Best Paper Award (The Casimir Effect: From a Laboratory Table to the Universe)

Dear Colleagues,

To honor the excellent papers published in the Special Issue “The Casimir Effect: From a Laboratory Table to the Universe”, we are pleased to launch a new Best Paper Award. The winning paper will receive an award. The winning paper will be selected after a thorough evaluation by an Award Committee consisting of senior scholars from the Universe Editorial Board.


The winner (corresponding author) will receive the following:

– 500 CHF;

– An electronic certificate.

The winning paper will be announced on the journal website in February 2023. If you want to know more details about the Special Issue or submit a paper, please follow this link:

Universe 2021 Best Paper Award (The Casimir Effect: From a Laboratory Table to the Universe)

Eligibility for the Awards

– ONLY papers published in the Special Issue “The Casimir Effect: From a Laboratory Table to the Universe” will be considered.

– Papers published by Guest Editors will not be granted this award.

Selection Criteria

Papers will be selected by the journal Award Committee according to the following criteria:

– Scientific merit and broad impact;

– Relevance to the SI and journal scope;

– Originality of the research objectives and/or the ideas presented (for research article);

– Creativity of the study design or uniqueness of the approaches and concepts (for research article);

– Comprehensiveness will be considered for review articles;

– Citations (data source: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)) and download rates in 2022.

Past Winners
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