COVID-19 Awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Trinidad: A Cross-Sectional Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Aim
2.2. Study Setting
2.3. Study Design and Population
2.4. Measure Tools and Statistical Analysis
2.5. Ethical Clearance
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Survey Questionnaire
- Please state your age.
- What is your sex?
- 3.
- Are you aware of the COVID-19 virus and its global outbreak?
- 4.
- Select which Year in Medicine you are in currently.
- 5.
- As a Medical Student, how did you become aware of COVID-19?
- 6.
- Do you believe that higher-year Medical students(years 3 to 5) have increased awareness as compared to lower-year medical students (years 1 to 2)?
- 7.
- Does awareness of the COVID-19 virus among Medical students of The UWI, St. Augustine Campus affect the community? (inclusive of relatives)
- 8.
- Covid-19 is a
- -
- bacterial infection □
- -
- viral infection □
- -
- parasitic infection
- -
- fungal infection
- 9.
- Are you aware of the modes of transmission of COVID-19?
- 10.
- Select the options which you believe to be modes of transmission for covid-19.
- -
- via droplets (sneezing, coughing) □
- -
- close contact □
- -
- poorly ventilated area □
- -
- crowded indoor setting □
- -
- touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the eyes, nose, or mouth without cleaning the hands. □
- -
- from mother to child through the placenta □
- -
- from mother to child through breastmilk □
- 11.
- What safety precautions should be taken in preventing the spread of COVID 19?
- -
- social distancing □
- -
- hand washing □
- -
- mask-wearing □
- -
- avoiding social gatherings/crowded areas □
- -
- disinfection □
- -
- avoiding touching your face □
- -
- if Other, state: □
- 12.
- Select the primary symptoms of covid-19.
- -
- fever and cough □
- -
- fatigue and muscles aches □
- -
- headaches □
- -
- shortness of breath □
- -
- diarrhoea and nausea/vomiting □
- -
- loss of taste and smell □
- -
- sore throat and runny nose □
- -
- Other, please state □
- 13.
- What are the emergency signs of COVID-19?
- -
- pain/pressure in the chest □
- -
- trouble breathing □
- -
- pale or bluish discoloration of lips, skin, and nails. □
- -
- inability to stay awake □
- -
- Other, please state…. □
- 14.
- What is the incubation period for Covid-19?
- 15.
- Do you believe that vaccination prevents the spread of Covid-19?
- 16.
- Do you believe vaccination against COVID-19 is important?
- 17.
- What is the recommended period of time for an asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic person with COVID-19 to wait before being vaccinated?
- -
- 10 days after the positive COVID-19 test □
- -
- one month □
- -
- three months □
- -
- waiting period is not important, an individual can get vaccinated during the active stages of the infection □
- 18.
- What is the recommended period of time for individuals who had COVID-19 and were treated with monoclonal antibodies to wait before being vaccinated?
- -
- 2 weeks □
- -
- One month □
- -
- three months □
- -
- no importance □
- 19.
- Based on your current awareness surrounding COVID-19, do you consider yourself prepared to be a frontline health worker treating potential covid-19 patients?
- 20.
- Are you worried about the exposure, you as a potential frontline health worker, will have to COVID-19?
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Characteristic | Participants (n = 137) No. (%) |
Sex | |
Male | 34 (24.8%) |
Female | 103 (75.2%) |
Age | |
Group I (19–26) | 127 (92.7%) |
Group II (27–35) | 10 (7.23%) |
Year of Study | |
Year 1 | 46 (33.6%) |
Year 2 | 37 (27%) |
Year 3 | 24 (17.5%) |
Year 4 | 18 (13.1%) |
Year 5 | 12 (8.8%) |
Questions | Participants (n = 137) No.% |
1. Are you aware of the COVID-19 Virus and its global outbreak? | |
1.1 Yes | 137 (100) |
1.2 No | 0 (0) |
2. As a medical student, how did you become aware of COVID-19? | |
2.1 Newspaper articles | 52 (38.0) |
2.2 Ministry of Health Website | 57 (41.6) |
2.3 Ministry of Health Press Conference | 86 (62.8) |
2.4 Friends and Family | 77 (56.2) |
2.5 Medical professionals | 66 (48.2) |
2.6 Social Media | |
2.7 Television | 81 (59.1) |
Question (Correct Answer) | Participants (n = 137) No.% |
1. COVID-19 is a viral infection. | 98.5% |
2. COVID-19 is transmitted via droplets, close contact, touching contaminated surfaces, and staying in a poorly ventilated area or crowded indoor setting. | 87.6% |
3. Social distancing, hand washing, mask-wearing, avoiding social gatherings, disinfection, and avoidance. | 96.8% |
4. Fever, cough, fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, and runny nose are the primary symptoms of COVID-19. | 75.2% |
5. Chest pain, trouble breathing, cyanosis, and the inability to stay awake are emergency signs of COVID-19. | 65.3% |
6. The incubation period for COVID-19 is 14 days. | 25.5% |
7. Vaccination does not prevent the spread of COVID-19. | 27% |
8. The recommended period of time for an asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic person with COVID-19 to wait before being vaccinated is 10 days after a positive result. | 18.2% |
9. The recommended period of time for individuals who had COVID-19 and were treated with monoclonal antibodies to wait before being vaccinated is 3 months. | 71.5% |
10. Based on your current awareness surrounding COVID-19, do you consider yourself prepared to be a frontline health worker treating potential COVID-19 patients? (Yes) | 45.3% |
Value | df | Asymptotic Significance (2-Sided) | |
Pearson Chi-Square | 34.006 | 32 | 0.371 |
Likelihood Ratio | 42.811 | 32 | 0.096 |
N of Valid Cases | 137 |
Value | df | Asymptotic Significance (2-Sided) | |
Pearson Chi-Square | 134.742 | 96 | 0.006 |
Likelihood Ratio | 95.730 | 96 | 0.489 |
Linear-by-Linear association | 1.830 | 1 | 0.176 |
N of Valid cases | 137 |
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Share and Cite
Umakanthan, S.; Ramlagan, A.; Ramlal, C.; Ramlal, P.; Ramlochan, D.; Ramlogan, A.-D.; Ramnarace, P.; Ramnarine, T.; Ramnath, A. COVID-19 Awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Trinidad: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int. Med. Educ. 2022, 1, 22-32.
Umakanthan S, Ramlagan A, Ramlal C, Ramlal P, Ramlochan D, Ramlogan A-D, Ramnarace P, Ramnarine T, Ramnath A. COVID-19 Awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Trinidad: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Medical Education. 2022; 1(2):22-32.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUmakanthan, Srikanth, Aalia Ramlagan, Celine Ramlal, Pavitra Ramlal, Diva Ramlochan, Anagha-Devi Ramlogan, Priya Ramnarace, Tanisha Ramnarine, and Aderlene Ramnath. 2022. "COVID-19 Awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Trinidad: A Cross-Sectional Study" International Medical Education 1, no. 2: 22-32.
APA StyleUmakanthan, S., Ramlagan, A., Ramlal, C., Ramlal, P., Ramlochan, D., Ramlogan, A.-D., Ramnarace, P., Ramnarine, T., & Ramnath, A. (2022). COVID-19 Awareness among Undergraduate Medical Students in Trinidad: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Medical Education, 1(2), 22-32.