
10 May 2024
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for DNA

We are recruiting Editorial Board Members for DNA (ISSN: 2673-8856). You can find out more about the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link:

DNA is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal and published quarterly online by MDPI.

The scope includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Nucleotides; nuclear DNA; mitochondrial DNA; chloroplast DNA; and mobile DNA;
  • DNA replication; DNA damage and repair; and nucleic acid enzymes;
  • Gene regulation; gene expression; DNA methylation; and epigenetics;
  • Sequencing technologies; DNA testing; genomics; and bioinformatics;
  • DNA origami; DNA-based hybrid materials; and DNA-based sensors;
  • Chromosome organisation; genome structure and function; chromatin remodeling and dynamics; and nuclear organisation;
  • Genome evolution from the sequence to structural level.

As an Editorial Board Member, your main responsibilities are as follows:

  • Pre-screening and making decisions on new submissions related to your research interests;
  • Setting up at least one Special Issue during your term on a topic related to your research interests (or supervising Special Issues related to your research field);
  • Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Helping to promote the journal among your peers or at conferences;
  • Attending Board meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
  • Reviewing manuscripts.

The benefits of being an Editorial Board Member are as follows:

  • The opportunity to publish one free paper per year in DNA;
  • A certificate in recognition of your position;
  • Additional sponsorships for conferences organized by the Editorial Board Members of DNA;
  • Travel grants for conferences that you attend or organize.

If you want to become an Editorial Board Member or have potential candidates to recommend, please contact the DNA Editorial Office. We believe that by combining our rigorous editorial policies with your expertise, we can build a high-quality journal. We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to collaborating with you.

DNA Editorial Office

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