
1 March 2022
Solids | Special Issue Mentor Program

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative, the Special Issue Mentor Program.

This program intends to provide an opportunity for early-career scientists to enhance their editing, networking, and organizational skills and to work closely with our journal to gain more editorial experience. Early-career scientists who have novel ideas for new Special Issues in Solids will act as Guest Editors under the mentorship of an experienced scientist; this mentor could be a member of the Editorial Board of Solids (ISSN 2673-6497) or from other well-established research institutes or laboratories.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your Special Issue proposal to the Solids Editorial Office ([email protected]), and we will discuss the process (i.e., mentor collaboration, Special Issue topic feasibility analysis, etc.) with you in further detail.

In addition to the new Special Issue Mentor Program, Solids continues to welcome all Special Issue proposals based on hot research topics.

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