Taylor’s Law in Innovation Processes
:1. Introduction
2. The Urn Model with Triggering
- if the color of the extracted ball is a new one, (it appears for the first time in , i.e., it is a realization of a novelty), then we add balls of the same color plus distinct balls of different new colors, which were not yet present in the urn; note that we use here the word new in two different acceptations: on one hand we refer to events that occur for the first time, on the other one to new colors that enter the space of events
- if the color of the extracted ball is already present in , we add balls of the same color.
Values of the Model Parameters
3. Triangular Urn Schemes and Innovation Rate
- if the color of the extracted ball is black, then we replace the extracted ball with a white ball and we add white balls plus black balls;
- if the color of the extracted ball is white, we return the extracted ball in the urn together with additional white balls.
- (Case )
- (Case )
- (Case )
- –
- for ,
- –
- for ,
- –
- for ,
4. Taylor’s Law
- (Case ) From the almost sure convergence (6), we guess , where the constant of proportionality is .
- (Case ) Since the limit in (7) is a constant, we can not exploit the almost sure convergence (7) in order to obtain a Taylor’s law as done for the previous case . However, from the convergence in distribution (8), we can guessHence, combining together the above two limit relations, we find
- (Case ) Since for all t, the almost sure convergence (9) implies the convergence of the moments (see [43]) for that equation. However, it is not enough in order to get a Taylor’s law, but we need to use (10), (11) and (12). First of all, we observe thatHence:
- –
- for , we guess from (10) that the first term on the right hand of the above equality behaves as , while the second term is , and so we get and
- –
- for , we guess from (11) that the first term on the right hand of the above equality behaves as , while the second term is and so we get and
- –
- for , we guess from (12) that the first term and the second term on the right hand of the above equality behave as and respectively and so we get and
5. Taylor’s Law in Real World Systems
6. Two Mechanisms that Increase Fluctuations
6.1. Random Parameters
- (Case ) As seen before, the Taylor’s exponent in the case is always smaller than 1. Suppose now that and are constants and there exists a random variable , with , that gives the value of . Given the value of , the urn process behaves as described before. If is concentrated on , that is almost surely, then, on the event , the sequence converges almost surely to the value . Therefore, since is bounded, we have [43]Therefore, by setting , we findThis means that while a deterministic parameter gives a Taylor’s exponent smaller than 1, a random parameter , with almost surely, gives a Taylor’s exponent equal to 1.
- (Case ) As seen before, the Taylor’s exponent in the case is equal to 1. Suppose now, as before, that is a random variable, with , that gives the value of , while the other parameters are constant. If is concentrated on , that is almost surely, then, on the event , the sequence converges almost surely to a suitable random variable . Moreover, from [33], we haveAssuming, as in the previous section, a condition of uniform integrability, we can say thatIf we neglect the terms in the above mean values, we haveSimilarly, if is exponentially distributed on , that is with and , we getFrom Figure 5 we see that the above predictions are valid asymptotically, after a long transient where a law , seems to be valid.
6.2. Urn Model with Semantic Triggering
- (i)
- we give weight 1 to: (a) each element in with the same label, say C, as (the last element added in the sequence), (b) to the element that triggered the enter in the urn of , and (c) to the elements triggered by ; a weight is given to any other element in ;
- (ii)
- The element is chosen by drawing randomly from , each element with a probability proportional to its weight;
- (iii)
- the element is added to the sequence and put back into along with additional copies of it;
- (iv)
- if and only if the chosen element is new (i.e., it appears for the first time in the sequence ), brand new distinct elements (balls with different colors, not yet present in the urn), all with a common brand new label, are added to .
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Tria, F.; Crimaldi, I.; Aletti, G.; Servedio, V.D.P. Taylor’s Law in Innovation Processes. Entropy 2020, 22, 573. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22050573
Tria F, Crimaldi I, Aletti G, Servedio VDP. Taylor’s Law in Innovation Processes. Entropy. 2020; 22(5):573. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22050573
Chicago/Turabian StyleTria, Francesca, Irene Crimaldi, Giacomo Aletti, and Vito D. P. Servedio. 2020. "Taylor’s Law in Innovation Processes" Entropy 22, no. 5: 573. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22050573
APA StyleTria, F., Crimaldi, I., Aletti, G., & Servedio, V. D. P. (2020). Taylor’s Law in Innovation Processes. Entropy, 22(5), 573. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22050573