Water Resources and Coastal Engineering
A section of CivilEng (ISSN 2673-4109).
Section Information
The Section of Water Resources and Coastal Engineering deals with water systems as rivers, coasts, offshore seas, as well as lakes and groundwater processes. The focus is not so much on the details of the physical processes themselves, but rather of the interaction of these processes related to the water systems with human interferences. In addition, we welcome contributions regarding the implications for user functions, e.g., flood safety, navigability or fresh water supply. Due to climate change and human developments, the pressure on our water systems will increase. This Section offers a podium for a full range of specialised case studies as well as broad, interdisciplinary contributions that include interaction between biology, social and behavioural sciences. The focus of this Section is on the so-called engineering timescales that relate to the design scale of interferences and structures, i.e., 20–50 years.
Typical topics for this Section are:
- River restoration and navigability;
- Flood safety in coastal sites, as well as along rivers;
- Levee–hydraulic interactions;
- Interaction of offshore activities (wind farms, pipelines, sand mining), also with physical–biological processes;
- Coastal processes combined with user functions;
- Forecasting of dynamics of river water systems after intervention;
- Water quality issues.