Tc | s, m, Tl | y | T | y | Tns, nl |
AF | d | l | T | T | T | s, Tnl |
ApEn | d, c | l | y | y, a | y | s, nl |
BE | d, c | s, m, l | n | T | T | Tns, nl |
CE/CCE | d, c | Ts, m, Tl | y | a | y | s, nl |
CCM | d | Ts, m, Tl | y | T | y | s, ns, l, nl |
CI | d, c | l | y | T | y | s, nl |
CosEn | d, c | s | y | a | y | s, nl |
D2 | d, c | l | y | y, T | y | s, nl |
DE | Td, c | Ts, m, l | y | T | y | ns, nl |
DFA | d, c | s, m, Tl | T | a | y | ns, nl |
DiffEn | Td, c | m, l | T | y | T | s, Tns, l, Tnl |
DnEn | d, c | l | T | T | T | s, nl |
DistEn | d, c | s, m, Tl | T | T | y | ns, nl |
EoDm | d, c | T | T | T | T | T |
EoE | d, Tc | s, m, Tl | y | T | y | Tns, nl |
EPP | d, c 1 | s, m, l | T | y, a | y | s, ns, l, nl |
FD | d, c | s, m, l | n | y, a | T | ns, nl |
FE | d, c | s, m | n | T | T | ns, nl |
fSampEn | d, c | m, Tl | T | y | y | s, nl |
H | d, c | Ts, m, l | T | y, T | y | s, nl |
IMPE | d, c 1 | s, m, Tl | n | T | T | ns, nl |
KSE * | Td, c | Ts, Tm, l | y | T | y | s, nl |
LLE | d, c | m, l | y | y, a | y | s, nl |
LSampEn * | d | s | n | T | T | s, nl |
LZC | d, c | s, m, l | n | a | T | ns, nl |
mFmDFA | d, c | s, m, l | T | y, a | T | ns, nl |
mLZC | Td, c | s, m, Tl | T 2 | T | T | ns, nl |
MSE | d, c | m, Tl | y | y, a | y | s, nl |
PE | d, c 1 | s, m, l | n | y, T | n | ns, nl |
PhEn | d, c | s, m, l | n 3 | T | y | ns, nl |
PM-E | d, c 1 | s, m, l | n | T | T | ns, nl |
QSE | d, c | s | y | y | y | s, nl |
RCmDE | Td, c | s, m, l | n | y | y | ns, nl |
RCmFE σ | Td, c | s, m, l | T | T | T | ns, nl |
RCmSE σ | d, c | Tm, l | T | T | T | Tns, nl |
RE | d | Ts, m, Tl | T | T | T | ns, nl |
RQA | d, c | s, m, Tl | n | y, a | y | ns, nl |
SampEn | d, c | m, Tl | y | y, a | y | s, nl |
SE | d | s, m, l | y | T | T | s, nl |
SlopeEn | d | s, m, l | n | y | T | ns, nl |
SpEn | d, c | s, m, Tl | y | y | y | s, l |
SymDyn | d, c | Ts, m, l | T | T | T | ns, nl |
TE | d | Ts, Tm, Tl | T | T | T | Tns, nl |
T-E | d | M 4 | y | T | T | s, ns, nl |
VM | d, Tc | s, m, l | T | T | T | ns, nl |
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Mayor, D.; Panday, D.; Kandel, H.K.; Steffert, T.; Banks, D. CEPS: An Open Access MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals. Entropy 2021, 23, 321. https://doi.org/10.3390/e23030321
Mayor D, Panday D, Kandel HK, Steffert T, Banks D. CEPS: An Open Access MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals. Entropy. 2021; 23(3):321. https://doi.org/10.3390/e23030321
Chicago/Turabian StyleMayor, David, Deepak Panday, Hari Kala Kandel, Tony Steffert, and Duncan Banks. 2021. "CEPS: An Open Access MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals" Entropy 23, no. 3: 321. https://doi.org/10.3390/e23030321