
8 October 2023
Quaternary | Aims and Scope Update

To further enhance the quality of Quaternary (ISSN: 2571-550X) and the papers published in it, under the guidance of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Jef Vandenberghe, the journal has updated and revised its aims and scope.

Aims and Scope
Quaternary (ISSN 2571-550X) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of Quaternary Science, embracing the whole range of scientific fields related to geological, ecological, physical, chemical, environmental and human sciences. It publishes reviews, research articles, communications, technical notes and essays as well as Special Issues on particular subjects. The journal has no restriction regarding the length of papers and encourages scientists to publish their research work as much in detail as possible.

The journal covers the following interest areas and sub-areas in Quaternary environments and processes:

  • Sedimentary evolution, environments and processes as stratigraphy (including chronology and correlation), palaeontology (including biodiversity and diversification), tectonic history, geophysical imaging, geochemical properties, dating (including methodology), palaeosols, limnology, and palaeohydrology.
  • Geomorphological evolution, processes and reconstructions (including external and internal forcing).
  • Palaeoclimatology: Reconstruction and modelling, oceanic and atmospheric dynamics, climatic cycles and astronomical forcing, episodic and abrupt climatic changes, feedbacks and non-linear responses, high-resolution and long records, and global change, (multi-)proxy analysis (e.g., dendroclimatology, historical documentary archives).
  • Palaeoecology: Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, biotic responses to environmental change, community assembly and succession, impact of human activities, climate–human feedbacks and synergies, and global biogeochemical processes.
  • Archaeology and anthropology: Human evolution and habitats, human influence on ecosystems and landscape, climate–landscape–human feedbacks and synergies, and ancient DNA.
  • Methods: Palaeoarchives (including global databases), field and laboratory methods, dating techniques, and novel proxies (e.g., biomarkers).
  • Applications: Natural hazards (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods, droughts, etc.) monitoring, prediction and risk assessment, input for geo-biodiversity conservation, geoparks, landscape restoration, and natural resource management.
  • Palaeoinsights (philosophical aspects): Opinion papers, new perspectives, science, and society.

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